946英翻中(646)POPULAR SINS (DRUNKENNESS,GREED, PRIDE) . 流行罪(醉酒,貪婪,驕傲) 12/24/2024
CHAPTER TWELVE 第十二章 POPULAR SINS (DRUNKENNESS, DISRESPECT, ILLUSION, GREED, PRIDE) 流行罪(酗酒、不尊重、幻想、貪婪、驕傲) Thanks to worldwide media coverage and the constant pressure for higher program ratings, sin has become an important part of international entertainment. Evil activities that we ought to be weeping over are now sources of entertainment; they are vividly displayed on movie and TV screens and discussed in depth in newspapers and magazines. The all-seeing camera moves into the bedroom, the barroom, and the courtroom and enables excited viewers to enjoy sin vicariously. Movies and TV are instructing generation after generation of children how to ridicule virginity, laugh at sobriety, challenge authority, and reject honesty. Actors, actresses, and advertisers have convinced them that “having fun,” “feeling good,” and “getting away with it” are now the main goals in life. 由於全球媒體的報道和提高節目收視率的持續壓力,罪惡已成為國際娛樂的重要組成部分。本來應該為我們哭泣的邪惡行為,現在卻變成了娛樂的泉源;它們在影視螢幕上被生動地展示,在報紙雜誌上被深入討論。全視攝影機移入臥室、酒吧和法庭,讓興奮的觀眾享受罪惡的勝利。影視正在教導一代又一代的孩子如何嘲笑貞潔、嘲笑清醒、挑戰權威、拒絕誠實。男女演員和廣告商讓他們相信,「享受樂趣」、「感覺良好」和「擺脫困境」是現在生活的主要目標。 The book of Proverbs has something to say about popular sins that are weakening our homes, threatening the peace of our communities, and destroying lives. 箴言書中談到了一些有關流行的罪惡,它們正在削弱我們的家園,威脅我們社區的和平,並摧毀我們的生命。
1. Drunkenness 1.醉酒
Alcohol is a narcotic, not a food; Proverbs warns us about alcohol abuse. We need to heed that warning today. Paying for the tragic consequences of drug and alcohol abuse in the United States drains $200 billion annually out of the economy, which averages out to approximately $800 per citizen per year. About 50,000 people a year are killed by drunk drivers, and millions of work hours are lost because of alcohol-related absences and work accidents. The United States consumes 60 percent of the world’s illicit drugs (alcohol is a legal drug), and drug users spend $150 billion in the United States just on cocaine!1 酒精是一種麻醉劑,不是食物;箴言警告我們不要酗酒。今天我們需要注意這個警告。在美國,為吸毒和酗酒造成的悲慘後果付出代價,每年要從經濟中消耗 2000 億美元,平均每個公民每年大約消耗 800 美元。每年約有 5 萬人被醉酒駕駛致死,數百萬工時間因酗酒缺勤和工作事故而損失。美國消費了全球 60% 的非法藥物(酒精是合法藥物),吸毒者在美國僅購買可卡因就花了 1500 億美元! Wine and Israel. Wine is mentioned nearly 150 times in the Old Testament. The people of Israel considered it a gift from God, along with oil and bread (Ps. 104:15). When Isaac blessed Jacob, he asked God to give him “the dew of heaven, and the fatness of the earth, and plenty of corn [grain] and wine” (Gen. 27:28; see also Deut. 7:13). However, milk and water, not wine, were the usual daily drinks at Jewish tables; like meat, wine was usually kept for special festive occasions. The Jews also had “strong drink,” which was brewed from fermented grain or fruit. 酒和以色列. 舊約聖經中提到酒近 150 次。以色列人認為它與油和麵包一樣是上帝的恩賜(詩篇 104:15)。當以撒祝福雅各時,他請求上帝賜給他「天上的甘露,地上的肥沃,並充足的五穀和酒」(創世記 27:28;另見申命記 7:13)。然而,猶太人餐桌上的日常飲料是牛奶和水,而不是酒。和肉一樣,酒通常是在特殊的節日場合保存的。猶太人也有“烈酒”,是用發酵的穀物或水果釀造的。 While drunkenness is condemned by the law and the prophets,2 the use of wine was not forbidden, except to priests serving in the holy precincts (Lev. 10:8–10) and to people under a Nazarite vow (Num. 6:1–12). Wine was used as a drink offering to the Lord (Ex. 29:38–41; Num. 15:1–15), and could be brought as part of the Jews’ tithes (Neh. 10:36–39), so wine itself wasn’t considered sinful. The problem was what wine did to people. The Old Testament doesn’t demand total abstinence, although certainly it recommends it.3 雖然醉酒受到法律和先知的譴責,2 但飲酒並沒有被禁止,除了在聖地供職的祭司(利 10:8-10)和拿細耳人許願的人(民 6:1)之外。 酒被用作獻給上帝的奠祭(出埃及記 29:38-41;民數記15:1-15),並且可以作為猶太人j十一奉獻的一部分(尼希米記10:36-39) ,因此酒本身並不被認為是有罪的。問題在於酒對人的影響。3 Wine and wisdom. “Wine is a mocker, intoxicating drink arouses brawling, and whoever is led astray by it is not wise” (Prov. 20:1 nkjv). This is the first of several passages in Proverbs that warn against what today we call “alcohol abuse.” Alcohol mocks people by creating in them a thirst for more while not satisfying that thirst. The more people drink, the less they enjoy it. The drinker becomes a drunk and then a brawler. In spite of what the slick advertising says about the charm of drink, it just isn’t a smart thing to do. As a Japanese proverb puts it, “First the man takes a drink; then the drink takes a drink; then the drink takes the man.” 舊約聖經並沒有要求完全禁慾,儘管它確實建議這樣做。 「酒能使人褻慢,醉酒使人爭吵;凡因酒而迷失的,就無智慧」(箴 20:1 新欽定版)。這是《箴言》中警告人們不要今天所謂的「酗酒」的幾段經文中的第一段。酒精會讓人產生對更多的渴求,卻無法滿足這種渴求,因而嘲笑了人們。人們喝得越多,就越不喜歡它。喝酒的人會變成酒鬼,然後變成鬥毆者。儘管華而不實的廣告宣傳了飲料的魅力,但這並不是明智之舉。正如日本諺語所說:「男先喝酒,然後喝酒引進喝酒」。然後飲料喝一杯;然後酒就帶走了人。 Alcohol also mocks people by giving them a false sense of happiness and strength, and this is what often leads to fights. The weakling thinks he’s a superman so he challenges anybody who gets in his way. The gradeschool dropout thinks he’s the wisest person in town and argues with anybody who disagrees with him. 酒也會嘲笑人們,給人們一種虛假的幸福感和力量感,而這往往會導致爭吵。弱者認為自己是超人,所以他挑戰任何阻礙他的人。這位小學輟學生認為自己是鎮上最聰明的人,並與任何不同意他觀點的人爭論。 As I was writing this chapter, I read an item in the newspaper that illustrates my point. According to the Associated Press, a British charter plane had to make an emergency landing in Munich because a drunken passenger slugged his girlfriend and started brawling with other passengers. German police had to handcuff the man and drag him off the plane. After sobering up in an airport security cell, the man discovered that the airport had charged him $3,000 for the emergency landing and extra jet fuel. Those were expensive drinks!4 當我寫本章時,我讀到報紙上的一篇文章說明了我的觀點。根據美聯社報道,一架英國包機不得不緊急降落在慕尼黑,因為一名醉酒乘客毆打女友並開始與其他乘客鬥毆。德國警方不得不給這名男子戴上手銬,並將他拖下飛機。在機場安檢室清醒過來後,男子發現機場向他收取了 3,000 美元的緊急降落費和額外的燃油費。這些都是昂貴的飲料!4 Addiction to alcohol can lead to poverty (21:17), so it’s wise to stay away from the people who encourage you to drink (23:20–21). Proverbs 23:29–35 is the most vivid description of the tragic consequences of drunkenness you will find anywhere in Scripture,5 including delirium, sorrow, strife, bruises, and bloodshot eyes;6 “and in the end it bites like a snake and poisons like a viper” (23:32 niv). You’d think that after having this frightening experience, the drinker would want to become a total abstainer for life, but alas, he’s a slave! “When will I wake up so I can find another drink?” (v. 35 niv). 酗酒會導致貧窮(21:17),所以明智的做法是遠離鼓勵你喝酒的人(23:20-21)。箴言23:29-35 是對醉酒悲慘後果的最生動的描述,你可以在聖經中的任何地方找到它,5包括譫妄、悲傷、衝突、瘀傷和眼睛充血;「箴言23:29-35 是對醉酒悲慘後果的最生動的描述,你可以在聖經中的任何地方找到它,5包括譫妄、悲傷、衝突、瘀傷和眼睛充血;6「最後它像被咬的人一樣咬人。你可能會認為,在經歷了這種可怕的經歷之後,飲酒者會想成為終身戒酒者,但可惜的是,他是個奴隸! “我什麼時候才能醒來,以便再找到一杯飲料?” (第 35 節)。 Alcohol and civic responsibilities don’t mix, according to Proverbs 31:1–9;7 yet the alcohol flows freely under capitol domes and at embassies. A resident of Washington, D.C., said to me, “There are three parties in this city: the Republican Party, the Democratic Party, and the cocktail party.” 根據《箴言》31:1-9;7,酒和公民責任並不混在一起,但酒卻在國會大廈圓頂下和大使館內自由流動。華盛頓特區的一位居民對我說:“這個城市有三個政黨:共和黨、民主黨和雞尾酒會。” King Lemuel’s mother warned him to stay away from wine so that he would be capable of serving others. “Woe to you, O land, when your king is a child, and your princes feast in the morning! Blessed are you, O land, when your king is the son of nobles, and your princes feast at the proper time—for strength and not for drunkenness” (Eccl. 10:16–17 nkjv; see Hos. 7:5). “Woe to those who are heroes at drinking wine and champions at mixing drinks, who acquit the guilty for a bribe, but deny justice to the innocent” (Isa. 5:22 niv). That’s what the queen mother was warning her son to avoid. 雷米爾國王的母親警告他要遠離酒,這樣他才有能力為他人服務。 「土地啊,你有禍了,當你的國王還是個孩子,而你的王子們在早上吃晚餐的時候!土地啊,當你的君王是貴族之子,你的王子們在適當的時候盛宴時,你是有福的——是為了力量,而不是為了醉酒”(傳道書10:16-17 nkjv;見何7 :5)。 「那些喝酒的英雄和調酒的勇士有禍了,他們因受賄而宣義」(以賽亞書 5:22 Niv)。這就是太后警告她的兒子要避免的事情。 Proverbs 31:6–7 seems to suggest that there are times when wine should be used to help people, such as encouraging the dying or comforting the suffering so they can forget their troubles. I think verses 6–7 are spoken in irony and not as a commandment, because nobody’s problems are solved by forgetting them, and who wants to spend his or her last minutes of life on earth drunk? When Jesus faced death on the cross, He refused to accept the wine sedative that was offered Him (Matt. 27:33–34). If it’s wrong for the king to drink wine because it prevents him from helping people, then it’s wrong for needy people to drink wine because it prevents them from helping themselves! The dying person needs help in preparing to meet God, and the suffering person needs help in solving life’s problems; drinking alcohol will accomplish neither one.8 箴言 31:6-7 似乎表明,有時酒應該用來幫助人們,例如鼓勵臨終者或安慰受苦者,以便他們忘記煩惱。我認為第 6 至 7 節是諷刺性的,而不是作為誡命,因為沒有人的問題是透過忘記它們來解決的,誰願意在地球上喝醉度過生命的最後幾分鐘呢?當耶穌在十字架上面臨死亡時,祂拒絕接受提供給祂的鎮定酒(太 27:33-34)。如果國王喝酒是錯的,因為這會妨礙他幫助人民,那麼窮人喝酒也是錯的,因為這會阻止他們幫助自己!垂死的人需要幫助來準備與上帝會面,受苦的人需要幫助來解決生活中的問題; 8 We help people, not by deadening them to their problems and pains, but by encouraging them to trust the Lord and lean on His Word. We certainly must stand up for the oppressed (Prov. 31:8–9), but they also need to be in shape to stand up for themselves, something alcohol won’t supply. 我們幫助人們,不是讓他們對問題和痛苦麻木不仁,而是鼓勵他們相信主並依靠祂的話語。我們當然必須為受壓迫的人挺身而出(箴言 31:8-9),但他們也需要保持健康,才能為自己挺身而出,這是酒精無法提供的。 Wine and today’s believer. The New Testament clearly warns today’s Christians about the sin of drunkenness. “Let us walk properly, as in the day, not in revelry and drunkenness, not in lewdness and lust, not in strife and envy” (Rom. 13:13 nkjv; see 1 Thess. 5:7; Luke 21:34). Galatians 5:21 names drunkenness as one of the works of the flesh, and 1 Peter 2:11 admonishes us to “abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul.” 葡萄酒和今天的信徒。新約聖經明確警告今天的基督徒要提防醉酒的罪。 「我們行事為人就當端正,如同在白日一樣,不可荒宴醉酒,不可邪淫邪情,不可爭競嫉妒」(羅馬書 13:13 NKJV;參考帖前 5:7;路 21:34) 。加拉太書 5:21 將醉酒列為肉體的行為之一,彼得前書 2:11 勸告我們「要禁戒那與靈魂相爭的肉體的私慾」。 Passages like Romans 14:1—15:13 and 1 Corinthians 8–10 instruct us to (1) receive other Christians and not make differences about diets and special days a test of fellowship or spirituality; (2) avoid being a stumbling block to others; (3) seek to build one another up in Christian maturity; and (4) avoid being obstinate and defensive about our own personal convictions so that they become a cause of disunity in the church. Christians with a weak conscience stumble easily and need to be built up, but stronger Christians are sometimes quick to criticize and look down on others. Both groups need love, patience, and the help of the Spirit. 羅馬書 14:1-15:13 和哥林多前書 8-10 等經文指示我們 (1) 接待其他基督徒,不要以飲食和特殊日子的差異來考驗團契或靈性; (2)避免成為他人的絆腳石; (3) 尋求在基督徒的成熟上彼此建立; (4) 避免對自己的個人信念表現出固執和防禦,以免成為教會不合的原因。良心軟弱的基督徒很容易跌倒,需要被建造,但更強壯的基督徒有時很快就會批評和看不起別人。這兩個群體都需要愛、耐心和聖靈的幫助。 My wife and I have traveled enough to know that there’s such a thing among God’s people as “cultural Christianity.” Practices that are acceptable in one place may be classified as sins in another place, and this includes the use of alcohol as a beverage. Christians everywhere should deplore drunkenness, but not all of us agree on total abstinence or even on what “moderation” is. 我和妻子去過很多地方,知道上帝的子民中有一種叫做「文化基督教」的東西。在一個地方可以接受的做法在另一個地方可能被歸類為罪惡,其中包括使用酒精作為飲料。世界各地的基督徒都應該譴責酗酒,但並非所有人都同意完全禁酒,甚至不同意什麼是「節制」。 Our conviction is total abstinence, but we haven’t made it a test of fellowship or spirituality. As far as I know, we’ve never created problems ministering in different cultures, even in the homes of people who disagreed with our views. Other Christians have respected us because we’ve respected them and tried to manifest Christian love. But by not using alcoholic beverages, my wife and I have not been tempted to get drunk; we’ve also been examples to believers who might stumble if we did drink. These two blessings are worth more to us than whatever pleasure there may be in drinking alcoholic beverages.9 我們的信念是完全禁慾,但我們並沒有把它當作對團契或靈性的考驗。就我所知,我們從來沒有在不同文化中施助時遇到問題,甚至是在那些不同意我們觀點的人家裡。其他基督徒尊重我們,因為我們尊重他們並試圖表達基督徒的愛。但由於不喝酒精飲料,我和妻子就沒有被誘惑喝醉。我們也為信徒樹立了榜樣,如果我們喝酒,他們可能會跌倒。對我們來說,這兩種祝福比飲用酒精飲料所帶來的任何樂趣更有價值。
2. Disrespect 2. 不尊重 “The eye that mocks his father, and scorns obedience to his mother, the ravens of the valley will pick it out, and the young eagles will eat it” (Prov. 30:17 nkjv). The child who looks at his or her parents with contempt and disrespect will one day be treated like an unburied corpse, and to be left unburied was a great reproach in Israel. As I read the newspapers and news magazines, I become more and more convinced that we’re living in the generation described in Proverbs 30:11–14 with its pride, greed, violence, and lack of appreciation for parents. 「那藐視父親、藐視母親的眼睛,山谷的烏鴉必啄食它,雛鷹必吃它」(箴 30:17 新欽定版)。以輕蔑和不尊重的態度看待父母的孩子有一天會被視為一具未埋葬的屍體,而不埋葬在以色列是一種極大的恥辱。當我閱讀報紙和新聞雜誌時,我越來越確信我們生活在箴言 30:11-14 所描述的世代,他們驕傲、貪婪、暴力,並且缺乏對父母的感激。 我們這些不得不計算的人 Disrespect for parents usually begins with disrespect for the Word of God that parents seek to teach to their children. “A fool despises his father’s instruction” (15:5). “He who despises the word will be destroyed, but he who fears the commandment will be rewarded” (13:13). Sometimes children go off to college or a university and get poisoned by ideas that are contrary to Scripture, and then they come home to tell everybody how stupid and old-fashioned their parents are. If children maintain this haughty attitude, they’ll eventually rob their parents (28:24), curse their parents (20:20), and bring shame to their parents (19:26). Under the old covenant, children who disobeyed their parents and broke the law were in danger of losing their lives. I’m not advocating that disrespect for parents be made a capital crime today, but passages like Deuteronomy 21:18–21 and Leviticus 20:9 show how seriously God takes the fifth commandment: “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you” (Ex. 20:12 nkjv; see Eph. 6:1–4). Children who don’t respect godly, loving parents aren’t likely to respect teachers, policemen, or any other authority symbol in society.
3. Illusion We live in a world of illusion, with people trying to impress each other. “One man pretends to be rich, yet has nothing; another pretends to be poor, yet has great wealth” (Prov. 13:7). Worth is measured by wealth, not by character and conduct; as long as people have money and fame, they’re considered important. To be “rich and famous” is the ambition of millions of people; until they reach that goal, they enjoy riches and fame vicariously as they follow the career of their favorite celebrity. Wise people believe God’s truth and live for reality and not for illusion. “The wisdom of the prudent is to give thought to their ways, but the folly of fools is deception” (14:8 niv). Some of the deceptive illusions people are foolishly clinging to today are
“There are no consequences, so do as you please.” “If it feels good, it is good.” “The important thing in life is to have fun.” “There are no absolutes.” (What about this statement?) “The older generation can’t teach you anything.” “Commitment is enslavement. Stay free.”
Those of us who have had to counsel disillusioned people, some of whom were contemplating suicide, know how damaging these lies can be in the human life. A life that’s built on lies is bound to be disappointing and will eventually fall apart. It’s only when we build on God’s truth that we can withstand the storms of life (Matt. 7:24–29). To trust Jesus Christ is to know reality, because He is the truth (John 14:6). To know and obey God’s Word is to know the truth (17:17), and to be empowered by the Holy Spirit is to experience truth (1 John 5:6). God is a God of truth, and those who know Him by faith have no desire to frolic in the senseless illusions of the world system (2:15–17).
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