Saturday, December 7, 2024

927 美翻中 (627) Sexual Sin Is Gradually Destructive (Prov. 6). 性犯罪是漸趨毀滅性的. 12/7/2024

927 美翻中 (627)        Sexual Sin Is Gradually Destructive (Prov. 6).       性犯罪是漸趨毀滅性的.            12/7/2024

2. Sexual Sin Is Gradually Destructive (Prov. 6)                                                                                          2. 性犯罪是漸趨毀滅性的(箴言6)                                                                                                  Chapter 6 deals with three enemies that can destroy a person financially, physically, morally, or spiritually: unwise financial commitments (vv. 1–5), laziness (vv. 6–11), and lust (vv. 20–35). It is not unusual for one person to be guilty of all three, because laziness and lust often go together; people who can easily be pressured into putting up security for somebody can be pressured into doing other foolish things, including committing adultery. “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” (Matt. 6:21).                                                                                                                                                            第6 章講述了三個可以在人的經濟、身體、道德或精神上毀滅的敵人:不合智慧的財務承諾(1-5節)、懶惰(6-11節) )和情慾(20-35節)。同時犯這三件事的人, 並不是罕見,因為懶惰和情慾往往是並存的。那些很容易被迫為某人提供安全保障的人可能會被迫做出其他愚蠢的事情,包括通姦。 「因為你的財寶在哪裡,你的心也在那裡」(太 6:21)。                                              We will consider Proverbs 6:1–11 in our study of wealth and work. Verses 12–19 will be included in chapter 5, in our study of “the wicked people” mentioned in the book of Proverbs. In verses 20–35, Solomon deals with adultery and points out what people will lose who commit this heinous sin.                      在研究財富和工作時,我們將思考箴言 6:1-11。第 12 至 19 節將包含在第 5 章中,用於我們對箴言中提到的「惡人」的研究。 《所羅門箴言》第 20 至 35 節討論了通姦問題,並指出犯下這種令人髮指的罪行的人將會失去什麼。                                                                                                  They lose the Word of God (vv. 20–24). In chapters 5—7, each of the warnings against adultery is prefaced by an admonition to pay attention to the Word of God (5:1–2; 6:20–24; 7:1–5). It is by our trusting and obeying His truth that God keeps us from believing the enemy’s lies. Certainly children have the obligation to honor their father and mother (6:20; see 1:8), and God’s children have the responsibility and privilege of bringing glory to their Father’s name. “Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge” (Heb. 13:4 nkjv).                                    他們失去了上帝的道(20-24節)。在第 5-7 三章中,每章都針對通姦的警告, 都以注意祂的話語的告誡作為序言(5:1-2;6:20-24;7:1-5)。正是透過我們相信並服從祂的真理,上帝才阻止我們相信敵人的謊言。當然,兒女有義務孝敬父母(6:20;參閱1:8),祂的兒女有責任和特權來榮耀天父的名。 「婚姻人人都尊重,床鋪未整理;惟有淫亂和通姦的人,上帝必要審判」(來 13:4 NKJV)。                                                                                                                                            The Word should be bound to the heart (Ps. 119:11), because the heart is “the wellspring of life” (Prov. 4:23 niv).5 God’s truth should also control the neck, because a man might be tempted to turn his head and look at a beautiful woman for the purpose of lusting (Matt. 5:27–30). He may not be able to avoid seeing the woman the first time, but it’s looking the second time that gets him into trouble.                     上帝的話緊扣人心(詩篇 119:11),因為心是「生命的泉源」(箴 4:23 新國際版)。  上帝的真理也應該控制脖子,因為男人可能會因為淫念的試探而轉過頭去看美麗的女人(太5:27-30)。首次, 他可能無法避免見這個女人,但第二次她就會給他帶來麻煩.                                         The Word of God in the mind and heart is like a guide who leads us on the safe path and protects us from attacks. It’s also like a friend who talks to us and counsels us along the way (Prov. 6:22). We walk in the light because the Word is a lamp (v. 23; Ps. 119:105, 130). If we listen to God’s voice in His Word, we won’t fall for the enemy’s flattery (Prov. 6:24).                                                                                     上帝的話語在我們的心思意念中就像一位嚮導,帶領我們走上安全的道路,並保護我們免受攻擊。它也像一位朋友,一路上與我們交談並為我們提供建議(箴言 6:22)。我們行在光中,因為祂的道是明燈(23節;詩篇119:105, 130)。如果我們聆聽上帝在祂話語中的聲音,我們就不會被敵人的奉承所欺騙(箴 6:24)。                                                                                                   Read 1 John 1:5–10 and note that “walking in the light” assures us of hearing the Word of God, while “walking in darkness” causes us to lose His Word. If we disobey Him, we don’t do the truth (Prov. 6:6), we don’t have the truth (v. 8), and His Word is not in us (v. 10). There is a gradual erosion of the spiritual life, from light to darkness, and with this erosion comes a deterioration of Christian character.                                                                                                                                                                 讀約翰一書 1:5-10,並注意「行在光明中」確保我們聽見上帝的話語,而「行在黑暗中」則使我們失去祂的話語。如果我們不服從祂,就沒有遵行真理(箴 6:6),也就沒有真理(8 節),他的道也不在我們心裡(10 節)。屬靈生命逐漸受到侵蝕,從光明走向黑暗,隨著這種侵蝕,基督徒品格也隨之惡化。                                                                                                                        They lose wealth (vv. 25–26). This parallels 5:7–14, and see 29:3. To be “brought to a piece of bread” means to be degraded to the lowest level of poverty (see Luke 15:13–16, 30). If the adultery results in scandal, a lawsuit, and a divorce, the price will not be cheap; in this day of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, the adulterer is taking chances with his health and his life.                                  他們失去了財富(25-26節)。這與 5:7-14 相似,參閱 29:3。 「被拿來一塊餅」意味著被降格到最低的貧窮水準(參考路加福音 15:13-16, 30)。如果通姦導致醜聞、訴訟、離婚,代價不會便宜;在愛滋病和其他性傳染病盛行的今天,通姦者正在拿                                                              They lose enjoyment (vv. 27–31). Fire is a good thing if it’s confined and controlled. It can keep us warm, cook our food, drive our turbines, and manufacture our electricity. Sex is a good gift from God, but like fire, if it gets out of control, it becomes destructive. What begins as a “warm” experience soon becomes a burning experience, like holding a torch in your lap or walking on burning coals.                     他們失去了享受(27-31節)。如果火受到限制和控制,它是一件好事。它可以讓我們取暖、烹飪食物、驅動渦輪機以及發電。性是上帝賜予的美好禮物,但就像火一樣,如果失去控制,它就會變得具有破壞性。一開始的「溫暖」體驗很快就會變成一種燃燒的體驗,就像在腿上舉起火把或在燃燒的煤炭上行走一樣。                                                                                                        “But sex is a normal desire, given to us by God,” some people argue. “Therefore, we have every right to use it, even if we’re not married. It’s like eating: If you’re hungry, God gave you food to eat; if you’re lonely, God gave you sex to enjoy.” Some of the people in the Corinthian church used this argument to defend their sinful ways: “Foods for the stomach and the stomach for foods” (1 Cor. 6:13 nkjv). But Paul made it clear that the believer’s body belongs to God and that the presence of a desire isn’t the same as the privilege to satisfy that desire (vv. 12–20).                                                                          「但性是一種正常的慾望,是上帝賦予我們的,」有些人爭辯道。 「因此,即使我們沒有結婚,我們也完全有權使用它。就像吃飯一樣:如果你餓了,上帝就給你食物吃;如果你餓了,上帝就給你食物吃;如果你餓了,上帝就給你食物。如果你感到孤獨,上帝就給你性愛來享受。哥林多教會的一些人用這個論點來為他們的罪惡行為辯護:「食物是為了胃,胃是為了食物」(哥林多前書 6:13 nkjv)。但保羅明確表示,信徒的身體屬於神,慾望的存在並不等同於滿足該慾望的特權(12-20)。                                                                                                                        Solomon used a similar approach in Proverbs 6:30–31. Certainly hunger is a strong force in human life, and the only way to satisfy hunger is to eat, but if you steal the bread that you eat, you’re breaking the law. You’ll end up paying more for that bread than if you’d gone out and bought a loaf at the bakery. As you sit in jail or stand in court, the enjoyment you had from that bread will soon be forgotten.                                                                                                                                                                    所羅門在箴言 6:30-31 中使用了類似的方法。當然,飢餓是人類生活中的強大力量,滿足飢餓的唯一方法就是吃東西,但如果你偷了你吃的麵包,你就違法了。與出去麵包店買麵包相比,您最終會為該麵包支付更多費用。當你坐在監獄或站在法庭上時,你從麵包中獲得的享受很快就會被忘記。                                                                                                                                               Adultery is stealing. “For this is the will of God, your sanctification; that is, that you abstain from sexual immorality … and that no man transgress and defraud his brother in the matter” (1 Thess. 4:3, 6 nasb). When adultery enters a marriage, everybody loses.                                                                                     姦淫就是偷竊。 「因為這就是神的旨意,就是祢的成聖;也就是說,你們要禁戒不道德的性行為……並且沒有人在這件事上越界或欺騙他的弟兄」(帖撒羅尼迦前書 4:3, 6 nasb)。當通姦進入婚姻時,每個人都是輸家。                                                                                                                   They lose their good sense (v. 32). King David was a brilliant strategist on the battlefield and a wise ruler on the throne, but he lost his common sense when he gazed at his neighbor’s wife and lusted for her (2 Sam. 12). He was sure he could get away with his sin, but common sense would have told him he was wrong. Every stratagem David used to implicate Bathsheba’s husband failed, so he ended up having the man killed. Surely David knew that we reap what we sow, and reap he did, right in the harvest field of his own family.                                                                                                                             他們失去了理智(32節)。大衛王在戰場上是一位出色的戰略家,在王位上是一位明智的統治者,但當他凝視鄰舍的妻子並對她產生貪欲時,他就失去了常識(撒母耳記下12 )。他確信自己可以逃脫罪責,但常識會告訴他他錯了。大衛用來牽連拔示巴丈夫的每一個計謀都失敗了,所以他最終殺死了拔示巴的丈夫。大衛當然知道我們種什麼收,他也收割,就在他自己家族的莊稼地裡。                                                                                                                                                   They lose their peace (vv. 33–35). The angry husband will use every means possible to avenge himself, for a loving husband would rather that his neighbor steal his money than steal his wife. “For love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame” (Song 8:6 niv). The offender will have no peace, and no amount of money he offers the husband will be accepted. The adulterer loses his reputation in the community and might actually suffer physical punishment. Of course, he and the woman were supposed to be stoned to death (Lev. 20:10; Deut. 22:22), but we’re not sure this penalty was always exacted.                                                                                 他們失去了平安(33-35節)。憤怒的丈夫會想盡辦法報復,因為一個慈愛的丈夫寧願讓鄰居偷他的錢,也不願偷他的妻子。 「因為愛像死亡一樣堅強,它的嫉妒像墳墓一樣不屈。它像烈火一樣燃燒,像烈焰」(歌8:6)。犯罪者將不得安寧,他提供給丈夫的任何金錢都不會被接受。通姦者會失去社會名譽,甚至可能受到體罰。當然,他和那個女人應該被用石頭砸死(利20:10;申22:22),但我們不確定這種刑罰是否總是被執行。                                                                    In today’s society, if a person has enough money and “clout,” he or she might be able to survive an adulterous scandal, but life is still never quite the same. Whether in this life or the next, sinners can be sure that their sins will find them out. Indulging in sexual sin is always a losing proposition.                            在當今社會,如果一個人有足夠的金錢和“影響力”,他或她也許能夠從通姦醜聞中倖存下來,但生活仍然不一樣。無論是今生還是來世,罪人都能確信他們的罪孽會追究他們的罪。沉溺於性犯罪總是失敗的提議。 

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