Thursday, March 21, 2019

208 动词的基本应用 (二) I have …done. You have …. He has… 我做好了.

208 动词的基本应用 ()  I have …done.  You have ….   He has…  我做好了.     3/21/2019

我们慈悲的天父怜悯我我的主, 求赐恩典, 使我能配得祢的名为荣奉主耶稣的聖名祈求.  阿门.

Does our God exist?  我们的上帝存在吗?
我虽亲身未见到上帝, 但我知道祂无时无刻不与我同在.  这不是偶然, 也不是自说自话. 我深信主耶稣是为我今生的骄傲, 肉体的情欲的罪而钉死在十字架上, 祂的复活是为了使我能在天堂见祂.  并且我每次的祷告祂都听见, 在祂没有难成的事, 祂都为我解决為本博客寻找资料的困难.  祷告改变万事, 它是谦卑的源头. 它能助人胜过情欲的试探.  上帝是实存的, 祂创造了我, 演化论者假设人是猴子演化的是不确实的.

前讲的标题“ I am….  You are….   He is….  我是, 你是, 他是.”   这是英语(verb  t o “BE”)的根基, 没有比它在英语语法的应用更为丰富的. 有些在人类语言中无法解释的问题, 上帝可以回答.  为什幺在标题后面要加上中文的翻译我是, 你是, 他是.” 完全没有改变的中文的动词, 今补充说明. 编辑者不是学比较语言, 但有基督信仰, 在上帝的话语里圣经中的创世纪11---巴别塔-变乱口音这章中, 说明上帝造人时,本是赐给人类相同的语言, 但因人的骄傲, 要造通天的高塔, 要想与上帝一样, 祂就变乱人的语言.   

使用 “be going” 才能显示正在时态(progressive)”, 只单单用 “ go” 是显示不出来正在进行的意味.  在时制上, 它只能演变成 “went” 表示过去,   “gone (过去分词) 却得配上 “verb to ‘have’, have gone”才能表现成了时态 (perfect)” (请参考下面表中的说明).

           I go.
        I went.
         I will go.
      I am going.
      I was going.
     I will be going.
    I have gone.
   I had gone.
  I will have gone.
Perfect Progressive
(成了- 正在时态)
I have been going.
I had been going.
I will have been going.


例如使用be 动词加本动词 + ing” 才能造成正在时态(progressive)” 的英文句子.
            I am going. (我正在去.)                        positive sentence
            I’m not going.                                        negative sentence(缩写)
            Am I going?                                           question sentence
You are going.                                       2nd personal positive sentence
            You aren’t going.                                   2nd personal negative sentence(缩写)
Are you going?                                      2nd personal question sentence
            He is going.                                            3rd personal positive sentence
He isn’t going.                                       3rd personal negative sentence(缩写)
Is he going?                                           3rd personal question sentence

例如:  使用  “Have done” 才能显示成了时态(perfect)”.   
            I have done it.              (我做成了)       positive sentence
            I haven’t done it yet. (還沒有做成.) negative sentence(缩写)
            Have I done it yet?  (我做成了吗? )     question sentence
You have done it.                                  2nd personal positive sentence
            You haven’t done it yet.                        2nd personal negative sentence(缩写)
Have you done it yet?                            2nd personal question sentence
            He has done it.                                       3rd personal positive sentence
He hasn’t done it yet.                            3rd personal negative sentence(缩写)
Has he done it yet?                                3rd personal question sentence

下一次博客将讨论很有趣的 “verb to ‘Do’ ”.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

207 英語語法的基本应用 (一) I am… You are... He is…

207 英語語法的基本应用 ()  I am…  You are...   He is…  我是, 你是, 他是 3/6/2019

Our mercy heavenly Father, let me do and speak and pray.

Today, O Lord, give me courtesy:
Give me meekness of bearing, with decision of character:
Give me longsuffering:
Give me charity; sincerity of speech; chastity, diligence in my allotted task.

O Heavenly Father, would You enlighten my hearts with Your great love; grant me the grace to be worthy of His name.  I pray with Jesus' Holy name.  Amen.

我们慈悲的天父, 求主使我能這樣,,禱告.

主啊!    今天 求祢赐我礼让,
             求祢赐我 谦卑,   和决心,
             求祢赐我爱心, 贞节, 诚恳的言语, 恒久的忍耐, 慇勤的黾勉, 作所当作的工.

天父啊!  求祢用那大爱,   启迪我的心怀;  求祢赐恩,  使我配得上我主的圣名.  奉主耶稣的圣名祈求.  阿门.

英文陪伴了我一生, 真舍不得丢下它.  为了撰写这博客, 藉收集参考资料, 天天接触它, 更是喜欢上了它.  尤其在英语文法读本的改善中, 使我受益非浅.  请让我再陪亲爱的初中程度的访友们再走一程.  “Grammar in Use --- basic” 活在我们的生活里, 从基础上了解它的应用.

动词有 Be-动词; Have-动词和一般动词.  我们先从positive, negative, question 三种方式的应用来讨论:

例如:   Be -动词: am, are, is.
            I am laughing at him.                           positive sentence
            I am not laughing at him.                     negative sentence
            I’m not laughing at him.                      negative sentence(缩写)
            Am I laughing at him?                         question sentence
You are laughing at him.                      2nd personal positive sentence
You are not laughing at him.                2nd personal negative sentence
            You aren’t laughing at him.                  2nd personal negative sentence(缩写)
Are you laughing at him?                     2nd personal question sentence
            He is laughing at you.                           3rd personal positive sentence
He is not laughing at you.                     3rd personal negative sentence
He isn’t laughing at you.                       3rd personal negative sentence(缩写)
Is he laughing at you?                           3rd personal question sentence

    []:  若你能仿照上面的样式做人称代词的复数练习, 非常好.

习题:  填充(Complete the following sentences.)
  1. “Are you hungry?” “No, but I’m thirsty.”       范例
  2. How is your brother?”   He’s fine.”              范例
  3. “Is Mary at home?” “No ,________  at work.”
  4. “ ___________________ my keys?” “On your desk.”
  5. Where is John from ?_____________American or Canadian?
  6. _________very hot today. The temperature is 41 degrees Celsius.
  7. “Are you an engineer?”   “No, _________a student.”
  8. Where’s your car?   _________________in the parking lot?
  9. “______________ your umbrella?”   Red.”
  10.  “_______________________tired?” “No, I’m fine.”

下次将讨论 have – 动词.