Monday, December 23, 2024

944 英翻中 (644) God is love. 上帝是愛. 12/22/2024 星期日

944 英翻中 (644)                      God is love.              上帝是愛.                       12/22/2024        星期日

親愛的主內訪友, 上帝的兒子耶穌, 將於下週 "道成肉身" 來到世上.  祂降生的目的是為贖世人的罪, 釘死在十字架上, 三天後復活, 升天坐在主上帝的右邊. 拯救我們信祂的人, 得永生.   

CHAPTER ELEVEN                                                                                                                                  第十一章                                                                                                                                                      ENJOYING GOD’S GUIDANCE                                                                                                              享受上帝的引導                                                           

Mention the phrase “the will of God,” and you’ll get different responses from different people, not all of them positive.                                                                                                                                                提到「上帝的旨意」這個詞,你會從不同的人那裡得到不同的反應,但並非都是正面的。                    Some people will say, “Not that again!” They remember their adolescent years when it seemed like every lesson and sermon they heard hammered away on knowing and doing God’s will, and it all seemed so impractical to them at that time.                                                                                                           有人會說:“以後別再這樣了!”他們記得在青少年時期,他們聽到的每堂課和講道似乎都在強調認識和遵行上帝的旨意,而這一切對他們來說似乎是那麼不切實際。                                            Others will smile knowingly, recalling the difficult “valley experiences” of life when the only thing that kept them going was depending on the will of God. The will of God wasn’t always easy, but it was always good and right.                                                                                                                                          其他人會心一笑,回憶起生活中艱難的“山谷經歷”,當時唯一讓他們繼續前進的就是依靠上帝的旨意。神的旨意並不總是容易實現,但它總是美好而正確的。                                                        Perhaps some people will say nothing, but they’ll feel a hidden inward pain as they remember how they deliberately disobeyed God’s will and suffered for it. They had to learn the hard way how to delight in the will of God.                                                                                                                                       或許有些人嘴上不說,但一想起自己故意違背神的旨意而受苦,內心就會感到隱隱的痛苦。他們必須透過艱苦的方式學習如何喜悅上帝的旨意。                                                                             No matter how we may feel personally about the topic, if we’re going to be skillful in life, we have to understand what God’s will is and how it works in our everyday experiences. In the book of Proverbs, Solomon shares with us the essentials for knowing, doing, and enjoying the will of God.                   無論我們個人對這個主題的感受如何,如果我們想要在生活中變得熟練,我們就必須了解神的旨意是什麼以及它如何在我們的日常經歷中發揮作用。在《箴言》中,所羅門與我們分享了認識、遵行和享受神的旨意的要點。                                                                                                         

1. Faith                                                                                                                                                        1. 信心                                                                                                                                                  “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths” (Prov. 3:5–6 nkjv). These two verses have encouraged believers everywhere in their quest for God’s guidance, and for those who have sincerely met the conditions, the promise has never failed. But when we say, “I’m trusting in the Lord,” what are we really affirming?                                                                                                                                「你要專心仰賴主,不可倚靠自己的悟性;在你一切所行的事上,當認定他,他必指引你的路」(箴 3:5-6 新欽定版)。這兩節經文鼓勵各地的信徒尋求神的引導,而對於那些真誠地滿足條件的人來說,這個應許從未落空。但當我們說「我信靠主」時,我們真正在確認什麼?                  That we belong to God. No unbeliever could honestly rest on the words of Proverbs 3:5–6. While a sovereign God can rule and overrule in the life of any person, saved or lost,1 it is clear that the life of the unsaved person is motivated and energized by the world, the flesh, and the devil (Eph. 2:1–3). Only a believer can have the guidance of the indwelling Holy Spirit or understand the teachings of the Scriptures, and only a believer would really want to understand and obey the will of God. 我們屬於上帝。沒有一個不信的人可以誠實地相信箴言 3:5-6 的話。雖然至高無上的上帝可以統治和統治任何人的生活,無論是得救的還是失喪的,1 很明顯,未得救的人的生活是受到世界、肉體和魔鬼的推動和推動的(以弗所書2 :1) –3).只有信徒才能得到內住聖靈的引導,或明白聖經的教訓,也只有信徒才會真正願意明白並順服神的旨意。                                                                                            That God has a plan for our lives. “Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails” (Prov. 19:21 niv). It is inconceivable that our loving heavenly Father would give His Son to die for us, and then abandon us to our own ways! We are not our own because we have been purchased by God (1 Cor. 6:19–20), so it’s reasonable that our Master should have a perfect plan for us to fulfill for His glory. Ephesians 2:10 assures us that the good works God wants us to accomplish have already been determined; in Philippians 2:12–13, God assures us that He works in us to accomplish His good pleasure. The talents we were born with (Ps. 139:13–18) and the gifts we received at conversion (1 Cor. 12:1–11) are brought together by the Holy Spirit so that we can do what God has called us to do.             上帝對我們的生活有一個計劃。 「人心多有計謀,惟有耶和華的旨意得勝」(箴 19:21 和合本)。難以想像的是,我們慈愛的天父會賜下祂的兒子為我們而死,然後卻拋棄我們,讓我們走自己的路!我們不是自己的人,因為我們是被神買來的(哥林多前書6:19-20),所以我們的主應該為我們制定一個完美的計劃來實現祂的榮耀,這是合理的。以弗所書 2:10 向我們保證,神要我們完成的善行已經確定了;在腓立比書 2 章 12-13 節中,神向我們保證,祂會在我們裡面動工,以成就祂的美意。我們與生俱來的才能(詩篇139:13-18)和我們歸信時所領受的恩賜(哥林多前書12:1-11)都由聖靈匯集在一起,以便我們能夠做上帝呼召我們去做的事去做。                                                                                                                                                                         That this plan is the best thing for us. How could a holy God will for His children anything less than His best, and how could a loving God plan anything that would harm us? We have no reason to fear the will of God, because His plans come from His heart. “The counsel of the Lord stands forever, the plans of His heart to all generations” (Ps. 33:11 nkjv). Unless we see the will of God as the expression of the love of God, we’ll resist it stubbornly, or do it grudgingly, instead of enjoying it. Faith in God’s love and wisdom will transform our attitude and make the will of God nourishment instead of punishment (John 4:34).                                                                                                                                        這個計劃對我們來說是最好的。聖潔的神怎麼可能為祂的孩子安排不最好的事?我們沒有理由害怕神的旨意,因為祂的計劃來自祂的心。 「耶和華的籌算永遠立定,祂心中的籌算萬代常存」(詩篇 33:11 NKJV)。除非我們將神的旨意視為神的愛的表達,否則我們就會頑固地抗拒它,或者勉強地去做,而不是享受它。對神的愛和智慧的信心會改變我們的態度,使神的旨意成為滋養而不是懲罰(約翰福音4:34)。                                                                                                      That the Father will reveal His will in His time. It’s through “faith and patience” that we receive what God promises (Heb. 6:12, 15), and it’s as dangerous to run ahead of the Lord as it is to stubbornly lag behind. “It is not good to have zeal without knowledge, nor to be hasty and miss the way” (Prov. 19:2 niv). “Be not like the horse or like the mule” (Ps. 32:9). The horse rushes ahead and the mule won’t budge, and both attitudes are wrong. Even the great apostle Paul didn’t always know exactly the way God was guiding, and he had to pause in his work and wait for divine direction (Acts 16:6–10). Our times are in His hand (Ps. 31:15), and the Father is always on schedule (John 11:6–10).                             天父會在祂的時間啟示祂的旨意。藉著“信心和忍耐”,我們才能領受神所應許的(來6:12, 15),跑在主前面和頑固落後一樣危險。 「熱心而無知識,急躁而迷失正路,這都是不好的」(箴 19:2 Niv)。 「不要像馬,也不要像騾子」(詩 32:9)。馬向前衝,騾子不動,這兩種態度都是錯的。即使是偉大的使徒保羅也不總是確切地知道神引導的方式,他不得不暫停他的工作並等待神的指示(使徒行傳16:6-10)。我們的時間掌握在祂的手中(詩篇 31:15),而天父總是按計劃行事(約翰福音 11:6-10)。

2. Commitment                                                                                                                                            2. 委身                                                                                                                                                  Knowing and obeying the will of God can’t be a halfhearted endeavor on our part, a hobby we indulge in when there’s an emergency or when we “feel like it.” God wants us to trust Him with all our heart and acknowledge Him in all our ways. Knowing and doing the will of God isn’t a “spiritual technique” that we use occasionally; it’s a committed lifestyle that involves everything we do.                                  認識並遵守神的旨意不能是我們三心二意的努力,也不能是我們在遇到緊急情況或「願意」時沉迷的愛好。神希望我們全心全意地信靠祂,並在我們一切的方式上承認祂。認識並遵行神的旨意並不是我們偶爾會使用的「靈修技巧」;這是一種專注的生活方式,涉及我們所做的一切。                                                                                                                                                                        Successful athletes make winning their full-time pursuit, and this shows up in the way they eat, sleep, exercise, and relate to their coaches and teammates. The word for this is commitment, and commitment involves obedience. “He who scorns instruction will pay for it, but he who respects a command is rewarded” (Prov. 13:13 niv).                                                                                                             成功的運動員將勝利作為他們的全職追求,這體現在他們的飲食、睡眠、鍛鍊以及與教練和隊友的關係中。這個字就是承諾,而承諾就意味著服從。 「藐視訓誨的,必自受報應;遵守誡命的,必得善報」(箴 13:13 新國際版)。                                                                                                  In the book of Proverbs, the wise father repeatedly gives his son loving calls to obedience. “My son, do not forget my law, but let your heart keep my commands” (3:1 nkjv). “My son, keep your father’s command, and do not forsake the law of your mother” (6:20 nkjv). “My son, keep my words, and treasure my commands within you” (7:1 nkjv). The will of God isn’t a curiosity for us to study, it’s a command for us to obey; God isn’t obligated to reveal His will unless we’re willing to do it. “If anyone wants to do His will, he shall know concerning the doctrine, whether it is from God or whether I speak on My own authority” (John 7:17 nkjv). As F. W. Robertson said, “Obedience is the organ of spiritual knowledge.”                                                                                                                                             在《箴言》中,明智的父親不斷地慈愛地呼籲兒子服從。 「我兒,不要忘記我的律法,只要你心遵守我的命令」(3:1 新欽定版)。 「我兒,你要謹守你父親的誡命,不可離棄你母親的律法」(6:20 新欽定版)。 「我兒,你要遵守我的話語,將我的命令珍藏在你心裡」          (7:1 新欽定版)。上帝的旨意不是讓我們研究的好奇心,而是讓我們服從的命令;祂沒有義務顯明祂的旨意,除非我們願意這樣做。 「人若立志遵行祂的旨意,就必曉得這教訓或是出於上帝,或是我憑著自己說的」(約翰福音 7:17 新欽定版)。正如F.W.羅伯遜(F. W. Robertson)所說:“服從是屬靈知識的器官。”                                                                                                                       This commitment is spelled out in Romans 12:1–2, another familiar passage about the will of God. Before I can “prove by experience” what God’s will is, and discover that His will is “good, pleasing and perfect” (niv), I must give Him my body, my mind, and my will, a total commitment of my total being. This is a once-for-all presentation, but it needs to be renewed daily as we meet with the Lord in worship and prayer.                                                                                                                                                              這項承諾在羅馬書 12 章 1-2 節中有詳細闡述,這是另一段關於上帝旨意的熟悉經文。在我能「用經驗證明」神的旨意是什麼,並發現祂的旨意是「良善、可喜悅、完美」(新國際版)之前,我必須把我的身體、我的思想和我的意志交給他,將我全部的全部委身於他。這是一次性的介紹,但當我們在敬拜和禱告中與主相遇時,它需要每天更新。                                                       A pastor friend of mine once said to me, “There are too many ‘cafeteria Christians’ in our congregation. Instead of letting God plan the whole meal and accepting it, they pick and choose what they want, and they miss the best dishes He fixes for them!” God wants all of our heart, and He expects us to obey all of His will in all of our ways. If Jesus Christ gave His all for us, how can we do less than give our all to Him?                                                                                                                                              我的一位牧師朋友曾經對我說:「我們教會裡『自助餐廳的基督徒』太多了。他們沒有讓上帝計劃並接受整頓飯,而是挑選自己想要的東西,他們錯過了上帝為他們準備的最好的菜餚! ”神要我們全心全意,祂希望我們在一切道路上遵守祂的旨意。如果耶穌基督為我們付出了一切,我們怎麼能不把自己的一切奉獻給祂呢?                                                                                             The Hebrew word translated “acknowledge” in Proverbs 3:6 carries with it the idea of intimate communion and is used to describe the marriage relationship (Gen. 4:1; 19:8). Whenever I find myself distant from my Father, then I know that I’ve allowed something to enter my life that is not in the sphere of His will. Since the will of God comes from the heart of God, it ought to draw my heart closer to Him.                                                                                                                                                                    箴言 3:6 翻譯為「承認」的希伯來文有親密溝通的意思,用來描述婚姻關係(創 4:1;19:8)。每當我發現自己與天父疏遠時,我就知道我已經允許一些不屬於祂旨意範圍的東西進入我的生活。神的旨意既然是從神的心來的,就該讓我的心更接近神。                                                                                    

3. Instruction                                                                                                                                                3. 教導                                                                                                                                                        “A wise son heeds his father’s instruction” (Prov. 13:1 niv). “Take firm hold of instruction, do not let go; keep her, for she is your life” (4:13 nkjv). “Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser: teach a just man, and he will increase in learning” (9:9).                                                                        「智慧子聽從父親的教訓」(箴 13:1 Niv)。 「牢牢把握教誨,不鬆懈;保守她,因為她是你的生命」(4:13 NKJV)。 「教導智慧人,他就更有智慧;教導義人,他的學問就增長」(9:9)。                                                                                                                                                                In order to “trust in the Lord,” we must have His Word to instruct us, because “faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Rom. 10:17 nkjv). Scripture is “the word of faith” (Rom. 10:8) that generates and nourishes faith in our hearts, and we can depend on His Word. “Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him” (Prov. 30:5 nkjv; see 22:17–21).                        為了“信靠主”,我們必須有他的話語來指導我們,因為“信道是從聽道來的,聽道是從基督的話來的”(羅馬書 10:17 NKJV)。聖經是「信心的道」(羅馬書10:8),它在我們心中產生並滋養信心,我們可以依靠祂的話語。 「神的話句句都是純正的;祂是信靠祂的人的盾牌」(箴 30:5 NKJV;參閱 22:17-21)。                                                                                                                  To deliberately act apart from the instruction of the Scriptures is to rebel against the revealed will of God. “He who despises the word will be destroyed, but he who fears the commandment will be rewarded” (13:13 nkjv; see 19:16). To ignore the Word of God is to deprive ourselves of the guidance we need for making the decisions of life. “Stop listening to instruction, my son, and you will stray from the words of knowledge” (19:27 niv).                                                                                                                   故意違背聖經的指示行事,就是違背神所啟示的旨意。 「藐視訓言的,必滅亡;敬畏誡命的,必蒙福報」(13:13 NKJV;參 19:16)。忽視神的話語就是剝奪我們自己做出人生決定所需的指引。 「我兒,別再聽教誨了,你就會偏離知識的言語」(19:27 新國際版)。                                 Most of the situations, opportunities, and decisions the average person encounters in life are already dealt with in the Word of God. Consult a topical index to the Bible, or even to the book of Proverbs, and you’ll see how thoroughly Scripture deals with the practical affairs of life. Of course, we can’t expect the Bible to specifically tell us the name of the person we should marry, which job we should accept, what car we should buy, or where to spend our vacation, but if we’re saturated with God’s wisdom and sincerely seeking His will, we’ll be ready for Him to guide us by His Spirit and the providential circumstances of life.  一般人在生活中遇到的大多數情況、機會和決定都已經在神的話語中得到了解決。查閱聖經的主題索引,甚至箴言書,你會看到聖經如何徹底地處理生活中的實際事務。當然,我們不能指望聖經具體告訴我們應該結婚的人的名字,我們應該接受什麼工作,我們應該買什麼車,或者去哪裡度假,但是如果我們滿足的話憑藉上帝的智慧並真誠地尋求他的旨意,我們將準備好讓祂透過祂的靈和天意的生活環境來引導我們。                                       “A man’s steps are of the Lord; how then can a man understand his own way?” (20:24 nkjv) God overruled Joseph’s brothers’ envy and used their evil deeds to build Joseph’s faith and save Jacob’s family (Gen. 50:20). At the time, nobody could understand what the Lord was doing, but He was working out His perfect plan. In the school of faith, sometimes we don’t know what the lesson is until we’ve passed—or failed— the examination!                                                                                                       「人的腳步為耶和華;那麼一個人如何能夠了解自己的道路呢? (20:24 NNKJV) 上帝消除了約瑟兄弟的嫉妒,並利用他們的惡行來建立約瑟的信心並拯救雅各的家人(創世記 50:20)。當時,沒有人能明白主在做什麼,但祂正在製定祂完美的計劃。在信仰的學校裡,有時我們不知道課程是什麼,直到我們通過或未通過考試!                                                                                                When we studied Proverbs 1—4, we learned that it is necessary for us to apply ourselves to God’s Word if we hope to receive His instruction. According to Proverbs 2:1–4, our responsibility is to receive the Word, treasure it, listen to it, apply our heart to it, cry out for it, and search for it the way a miner searches for treasure; then we will “understand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God” (2:5 nkjv).                                                                                                                                                               當我們研讀箴言 1-4 章時,我們了解到,如果我們希望接受上帝的指示,就必須將自己應用在上帝的話語中。根據箴言 2:1-4,我們的責任是接受神的話語,珍惜它,聆聽它,用心聆聽它,呼求它,並像礦工尋找寶藏一樣尋找它;那麼我們就會「明白敬畏耶和華,認識上帝」(2:5 NKJV)。                                                                                                                                                   Reading and meditating on God’s Word ought to be a daily habit with us. “Blessed is the man who listens to me,” says Wisdom, “watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors” (8:34 nkjv). If you want your faith and spiritual discernment to mature, there’s no substitute for the disciplined, systematic reading of the whole Word of God. “Wise people store up knowledge” (10:14 nkjv), because you never know when you’ll need some truth from the Bible to help you overcome a temptation or make a decision.                                                                                                                                                      閱讀和默想上帝的話語應該成為我們每天的習慣。智慧說:「聽從我的人,每天在我的門前警醒,在我的門柱處等候的人是有福的」(8:34 NKJV)。如果你想讓你的信仰和屬靈洞察力成熟,有紀律、有系統地閱讀整本神的話語是無可取代的。 「智慧人積蓄知識」(10:14 NNKJV),因為你永遠不知道什麼時候需要聖經中的一些真理來幫助你克服誘惑或做出決定。             But there’s another factor involved, and that’s prayer, because the Word of God and prayer go together (John 15:7; Acts 6:4; Eph. 6:17–18). “If anyone turns a deaf ear to the law, even his prayers are detestable” (Prov. 28:9 niv; see 15:8). The word translated “law” in this verse is torah, which means “instruction.” If I won’t listen to God’s instruction, why should God listen to my petition?                                  但還有另一個因素,那就是禱告,因為神的話語和禱告是相輔相成的(約翰福音 15:7;使徒行傳 6:4;以弗所書 6:17-18)。 「若有人聽從律法,他的祈禱也為可憎」(箴 28:9 和合本;參閱 15:8)。這節經文翻譯為「律法」的字是妥拉(torah),意思是「教導」。如果我不聽從神的吩咐,為什麼神要聽我的祈求呢?                                                                                                           

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