Friday, December 27, 2024

949 英翻中 (649) A Wise God. 智慧的上帝. 12/27/2024

949 英翻中 (649)                      A Wise God.       智慧的上帝.                                       12/27/2024

4. A Wise God                                                                                                                                            4. 智慧的上帝                                                                                                                                              Theologians tell us that God’s wisdom refers to His ability to devise perfect means to attain perfect ends. Nobody has to teach God anything. “For who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has become His counselor?” (Rom. 11:34 nkjv; Isa. 40:13; Jer. 23:18). And nobody can ever say that God made a mistake, because in His wisdom, He does all things well (Rom. 8:28; 9:20–21). No wonder Paul called Him “God only wise” (16:27).                                                                                                 神學家告訴我們,上帝的智慧是指祂有能力設計完美的手段來達到完美的目的。沒有人必須教上帝任何事。 「誰知道主的心呢?或誰成為了他的顧問? (羅 11:34 和合本;賽 40:13;耶 23:18)。沒有人可以說神犯了錯誤,因為憑著祂的智慧,祂把萬事都做得很好(羅馬書 8:28;9:20-21)。難怪保羅稱他為「唯獨上帝是全智的」(16:27)。                                                                God has revealed His wisdom in creation. “By wisdom the Lord laid the earth’s foundations, by understanding He set the heavens in place; by His knowledge the deeps were divided, and the clouds let drop the dew” (Prov. 3:19–20 niv). The astronomer watching a comet through a telescope and the biologist peering at a cell through a microscope are both discovering God’s wisdom, for scientific study is but the act of thinking God’s thoughts after Him.                                                                                            神在創造中彰顯了祂的智慧。 「耶和華以智慧奠定了大地的根基,以聰明奠定了諸天;祂的知識使深淵分開,雲彩滴下露水」(箴 3:19-20 和合本)。天文學家透過望遠鏡觀察彗星,生物學家透過顯微鏡觀察細胞,都在發現神的智慧,因為科學研究不過是效法神的思想的行為。                                                                                                                                                                      While seeking to witness to a university student whose religion was science, I noticed that he kept using the word “universe.”                                                                                                                                    當我試圖向一位信仰科學的大學生作見證時,我注意到他一直使用「宇宙」這個詞。                  “Why do you say ‘universe’ and not ‘multiverse’?” I asked.                                                                        我問, “為什麼說‘宇宙’而不是‘多重宇宙’?”                                                                                            Puzzled, the student said, “I don’t understand what you mean.”                                                                  學生疑惑地說:“我不明白你的意思。”                                                                                                   “Well,” I replied, “the word ‘universe’ implies that everything around us is one, a unity. If that’s the case, where did this unity come from? What instituted the laws that you’re studying in your science classes? Why do all these things work together and produce a ‘universe’ instead of a ‘multiverse’?”                我回答道," 嗯,『宇宙』這個詞意味著我們周圍的一切都是一個,一個整體。如果真是這樣,這種團結從何而來?您在科學課上學習的法律是由什麼制定的?為什麼所有這些東西共同作用並產生一個‘宇宙’而不是‘多元宇宙’?                                                                                                 He saw which way the conversation was going and quickly changed the subject!                                      他看出了談話的方向,連忙轉移了話題!                                                                                              But my question is a valid one. If there weren’t wisdom and order built into the universe (what most people call “scientific laws”), the farmer couldn’t expect a harvest, the astronomer couldn’t predict an eclipse, the scientist couldn’t safely conduct an experiment, the pilot wouldn’t be able to fly his plane, and nobody on earth would know from one moment to another what the stars and planets would do next! Isaac Watts said it perfectly:                                                                                                         但我的問題是有效的。如果宇宙中沒有智慧和秩序(大多數人稱之為「科學法則」),農民就無法期待豐收,天文學家就無法預測日食,科學家就無法安全地進行研究。駕駛他的飛機,地球上沒有人會時時刻刻知道恆星和行星接下來會做什麼!艾薩克·瓦茨(Isaac Watts)說得很完美:                                                                                                                                                                      I sing the wisdom that ordained           我歌唱智慧,                                                                                The sun to rule the day;                        命定太陽統治白晝;                                                                    The moon shines full at His command, 月亮聽從他的命令而照耀,                                                       And all the stars obey.                             所有的星星都聽從他的命令。

         God’s wisdom is also seen in His providential ordering of events, not only for nations but also for individuals. “There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord” (21:30 niv). “To God belong wisdom and power; counsel and understanding are his” (Job 12:13 niv). The English word providence comes from the two Latin words video, “to see,” and pro, “before.” God in His wisdom “sees before,” that is, plans in advance and “sees to it” that His will is accomplished.                           上帝的智慧也體現在祂對事件的安排上,不僅對國家,而且對個人。 「沒有任何智慧,任何洞察力,任何計劃都可以敵擋耶和華」(21:30 Niv)。 「智慧和力量屬於上帝;謀略和聰明都屬他」(約伯記 12:13 和合本)。英文單字 Providence 來自兩個拉丁文 video(「看到」)和 pro(「之前」)。神以祂的智慧“預先看見”,即預先計劃並“確保”祂的旨意得以實現。                        Providence doesn’t mean that God simply “foresees” what lies ahead and “adjusts” Himself accordingly. God alone knows and controls future events. The Baptist theologian Augustus Hopkins Strong calls providence “that continuous agency of God by which he makes all the events of the physical and moral universe fulfill the original design with which he created it.”9 Without violating man’s ability to choose, God “works all things according to the counsel of His will” (Eph. 1:11 nkjv) and rules and overrules in all things. “The Lord does whatever pleases him, in the heavens and on the earth, in the seas and all their depths” (Ps. 135:6 niv). 普羅維登斯並不意味著上帝只是「預見」未來的事情並相應地「調整」自己。只有上帝知道並控制未來的事件。浸信會神學家奧古斯都·霍普金斯·斯特朗(Augustus Hopkins Strong) 稱護理為「上帝的持續力量,透過它,他使物質和道德宇宙中的所有事件都實現了他創造宇宙的最初設計。 「耶和華在天上、地上、海中、一切的深處,都隨自己的意旨而行」(詩 135:6)。                                                                                                 God wants to share His wisdom with us, which, of course, is the emphasis of the book of Proverbs. “For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding; he stores up sound wisdom for the upright” (2:6–7). The first step in receiving God’s wisdom is trusting Jesus Christ and becoming a child of God. The world is frantically seeking the wisdom to know what to do and the power to be able to do it, and these are found only in Jesus Christ, “the power of God, and the wisdom of God” (1 Cor. 1:24).                                                                                                                              神想與我們分享祂的智慧,這當然是箴言的重點。 「因為耶和華賜下智慧;知識和聰明都從他口中發出;他為正直人積存純正的智慧」(2:6-7)。接受神的智慧的第一步是相信耶穌基督並成為神的兒女。世界正在瘋狂地尋求知道該做什麼的智慧和能夠做到這一點的能力,而這些只能在耶穌基督裡找到,「神的能力,神的智慧」(哥林多前書 1:24) ) 。                                      The gospel of salvation sounds like a foolish message to the lost world, for it seems foolish to commit your life to somebody who died on a cross in weakness and shame. But the preaching of that cross releases the power of God to change lives (Rom. 1:16)! “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God” (1 Cor. 1:18 nkjv).                                                                                                                                                            對於失落的世界來說,救贖的福音聽起來像是一個愚蠢的聖人信息,因為把你的生命託付給一個在軟弱和羞恥中死在十字架上的人似乎是愚蠢的。但十字架的宣講釋放了神的大能來改變生命(羅馬書1:16)! 「因為十字架的信息對那些滅亡的人來說是愚拙的,但對我們得救的人來說卻是神的大能」(哥林多前書 1:18 NKJV)。                                                                                  After you trust Christ and become a child of God (John 1:11–13), the next step is to ask God to give you His wisdom in the ordering of your life (James 1:5). “The fear of the Lord teaches a man wisdom, and humility comes before honor” (Prov. 15:33 niv). As you read His Word, meditate and pray, and seek to glorify Him, He will direct your steps (3:5–6). The way may not always be easy, but it will be the best way (Rom. 8:28). Remember that the will of God comes from the heart of God (Ps. 33:11), so you don’t have to worry.    當你相信基督並成為神的孩子之後(約翰福音 1:11-13),下一步就是求神賜給你智慧來安排你的生活(雅各書 1:5)。 「敬畏耶和華使人有智慧;尊卑先有謙卑」(箴 15:33 Niv)。當你閱讀祂的話語、默想、禱告並尋求榮耀祂時,祂會指引你的腳步(3:5-6)。這條路可能並不總是容易的,但卻是最好的路(羅馬書8:28)。請記住,神的旨意來自神的心(詩篇 33:11),所以你不必擔心。                                                                                     When you have decisions to make, take time to pray and meditate on the Word. Ask God to direct you and, if necessary, seek wise counsel from friends who are mature in the faith. At the start of each day, ask God to guide you in every decision you must make, big or small; a wrong “small” decision could lead to disturbing “big” decisions. As you grow in the wisdom and knowledge of God, and as you walk by faith, seeking to honor the Lord, you will increase in spiritual discernment and live skillfully.             當您需要做出決定時,請花時間祈禱並默想神的話語。求神指引你,如有必要,向信仰成熟的朋友尋求明智的建議。每天開始時,祈求上帝指引你必須做出的每一個決定,無論大小;錯誤的 “小” 決定可能會導致令人不安的“大”決定。當你在上帝的智慧和知識上不斷增長,並憑著信心行事,尋求榮耀主時,你的屬靈洞察力就會增強,生活也會更有技巧。                                         “The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter till the full light of day. But the way of the wicked is like deep darkness; they do not know what makes them stumble” (Prov. 4:18–19 niv).                                                                                                                                             「義人的道路就像黎明的第一道曙光,越照越明,直到黎明。惡人的道路如同幽暗;他們不知道什麼使自己跌倒」(箴 4:18-19 niv)。                                                                                                To quote A.W. Tozer again, “With the goodness of God to desire our highest welfare, the wisdom of God to plan it, and the power of God to achieve it, what do we lack? Surely we are the most favored of all creatures.”10                                                                                                                                                  引用 A.W.托澤再次說:"上帝的良善渴望我們獲得最高的福利,上帝有智慧來計劃它,上帝有能力實現它,我們還缺少什麼?我們無疑是所有生物中最受青睞的。" 10

Notes                   1 A. W. Tozer, The Knowledge of the Holy (New York: Harper and Brothers, 1961), 7. This is one of the finest devotional studies of the attributes of God in print. See also Richard L. Strauss, The Joy of Knowing God (Neptune, N.J.: Loizeaux, 1984).                                                                                        1 A. W. Tozer,《神聖的知識》(紐約:Harper and Brothers,1961 年),7。另請參閱理查‧史特勞斯 (Richard L. Strauss),《認識上帝的喜樂》(Neptune, N.J.: Loizeaux, 1984)。                                                                                                                                                    2 Ibid., 11.                                                                                                                                                    2 同上,11。                           3 For a fuller treatment of the subject, see Be Holy, my exposition of Leviticus (Colorado Springs:           Victor Books, 1994).                                                                                                                                  3 要更全面地討論這個主題,請參閱 Be Holy,我對利未記的闡述(Colorado Springs:Victor Books,1994)。                                                                                                                                        4 The quotation is from “Invictus” by William Ernest Henley. The word invictus is Latin for “invincible, unconquered.” Henley suffered from tuberculosis of the bones and bravely endured at least twenty operations, but one wishes he had given the Lord credit for some of the determination that kept him going. We admire any person’s courage in the face of seeming defeat, and his poem is an inspiring clarion call to personal courage, but the Christian believer would prefer 2 Corinthians 12:7–10.            4 引文摘自威廉‧歐內斯特‧亨利 (William Ernest Henley) 的《Invictus》。 invictus 這個字在拉丁文的意思是「不可戰勝的、不可征服的」。亨利患有骨結核,勇敢地忍受了至少二十次手術,但人們希望他能讓他堅持下去的一些決心歸功於上帝。我們欽佩任何人面對看似失敗時的勇氣,他的詩是對個人勇氣的鼓舞人心的號角,但基督徒信徒更喜歡《哥林多後書》12:7-10。                                                                                         5 These were the opening words of his sermon preached at the Metropolitan Tabernacle, London, on Sunday evening, February 4, 1866. See vol. 58 of The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, 13.                      5 這是他 1866 年 2 月 4 日星期日晚上在倫敦大都會會幕佈道時的開場白。 《大都會會幕講壇》第58 章,13。                                      6 The word translated “redeemer” in Proverbs 23:11 is goel and refers to the kinsman-redeemer, such as Boaz in the book of Ruth. For the law governing the redemption of property, see Leviticus 25:47–55. The goel had to be a close relative who was willing to pay and able to pay. He is a picture of Jesus Christ, who in His incarnation took upon Himself flesh and blood (Heb. 2:14) that He might redeem us from our spiritual bankruptcy and sin. See my book Be Committed for an exposition of Ruth and an explanation of the law of the kinsman-redeemer (Colorado Springs: Victor Books, 1993).                      6 有關財產贖回的法律,請參閱利未記 25:47-55。波瓦斯(Boaz)必須是願意付錢並且有能力支付的近親。祂是耶穌基督的寫照,祂道成肉身,化身為血肉之軀(希伯來書 2:14),以便將我們從精神銀行的破產和罪惡中拯救出來。請參閱我的書《Be Committed》,以了解對露絲的闡述以及對親屬救贖者法則的解釋(科羅拉多斯普林斯:Victor Books,1993)。 7 Most scholars believe that Psalm 23 was a product of David’s latter years and not the poem of a young shepherd. It’s possible that it grew out of the insurrection caused by his wicked son Absalom (2 Sam. 15—19). David had experienced many difficulties in his long life, yet he saw only God’s goodness and mercy.                                                                                                                                    7 大多數學者認為詩篇 23 篇是大衛晚年的作品,而不是年輕牧羊人的詩。它可能源自於他邪惡的兒子押沙龍所引起的叛亂(撒母耳記下 15-19)。大衛一生經歷了許多磨難,但他只看到神的良善和憐憫。                                                             8 The hymn we call “I Sing the Mighty Power of God,” Isaac Watts titled, “Praise for Creation and Providence.” It was originally written for children. For some reason, we’ve lost one verse from some of our hymnals:                                                                                                                                                8 這首讚美詩我們稱之為“我歌頌上帝的強大力量”,艾薩克·瓦茨將其命名為“讚美創造和上帝”。它最初是為兒童而寫的。由於某些原因,我們失去了一些讚美詩中的一節經文:                                                           

                                        His hand is my perpetual guard,         他的手是我永遠的守護者,                                                    He guides me with His eye;                他的眼睛引導我;                                                                      Why should I then forget the Lord,     我為何要忘記主                                                                          Whose love is ever nigh? 的慈愛就在身邊呢?

Paul used divine creation as part of his proof that the Gentiles, who were never given the revelation of God’s law, are still guilty before God and will be judged by Him (Rom. 1:18ff.).  保羅用神聖的創造來證明外邦人雖然從未得到上帝律法的啟示,但他們在上帝面前仍然有罪,並將受到他的審判(羅馬書 1:18ff.)。                                                                                       9 A. H. Strong, Systematic Theology, one-volume edition (Philadelphia: The Judson Press, 1949), 419. Strong goes on to say, “Providence does not exclude, but rather implies the operation of natural law, by which we mean God’s regular way of working…. Prayer without the use of means is an insult to God” (439).                                                                                                                                                            9 A. H. Strong,《系統神學》,單卷版(費城:賈德森出版社,1949 年),419。 斯特朗接著說,「天意並不排除,而是暗示了自然法的運作,我們指的是神正常的工作方式…不使用手段的祈禱是對上帝的侮辱」(439)。                                                   10 Tozer, The Knowledge of the Holy, 7                                                                                                    10 托澤爾,《神聖的知識》,7               

聖經 : 箴言 完.                                                                                      

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