Saturday, April 9, 2022

243   英翻中基本認識(二    The reality of Resurrection     耶穌復活的實存             4/9/2022

愛我們的天父,復活的主耶稣,謝謝祢,祢的復活賜予我們盼望喜樂;  祢在十字架上彰顯的大能,賜予我生命,是上帝的大能, 及祂無比的大愛.   使孩子深深感受到耶穌復活的大能在我心中滿有喜樂,能活到 92 歲是祢的恩賜。 能繼續用電腦藉由倉頡中文輸入法把祢復活的實存信息宣告世人。



"耶穌復活的實存",耶穌復活的証明已經過很多虔誠的基督信仰的殉道者以生命來見證耶穌復活在我們的心裡。 但是不信的人,還是會說,"so what ! (又怎麼樣!)" ,沒有關係,多少敵對祢的人,用在死人中尋找活人,用演化論來末殺上帝創造人及萬物的大能。"so what ! (又怎麼樣!)" 他的不信,使基督信仰更深入人心。基督信仰能實存於 21 世紀,且有數十億的追隨信徒,就是對不信者的最好的回答 --- 主耶穌基督的復活實存在我們的心裡。

"耶穌復活的實存" 使信徒有喜樂。聖經記載(路加福音 24 : 13 - 35) : 兩個信徒憂憂愁愁行走在以馬午斯途中,當耶穌顯現在他們中間。他們的眼明亮了,就顧不了疲勞,還沒吃晚飯,回身就向耶路撒冷帶著喜樂去告訴其他的門徒。

The Four Attitudes That Maintain Your Joy

1.  The Single Mind - Philippians 1
1.  專一的心志 --- 腓立比書第 1

“A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways" (James 1:8). Or, to use the old Latin proverb: "When the pilot does not know what port he is heading for, no wind is the right wind." The reason many Christians are upset by circumstances is because they do not cultivate "the single mind." Paul expresses this attitude of single-hearted devotion to Christ thus: "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain” (1: 21 ).
心懷二意的人,在他一切所行的路上,都沒有定見(雅各書  1:8)。或者,用古老的拉丁諺語:當航行沒有確定的港口時,任何的風都不是所要的風向。  許多基督徒因境遇而憂心,是因為他們沒有培養  “專一” 的心志。 保羅表達專心獻身於基督的心態是:因我活著就是基督,我死了就有益處(腓立比書  1 : 21 )

In chapter 1, Paul discusses his difficult circumstances and faces them honestly. But his circumstances cannot rob him of his joy because he is not living to enjoy circumstances; he is living to serve Jesus Christ. He is a man with purpose: "This one thing I do" (3: 13). He does not look at circumstances in themselves, but rather in relationship to Jesus Christ. He is not the prisoner of Rome; he is "the prisoner of Jesus Christ" (Eph. 3:1). The chains he wears are "my bonds in Christ" (Phil. 1: 13). He is not facing a civil trial; he is "set for the defense of the Gospel' (1: 17). He did not look at Christ through his circumstances; rather, he looked at his   circumstances through Christ and this changed everything.
保羅在第 1章討論他的艱難處境,並誠實地面對這環境。但是環境不能剝奪他的喜樂,因為他活著不是為享受環境而活;他是為了事奉耶穌基督而活。他是有目標的人:我只有一件事(腓立比書  3:13)。他不看環境本身,而是看與耶穌基督的關係。他不是羅馬的囚徒;而是 “耶穌基督的囚徒(以弗所書   3:1)。他所戴的鎖鍊是 “我在基督裡的捆綁”  (腓立比書  113)。他不是面臨民事審判;他是在 “為福音辯護(腓立比書 1:17)。保羅沒有藉由他的環境來看待基督;相反,他是藉由基督來看待他的境遇,並且因此改變了一切。

 When a Christian is single-minded, he is concerned about the fellowship of Gospel (1:1-11), the furtherance of the Gospel (1: 12-26), and the faith of the Gospel (1 :27-30). Paul rejoiced in his difficult circumstances because they helped to strengthen his fellowship with other Christians, gave him opportunity to lead others to Christ, and enabled him to defend the Gospel before the courts of Rome. When you have the single minded, your circumstances work for you and not against you.

當基督徒有專一的心志時,他所關心的是福音的團契(腓立比書  1:1-11),福音的廣傳(腓立比書  1:12-26),和對福音的信心(腓立比書  1:27-30)。保羅在艱難的境遇中,他擁有喜樂,因為喜樂助他加強與其他基督徒的團契,讓他有機會帶領別人歸向基督,並使他能夠在羅馬法庭上為福音辯護。當你有專一的心志時,你的環境却是幫助你,而不是敵對你。

2.  The Submissive  Mind - Philippians 2
2.  有順服的心志 --- 腓立比書 2

This chapter focuses on people, and the key verse says, "Let nothing be done though strife or vain glory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem  other better  [more important] than themselves”
(v. 3). In chapter 1, Paul puts Christ first. In this chapter, he puts others second. Which means he puts himself last. The reason people aggravate us so much is usually because we do not have our own way. If we go through life putting ourselves first, and others go through life putting themselves first, then at many points there are going to be terrific battles.                        
本章以 人際關係” 為中心,關鍵經文是說,無論是爭競,還是虛榮,都不要作;只要心存謙卑,各人看別人比自己強 '重要(腓立比書  2 : 3  )。在第 1 章中,保羅把基督放在第一位。在這一章裡,他把別人放在第二位。這意味著他把自己放在最後。人為什麼激怒我們的原因,通常是因為沒有把他們放在前面。如果我們一生都把自己放在第一位,其他人也把自己放在第一位,自然,往後很多時候會發生戰鬥。

A mother and her little son got on an elevator to go to the doctor's office. At the second floor a group of people got on, among them a rather large woman. As the elevator sped upward, the quiet was broken by a scream from the lips of the plump passenger. She turned to the mother and said, "Your son just bit me!"

The mother was horrified, but the little boy had an explanation: "She sitted in my face and I bited her!”

What took place on that elevator is taking place all over the world: people and nations bite each other because they get sat on or crowded.

But the Christian with submissive mind does not expect others to serve him; he serves others. He considers the good of others to be more important than his own plans and desires. In chapter 2 we find four wonderful examples of the submissive mind: Jesus Christ (2:1-11), Paul (2: 12-18), Timothy (2:19-24), and Epaphroditus (2:25-30). Each of these examples proves the principle, "For whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted" (Luke 14:11).
但有順服心志的基督徒,並不指望別人服侍他;他却為別人服務。他認為別人的好處比他自己的計劃和願望更重要。在第 章中,發現了四個順服心志的奇妙例子:耶穌基督(腓立比書  2:1-11),保羅(腓立比書  2:12-18),提摩太(腓立比書  2:19-24),和以巴弗提(腓立比書  2:25-30)。 在這些例子中都證明了一個原則,凡自高的,必降為卑;自卑的,必升為高(路加福音  14:11)。

3. The Spiritual Mind - Philippian 3
3. 有屬靈的心志 --- 腓立比書 3

Eleven times in this chapter you find Paul using the word things. He points out that most people "mind earthly things" (v. 19), but that the spiritually minded Christian is concerned about heavenly things. "For our conversation [citizenship] is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ" (v. 20). The person with the spiritual mind looks at the things of this world from heaven's point of view - and what a difference that makes!
在第3章中,會發現保羅使用 “事物” 這名詞有 11 次。他明顯的指出,大多數人只 “顧念地上的事(腓立比書  3 : 19),但屬靈的基督徒卻顧念天上的事。 “我們却是天上的國民,並等候救主,就是主耶穌基督(腓立比書  3 : 20)。有屬靈心志的人,從天上的角度來看世上的  “事物” ,該是多麼的不同!

When five missionaries were martyred by the Aucas in Ecuador, some newspapers and magazines considered the tragedy to be a great waste of life.  While it did bring sorrow and grief to friends and loved ones, subsequent events proved that their deaths were not "waste" either for them or for the world. The words of Jim Elliot were true: "He is no fool to give what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.”
在厄瓜多爾被奧卡斯人刺殺五名廿多歲年輕的宣教士發生時,報紙和雜誌都一致認為這是對生命的極大浪費。雖然它的確給他們的朋友和親人帶來極度的憂傷和悲痛,但隨後的事件後果證明,他們的死對他們本身,或世界都不是 “浪費。吉姆 · 艾略特 (Jim Elliot) 說的話是真的,為了獲得永遠不能失去的東西,而付出暫時無法保留的東西行事的人,他是屬靈的智慧者。

The quest for "things" is robbing people of joy, and this includes Christian people. We want to possess things, and then we discover that things possess us. The only way to victory and joy is to have the spiritual mind and to look at things from God's point of view. Like Paul, we must be accountants with the right values (3: 1-11),  athletes with the right vigor (3:12-16), and aliens with the right vision (3: 17-21).  "I count... I press…. I look" are the verbs that describe the man with the spiritual mind.
 “世上財物” 追求的人,是正在剝奪他們的喜樂,基督徒也包括在內。我們想佔有某些事物,却發現它們却佔有了我們。得勝和喜樂的唯一途徑是,擁有屬靈的心志,並從上帝的角度看待世上的事物。像保羅一樣,我們必須是計算世上 “事物” 真實價值的會計師 (立比書  3:1-11),必須是具有充分活力的運動員 (立比書  3:12-16) 還有,必須具有異象(vision)活在世上 (立比書  3:17-21)。有屬靈心志的人是,我計算……我操練……我有異象

4.  The Secure Mind-Philippians 4
4.  有不憂慮得失的心志  腓立比書 4

Worry is actually wrong thinking (the mind) and wrong feeling (the heart) about circumstances, people, and things. So, if we have the single mind, the submissive mind, and the spiritual mind. We should not have too much trouble with worry. All that we need is something to guard the heart and mind so that worry will not enter. Paul describes the secure mind: "And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and mind through Christ Jesus" - (v. 7) . That word keep is a military term; it means "stand guard, garrison." (Paul was chained to a soldier, you will remember.)
實際上憂心是針對環境,人際關係,和事物的纏繞(心志)和錯誤感覺(心態)。所以,若有專一的心志,順服的心志,和屬靈的心志。我們就不太應該有過多憂慮的煩惱。所缺少的只是如何設法阻止,使憂慮不致偷偷進入你心中。保羅建議抵擋它進入的想法是:上帝所賜出人意外的平安,必在基督耶穌裡保守你們的心懷意念(腓立比書  4:7)。  “保守” 是軍事術語;意思是 “守住 (你會記得,保羅與士兵綑綁在一起。

Chapter 4 describes the spiritual resources the believer has in Christ: God’s peace (4:1-9), God’s power (4:10-13), and God’s provision (4:14-23).  With resources like these, why should we worry?  We have the peace of God to guard us (v. 7) and the God of peace to guide us (v. 9). The peace of God comes to us when we practice right praying (vv. 6-7), right thinking (v. 8), and right living (v. 9). This is God's secret for victory over a worry.
腓立比書第 4 章,描述了信徒在基督裡擁有的屬靈資源:上帝的平安(腓立比書  4:1-9),祂的大能(腓立比書  4:10-13),和祂的供應(腓立比書  4:14-23)。有這樣的資源,我們還有何憂慮?  有上帝的平安保護我們(腓立比書  4 : 7),也有賜平安的上帝引導我們(腓立比書  4 : 9)。當操練合乎上帝心意的禱告(腓立比書  4 : 6 - 7),操練擁有正確的心志(腓立比書  4 : 8),和過著使上帝喜悅的生活(腓立比書  4 : 9)時,祂的平安就會臨到我們。這是上帝戰勝憂慮的秘訣。

What Should We Do?

This rapid survey of Philippians ought to convince us that it is possible to live a life of Christian joy in spite of circumstances, people, and things, and that we need not worry when the going is difficult. But how can we put all of this into practice in our lives?

 1. Be sure you are a Christian.  Paul wrote this letter to "all the saints in Christ Jesus" (1:1). That word saint simply means "a set-apart one." When you give yourself to Christ, you no longer belong to this world; you belong to Him and have been set apart for His glory. Each chapter in Philippians begins with either "in Christ" or "in the Lord" (1:1; 2:1; 3:1; 4:1). You cannot have the single mind ("For to me to live is Christ"1:21), or the submissive mind ("Let each esteem other better than themselves" 2:3), or the spiritual mind ("For our conversation is in heaven"3:20), or the secure mind ("And the peace of God. …. shall keep your hearts and minds" 4: 7) unless you belong to Jesus Christ. How does one become a child of God? Paul answered that question when he was in the Philippian jail: "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved" (read Acts 16: 6-40 for the  whole story).
1. 認定你是真基督徒。 保羅寫這封信給 “在基督耶穌裡的眾聖徒(腓立比書  1:1)。聖徒的意思就是 “與眾不同的信徒 當你把自己獻給基督時,你就不再屬於這個世界;你屬於上帝,並且為了祂的榮耀而被分別出來。腓立比書的每一章都以 “在基督裡”  “在主裡” 開始(腓立比書  1:12:13:14:1)。除非你屬於耶穌基督,否則你不可能有專一的心志(因為我活著就是基督立比書 1:21),或順服的心志(看別人比自己強。更看重別人’ ”  立比書 2:3),或屬靈的心志(我們却是天上的國民  立比書  3:20),或者不憂慮得失的心志(上帝的平安必保守你們的心懷意念 --- 立比書 4:7)。怎樣才能成為上帝的兒女? 保羅在腓立比監獄時,回答了這個問題:當信主耶穌基督,你就必得救,成為上帝的兒女(閱讀  使徒行傳  166-40 所記載的整個故事)。

 2. Admit your failure.   If we have been double minded, proud, worldly-minded, and filled with worry-then we are sinning! And the sooner we confess it to God, the sooner His joy will fill our lives. (Some people are actually proud of the fact that they worry, in spite of what Jesus says in Matthew 6:24-34.)
2. 承認你的失敗。如果我們心懷二意,驕傲,世俗,充滿憂慮;  那我們就是在犯罪!我們越早向上帝認罪,祂的喜樂就會越快充滿我們的生活。 (有些人不聴耶穌在   太福音   624-34  中所說的不要為生命憂慮,...實際上為他們為這事憂慮感到驕傲。

 3. Surrender your mind to Christ daily. Ask Him to give you a single mind, a submissive mind, a spiritual mind, and a secure mind. (In the chapters that follow, we will explain the way each of these "minds" functions in the Christian life.) When you find yourself losing your joy during the day, take inventory: "Do I have a double mind? Have I been proud? Am I grasping for things? Am I worrying?" If guilty, confess your sin then and there, and ask God to restore your mind as it ought to be.
3. 每天把你的心交給基督。求祂賜給你專一的心志,順服的心志,屬靈的心志,和不憂慮得失的心志。 (在接下來的章節中,我們將解釋這些 “心志” 在基督徒生活中的運作。)當你發現自己在白天失去喜樂時,仔細想一下:我心懷二意嗎?  我有沒有驕傲的罪?  我在抓世上的財物嗎? 擔心嗎?”  如果有罪,當場承認你的罪,並祈求上帝恢復你原有的心志。

 4. Look for opportunities to put your mind to work. If you really want a single mind, you can be sure the Lord will arrange circumstances so that you can begin to practice. "I told the Lord that I wanted Philippians 1:21 to work in my life," a new Christian told her pastor, "and guess what happened?  I ended up in the hospital!"
4. 尋找機會運作你的心志。如果你真的想要 “專一的心志,主肯定會為你安排環境讓你開始操練。一位剛信主的基督徒告訴她的牧師,我告訴主,希望腓立比書 1  21 節在我的生活中發揮作用,猜猜有什麼事發生? 我最終進了醫院!

The pastor asked, "Did you then look for opportunities to further the Gospel, the way Paul did in Rome?"

Her face clouded. "No, I guess I didn't. I spent most of my time complaining."
她帶著陰沉的臉說, “不,我想沒有。大部分時間我都在抱怨。” 

You will discover during this study that God will give you regular "examinations" in your daily life, to help you develop your spiritual attitudes. Learning and living go together, and He will give you the grace you need for every demand. As you practice exercising the right kind of attitude, you will find a deep joy welling up in your heart  joy in spite of circumstances, people, and things  and joy that defeat worry and fills you with the peace of God.
在學習過程中,你會發現上帝會在你的日常生活中定期給你 “測試,幫你培養屬靈的心志。學習和生活是互相幫助,上帝會為你的任何需求,提供符合你需要的恩典。當你操練使用正確的心志時,你會發現內心深處湧起一股深深的喜樂,— 那是不受環境,人際關係,和事物的影響的喜樂。— 並且這喜樂助你戰勝憂慮,讓你充滿上帝的平安。

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, peace, joy” (Gal 5:22).  Start letting this fruit grow in your life
但聖靈所結的果子就是仁愛,和平,喜樂(加拉太書   5:22)。馬上讓這果子在你的生命中成長。 

編輯者仍在翻譯魏士比(Rev.  Warren W. Wiersbe)牧師所著 "Be Book"。 祝拜訪本博客的訪友充滿耶穌復活的喜樂。