930 (630) 英翻中(630) The fear of the Lord is to hate pride . 敬畏耶和華在乎恨惡驕傲. 12/10/2024
2. The Wicked The wicked and their wickedness are mentioned at least one hundred times in Proverbs, usually in contrast to the good and the righteous. Proverbs 6:12–19 is somewhat of a summary statement that describes the evil person and the hateful3 sins that he commits. 2. 邪惡人 箴言中至少提到一百次惡人和他們的邪惡,通常與好人和正義的人相對照。箴言 6:12-19 是一個概括性的陳述,描述了惡人以及他所犯的可憎之3罪。 The wicked are “naughty,” that is, worth nothing (naught), without profit. It’s the Hebrew word belial (beli, without; yaal, profit), used to describe worthless people (Deut. 13:13; Judg. 19:22; 1 Sam. 25:25; 1 Kings 21:10, 13). Sin is not only destructive, it’s also unproductive. 惡人是“頑皮的”,也就是說,一文不值(毫無價值),沒有利益。這是希伯來文「belial」(beli,無;yaal,利潤),用來形容無價值的人(申命記13:13;士師記19:22;撒母耳記上25:25;列王紀上21:10, 13)。罪不僅具有破壞性,而且沒有生產力。 Every part of the wicked person’s anatomy is devoted to evil and his “body language” communicates evil (see Rom. 3:10–18). His mouth is perverse (“froward,” kjv) a word that means “crooked, twisted.” He can’t be trusted. When he wants to signal his confederates that it’s time to do evil, he winks his eye, shuffles his feet, and motions with his fingers; they get the message. The cause of all this evil is the perversity of his inner person, for it is out of the heart that evil comes (Mark 7:14–23; Jer. 17:9). He’s skillful at plotting evil and the result is dissension. He’s a troublemaker who sows discord, but judgment is certain and will come when he least expects it. How much better it is when the whole body is yielded to God (Rom. 12:12) and controlled by His Word (Prov. 4:20–27)! 惡人身體的每一部分都致力於邪惡,他的「肢體語言」傳達邪惡(參考羅馬書3:10-18)。他的嘴很乖張(“向前”,英王欽定本),這個詞的意思是“彎曲的、扭曲的”。他不值得信任。當他想要向他的同夥發出訊號,表示是時候作惡時,他會眨眼睛,拖著腳,用手指做手勢;他們收到消息了。所有這些邪惡的原因是他內心的邪惡,因為邪惡是從內心而來的(馬可福音7:14-23;耶利米書17:9)。他善於圖謀不軌,結果卻是紛爭。他是一個製造不和的麻煩製造者,但審判是肯定的,並且會在他最意想不到的時候到來。當整個身體都降服於神(羅馬書 12:12)並受祂的話語控制(箴 4:20-27)時,那該多好啊! You see these sinful characteristics manifested in the specific sins described in Proverbs 6:16–19, sins that God hates. 你可以看到這些罪惡特徵體現在箴言 6:16-19 中所描述的具體罪惡中,這些罪惡是上帝所恨惡的。 First on the list is pride, because pride is usually the basic motivation for all other sins. It was pride that turned Lucifer into Satan (Isa. 14:12–14) and that led Eve to disobey God and eat the forbidden fruit (Gen. 3:1–6; note “you shall be as God”). “The fear of the Lord is to hate evil; pride and arrogance and the evil way and the perverse mouth I hate” (Prov. 8:13). 首先是驕傲,因為驕傲通常是所有其他罪惡的基本動機。是驕傲將路西弗變成了撒旦(以賽亞書14:12-14),並導致夏娃違背上帝並吃了禁果(創世記3:1-6;請注意「你們必與上帝一樣”)。 「敬畏耶和華在乎恨惡惡事;驕傲、狂妄、邪道、乖僻的口,都是我所恨惡的」(箴 8:13)。 God also hates a lying tongue, for God is a God of truth (Deut. 32:4; John 14:6; 1 John 5:6), and His law says, “Thou shalt not bear false witness” (Ex. 20:16). God sees a lie, not as an act of speech but as a deadly force that goes to work in society and divides and destroys. When we lie, we open the door for Satan to work, for he is a liar (John 8:44); when we speak truth, we give opportunity for the Spirit to work (Eph. 4:14–25). There is a place reserved in hell for liars (Rev. 21:8, 27; see 2 Thess. 2:10). 上帝也恨惡說謊的舌頭,因為神是誠實的神(申命記32:4;約翰福音14:6;約翰一書5:6),並且他的律法說:「不可作假見證」(出埃及記20) :16)。上帝認為謊言不是一種言語行為,而是一種在社會中發揮作用、造成分裂和毀滅的致命力量。當我們撒謊時,我們就為撒旦的活動打開了大門,因為他是個騙子(約翰福音 8:44);當我們說真話時,我們就有機會讓聖靈運行(弗 4:14-25)。地獄裡為說謊者保留了一個地方(啟 21:8, 27;參考帖後 2:10)。 The third sin God hates is murder, “hands that shed innocent blood.” His commandment is, “Thou shalt not kill [murder]” (Ex. 20:13). God permits the government to exercise capital punishment and strengthen justice in the land (Gen. 9:5–6; Rom. 13:1–7), but the shedding of innocent blood pollutes the land (Num. 35:30–34). Murderers have their part in the lake of fire (Rev. 21:8; 22:15). 上帝憎恨的第三種罪是謀殺,即「流無辜人血的手」。他的誡命是:「不可殺人」(出 20:13)。上帝允許政府在這片土地上實行死刑並加強正義(創世記 9:5-6;羅馬書 13:1-7),但無辜者的流血污染了這片土地(民數記 35:30- 34)。殺人者必在火湖中(啟 21:8;22:15).
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