926 英翻中 (626) Sexual Sin Is Eventually Disappointing (Prov. 5). 性犯罪最終會令人失望. 12/6/2024
1. Sexual Sin Is Eventually Disappointing (Prov. 5) 1. 性犯罪最終會令人失望(箴言 5) When married people honor and respect sex as God instructs them in His Word, they can experience increasing enjoyment and enrichment in their intimacy. But when people break the rules, the result is just the opposite. They experience disappointment and disillusionment and have to search for larger “doses” of sexual adventure in order to attain the imaginary pleasure level they’re seeking. 當已婚人士按照上帝在聖經中的指示尊重和尊崇性時,他們就能在親密關係中體驗到越來越多的享受和豐富。但當人們違反規則時,結果卻恰恰相反。他們經歷失望和幻滅,必須尋找更大「劑量」的性冒險,以獲得他們所尋求的想像中的快樂水平。 God created sex not only for reproduction but also for enjoyment, and He didn’t put the “marriage wall” around sex to rob us of pleasure but to increase pleasure and protect it. In this chapter, Solomon explains the disappointments that come when people violate God’s loving laws of sexual purity. 上帝創造性不僅是為了繁衍,也是為了享受,祂並沒有在性周圍築起「婚姻牆」來剝奪我們的快樂,而是為了增加快樂並保護它。在本章中,所羅門解釋了當人們違反上帝關於性純潔的慈愛律法時所帶來的失望。 Their experience goes from sweetness to bitterness (vv. 1–6). We’ve met “the strange woman” before (2:16; niv, “adulteress”) and she’ll be mentioned again (5:20; 6:24; 7:5; 20:16; 22:14; 23:27; 27:13). The word translated “strange” basically means “not related to.” The “strange woman” is one to whom the man is not related by marriage, and therefore any sexual liaison with her is evil. The beginning of this sinful alliance may be exciting and sweet, because the kisses and words from her lips drip like honey (7:13–20), but in the end, the “sweetness” turns to bitterness, and the honey becomes poison (5:4). 他們的經歷從甜蜜到苦澀(1-6節)。我們以前見過「那奇怪的女人」(2:16;新譯本,「淫婦」),她將再次被提及她將再次被提及(5:20;6:24;7:5;20:16;22:14; 23:27;27:13)。翻譯為“奇怪”的詞句, 基本上意味著“與…無關”。 「陌生女人」是指與男子沒有婚姻關係的女人,因此任何與她發生性關係的兒子都是邪惡的。這種罪惡聯盟的開始可能是令人興奮和甜蜜的,因為她嘴唇上的吻和話語像蜂蜜一樣滴落(7:13-20),但最終,「甜蜜」變成了苦澀,蜂蜜變成了毒藥(5:4). 。 The book of Proverbs emphasizes the importance of looking ahead to see where your actions will lead you (see 5:11; 14:12–14; 16:25; 19:20; 20:21; 23:17–18, 32; 24:14, 20; 25:8). The wise person checks on the destination before buying a ticket (4:26), but modern society thinks that people can violate God’s laws and escape the consequences. They’re sure that whatever has happened to others will never happen to them. Sad to say, their ignorance and insolence can never neutralize the tragic aftermath that comes when people break the laws of God. “Oh, that they were wise, that they understood this, that they would consider their latter end!” (Deut. 32:29). 箴言強調向前看的重要性,看看你的行動將引向你(參考5:11;14:12-14;16:25;19:20;20:21;23:17-18 、32; 24:14、20;25:8)。明智的人在買票之前會檢查目的地(4:26),但現代社會認為人們可以違反上帝的律法而逃避後果。他們確信發生在別人身上的事情永遠不會發生在他們身上。可悲的是,他們的無知和傲慢永遠無法抵消人們違反上帝律法時所帶來的悲慘後果。 「哦,但願他們是明智的,他們明白這一點,他們會考慮他們的最終結局!” (申 32:29)。 Their experience goes from gain to loss (vv. 7–14). Temptation always includes hopeful promises; otherwise, people would never take the devil’s bait. For a time, it seems like these promises have been fulfilled, Proverbs and sinners bask in the sunshine of pleasant experiences and false assurances. This is what family counselor J. Allan Petersen calls “the myth of the greener grass.”3 People who commit sexual sins think their problems are solved (“She understands me so much better than my wife does!”) and that life will get better and better. But disobedience to God’s laws always brings sad consequences, and sinners eventually pay dearly for their brief moments of pleasure. 他們的經歷是從得到失(7-14節)。誘惑總是包含著充滿希望的承諾;否則,人們永遠不會上魔鬼的圈套。一時間,這些應許似乎已經實現,箴言和罪人沐浴在愉快的經歷和虛假保證的陽光下。這就是家庭顧問J. 艾倫·彼得森(J. Allan Petersen) 所說的「喜新厭舊的神話」。 」)並且生活會變得更好。越來越好。但違背上帝的律法總是會帶來悲傷的後果,罪人最終會為短暫的快樂付出沉重的代價。 When you read verses 9–14, you hear the words of a suffering sinner lamenting the high cost of disobeying God’s laws, because the most expensive thing in the world is sin. He discovers that the woman’s husband is a cruel man who demands that he pay for what he’s done, so the adulterer ends up giving his strength to others and toiling away to pay his debt. Instead of luxury, the sinner has misery; instead of riches, poverty; instead of success, ruin; and instead of a good reputation, the name of an adulterer. He looks back and wishes he had listened to his parents and his spiritual instructors, but his wishes can’t change his wretched situation. Yes, God in His grace will forgive his sins if he repents, but God in His government sees to it that he reaps what he sows. 當你讀 9-14 節時,你會聽到一個受苦罪人的話語,他哀嘆違反上帝律法的高昂代價,因為世界上最昂貴的東西就是罪。他發現女人的丈夫是個殘忍的人,要求他為自己的所作所為付出代價,所以姦夫最終把自己的力量給了別人,並辛苦地還債。罪人沒有享受奢華,而是有苦難;不是財富,而是貧窮;不是成功,而是毀滅;不但沒有好名聲,反而有姦夫的名聲。回顧過去,他希望自己當初聽了父母和精神導師的話,但他的願望無法改變他的悲慘處境。是的,如果他悔改,上帝就會在他的恩典中赦免他的罪,但祂在他的政府中會確保他種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆。 Their experience goes from purity to pollution (vv. 15–20). Solomon compares enjoying married love to drinking pure water from a fresh well, but committing sexual sin is like drinking polluted water from the gutter or sewer. Sex within marriage is a beautiful river that brings life and refreshment, but sex outside marriage is a sewer that defiles everything it touches. To commit sexual sin is to pour this beautiful river into the streets and the public squares. What waste! If you “drink deep” of the wrong kind of love (7:18 niv) it will destroy you. 他們的經歷從純潔到污染(15-20節)。所羅門將享受婚姻之愛比喻為喝一口新鮮井裡的純淨水,但犯下性罪就像喝下水道或下水道裡的污水一樣。婚姻內的性是一條美麗的河流,帶來生命和活力,但婚姻外的性卻是一條下水道,玷污了它所接觸到的一切。犯下性罪就是把這條美麗的河流倒入街道和公共廣場。真是浪費啊!如果你「喝得很深」錯誤的愛(7:18 Niv),它會毀了你。 The commitment of marriage is like the banks of the river that keep the river from becoming a swamp. God’s holy law confines the waters within the banks, and this produces power and depth. Extramarital and premarital affairs don’t satisfy because they’re shallow, and it doesn’t take much to stir up shallow water. A man and woman pledged to each other in marriage can experience the growing satisfaction that comes with love, commitment, depth, and purity. 婚姻的承諾就像河岸,防止河流變成沼澤。上帝的神聖律法將水限制在河岸之內,這就產生了力量和深度。婚外情、婚前情之所以不滿足,是因為它們很淺,不需要太多就能攪動淺水。在婚姻中彼此承諾的男人和女人可以體驗到隨著愛、承諾、深度和純潔而不斷增長的滿足感。 But there’s something else involved here. Solomon admonishes the husband to be “ravished” with his wife’s love (5:19–20); the word translated “ravished” also means “intoxicated” or “infatuated.”4 The adulterer watches the river turn into a sewer, but the faithful husband sees the water become wine! I think it’s significant that Jesus turned water into wine at a wedding feast, as though He were giving us an object lesson concerning the growing delights of marriage (John 2:1–11). 但這裡還涉及其他事情。所羅門告誡丈夫要被妻子的愛「迷惑」(5:19-20);翻譯為「ravished」的詞也有「陶醉」或「迷戀」的意思。我認為耶穌在婚宴上把水變成酒是很重要的,就好像祂在給我們上一堂關於婚姻中日益增長的快樂的實物課(約翰福音2:1-11)。 When a husband and wife are faithful to the Lord and to each other, and when they obey Scriptures like 1 Corinthians 7:1–5 and Ephesians 5:22–33, neither of them will look for satisfaction anywhere else. If they love each other and seek to please each other and the Lord, their relationship will be one of deepening joy and satisfaction; they won’t look around for “the greener grass.” 當丈夫和妻子對主和彼此忠誠,並且遵守《哥林多前書》7:1-5 和《以弗所書》5:22-33 等經文時,他們就不會在其他地方尋求滿足。如果他們彼此相愛,並尋求彼此和主的喜悅,他們的關係將是一種日益加深的喜樂和滿足;他們不會四處尋找「更綠的草」。 Their experience goes from freedom to bondage (vv. 21–23). Freedom of choice is one of the privileges God has given us, but He instructs us and urges us to use that freedom wisely. The laws of God are guideposts to lead us on the path of life, and He watches the decisions we make and the roads we take. “The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good” (15:3). 他們的經歷從自由到束縛(21-23節)。選擇的自由是上帝賦予我們的特權之一,但祂指導我們並敦促我們明智地使用這種自由。上帝的律法是引導我們走上人生道路的路標,祂注視著我們所做的決定和我們所走的道路。 「耶和華的眼目無所不在,惡人善人,他都鑑察」(15:3)。 As long as we use our freedom wisely, we will mature in Christian character, and God can trust us with more freedom. But if we abuse our freedom and deliberately disobey His Word, our freedom will gradually become bondage, the kind of bondage that can’t easily be broken. “The evil deeds of a wicked man ensnare him; the cords of his sin hold him fast” (5:22 niv). Those words could have been used as an epitaph for Samson (Judg. 13—16). 只要我們明智地運用我們的自由,我們的基督徒品格就會成熟,上帝也會信任我們更多的自由。但如果我們濫用我們的自由,故意違背祂的話語,我們的自由就會逐漸變成束縛,而且是一種不容易打破的束縛。 「惡人的惡行自陷網羅;他罪孽的繩索將他緊緊抓住」(5:22 niv)。這些話可以用作參孫的墓誌銘(士師記 13-16)。 It’s impossible to sin without being bound. One of the deceitful things about sin is that it promises freedom but only brings slavery. “Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin” (John 8:34 nkjv). “Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one’s slaves whom you obey, whether of sin leading to death, or of obedience leading to righteousness?” (Rom. 6:16 nkjv) 不被束縛是不可能犯罪的。罪的欺騙性之一是它承諾自由,但只會帶來奴役。 「我實在告訴你們,凡犯罪的,就是罪的奴僕」(約 8:34 NKJV)。 「難道你們不知道,你們把自己當作奴隸去服從誰,你們就是你們所服從的人的奴隸嗎?無論是罪導致死亡,還是服從導致正義?” (羅 6:16 NKJV) The cords of sin get stronger the more we sin, yet sin deceives us into thinking we’re free and can quit sinning whenever we please. As the invisible chains of habit are forged, we discover to our horror that we don’t have the strength to break them. Millions of people in our world today are in one kind of bondage or another and are seeking for deliverance, but the only One who can set them free is Jesus Christ. “Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed” (John 8:36 nkjv). 我們犯罪越多,罪的繩索就越堅固,但罪欺騙我們,讓我們以為自己是自由的,隨時可以停止犯罪。當無形的習慣鎖鏈形成時,我們驚恐地發現自己沒有力量打破它們。在當今世界,數以百萬計的人正處於一種或另一種束縛中,正在尋求拯救,但唯一能讓他們自由的就是耶穌基督。 「所以,子若叫你們自由,你們就真自由了」(約 8:36 NKJV)。 No wonder the father warns his children to stay away from the adulteress. “Remove your way far from her, and do not go near the door of her house” (Prov. 5:8 nkjv). “Her house is the way to hell, going down to the chambers of death” (7:27). 難怪父親警告他的孩子們遠離淫婦。 「你的道路要遠離她,不可靠近她的家門」(箴 5:8 NKJV)。「她的家是通往地獄的路,下到死亡之室」(7:27)。
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