Sunday, December 8, 2024

935 英翻中 (635) 道成肉身價(二) 上帝賜人出乎異外的平安. 15/12/2024 星期日

935 英翻中 (635)             道成肉身價(二)     上帝賜人出乎異外的平安.           15/12/2024 星期日

3. Sexual Sin Is Ultimately Deadly (Prov. 7)                                                                                                For the third time, Solomon calls the young person back to the Word of God (vv. 1–5), because keeping God’s commandments is a matter of life or death. The adulteress lives on a dead-end street: “Her house is the way to hell, going down to the chambers of death” (v. 27).                                                              3. 性犯罪最終是致命的(箴 7) 所羅門第三次呼籲年輕人回到神的話語上(1-5 節),因為遵守神的誡命事關生死。淫婦住在死巷裡:「她的家是通陰間的路,下到陰間」(27節)。 熟悉的短語「你的眼睛」(第2節)指的是眼睛的瞳孔,古人認為它是一個像蘋果一樣的球體。我們保護我們的眼睛,因為箴言 1068 它們對我們很有價值,因此我們應該透過遵守神的話語來尊重和保護它。性犯罪常常始於不守紀律的眼睛和手(太5:27-30),但問題的核心是…心(箴7:2-3)。如果我們像愛家人一樣愛神的智慧,我們就不會想去妓女的家。 本章生動地描述了一個天真的年輕人落入姦婦陷阱的故事。請注意導致他毀滅的步驟                                                                                    The familiar phrase “apple of your eye” (v. 2) refers to the pupil of the eye, which the ancients thought was a sphere like an apple. We protect our eyes because Proverbs 1068 they’re valuable to us, and so should we honor and protect God’s Word by obeying it. Sexual sin often begins with undisciplined eyes and hands (Matt. 5:27–30), but the heart of the problem is … the heart (Prov. 7:2–3). If we love God’s wisdom as we love those in our family, we wouldn’t want to visit the house of the harlot.                                                                                                                                                                      熟悉的短語「你的眼睛」(第2節)指的是眼睛的瞳孔,古人認為它是一個像蘋果一樣的球體。我們保護我們的眼睛,因為箴言 1068 它們對我們很有價值,因此我們應該透過遵守神的話語來尊重和保護它。性犯罪常常始於不守紀律的眼睛和手(太5:27-30),但問題的核心是…心(箴7:2-3)。如果我們像愛家人一樣愛神的智慧,我們就不會想去妓女的家。 本章生動地描述了一個天真的年輕人落入姦婦陷阱的故事。請注意導致他毀滅的步驟                                                                                                           This chapter vividly describes a naive young man who falls into the trap of the adulteress. Note the steps that lead to his destruction.                                                                                                                    本章生動地描述了一個天真的年輕人落入姦婦陷阱的故事。請注意導致他毀滅的步驟。              He tempts himself (vv. 6–9). You get the impression that this young man is either terribly dumb or very proud, convinced that he can play with sin and get away with it. But he’s only tempting himself and heading for trouble. To begin with, he’s out at night (“walking in darkness,” see 2:13; John 3:19–21; 1 John 1:5–7), and he’s deliberately walking near the place of temptation and danger. He didn’t heed the wise counsel of the Lord: “Remove your way far from her, and do not go near the door of her house” (5:8 nkjv). God’s Word wasn’t controlling his feet (3:26; 4:27).                                                              他試探自己(6-9節)。你會覺得這個年輕人要么非常愚蠢,要么非常驕傲,堅信自己可以玩弄罪惡並逃脫懲罰。但他只是在引誘自己,自尋煩惱。首先,他在夜間外出(“在黑暗中行走”,見2:13;約翰福音3:19-21;約翰一書1:5-7),他故意走近充滿誘惑和危險的地方。他沒有聽從主明智的勸告:「遠離她,不要靠近她的家門」(5:8 NKJV)。神的話沒有控制祂的腳(3:26;4:27)。                                                                                                                                                  During more than forty years of ministry, I’ve listened to many sad stories from people who have indulged in sexual sin and suffered greatly; in almost every instance, the people deliberately put themselves into the place of temptation and danger. Unlike Job, they didn’t make “a covenant with [their] eyes not to look lustfully at a girl” (Job 31:1 niv), nor did they follow the example of Joseph and flee from temptation (Gen. 39:7ff.; 2 Tim. 2:22). We can’t help being tempted, but we can certainly help tempting ourselves. 在四十多年的事工中,我聽過許多沉迷於性犯罪、遭受巨大痛苦的人們的悲傷故事;幾乎在每一個例子中,人們都故意將自己置於充滿誘惑和危險的境地。與約伯不同,他們沒有「與[他們的]眼睛立約,不看女子起淫念」(約伯記 31:1 Niv),也沒有效法約瑟的榜樣,逃避誘惑(創 39:7ff) . ; 2 提姆2:22)。我們無法抗拒誘惑,但當然可以控制自己。               He is tempted by the woman (vv. 10–20). Like the deadly spider in the web, the woman was watching at the window, ready to pounce on her prey. She was a man’s wife, but when he was out of town, she dressed like a prostitute so she could attract the men who were searching for her services (Gen. 38:14–15; Ezek. 16:16). While her husband was away, she saw no reason why she shouldn’t make some money and enjoy herself at the same time. She’d been in the streets, looking for victims (Prov. 7:11–12), but now one was coming right to her door!                                                                               他受女人的​​試探(10-20節)。就像網路上致命的蜘蛛一樣,女人站在窗外,準備撲向她的獵物。她是個男人的妻子,但當他出城時,她穿得像個妓女,這樣她就可以吸引那些尋求她服務的男人(創世記 38:14-15;以西結書 16:16)。當她丈夫不在的時候,她覺得自己沒有理由不一邊賺錢一邊享受生活。她一直在街上尋找受害者(箴言 7:11-12),但現在有人徑直來到她家門口!                                                                                                                                                                 She caught him (Gen. 39:12), kissed him (Prov. 5:3), and convinced him that it was an opportune time for him to visit her. Before leaving town, her husband had gone with her to the temple where he’d sacrificed a peace offering (Lev. 7:11–21), and she had some of the meat at home. She would prepare him a feast that he would never forget. “This is the way of an adulterous woman: She eats and wipes her mouth, and says, ‘I have done no wickedness’” (Prov. 30:20 nkjv).                                                               她抓住了他(創世記 39:12),親吻了他(箴言 5:3),並讓他相信現在正是拜訪她的好時機。在離開城鎮之前,她的丈夫和她一起去了聖殿,在那裡獻了平安祭(利 7:11-21),她在家裡吃了一些肉。她將為他準備一頓他永遠不會忘記的盛宴。 「淫婦所行的就是這樣:她吃了,就擦嘴,說:『我沒有行惡』」(箴 30:20 NKJV)。                                                                                 She appeals to the young man’s male ego as she flatters him and makes him think he’s very special to her. What she’s offering to him she would never offer to anyone else! She appeals to his imagination as she describes her beautiful bed and the expensive spices that perfume it. She assures him that nobody will find out about it (except that somebody’s watching, 7:6) and that her husband won’t be home for many days. They have plenty of time to enjoy themselves.                                                    當她奉承年輕人並讓他認為自己對她來說非常特別時,她迎合了年輕人的男性自我。她給他的東西,她絕對不會給別人!當她描述她美麗的床和床上的昂貴香料時,她激發了他的想像。她向他保證,沒有人會發現這件事(除了有人在監視,7:6),而且她的丈夫很多天都不會回家。他們有充足的時間去享受。                                                                                                                   He tempts the Lord (vv. 21–27). When we pray, “Lead us not into temptation” (Matt. 6:13), we know that God doesn’t tempt us (James 1:13–16); yet we may tempt ourselves, tempt others, and even tempt God (Ex. 17:1–7; Num. 14:22; Deut. 6:16; Ps. 78:18, 56; 1 Cor. 10:9). We tempt God when we deliberately disobey Him and put ourselves into situations so difficult that only God can deliver us. It’s as though we “dare Him” to do something.                                                                                                          祂試探主(21-27節)。 當我們禱告「不要讓我們遇見試探」(太 6:13)時,我們就知道神不會試探我們(雅各書 1:13-16);然而,我們可能會試探自己,試探別人,甚至試探神(出埃及記17:1-7;民數記14:22;申命記6:16;詩篇78:18, 56;林前10:9 )。當我們故意不順服上帝,讓自己陷入只有上帝才能拯救我們的困境時,我們就是在試探上帝。就好像我們「挑戰他」去做某事。                                                                                                                                                  The youth made a sudden decision to follow the woman, and when he did, he began to act like an animal. He was no longer a young man, made in the image of God, but an ox going to the slaughter or a bird walking into the trap. Human beings are the only creatures in God’s creation who can choose what kind of creatures they want to be. God wants us to be sheep (Ps. 23:1; John 10; 1 Peter 2:25), but there are other options, such as horses or mules (Ps. 32:9), or even hogs and dogs (2 Peter 2:22). When we live outside the will of God, we lose our privileges as human beings made in His divine image.                      青年突然決定跟隨女人,而當他這樣做時,他的行為就開始像動物一樣。他不再是按照上帝形象所造的年輕人,而是一頭即將被宰殺的牛,或是一隻落入陷阱的鳥。人類是上帝創造中唯一可以選擇自己想成為什麼樣的生物的生物。神希望我們成為羊(詩篇 23:1;約翰福音 10;彼前書 2:25),但還有其他選擇,例如馬或騾子(詩篇 32:9),甚至豬和狗(彼後書2: 22)。當我們活在神的旨意之外時,我們就失去了按照祂神聖形象所造的人類的特權。                                    By going to her house, her table, and her bed, the young man willfully disobeyed God’s law, but the Lord didn’t intervene. He allowed the youth to indulge in his sensual appetites and suffer the consequences. God could have stopped him, but He didn’t, because the Word says, “You shall not tempt [put to the test] the Lord your God” (Matt. 4:7; Deut. 6:16). If instead of tempting the Lord, the youth had looked up to the Lord and remembered His Word (Prov. 7:24), looked within and kept his heart focused on God’s truth (v. 25), and looked ahead to see the terrible consequences of his sin (vv. 26–27), he would have turned around and fled from the harlot’s clutches.                                                          這個年輕人走進她的家、她的餐桌、她的床,故意違反了上帝的律法,但主並沒有介入。他讓年輕人放縱情慾,並承受後果。神本來可以阻止他,但他沒有這樣做,因為聖經說:「不可試探[試探]主你的神」(太 4:7;申 6:16)。如果年輕人沒有試探主,而是仰望主並記住祂的話語(箴 7:24),省察自己的內心並專注於神的真理(25 節),並向前看,看到可怕的事情。如果他犯了罪(26-27節),他就會轉身逃離妓女的魔爪。                                                                 Society today not only smiles at sexual sin, it actually approves it and encourages it. Perversions the very mention of which would have shocked people fifty years ago are openly discussed today and are even made the subject of novels, movies, and TV dramas. What Paul saw in his day and described in Romans 1:18–32 is now apparent in our own day, but people resent it if you call these practices “sin.” After all, “Everybody’s doing it.”                                                                                                              當今社會不僅對性犯罪一笑置之,實際上也認可並鼓勵性犯罪。五十年前一提到就會震驚的變態,今天卻被公開討論,甚至成為小說、電影、電視劇的主題。保羅在他那個時代所看到的以及在羅馬書 1 章 18-32 節中所描述的,在我們這個時代現在也是顯而易見的,但如果你稱這些做法為“罪”,人們會感到不滿。畢竟,“每個人都在這樣做。”                                                            But the gospel is still “the power of God unto salvation” (Rom. 1:16), and Christ can still change people’s lives (1 Cor. 6:9–11). It isn’t enough for Christians to protest the evil; we must also practice the good (Matt. 5:13–16) and proclaim the good news that sinners can become new creatures in Christ (2 Cor. 5:17).                                                                                                                                                         但福音仍然是「神的救恩大能」(羅馬書 1:16),基督仍然可以改變人們的生活(林前 6:9-11)。基督徒僅僅抗議邪惡是不夠的,還需要更多的努力。我們也必須行善(太5:13-16)並宣揚罪人可以在基督裡成為新造的人的好消息(林後5:17)。  

                                  If the world had more light, there would be less darkness.                                                                          如果世界有更多的光明,就會有更少的黑暗。                                                                                      If the world had more salt, there would be less decay.                                                                                  如果世界上有更多的鹽,腐爛就會更少。                                                                                              If the world heard more truth, there would be less deception.                                                                      如果世界聽到更多的真相,欺騙就會減少。                                                                                          We have a job to do!     我們有工作要做!

註 1 我意識到現代心理學認為我們人類對彼此的許多(如果不是大部分)反應都是「性的」;因為畢竟我們是性生物而不是機器人。然而,「性關係取代了性交」這句話。我們的主在馬太福音 15 章 19 節中談到了「淫亂」(複數);耶路撒冷會議的法令提到了“淫亂”,其中肯定包括摩西律法所譴責的性罪(使徒行傳 15:20;利未記 18)。在某些情況下,通姦和淫亂這兩個詞似乎包含各種形式的性犯罪。 2 Quentin Crisp 在《Manners from Heaven》第7 章中寫道。 :廷代爾,1983 年),是從聖經角度理解理解問題的最佳書籍之一防止婚外情並治愈被其侵犯的婚姻。正如每位牧師都知道的那樣,地方教會中發生的此類罪惡比我們敢於公開承認的還要多。 4 這個希伯來文的基本意義是“誤入歧途、犯錯”,可以描述飲酒過量的後果(20:1;以賽亞書 28:7)。在箴言 5:23 (欽定本) 中,它被翻譯為「誤入歧途」;在19-20節中,它的意思是「被迷惑、陶醉」。 5 法利賽人按字面理解了將神的話語與身體各部位結合起來的命令(3:3;6:21;7:3;申命記 6:8-9);這就是「命匣」(太23:5)的起源,這是一個小皮盒,裡面裝有舊約的四個部分(出13:1-10;11-16;申6:4-9;11 ) :13–21) 在羊皮紙上寫下十。在參加公開祈禱時,正統猶太人將一根命匣綁在額頭上,另一根綁在左臂上。他們還在自家門口放了一個命匣。 「護命匣」這個字來自希臘語,意思是「看守、保護」。他們相信,像護身符一樣佩戴神的話語可以保護他們免受邪惡的侵害。                                                 

Notes  註                                                                                                                                                      1 I realize that modern psychology considers to be “sexual” many if not most of our human responses       to one another; for, after all, we are sexual beings and not robots. However, the phrase “sexual               relationship that substitute for intercourse. Our Lord spoke of “fornications” (plural) in Matthew          15:19; the edict of the Jerusalem conference mentioned “fornication,” which certainly included the         sexual sins condemned by the law of Moses (Acts 15:20; Lev. 18). It appears that in some contexts         the words adultery and fornication are inclusive of various forms of sexual sins.                                  1 我意識到現代心理學認為我們人類對彼此的許多(如果不是大部分)反應都是「性的」;因為畢竟我們是性生物而不是機器人。然而,「性關係取代了性交」這句話。我們的主在馬太福音 15 章 19 節中談到了「淫亂」(複數);耶路撒冷會議的法令提到了“淫亂”,其中肯定包括摩西律法所譴責的性罪(使徒行傳 15:20;利未記 18)。在某些情況下,通姦和淫亂這兩個詞似乎包含各種形式的性犯罪。                                                                                                                  2 Quentin Crisp wrote this in Manners from Heaven, chapter 7.                                                                2 Quentin Crisp 在《Manners from Heaven》第7 章中寫道。 :廷代爾,1983 年),是從聖經角度理解理解問題的最佳書籍之一防止婚外情並治愈被其侵犯的婚姻。正如每位牧師都知道的那樣,地方教會中發生的此類罪惡比我們敢於公開承認的還要多。                                                      3 The Myth of the Greener Grass, by J. Allan Petersen (Wheaton, IL: Tyndale, 1983), is one of the best      books from a biblical point of view on understanding and preventing extramarital affairs and healing      marriages that have been violated by them. As every pastor knows, more of this kind of sin goes on        in local churches than we dare openly admit.                                                                                          3 《綠草更綠的神話》作者:J. Allan Petersen(伊利諾州惠頓):廷代爾,1983 年),是從聖經角度理解理解問題的最佳書籍之一防止婚外情並治愈被其侵犯的婚姻。正如每位牧師都知道的那樣,地方教會中發生的此類罪惡比我們敢於公開承認的還要多。                                              4 The basic meaning of the Hebrew word is “to go astray, to err” and can describe the results of                  drinking too much alcohol (20:1; Isa. 28:7). It’s translated “go astray” in Proverbs 5:23 (kjv); in              verses 19–20, it means “to be ravished, intoxicated.”                                                                              4 這個希伯來文的基本意義是“誤入歧途、犯錯”,可以描述飲酒過量的後果(20:1;以賽亞書 28:7)。在箴言 5:23 (欽定本) 中,它被翻譯為「誤入歧途」;在19-20節中,它的意思是「被迷惑、陶醉」。                                                                                                                                             5 The command to bind God’s Word to various parts of the body was taken literally by the Pharisees          (3:3; 6:21; 7:3; Deut. 6:8–9); this was the origin of the “phylactery” (Matt. 23:5), a small leather            case  containing four portions of the Old Testament (Ex. 13:1–10; 11–16; Deut. 6:4–9; 11:13–21)          written on parchment. When attending public prayers, the orthodox Jew tied one phylactery to his          forehead and the other to his left arm. They also put a phylactery at the door of their house.                     “Phylactery” is a word that comes from the Greek and means “to watch over, to safeguard.” It was        their belief that wearing God’s Word like an amulet would protect them from evil.                                5 法利賽人按字面理解了將神的話語與身體各部位結合起來的命令(3:3;6:21;7:3;申命記 6:8-9);這就是「命匣」(太23:5)的起源,這是一個小皮盒,裡面裝有舊約的四個部分(出13:1-10;11-16;申6:4-9;11 ) :13–21) 在羊皮紙上寫下十。在參加公開祈禱時,正統猶太人將一根命匣綁在額頭上,另一根綁在左臂上。他們還在自家門口放了一個命匣。 「護命匣」這個字來自希臘語,意思是「看守、保護」。他們相信,像護身符一樣佩戴神的話語可以保護他們免受邪惡的侵害。                                                                                                                                            


From this chapter on, we’ll be studying the book of Proverbs topically, bringing together texts that deal with the same subjects and showing how they relate to each other and to your personal Christian life today. In a sense, we’ll be studying what the Bible teaches about practical Christian living, using the book of Proverbs as our point of reference.                                                                                              從本章開始,我們將按主題學習《箴言》,將涉及相同主題的文本匯集在一起,並展示它們之間的關係以及它們與你今天個人基督徒生活的關係。從某種意義上說,我們將使用箴言作為我們的參考點,研究聖經關於基督徒實際生活的教導。                                                                                   No classification of texts is inspired or final, and many verses could be put into several different categories. The psalmist was right when he said, “To all perfection I see a limit, but your commands are boundless” (Ps. 119:96 niv). Since I won’t be quoting every relevant verse, be sure to look up and read the references that I give. It’s important that you ponder these Scriptures if you want to get the full benefit of your study.                                                                                                                                            文本的分類不是受啟發的或最終的,許多經文可以分為幾個不同的類別。詩篇作者是對的,他說:「我認為一切完美都是有限的,但你的命令卻有限」(詩篇 119:96 niv)。由於我不會引用所有相關的經文,因此請務必尋找並閱讀我提供的參考文獻。如果你想從學習中獲得充分的益處,思考這些經文很重要。                                                                                                                  The easiest way to study Proverbs is by topics, but the best way to read Proverbs is chapter by chapter, just the way it’s written. Why? Because each chapter presents a variety of truths, and you never know which one you will need for any given day. In fact, some verses are repeated so that we’ll be sure to get the message. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge” (Prov. 1:7), so keep your heart reverent before Him, and be willing to obey what He says to you.                                                             學習箴言最簡單的方法是按主題,但閱讀箴言的最佳方法是逐章閱讀,就像它的寫作方式一樣。為什麼?因為每一章都提出了各種各樣的真理,你永遠不知道某一天你會需要哪一個。事實上,有些經文被重複,這樣我們就一定能明白其中的信息。 「敬畏耶和華是知識的開端」(箴 1:7),所以在上帝面前要存敬畏的心,願意聽祂他對你所說的話                                                         

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