Friday, September 27, 2019

222 英语词类基本应用 (十六 ) Function Words in English 英語中的功能詞

222  英语词类基本应用 (十六 )  Function Words in English     英語中的功能詞      9/27/2019

Our lovely Lord Jesus, You are the Son of God. Have a mercy on me, preventing me often falling into the lure of the devil, guilty of sinful nature. Please let me always thinking of Your holiness in my daily prayers, as the example of my behavior.  Be Your obedient son, always humble before You, to obey Your command, and to resist against Satan. Ask Your mercy to let me serving You with all my soul with honesty for the rest of my life.  Have a mercy on me, to open my spiritual eyes that can see and know Your second coming soon, to preach Your Gospel for preparing Your coming, and to let the gospel spread throughout all of the world. Pray in the name of the Lord Jesus.  Amen.
我们亲爱的主耶稣,  祢是上帝的儿子.  求祢怜悯孩子常常堕落在魔鬼的引诱, 沉迷于眼目情欲的罪中. 求祢叫孩子在每日的祷告中, 思想祢的圣洁, 学习祢的榜样, 成为祢顺命的儿子, 永远谦卑在祢的脚前, 遵守祢的命令, 来抗拒敌挡撒旦.  求祢使孩子能一生一世用心灵和诚实事奉祢. 开孩子的灵眼, 能看见并知道祢快要再来, 好好的预备祢的再来, 让祢的福音传遍世界. 奉主耶稣的名祈祷.  阿门.

The Gospel of Mark is just the book for busy people who want to use every opportunity to serve God.  It presents our Lord “on the move,” meeting the physical and spiritual needs of all kinds of people.  Mark depicts Him as God’s Suffering Servant who came not to be ministered to, but to minister – even to the extent of giving His life for us on the cross.
马可福音是为那些世上想要利用每一个机会来侍奉上帝的人所写的书。书卷中充满我们的主 即刻行动,来满足各种人的属世和属灵两方面的需求。马可把耶稣描绘成上帝受苦的仆人,祂来不是为了受人服事,而是要服事人 --- 甚至在十字架上为我们赎罪而牺牲祂的生命。

Our world is filled with hurting people who need our ministry. Jesus left His church on earth so that we might continue the  ministry He started.  However, I fear that in the church today, we have too many spectators  and not enough participants, too many celebrities and not enough servants.
我们的世界充满了需要人去服事的受伤害者。耶稣将祂的教会留在世上,为的是让我们能继续祂已经开始的事工。可是,我担心在今天的教会里,有太多观望的人,而没有足够的参与者,太多的名人, 却没有足够的仆人。

This is the first of my BE books to be written on a word processor, and this would have been very difficult for me were it not for the able assistance of my neighbor, Scott Florell, who is a computer expert.  Scott is a busy student at the university of  Nebraska, but he has taken time to teach me and help me understand and solve my computer problems.  This is but one of many ways in which Scott has enrich our lives, and I want to register my appreciation here.
这是作者在 “BE” 专题下用计算机文字输入写的第一本书,如果没有作者邻居计算机专家,司各特(Scott Florell)的大力帮助,对作者来说写书的工作非常困难(译者注作者生于5/16/1929而死于5/16/2019, 享年90, 2004年撰写 “Be Diligent” 已是75岁高龄用手来写书应该是非常困难)。司各特是内布拉斯加(Nebraska)大学的非常忙碌的学生,但却花很多的时间教我,帮助我理解和解决计算机的问题。这只是司各特在我们共同生活中的众多方面使它丰富有趣之一,在这里我想表达深切感激之情于万一。

If our time together studying Mark’s Gospel in this volume encourages you to be diligent in your own ministry to others, then the time has not been wasted.  May our Lord enable all of us to be servant for His glory!      Warren W. Wiersbe.
如果在我们共同研究马可福音时, 能鼓你在自己的事奉中辛勤快速的付出,那么时间就没有浪费。愿我们的主能使所有的人成为使祂得荣耀的仆人!                        华伦 . W. 威尔斯比(Warren W. Wiersbe)

很对不起访友, 编辑者又回到英语词类的基本应用的重要主题上, 因为还有功能词类(function words) 介词和连词未涉及.  所以把讲解英翻中的问题延后. 

在英语语法里, 功能词类是用来在句子中, 与其它词字的语法的结构及关系的词类.  据雅各.彭礼培( James Pennebaker)的解说,  "功能字词占所有字汇的百分之一的十分之一( one-tenth of 1 percent), 但使用频率却占英语总字汇的百分之六十."  可見其重要性.  常用的介词有 atbyforfromunderwithoutwithtowhileduring between within through over across around into  ; 而常用的连词, , and but for yet neither or so whence although however as because .



介词常常置放在含名词或代名词及其它修饰词的介词短语的前面, 所以中文翻译又称为前置词.  其在句中的重要性由其使用的频繁可知. 它是用来说明句中字与字, 或词与词的关系. 有了它使句子增色不少. 
        The river flows through the woods.   该河流经这森林. 
        (该句中  “through the woods,”是介词短语.  "through" 是介词,  用以说明  “river” “woods” 的关系.) 
        She found the spoon under the kitchen table.  她发现义子在厨房桌子下.
        (句中  under the kitchen table是介词短语.  " under " 是介词,  用以说明  the spoonthe kitchen table的关系.
        It was the morning before the wedding.   是结婚日的前一个早晨.
        (句中  before the wedding是介词短语. " before" 是介词,  用以说明 the morningthe wedding的关系.)
        We saw a blue bird in the sycamore tree.  我们看见在小无花果树中有只蓝色鸟.
        (该句中  in the sycamore tree”是介词短语.  " in " 是介词,  用以说明 “a blue bird” “the sycamore tree” 的关系.)

练习:  试将适当的介词填入句中空格内.  且在因它造成的短语画上底线.
           (Filling the blank with a preposition. Underline the phrase it introduces.)

1. Charlotte Bronte, the author of Jane Eyre (简爱) lived _____ 1816 to 1855.
2. Charlotte was the eldest ­­­____  the four Bronte sisters.
3.  ______ their childhood, Charlotte and her sister Emily attended a school that both girls hated   because _____ its inhumane treatment ____ the students.
4. Charlotte wrote a scathing account _____ this heartless school ____      her book, Jane Eyre.
5. _____ 1842 Charlotte went _____ Brussels.
6. She worked ____ a while _____ a governess there.
7. Her heroine Jane also spent most ______ her time ______ a governess.
8. Charlotte returned home soon _____ Brussels.
9. She was needed desperately _____ her blind father, alcoholic brother, and   
gravely ill sisters.
10. The sisters tried publishing a book ____ poems, but were unsuccessful.
11. The sisters then returned ______ writing fiction, and each produced a novel.
12. Charlotte's first book, The Professor, was flatly and coldly refused ____ the publishers.
13. Her next novel, Jane Eyre, was very successful; _____ it she received  much fame and praise.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

221英翻中基础 (十五) The basic of translation from English to Chinese

221英翻中基础 (十五)  The basic of translation from English to Chinese  英翻中基础  9/4/2019

Our Heavenly Father, the creator of the universe.  You create me for purpose.  Grant me wisdom and brave to tell the world that You are real. Forgive the sin from my sinful nature that I fear of not to proclaim You are our merciful God.  Pray You let me be humble to obey Your will, only doing whatever for honoring Your holy name. Pray in Jesus’  name.  Amen

我们的天父,  天地万物的创造主.  祢创造了我是有目的.  让孩子有智慧和勇气向世人宣告祢的实在.  饶恕我犯罪的老我所犯害怕不敢宣告祢是我们大有怜悯的上帝的罪.  求祢让孩子谦卑顺服祢的旨意.   愿意做为了荣耀祢的名的事。 靠主耶稣的名祷告。阿门

请让我将学习如何將英语翻譯成中文的经验告訴您們, 完全是上帝的恩典, 上帝的爱激励美国宣教士Rev. William Richard Johnson 搭救我们, 住在他的家里五年之久, 从四岁懂事时, 与他们的小孩玩耍学说英語就开始了我翻译英文为中文的基础.

一直到我從台湾大学土木工程系毕业後, 1970年为了应用刚刚发展成的电子计算机, 而翻译数式方法及电子计算机一书.”  由徐氏基金会出版. 翻译不是学了初中的英文就能做的事. 良好的翻译工作必须具备 : 中文要行, 要翻的外国语文能应用自如, 再添上你懂得要翻译的文件的知识.

1998年在达拉斯基督徒恩友堂参加崇拜上帝, 经圣灵感动想参与教会事奉, 向该堂主任牧师周主培申请愿教主日学, 并选择约翰福音为教本 , 经面试通过, 但牧师叮嘱, 必须把约翰福音仔细从头到尾读十遍.  因此买了华伦.魏斯比(Warren W. Wiersbe)所著的五十本 “Be Book” 中的 “Be Alive(来得生命, 1-12)” “Be Transformed(这就是爱, 13-21)”供查经参考之用. 却没有想到 "演化論" 的信仰者, 处心积虑的要把我所深深认识的上帝从我心中塗抹.

编辑者喜好华伦.魏斯比写作洗炼的手法和丰富的属灵知识. 他使用简潔的文字, 并以客观解经方式显示他的属灵洞见, 深深摸到我想往再深入了解耶稣的仁爱和怜悯的心.  前天为了寻找撰写本博客需要的创世记(Be Basic)” 的序言的资料, 才知他已于 2019512日息了世间的劳苦, 回到主那里去了, 与祂共享天堂的荣耀.  他是慕廸圣经学院的驻堂牧师,圣经老师,和多产的基督教文学和神学的作者。或许因他写作50 “BE BOOK” 研经书卷系列而闻名于世.

下面是他写的创世纪的序言.  这是整本圣经的首卷.  有信仰演化论者恶意批评说, 上帝创造天地万物只用了这幺短短的六天.  而演化论却以假设亿万年化石来开始他们 “物种起源” - 人由猴子变的假说, 要对我信仰上帝创造的灵性给以不留空间的无情打击. 

请访友读了中英文创世记的序言后, 告訴我是否如他们所说, 我是迷信. 还是他们所信的教主达尔文故意玩弄玄虚, 无中生有的提出他的假设. 编辑者现以圣经中的约翰壹书216节来回应, For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world.”
“ 凡属世界的,如肉体的情慾、眼目的情慾和今生的骄傲都不是从父那里来的,而是从世界来的。   :  此处世界是指世人都有的犯罪的老我(sinful nature)”.
The preface of  The Book of Genesis :
The Book of Genesis is the “book of basics” because it’s the “book of beginnings” in the Bible.  To know Genesis is to know the fundamental truths — the basic — about God, the world, yourself and other people, law, sin, salvation, marriage, faith, and spiritual fulfillment.  Inspired by the Spirit of God, Moses wrote Genesis and told us where we come from, why we’re here, and what God expects us to do. Moses also explained how the Jewish nation began, the people through whom God would reveal Himself to the world, site the Bible, and ultimately give us our Savor, the Lord Jesus Christ.
 “创世记因为它是圣经的起点书卷”, 所以是圣经的基础书卷。要知道创世记就是要了解基本真理 - 它启示有关于上帝,世界,你自己和其它人,律法,罪恶,救赎,婚姻,信仰和属灵的应验。摩西因受到圣灵上帝的启示,写下了创世记, 他告诉我们人是从那里来的,我们为什幺会在这里,以及上帝希望我们做什幺。摩西也解释了犹太民族是如何开始的,上帝将通过他们向世界显示祂自己,展示圣经,并最终将我们的救主 - 耶稣基督赐给我们。

亲爱的访友们, 你们读了这序言, 应该了解圣经的大概内容. 它應該不是如无神论的信仰所說六天创造天地万物太短了吗的挑剔. 
我不是与信仰达尔文教主的信徒辩论, 只是希望他們澄清下列的两个要点:

一.    上帝的创造发生在数千年之(约六千年), 有清楚的资料对证(上帝启示摩西写创世记).  而达尔文的演化论发生于億万年之前, 还在等待中间物化石的发现.
二.  .   达尔文1931年由神学院毕业, 非生物学专家, 怎能于五年之内经由小猎犬船的旅游, 用观查大嘴及小嘴雀鸟的数年的样品(统计学的名词, 英文Samples)來验证演化论(evolution)” 的假設. 是否会因世人都有的犯罪的老我的 今生的骄傲 在作祟?