934 英翻中 (634) Do you live by His peace! 親愛的主內訪友, 您心中有平安嗎? 12/14/2024
Fools don’t know how to use wealth properly. “In the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil, but a foolish man devours all he has” (21:20 niv). Fools may know the price of everything, but they know the value of nothing; they waste their wealth on things stupid and sinful. “Whoever loves wisdom makes his father rejoice, but a companion of harlots wastes his wealth” (29:3 nkjv). This verse reminds us of our Lord’s Parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11–24). “The crown of the wise is their riches, but the foolishness of fools is [yields] folly” (Prov. 14:24). The wise have something to leave to their children, but fools waste both their wealth and their opportunities to increase it. “Luxury is not fitting for a fool” (19:10). 愚人不知道如何正確使用財富。 「智慧人的家中積蓄糧食和油,愚昧人卻吞吃他所有的」(21:20 Niv)。傻瓜可能知道所有東西的價格,但他們不知道任何東西的價值;他們把財富浪費在愚蠢和有罪的事情上。 「喜愛智慧的,使他的父親歡喜;與娼妓作伴的,卻浪費他的財物」(29:3 NKJV)。這節經文讓我們想起主的浪子比喻(路 15:11-24)。 「智慧人的冠冕是他們的財富;愚昧人的愚昧卻是愚昧」(箴 14:24)。智者有一些東西可以留給他們的孩子,但愚者浪費了他們的財富和增加財富的機會。 「愚昧人不宜奢侈(19:10)。 Fools can’t be trusted with responsibility. “As snow in summer and rain in harvest, so honor is not fitting for a fool” (26:1 nkjv). The word honor in the Hebrew (kabod) means “heavy, weighty,” and can refer to the glory of God and the special respect given to people. A fool doesn’t have what it takes to handle responsibility successfully and win the respect of others. Giving honor to a fool is about as fitting as snow in summer or as helpful as rain during harvest! Both mean disaster. In 26:3–12, Solomon elaborates on this theme by presenting a number of vivid pictures of the fool and what happens when you give him a job to do. For one thing, you’ll have to treat him like a dumb animal and use a whip to motivate him (v. 3; see Ps. 32:9). Try to give him orders and explain what he’s to do and you’re in danger of becoming like him (Prov. 26:4–5). Send him on an important mission and you might as well cripple yourself, and be prepared for trouble (v. 6).7 As a lame person’s legs are useless to take him anywhere, so a fool can’t “get anywhere” with a proverb (v. 7). He not only confuses others, but he harms himself, like a drunk punctured by a thorn (v. 9). Don’t ask a fool to teach the Bible, because he won’t know what he’s talking about and it’s painful to listen to him. And don’t ask a fool to wage war because he ties the stone in the sling (v. 8)! 愚人不能被信任承擔責任。 「愚昧人不宜尊榮,正如夏天下雪,收割時下雨」(26:1 新欽定版)。希伯來語中的榮譽(kabod)一詞的意思是“沉重的,有分量的”,可以指上帝的榮耀和對人的特殊尊重。傻瓜不具備成功承擔責任並贏得他人尊重的能力。尊敬愚人就像夏天的雪一樣合適,就像收穫時的雨一樣有用!兩者都意味著災難。在 26:3-12 中,所羅門透過展示一些愚人的生動圖片以及當你給他一份工作去做時會發生什麼來詳細闡述這個主題。一方面,你必須像對待一隻不會說話的動物一樣對待他,並用鞭子來激勵他(第3節;參考詩篇32:9)。如果你試圖向他下達命令並解釋他要做什麼,那麼你就有變得像他一樣的危險(箴言 26:4-5)。派他去執行一項重要的任務,你不如自殘,並準備好遇到麻煩(第 6 節)。諺語(7節)。他不但迷惑別人,也傷害自己,就像醉漢被荊棘刺傷一樣(9節)。不要請一個傻瓜來教導聖經,因為他不知道自己在說什麼,而且聽他講課也很痛苦。不要讓愚昧人發動戰爭,因為他把石頭綁在彈弓上(8節)! The original text of verse 10 is very difficult and there are many varied translations. “Like an archer who wounds everyone, so is he who hires a fool or who hires those who pass by” (NASB). “Like an archer who wounds at random is he who hires a fool or any passerby” (niv). “Like an archer who wounds everybody is he who hires a passing fool or drunkard” (RSV). Note that the emphasis is on the one doing the hiring and not on the fool. If you hire a fool (or just anybody who passes by) and give him or her responsibility, you might just as well start shooting at random, because the fool will do a lot of damage. Of course, nobody in his right mind would start shooting at random, so, nobody in his right mind would hire a fool. 第10節的原文非常困難,有許多不同的翻譯。 「就像弓箭手傷害所有人一樣,僱用愚人或僱用過路人的人也是如此」(新美國標準版)。 「僱用愚人或路人的人就像弓箭手隨意射傷一樣」(新國際版)。 「僱用路過的傻瓜或酒鬼就像弓箭手傷害所有人一樣」(修訂標準版)。請注意,重點是招募人員,而不是傻瓜。如果你僱用了一個傻瓜(或任何路過的人)並賦予他或她責任,你可能會開始隨意射擊,因為傻瓜會造成很大的傷害。當然,任何一個頭腦正常的人都不會隨意開槍,所以,任何一個頭腦正常的人都不會僱用一個傻瓜。 Fools don’t learn from their mistakes but go right back to the same old mess, like a dog returning to eat his vomit (v. 11). Experience is a good teacher for the wise, but not for fools. This verse is quoted in 2 Peter 2:22 as a description of counterfeit believers who follow false teachers. Like a sow that’s been washed, they look better on the outside; and like a dog that’s vomited, they feel better on the inside; but they’re still not sheep! They don’t have the divine new nature; consequently, they go right back to the old life. Obedience and perseverance in the things of the Lord are proof of conversion. 愚昧人不會從錯誤中吸取教訓,而是會再次陷入同樣的困境,就像狗回來吃自己的嘔吐物一樣(11節)。經驗對智者來說是良師,但對愚人來說卻不是。彼得後書 2:22 引用了這節經文,描述跟隨假教師的假信徒。就像一頭洗過澡的母豬,外表看起來更好了;就像一隻嘔吐的狗一樣,他們的內心感覺好多了;但它們仍然不是羊!他們沒有神聖的新性情;他們沒有神聖的新性情。結果,他們又回到了原來的生活。在主的事上服從和堅持是悔改的證據。 What will happen to the fool? “A man’s own folly ruins his life, yet his heart rages against the Lord” (Prov. 19:3 niv). This reminds us of Pharaoh in Exodus 5— 15, who saw his country ruined by God’s plagues and yet wouldn’t give in to the Lord. He raged against Jehovah and Moses and even pursued the Jews to take them back, only to see his best soldiers drowned in the Red Sea. God’s discipline helps a wise person obey the Word, but punishment only makes a foolish person more wicked. The same sun that melts the ice hardens the clay. 傻瓜會發生什麼事? 「人因自己的愚昧,敗壞自己的生命;他的心卻向耶和華發怒」(箴 19:3 Niv)。這讓我們想起《出埃及記》5-15章中的法老,他看到自己的國家被上帝的瘟疫所毀滅,卻仍不向上帝屈服。他對耶和華和摩西大發雷霆,甚至追趕猶太人,要把他們帶回來,結果卻眼睜睜地看著他最好的士兵淹死在紅海裡。神的管教可以幫助智慧人遵守神的道,但懲罰只會使愚昧的人更邪惡。同一樣的陽光使黏土融化冰變硬。 Because they “feed on foolishness” (Prov. 15:14), fools have no moral strength. “The lips [words] of the righteous feed many, but fools die for lack of wisdom” (10:21). They not only lack spiritual and intellectual nourishment, but they also lack refreshing water: “Understanding is a fountain of life to those who have it, but folly brings punishment to fools” (16:22 niv). The image of words and God’s law as “a fountain of life” is also found in 10:11; 13:14; 14:27; and 18:4. Follow Wisdom and you live on a fruitful oasis; follow Folly and your home is an arid desert. 因為愚昧人「以愚昧為食」(箴 15:14),所以他們沒有道德力量。 「義人的嘴唇〔言語〕養活多人;愚昧人因缺乏智慧而死亡」(10:21)。他們不僅缺乏精神和智力的滋養,而且缺乏清涼的水:「聰明人是生命的源泉,愚昧人卻受到愚昧人的懲罰」(16:22 niv)。言語和神的律法作為「生命的泉源」的形像也可以在 10 章 11 節中找到; 13:14; 14:27;和18:4。遵循智慧,就會生活在一片碩果累累的綠洲上;跟著愚蠢,你的家就是一片乾旱的沙漠。 The fool will “die without instruction” (5:23). “The wise shall inherit glory: but shame shall be the promotion of fools” (3:35). They will hear God’s voice say, “Fool! This night your soul will be required of you” (Luke 12:20 nkjv), but then it will be too late. 愚昧人將「不受教導而死」(5:23)。 「智慧人必承受榮耀;愚昧人必受羞辱(3:35)。他們會聽到神的聲音說:「傻瓜!今晚你的靈魂將被追索」(路加福音 12:20 新欽定版),但那時就太晚了。 The only fools who are “wise fools” are Christians, because they’re “fools for Christ’s sake” (1 Cor. 4:10). The world calls them fools, but in trusting Jesus Christ and committing their lives to Him, they’ve made the wisest decision anybody can make. 唯一「聰明的愚人」是基督徒,因為他們「為基督的緣故成為愚人」(哥林多前書 4:10)。世人稱他們為傻瓜,但在相信耶穌基督並將自己的生命交託給他時,他們做出了任何人都能做出的最明智的決定。 I read about a man who bore witness to his faith in a busy shopping area by wearing a sandwich board which read: I’M A FOOL FOR JESUS CHRIST. WHOSE FOOL ARE YOU? 我讀到一個人在繁忙的購物區戴著一塊三明治板來見證他的信仰,上面寫著:我是耶穌基督的傻瓜。你是誰的傻瓜? A wise question! Be sure you can give a wise answer. 是明智的問題!確保您能夠給出明智的答案。
Notes 註 1 Charles R. Bridges, Exposition of the Book of Proverbs (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 1959), 179. 1 Charles R. Bridges,箴言釋義(密西根州大急流城:Zondervan,1959 年),179。 2 Brooks Atkinson, Once around the Sun (New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1951), 37. 2 布魯克斯·阿特金森,《繞太陽一周》(紐約:哈考特,布雷斯,1951),37。 3 This oft-quoted statement is the last line of Thomas Gray’s poem, “Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College ,” but its message is usually misunderstood. In the poem, Gray contrasts the joyful innocence of children in school to the difficulties they will have when they reach adulthood. He asks us not to rob them of their youthful pleasures too soon. There will be time enough for them to learn that life isn’t always fun and games. We expect a certain amount of naive innocence in children, but not in adults. 3 在這首詩中,格雷將孩子們在學校裡快樂的純真與他們成年後所面臨的困難進行了對比。他 要求我們不要過早剝奪他們年輕時的快樂。他們將有足夠的時間了解到生活並不總是充滿樂 趣和遊戲。我們期望兒童有某種程度的天真無邪,但成人則不然。 4 Ralph Waldo Emerson, Essays: First and Second Series (New York: E. P. Dutton, 1938), 31. Emerson was one of the preachers of the “success philosophy” that has become the unofficial civil religion of the United States. His essay, “Self-Reliance,” is the “Bible” of the under-believers and overachievers in the business world, and some of its humanistic ideas have infiltrated the church and produced a “success theology” that is unbiblical. I enjoy reading Emerson, but I carefully separate the wheat from the chaff. 4 艾默生是「成功哲學」的傳播者之一,這種哲學已成為美國非官方的公民宗教。他的文章 《自力更生》是商界低信徒和成功者的“聖經”,其中的一些人文主義思想已經滲透到教會中, 並產生了不符合聖經的“成功神學”。我喜歡閱讀愛默生的作品,但我會小心地將麥子與穀殼 分開。 5 There is a “sanctified self-confidence” that’s based on faith, energized by the Holy Spirit, and glorifies God. Paul expressed it when he wrote, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Phil. 4:13 nkjv); David gave testimony to it in Psalm 18:29–39. 5 有一種“聖潔的自信”,這種自信是基於信仰,受到聖靈的激勵,並榮耀上帝。保羅在寫道時 表達了這一點:「我靠著那加給我力量的,凡事都能做」(腓 4:13 NNKJV);大衛在詩篇 18:29-39 中對此作了見證。 6 Isaac’s favoritism toward Esau (Gen. 25:28), Jacob’s pampering of Joseph (Gen. 37:3), and David’s failure to discipline his sons properly all helped to create the family problems I’ve mentioned. 6 以撒偏愛以掃(創 25:28)、雅各對約瑟的溺愛(創37:3)以及大衛未能正確管教他的兒 子們,這些都導致了我所提到的家庭問題。 7 Some commentators translate the phrase “drink violence” (“damage”) as “to be stripped bare.” In other words, send a fool on an important mission and you’ll end up crippled and humiliated! 7 一些評論家將「飲酒暴力」(「損害」)一詞翻譯為「被剝光」。換句話說,派一個傻瓜去 執行一項重要任務,你最終會受傷並受到羞辱!
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