283 中翻英(83) Trust God,don't doubt His power to keep. 信靠主, 祂必保守祂的能力. 1/31/2023
敬請品嚐一月三十一日曠野筵席, 它告訴我們信靠上帝, 祂必保守祂所賜給我們的能力. 繼續英文學習, 祂必保守賜給您的能力. 相信祂像編輯深信祂的保守. 至今能使用祂賜的智慧, 寫出領悟中文與英文的不同之處, 幫助我們共同享受學.
你好嗎? How are you?
你去那裡? Where are you going?
我怎麼辦? What am I going to do?
何時下雨的? When did it rain?
[註]: 中文與英文最大差異是在使用問句的架構上。您有否發現在英文問句中多: where, what, when, 和 how, 它們稱為疑問代名詞. 另外特要注意每個問句的主語 與述語的位置變動了. 這很重要, 請牢記, 照著寫, 就是倒地的英文句子。(供初三 同學英文學習使用).
「我還是強壯,像摩西打發我去的那一天一樣,無論是爭戰,是出入,我的力量那時如何,現在還是如何。」(約書亞 14:11)
"I am as strong as the day Moses sent me; to fight, to go in and out, as was my strength then, and so is now." (Joshua 14:11)
It is a distressing thing that many of us can testify to God's power to save, but doubt His power to keep. Do we realize that the God who is gracious to us is the God who keeps us in His grace? Let's look at Caleb: he was strong when Moses sent him to spy out the good land of Canaan, and he's still strong now when he says this. Moreover, the power of God’s preservation is not only sufficient to meet the ordinary demands of our daily life, but it is also sufficient for us to use in times of intense warfare! Caleb has been through many rough times, and what was his strength at forty is what he is now at eighty-five. No difference or decline. There is only one factor that can explain the source of Caleb's strength, and that is his experience of God's keeping power, which will keep us today.