Friday, June 30, 2023

 443 中翻英 (133)


「因為情欲(肉體)和圣靈相爭,圣靈和情欲(肉體)相爭,這兩者是彼此相敵,使你們不能做所愿意做的。」(加   5:17 新國際版

請留意這處經文所說的話,在我們里面的「肉體」不是反對我們,但卻是反對神的圣靈。同時,不是我們,乃是圣靈在應付和對付肉體的發動。這結果如何呢?「使你們不能做所愿意做的。」我想,我們常常摸不到這最后一句話的重要意義。我們天然「所愿意做的」到底是什么?答案是:我們會漠視神的旨意,并憑著自己本性所喜好的去偏行已路。所以,我們若讓圣靈應付和對付肉體的發動,不离開基督的遮護,那結果就是圣靈可以自由地做祂的工——自由地對付我們里面的肉體。這樣,我們就不會按自己天然所愿做的去做了。我們若不憑著自己的計划和途徑而奔走,我們就必在祂完美的旨意里得著喜樂。June 30"For the lust (flesh) is against the Spirit, and the Spirit is against the lust (flesh), and the two are in opposition to each other, and keep you from doing what you will." (Galatians 5:17)Notice what this verse says. The "flesh" within us is not against us, but against the Holy Spirit of God. At the same time, it is not we but the Holy Spirit who is dealing with and dealing with the mobilization of the flesh. What is the result? "To prevent you from doing what you will." I think we often miss the significance of that last sentence. What exactly is our natural "willingness to do"? The answer is: We will disregard God's will and go astray according to our own natural preferences. Therefore, if we allow the Holy Spirit to deal with and deal with the mobilization of the flesh without leaving the protection of Christ, the result will be that the Holy Spirit can freely do His work—freely deal with the flesh within us. Then we don't do what we naturally want to do. If we do not run according to our own plans and ways, we shall find joy in His perfect will.

Thursday, June 29, 2023

442 中翻英 (132) Lord, You are our hiding place. 主阿! 祢是我們的避難所. 6/9/2023

442  中翻英 (132)                Lord, You are our hiding place.       主阿! 祢是我們的避難所.   6/9/2023

愛我們的主耶穌, 祢總在給我們試煉時, 開一條路, 叫我們能過得去, 這是祢的應許. 求祢叫我們不要离開基督的遮護,來靠著自己而行動, 讓撒旦得逞.  奉主耶穌基督的名禱告. 阿們.

六月二十九日的晨曦默思是叫我們時常讀聖經 --- 歌林多前書10:13 --- 你們所遭受的試探,無非是人所遭受的.  上帝是信實的,祂不會讓你們受試探過於你們所能受的;而且在你們受試探的時候,祂會給你們開一條出路,使你們能忍受得住。




June 29

"He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall dwell under the shadow of the Almighty." (Psalm 91:1)

The purpose of temptation is often to induce us to do something. In the early days of the Sino-Japanese War (referring to the period of the Anti-Japanese War), we lost many tanks, so we could not resist the weapons of the Japanese army. Later, we came up with the following strategy: a sniper in an ambush fired a Japanese tank. One shot, followed by a second shot after a considerable amount of time, followed by a longer silence, would cause a tank driver to be disturbed and look out in an attempt to find the gun. the source of the sound. At that instant another aimed shot was fired, instantly ending his life. As long as the tank driver remains under the cover of the vehicle, he is absolutely safe. But the temptation of the intermittent gunfire is to lure him to stick his head out and lose his protection. Satan's temptation is also to tempt us to expose ourselves. It knows full well that as soon as we step out of our hiding place, out of the shelter of Christ, and act on our own, deivel has triumphed.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

441 中翻英 (131) How important the interrogative pronoun, what, how, where when, etc. are! 英文疑問代名詞, what, how, where when, 等等的使用是這麼的重要! 6/28/2023

441 中翻英 (131)   How important the interrogative pronoun, what, how, where when, etc. are!                                               英文疑問代名詞, what, how, where when, 等等的使用是這麼的重要!   6/28/2023


            我要怎樣回答呢?(在本文第一段的紅字)  應這樣翻才對.                                                                                              What am I going to respond?                                                                                                                          (不可以翻成  How am I going to respond?  雖然中文是 "怎樣回答",                                                      what 後面應接名詞, how 後面接形容詞. 參考"英文文法"    博客.)                                                                                    

六月二十八日的曠野筵席的默思是我們有基督信仰者日夜夢想的將來 --- 與主同死, 同埋葬, 同復活.  這都因信那叫主從死里复活上帝的大能.

「你們既受浸与祂一同埋葬,也就在此与祂一同复活,都因信那叫祂從死里复活 神的功用。」(西 2:12 新國際版


June 28

"Being buried with Him in baptism and raised with Him through your faith in the power of God, who raised him from the dead." (Colossians 2:12 NIV).

Oops! Because they have been taught to see burial as a way into death, therefore they intend to achieve! Let me emphsize to say that unless God opens our eyes seeing that we have died in Christ and been buried with Him, then we have no right to be baptized.  We step into the water, because we realize that we have died with Christ in God's sight! Our purpose is to witnesses for this. God treats it very simple and clear. "Christ has died, and I have included you in Him. Now, how do you react and express about this fact?" What am I going to respond? "Lord, I believe that You have been crucified. I amen to the death and burial with You. He has brought me into his death and buried with Him(and resurrection as well).  Now, I ask to be baptized as a public acknowledgment for this reality.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

 440 中翻英 (130)


「万軍之耶和華与我們同在,雅各的神是我們的避難所。」(詩   46:11 新國際版



June 27

"The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge." (Psalm 46:11 NIV)

How similar is Jacob's history with our life experience! Before God begins to deal with us, we often have an attitude and tendency to surpass Jacob's deceit. But when we start to face our crooked minds, we discover the basic human nature within us. Remember, how the Jacob's natural life transformed into a spiritually useful vessel was entirely done by the power of God's grace.  

Ishmael might speak of the God of Abraham, and Esau might speak of the God of Abraham and Isaac, how they had some dealings with Him. But what they discuss is only a review of past history. They have never had personal experience with God. Therefore, we do not read about the God of Ishmael or the God of Esau in the Bible. Neither with Jacob. For Jacob (and even for us), past spiritual fellowship and experience alone are not enough. Our God is the present refuge and  strength of us. We must be like Moses, as he in the burning bush, hearing God say, "I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob." In this God, we all have hope.

Monday, June 26, 2023

439 中翻英 (129) Thanks Lord to grant me the loving mother. 謝謝主賜給愛我的媽媽. 6/26/2023

439 中翻英 (129) Thanks Lord to grant me the loving mother.  謝謝主賜給愛我的媽媽.   6/26/2023    

我們在天上的父, 謝謝祢賜給孩子愛我的母親, 讓我從小有生活的本能, 學會用言語與世人交通. 感謝讚美歸於天上的父.  奉主耶穌的名禱告.  阿們.

語言不是天生的, 是愛我們的媽媽一句一句的有耐心教我們.  所以我們中國人學習英文也要懇求天父賜我們智慧與耐心及聖靈的帶領. 一句一句的學.  不是英文難學, 學語言就是這麼一回事. 它是媽媽教我們七八年的苦心所結的果子.  假若您真喜歡學英文, 請永遠不要放棄.  編輯者現在93歲, 還在學它.

親愛的訪友, 編輯者默思六月二十六日的曠野筵席,   深受聖靈的感動.   就像圣靈感動腓利,要他去到埃提阿伯人的坐車那裡(那人是個有權的非洲王國的太監), 他就去了.   他教那太監讀懂以賽亞書五十三章以賽亞先知預言耶穌受難的故事.   福音就藉著這位太監傳到進非洲.

「圣靈對腓利說,你去貼近那車走!」(徒   8:29   新國際版


June 26

"The Holy Spirit said to Philip, Go get close to that cart!" (Acts 8:29 NIV)

God's work must be started by Him. A servant worker may start  it  by a call directly from the Holy Spirit, or indirectly through  his Bible reading, by his  gospel  hearing, or the circumstances. But no matter what kind method God uses to reveal His will to the servant, we must hear His own unique voice from  the  other voices. Whatever the ways which  He  used  to  call us, it should be by Himself. Of course, it is not right to  discard the opinions of the co-workers   completely, but it is also wrong to accept the opinions of the co-workers instead of the direct  motivated  by the Holy Spirit within us. Although we must not act independently from  the other members of the body, but we must not forget that all the guidences comes from the    Head of   our  body ,   Jeusu Christ.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

438 中翻英 (128) We must have the expieence of the reality of the Holy Spirit dewelling in us . 我們必須要有聖靈內住實存的經驗. 6/25/2023

 438 中翻英 (128)    We must have the expieence of the   reality  of the   Holy   Spirit  dewelling in us  .                                                                                                         我們必須要有聖靈內住實存的經驗.                                                                                                                  6/25/2023

「豈不知你們是神的殿,神的靈住在你們里頭么?」(林前   3:16   新國際版

對于哥林多信徒的不圣洁,保羅所提出的救治乃是內住圣靈的啟示。他們的需要,也如同我們今天的需要,乃是掌握一個事實,就是神自己已經居住在他們里面。我們有許多人對于神的靈沒有真切的感覺。我們認為祂不過是一個影響力  —    無疑是一個好的影響力,但許多人僅僅是如此而已。在我們的思想中,良心和圣靈差不多是同樣的「東西」,當我們做錯了時,它被提醒責備,并企圖把我們帶回到正确的道路。我們的難處,就如哥林多信徒一樣,不是沒有神所賜內住圣靈的恩賜,而是對祂(圣靈)同在的實際,還缺少切身的感覺与經歷。我們沒有寶貴并享用那位在基本上是絕對圣洁的圣靈,祂現今在我們心里已經設立了祂的居所。

June 25

"Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?" (1 Corinthians 3:16 NIV)  

 The revelation of the indwelling Holy Spirit   was   Paul's remedy for the unholiness of the Corinthian believers. It  is to grasp the fact that God Himself already dwells in them  for  their need, like for ours today. Many of us have the Spirit of God   no  sense of   reality  . We think of him as nothing more than just an influence — a good influence no doubt,  that is all about it. Conscience and the Holy Spirit are pretty much as the same "thing" in our minds. It is reminded us to rebuke  as it is wrong  to us,  then  it  tries to bring us back on the right original place.    The  problem  of our  Corinthian believers is not what we do not have the gift of the in dwelling Holy Spirit bestowed by God, but what we still lack the personal feeling and experience of the reality of His (Holy Spirit) dewelling in us. We do not   have   cherished and enjoyed the essentially absolutely holy Holy Spirit.  God has now made His dwelling place in our hearts.


Saturday, June 24, 2023

437 中翻英 (127) The power of the depth of Spiritual life. 屬靈生命深度的大能. 6/24/2023

437 中翻英 (127)   The power of the depth of Spiritual life.      屬靈生命深度的大能.    6/24/2023


「主的道大大興旺,而且得胜。」(徒 19:20 
June 24

"The word of the Lord prospered greatly, and prevailed." (Acts 19:20 NIV) 

When the apostles worked, God's blessing was upon their work. If we follow in their footsteps, we will do it well. But we must clearly understand that it is not enough by simply adopting the apostolic method. Unless we have the apostle's consecration, their faith, and their  power, we will still not see the fruit of the apostle's work. I am not saying that we should underestimate the value of apostle's working methods, which are fundamental if we are to achieve the same results. But we must not ignore the greater requirement which is the depth of the apostle's spiritual life. At the same time, if we encounter trials like the apostle's on the way forward, we must not be discouraged.

Friday, June 23, 2023

426 中翻英 (126) God's Timing. 上帝的時間. 6/23/2023

426  中翻英 (126)                God's Timing.                    上帝的時間.                                6/23/2023

我們在天上的父, 祢的旨意孩子一定遵守. 因為祢的時間最美好.  聖經記載亞伯拉罕相信祢要賜給他一個儿子,等了近十年之久,他不能再遵守祢的旨意,自己冒然出於己意, 設法想一個辦法,結果得了以實瑪利, 使世界禍患無窮.  求主耶穌基督使孩子引以為鑑. 奉耶穌的聖名禱告.   阿們.    

六月二十三日的曠野筵席必須永遠引以為鑑.   要求上帝的時間, 遵照祂的旨意.





June 23

"I will praise you forever, because you have done this, and I will hope in your name, which is good, before your saints." (Psalm 52:9)

The test of time is the most severe test. Yet it is only when we learn to wait on God that we find ourselves a partaker of what God is actually doing. Abraham believed that God would give him a son, but after waiting for ten years, he felt that he could not wait any longer. He knew that God intended to give him an heir, so he tried to prepare one, and finally got Ishmael. Abraham's motives were not wrong, but he was wrong in the timing of his actions. He felt that he still had the power to have a child, and he could, and he did. At the age of eighty-six, he was still fertile.

Afterwards, after a longer wait, until he was a hundred years old, Abraham was no longer able to do so, and his body was "as dead" (Romans 4:19). It was in this situation (a person who could not please God by his own strength) that God's wonderful gift was manifested in Isaac. This is entirely the work of God, and it is well worth our waiting. Letting God do His own work through us, even once, is better than a lifelong struggle with human strength.

Thursday, June 22, 2023

 425 中翻英 (125)


「若有人用金、銀、寶石,草,木、禾秸,在這根基上建造,各人的工程必然顯露,因為那日子要將它表明出來。有火發現,這火要試驗各人的工程怎樣。」                                                            (林前   3:12-13   新國際版


June 22

"If anyone builds upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, grass, wood, or hay, each man's work will be revealed, for it will be revealed in that day. It will be found by fire, and the fire will test each man's work how." (1 Corinthians 3:12-13 NIV)

Weight is considered. Plants and grasses are cheap, despise, and perishable, but gold, silver, and precious stones are pricewealth, weighty, and permanent. Here we find the true meaning of what Paul was referring to. God   notices   not only  the work we do, but also the materials we use. He can tell  immediately whether a worker is frivolous or  a  real weight one. Compared to gold, which has God's character and glory, and silver, which is God's redemptive work, these heavy metals are His precious materials. Therefore, God considers weight not only in what we preach, but also in what we are. The question is not "Where is the most obvious need? What insights and reserves do I have? How much work can I do?" The question is "Where is God moving? Is there a place for Christ? What is the mind of the Holy Spirit on this matter?" ?” When our work has the above three properties, we can firmly believe that the work will have eternal value.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

424 中翻英 (124) How to translate Chinese long sentance to English? 如何將中文長句子翻成英文? 6/21/2023

424 中翻英 (124)      How to translate Chinese long sentance to English?                                                                                         如何將中文長句子翻成英文?                                  6/21/2023                 

親愛的訪友, 在中文裡不太多長句子.  碰到時, 就必須要注意英文複雜句的文法組合.  一個句子只能有一個動詞.  注意使用關係代名詞, 如,  what, where, how, when, which, ....等.

例如 :

             因此,他們兩人在同一個聖靈里(現在都是弟兄了),彼此供應從上帝旨意而                        來的能力,從而產生震動   全世界。                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Therefore, they are in one spirit (they are brothers   now ).    They support each   other    with the  spiritual power  which    is God's  will  for  them      to shake the world .


                       從路加福音所用的簡單的稱呼,我們斷定亞拿尼亞雖是一個可敬的虔的人.                                       也不過是一位普通的弟兄而已。                                                                                                                                                                                       From the   imple address of Luke gpspel recorded, we conclude that Ananias  is a   respectable pious man, was no more than an ordinary brother. He has no  characteristics  to  qualify him for helpping God to ordain the great apostle  for the   church.

     [註]:    例句從下文中取用.   

六月二十一日的曠野筵席默思保羅的信主見證.   更顯示上帝差遣亞拿尼亞來開他眼睛的奇妙作為.     該段聖經章節取自希臘人路加醫生所寫的使徒行傳.    他是歷史學家,   肯定是實存的事實. 

「兄弟掃羅,在你來的路上,向你顯現的主,就是耶穌,打發我來。」                                          (徒   9:17   新國際版



June 21

"Brother Saul, the Lord, Jesus, who appeared to you on the way you were coming, has sent me." (Acts 9:17 NIV)

We can often get help from people we might otherwise despise! When the blind Saul arrived in Damascus,  what he knew  that a messenger from God was going to tell him what to do. In  the  begenning, no one came to see him, until at three dark days later a person came, but he is a "disciple". From the simple address Luke employs, we conclude that Ananias, though a respectable pious man, was no more than an ordinary brother. He has no characteristics that qualify for him  helpping God to ordain the great apostle  for the church.

As for Ananias, he knew the well-known Saul of Tarsus.    He  shall be afraid of him, but now  he was sent by God, he must put the miracle of grace he felt in his heart into practical action without fearing  to  show up. From   Ananias'    simple greeting, he clearly acknowledged Paul's membership in the body of Christ. Therefore, the two of them are united in one spirit (they are brothers   now ), and they provide for each other, resulting in a spiritual effect that shakes the world,      God   has    ordained   all   of   it.


Tuesday, June 20, 2023

423 中翻英 (123) We must warship God with our spirit and heart. 必須用心靈和誠實敬拜上帝. 6/20/2023

423 中翻英 (123) We must warship God with our spirit and heart.  必須用心靈和誠實敬拜上帝.                                           6/20/2023


「我要在那里与你相會,又要從法柜施恩座上二基路伯中間,和你說我所要吩咐你傳給以色列人的一切事。」(出   25:23   新國際版



June 20

"I will meet you there, and from between the two cherubim on the mercy seat of the testimony, I will tell you everything I will command you to communicate to the Israelites."        (Exodus 25:23 NIV)

What is the basis of our fellowship with God? That foundation is the glory of God. Our fellowship with God is at the mercy seat covered by two cherubim, and the two cherubim are called "the cherubim of glory". This is where God's glory is manifested, and it is also where judgment on mankind is implied. Only there can we find mercy. Since God is God, can He not show His mercy at will? No! God's glory has a moral quality, and only when His glory and virtue are not impaired can He exercise mercy. He never separated the mercy seat from the cherubim.

The shed blood makes it possible for sinners to have fellowship with God. Only in this way can God show grace to man without compromising His glory; only in this way can God communicate with man without denying Himself. For this reason, the blood of Christ is essential, and an absolutely essential condition, for the fellowship of God. However, it is not yet the basis for fellowship with God. When I communed with God at the mercy seat, my eyes were not on the blood, but on the glory. Now that the veil is removed in Christ, we can see the glory of God with opened faces.

Monday, June 19, 2023

422 中翻英 (122) Who is qualified to study the book of Revelation? 誰有資格來研讀啟示錄? 6/19/2023

 422 中翻英 (122)                Who is qualified to study the book of Revelation?                                                                                                     誰有資格來研讀啟示錄?                                           6/19/2023六月十九日

「當主日我被圣靈感動。」(啟 1:10 新國際版



June 19

"On the Lord's Day I was in the Holy Spirit,  ....." (Revelation 1:10 NIV)

Who is qualified to study Revelation?  We find the answer in John's own history.  He was not to see things at his first vision , but to see Jesus Christ Himself in his first vision.  Although John had leaned on the breast of Jesus, but he must meet the living Lord who made him fall in the dust again. Then he was only shown to understand: "things that were to come." Those have not seen the first vision as John did, they are not qualified to study the following Bible verse Revelation 1:10 , because we need to see the Lord Jesus before we can be fully equipped to face the battle.

In the past, John knew the Lord’s love, but now he saw His majesty with his own eyes. Before, he knew the Lord Jesus as a loving Savior, and now he even more knows that He is a glorious King. Unless we first meet him, and fall at his feet as dead; however, the knowledge of all things to come will but arouse in us curiosity and self-righteous, and at last lead to be confusion or even unbelief. This book of  Revelation declares the war of the Lord, the war against all that opposes His kingdom. The purpose of this book is to show us that Jesus Christ is King on the throne, and only this vision can produce spiritual warriors.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

421 中翻英 (121) "If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. ....." 「我們若活著,是為主而活,若死了,是為主而死. ....」(羅14:8) 6/18/2023

 421 中翻英 (121)    "If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord.  ....."                                                           「我們若活著,是為主而活,若死了,是為主而死. ....」(羅14:8                     6/18/2023  


「一人既替眾人死,眾人就都死了。」(林后   5:14   新國際版



June 18

"One died for all, and all died." (2 Corinthians 5:14 NIV)

Why does God say that we shall reckon ourselves dead! Because we have died with the Lord. Suppose I have two dollars in my pocket, how shall I enter them in my ledger? Can I write $1.95, or $2.50? No, I must enter the account correctly according to the money in my pocket, neither too much nor too little. Accounting is about calculating facts, not telling fantasies. God can't tell me to put things on my books that aren't true. If I were still alive, He would definitely not tell me to count myself as dead, because the word "count" is very inappropriate for the drudgery of mental training such as putting life to death.

God tells us to keep an account and write, "I have died." Then hold on to that fact. why? Because it is a fact. When the Lord Jesus was on the cross, I was also crucified in Him. So I reckon it to be true, and reckon myself dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.

Saturday, June 17, 2023

420 中翻英 (120) Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. ...." 耶穌回答說, "我就是這道路,這真理, 和這生命. ......." 6/17/2023

 420  中翻英 (120)               Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. ...."                                                                          耶穌回答說,   "我就是這道路,這真理,   和這生命.   ......."               6/17/2023


「認識你獨一的真神,并且認識你所差來的耶穌基督,這就是永生。」(約   17:3 新國際版



June 17

"Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent." (John 17:3 NIV)

The world rejects Christ not because of what he did, but because of what he is. The world is invited to believe in Christ primarily for who he is and what he is, not for what he does. "He who has the Son of God has life" (1 John 5:12). The work of Christ is precious, which is bound to happen, but the main question is whether you have the Son of God, not whether you first understand God’s entire plan of redemption. The first condition for salvation is not knowledge but encountering Christ.

You may have seen people saved through scriptures that didn't meet their needs! What they received from the sermons didn't seem to be the right scriptures pointing to the way of salvation, so you almost think it's impossible for them to be saved on that basis! I used to hope that those who were led to the Lord by me would be saved through scriptures like John 3:16. But now I have seen that all the necessary needs of salvation depend on their personal meeting with God. There is no problem of whatever scripture God used to accomplish this important first step.

Friday, June 16, 2023

419  中翻英 (119)


「那真正拜父的,要用心靈和誠實拜祂,因為父要這樣的人拜祂。」                                                        (約   4:23 新國際版


June 16

"Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks." (John 4:23 NIV)

From the beginning of the Ten Commandments, God requires that unique worship. The will of God revealed in this commandment is not only His command, but also His desire. But if the Ten Commandments tell us what will make God glad, then the devil's temptation in the wilderness also tells what will make Satan happy. Both of these things are related to worship. Therefore, we have seen that there is one thing (worship) that both God and Satan want gain. By this thing (worship), we can satisfy heaven or the hell. The value of worship is incomparable. Satan's whole plan is to rob God's worship by luring God's people into some idolatrous snare. To worship idols is to seek another worthy object of worship besides God. It is our privilege to reject idolatry by steadfasting to the one worship of God.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

 417  中翻英 (117)


「摩西說, "今天你們要自洁,歸耶和華為圣 .... 使耶和華賜福与你們。」(出   32:29   新國際版


  June 14

"Then  Moses said,  "You have bee set  apart  to the Lord  today, ..... and  He has bless you this day."                   (Exodus 32:29 NIV)

The implication of deticating myself to God  is that I acknowledge that I am from that moment wholly His   "as one raised from the dead" ( Paul's words). Such a consecration of self to God is a definite action, as clear as faith in Jesus Christ. There is a day in my life as I deticating myself  to Him from my own will, and since then,  I will be all His and no longer myself   from that day on. That doesn't mean I dedicate myself to being a preacher, or a missionary.    Oh! How many are called missionaries simply because they dedicate their natural abilities to the work of the Lord. Yet this is not true consecration.    What is our consecration for, then?    It ia not for "Christian work," but for the will of God, to be whom He wants me to be and to do what He wants me to do.