931 英翻中 (631) God hates the heart that devises wicked schemes. 上帝憎惡設計邪惡計劃的心. 12/11/2024
A heart that devises wicked schemes (niv) is hateful to God because it’s a misuse of the great gift of imagination that He has given us. (See Gen. 6:5; 8:21; Jer. 23:17; Rom. 1:21.) The imagination is the “womb” out of which either evil or good is born. People who can plan evil things that hurt others can also plan good things that will help others. The imagination needs to be cleansed and kept pure before God so He can use it in His service. Only God can change the sinful heart (Jer. 31:33–34; Heb. 10:14–18; Ps. 51:10), and God’s people must take care to guard their hearts against evil (Prov. 4:23). 設計邪惡計劃(新國際版)的心是上帝所憎惡的,因為它濫用了上帝賦予我們的偉大想像力。 (參考 創世記 6:5;8:21;耶利米書 23:17;羅馬書 1:21。)想像是惡或善誕生的「子宮」。能夠策劃傷害他人的惡事的人,也能夠策劃幫助他人的善事。想像力需要在神面前得到淨化和保持純潔,這樣上帝才能在祂的服務中使用它。只有上帝才能改變罪惡的心(耶利米書31:33-34;希伯來書10:14-18;詩篇51:10),祂的子民必須小心保守自己的心免受邪惡的侵害(箴言4:23) 。 Sinners have feet that are swift in running to mischief [evil] because they want to fulfill their schemes quickly and enjoy their pleasures immediately. God’s people should have cleansed feet (John 13:1–17; 1 John 1:9), beautiful feet (Rom. 10:14–15), prepared feet (Eph. 6:15), and obedient feet (Gen. 13:17; Josh. 1:3; 3:15). If we do, we’ll bring blessing. But the wicked use their feet to get involved in sin: meddling as busybodies (2 Thess. 3:11; 1 Tim. 5:13), tempting others into sin (Prov. 5:5; 7:11), and breaking God’s laws (1:10–16). If the saints were “on their feet” and as eager to obey the Lord as sinners are to disobey, the lost world would soon be evangelized! 罪人的腳步很快就會走向惡作劇(邪惡),因為他們想迅速實現他們的計劃並立即享受他們的快樂。神的子民應該有潔淨的腳(約翰福音13:1-17;約翰一書1:9)、美麗的腳(羅馬書10:14-15)、預備好的腳(弗 6: 15)和順服的腳(創 13 :17; 書 1:3);如果我們這樣做,我們就會帶來祝福。但惡人卻用自己的腳涉足罪孽:好管閒事(帖後 3:11;提前 5:13),引誘他人犯罪(箴 5:5;7:11),破壞上帝的旨意。 10-16)。如果聖徒們「站起來」並像罪人不服從一樣渴望服從主,失喪的世界很快就會得到福音! God has called His people to be witnesses to the truth (Acts 1:8), but the wicked person is a false witness who speaks lies. Bearing false witness is a violation of the ninth commandment (Ex. 20:16). Without truth, things start to fall apart; when people “lie officially,” the foundations of society begin to crumble. Whether it’s a statement from a government official, a clause in a contract, a deposition in court, or a promise at the marriage altar, truth cannot be violated without society ultimately suffering. The British poet John Dryden wrote, “Truth is the foundation of all knowledge and the cement of all societies.” 上帝呼召祂的子民為真理作見證(使徒行傳 1:8),但惡人卻是說謊話的假見證。作假見證是違反第九誡的行為(出 20:16)。沒有真相,事情就開始分崩離析;當人們「正式撒謊」時,社會的基礎就開始崩潰。無論是政府官員的聲明、合約中的條款、法庭上的證詞,或是婚姻祭壇上的承諾,只要違背真理,社會最終都會受到損失。英國詩人約翰·德萊頓寫道:“真理是所有知識的基礎,也是所有社會的水泥。” The last of the seven sins that God hates is sowing discord among brethren. “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity” (Ps. 133:1). The wicked person destroys that unity by sowing “seeds” that produce a bitter and divisive harvest. Some of these seeds are: pride (Prov. 13:10; see 3 John 9–10), gossip (Prov. 16:28; 17:9; 18:8; 26:20), anger and hatred (10:12; 15:18; 29:22), a quarrelsome spirit (17:14, 19; 25:8; 26:21), and foolish questions (1 Tim. 6:3–5; 2 Tim. 2:14, 23). 上帝所恨惡的七罪中的最後一項,就是在弟兄間散播不和的種子。 「看哪,弟兄和睦同居,是何等的善,何等的喜樂」(詩 133:1)。惡人透過播下「種子」來破壞這種團結,而這些「種子」會產生痛苦和分裂的收穫。其中一些種子是:驕傲(箴 13:10;參考約翰三書 9-10)、閒言碎語(箴言 16:28;17:9;18:8;26:20)、憤怒和仇恨(10:12) ; 15:18;29:22),好爭吵的精神(17:14, 19;25:8;26:21),以及愚蠢的問題(提摩太前書6:3-5;提後書2: 14, 23) )。 The truly godly person sows seeds of unity and peace, not seeds of division (James 3:17–18). Discord and division in the church are terrible sins because they are contrary to the spiritual unity that Jesus prayed for (John 17:21) and that the Spirit was given to produce in the body (Eph. 4:1–6). How can lost sinners ever believe that God loves them when God’s children don’t even love one another? 真正敬虔上帝的人,播撒團結與和平的種子,而不是分裂的種子(雅各書3:17-18)。教會中的不和和分裂是可怕的罪,因為它們違背了耶穌所祈求的屬靈合一(約翰福音17:21),以及聖靈被賜下在信徒身體裡產生的屬靈合一(弗 4:1-6) 。當上帝的兒女彼此不相愛時,失喪的罪人怎麼可能相信祂愛他們呢? All it takes is one stubborn troublemaker to wreck the unity in a family, a Bible study group, or a church. “Drive out the mocker, and out goes strife; quarrels and insults are ended” (Prov. 22:10 niv). In one of the churches I pastored, we had such a man. When the Lord finally removed him, the new atmosphere in the fellowship was exhilarating. Official meetings that used to consume hours were considerably shortened, and there was a new freedom in discussion and decision. 只需要一個頑固的麻煩製造者就能破壞家庭、聖經學習小組或教會的團結。 「趕走褻慢人,紛爭就出去;爭吵和辱罵都止息了」(箴 22:10 新國際版)。在我所牧養的一間教會裡,就有這樣一個人。當主最終把他帶走時,團契中的新氣氛令人振奮。過去耗費時間的正式會議大大縮短,討論和決策有了新的自由。 It is enlightening to contrast this description of the wicked person with Christ’s description of the godly person in Matthew 5:1–16. Jesus begins with humility, “the poor in spirit” (Matt. 5:3), while Solomon starts with “a proud look” (Prov. 6:17). “When p ride comes, then comes shame; but with the humble is wisdom” (11:2). The seventh characteristic of the wicked is sowing discord among brethren, while the seventh beatitude is “Blessed are the peacemakers” (Matt. 5:9). 將馬太福音 5 章 1-16 節中基督對惡人的描述與基督對敬虔人的描述進行對比,是很有啟發性的。耶穌以謙卑開始,「虛心的人」(太 5:3),而所羅門以「驕傲的面容」開始(箴 6:17)。 「驕傲來了,恥辱也來了;謙卑的人卻有智慧(11:2)。惡人的第七個特徵是在弟兄之間散播不和,而第七福是「使人和睦的人有福了」(太5:9)。 There is a wisdom from above that brings peace and purity to God’s people, and there is a wisdom from beneath that brings strife and shame (James 3:13–18). There is a wisdom of this world that destroys the church and a wisdom from God that builds the church (1 Cor. 3:16–23). 有一種從上頭來的智慧,為上帝的子民帶來和平與純潔,也有一種從下頭來的智慧,帶來紛爭和羞辱(雅各書3:13-18)。有一種來自世界的智慧可以摧毀教會,也有一種來自神的智慧可以建造教會(哥林多前書 3:16-23)。 “To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, it is because there is no light in them” (Isa. 8:20 nkjv). 「以法律和證詞為準!他們所說的若不與這話相符,是因為他們心裡沒有光」(以賽亞書 8:20 新欽定版)。
Notes 註 1 1 Let me remind you that the book of Proverbs has a definite masculine focus because in the ancient Jewish society daughters usually weren’t educated for the affairs of life. Most of them were kept secluded and prepared for marriage and motherhood. For the most part, when you read “man” in Proverbs, interpret it generically and read “person,” whether male or female. Proverbs isn’t a sexist book, but it was written in the context of a strongly male-oriented society. 1 讓我提醒你,箴言書有明確的男性焦點,因為在古代猶太社會,女兒通常沒有受過 生活事務的教育。她們中的大多數人都處於與世隔絕的狀態,為結婚生子做好準備。 大多數情況下,當你讀《箴言》中的“人”時,一般性地解釋它並讀“人”,無論是男性還是女性。 《箴言》並不是一本性別歧視的書,但它是在一個強烈的男性主導社會背景下寫成的。 2 George Morrison, Sunrise: Addresses from a City Pulpit (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1903), 169–77. Kregel Publications has embarked on the project of reprinting all of George Morrison’s books, and I recommend them to you. He was a peerless preacher. 2 喬治‧莫里森,《日出:來自城市講壇的地址》(倫敦:Hodder 和 Stoughton, 1903 年),169-77。克雷格爾出版社已經著手重印喬治莫里森的所有書籍,我向您推薦它們。他是一位無與倫比的傳道者。 3 Some contemporary theology so emphasizes God’s love that it loses sight of the fact that God also hates. God has no pleasure in sin (P s. 5:4). Sin grieves the Father (Gen. 6:6), the Son (Mar 3:5), and the Spirit (Eph. 4:30). Love and hatred can exist in the same heart (see Ps. 97:10; Amos 5:14–15; Ps. 45:7; Rom. 12:9). If God’s people loved holiness more, they would hate sin more. God is love (1 John 4:8, 16), but He is also light (1 John 1:5) and a consuming fire (Heb. 12:29) 3 有些當代神學過度強調神的愛,卻忽略了神也恨的事實。神不喜悅罪(詩 5:4)。 罪使聖父(創 6:6)、聖子(可 3:5)和聖靈(弗 4:30)憂傷。愛與恨可以存在於同 一顆心(參考詩篇 97:10;阿摩司書 5:14-15;詩篇 45:7;羅 12:9)。如果上帝的子民更喜愛聖潔,他們就會更恨惡罪惡。神是愛(約翰一書 4:8, 16),但祂也是光(約翰一書 1:5)和烈火(希伯來書 12:29).
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