Monday, December 9, 2024

929 英翻中 (629) The Wise and the Wicked. 智者與惡人. 12/9/2024

929 英翻中 (629)             The Wise and the Wicked.                    智者與惡人.                 12/9/2024

CHAPTER FIVE (The Wise and the Wicked)   第五章(智者與惡人)                                                   PEOPLE, WISE AND OTHERWISE— PART I 人,智者與異類-第一部分                                         If you carefully watch the crowds in a shopping mall, you’ll discover that there are all kinds of people in this world; no doubt the crowds are coming to the same conclusion as they look at you. Playwright George Bernard Shaw said, “If the other planets are inhabited, they’re using the earth for their insane asylum.” No wonder Charles M. Schulz had his comic strip character Linus exclaim, “I love mankind. It’s people I can’t stand!”                                                                                                                            如果你仔細觀察商場裡的人群,你會發現這個世界上有各種各樣的人;毫無疑問,當人們看著你時,他們會得出同樣的結論。劇作家蕭伯納說:“如果其他行星有人居住,那麼他們正在把地球當作他們的瘋人院。”難怪查爾斯·M·舒爾茨 (Charles M. Schulz) 的漫畫人物萊納斯 (Linus) 感嘆道:「我愛人類。這是我無法忍受的人!                                                                                                  The book of Proverbs is basically about different kinds of people, what they believe and do, and how they interact with one another. People create circumstances that are good and bad, and you and I have to deal with people and circumstances as we go through life. Solomon’s aim in writing this book is to help us become skillful in relating to both people and circumstances so that we can make a success out of life to the glory of God.                                                                                                                               箴言書基本上是論及有關於不同類型的人,他們相信什麼,做什麼,以及他們如何彼此互動。人們創造的環境有好有壞,你我在生活中必須應付人和環境。所羅門寫這本書的目的是幫助我們熟練地處理與人和環境的關係,以便我們能夠在生活中取得成功,榮耀上帝。                          During our survey of Proverbs 1—9, we casually met five different kinds of people: the wise, the wicked, the fool, the simple, and the scorner. Now it’s time to get better acquainted with these people and learn what it really means to be wise.                                                                                                            在我們查考箴言1到9章的過程中,我們偶然遇到了五種不同的人:明智人、惡人、愚昧人、簡單人和褻慢人。現在是時候、更好地了解這些人、並了解明智的真正含義了。                                  

1. The Wise                                                                                                                                                    1.  明智者                                                                                                                                                      The entire book of Proverbs is a guide to attaining wisdom, but here and there Solomon points out several important characteristics of the wise man and woman. Of course, the first step toward wisdom is saving faith in Jesus Christ. Wise people are “wise unto salvation” (2 Tim. 3:15) before they gain wisdom about anything else, because Jesus Christ is the Wisdom of God (Col. 2:3; 1 Cor. 1:30). Educated and trained people who ignore or reject Christ can succeed in making a good living, but without Him they can never succeed in making a good life—one that glorifies God. The wisest thing a person can do is to trust Christ and live in obedience to Him.                                                                  整本箴言都是獲得智慧的指南,但所羅門不時指出了智者的幾個重要特徵。當然,邁向智慧的第一步是對耶穌基督的得救信心。有智慧的人在獲得任何其他事物的智慧之前,首先是「有得救的智慧」(提後  3:15),因為耶穌基督是上帝的智慧(西 2:3;林前 1:30 )。受過教育和訓練的人,忽視或拒絕基督,可以成功地過上美好的生活,但沒有祂,他們永遠無法成功地過上美好的生活——榮耀上帝的生活。一個人能做的最明智的事是信靠基督,順從祂的旨意而活.              Let’s consider some of the important characteristics of wise people.                                                          讓我們考慮一下聰明人的一些重要特徵。                                                                                              Wise people listen to wise instruction, especially the Word of God. “A wise man1 will hear, and will increase learning” (1:5). Wise people pay attention to spoken instruction as well as to the written Word of God (22:17–21). Jesus warns us to take heed what we hear (Mark 4:24) and how we hear (Luke 8:18). “Stop listening to instruction, my son, and you will stray from the words of knowledge” (Prov. 19:27 niv). “Buy the truth, and do not sell it, also wisdom and instruction and understanding” (23:23 nkjv). It costs to acquire wisdom, but it’s worth it!                                                                                  明智的人會聆聽明智的教導,尤其是上帝的話語。 「智慧人聽了,就增長學問」(1:5)。明智的人除了注意上帝的書面話語外,還注意口頭教導(22:17-21)。耶穌警告我們要留意所聽到的(馬可福音 4:24)以及我們如何聽到(路加福音 8:18)。 「我兒,你不要聽從教訓,你就會偏離知識的言語」(箴 19:27 新國際版)。 「要買真理,不要出賣它,還有智慧、教導和理解」(23:23 新欽定版)。獲得智慧需要付出代價,但這是值得的!                                                     This means that we must diligently spend time reading and studying the Word of God, appropriating its truths into our hearts, and obeying what God commands (2:1–9). It isn’t enough to own a study Bible and read books about the Bible, helpful as they are. It’s one thing to know about the Bible and quite something else to hear God speak through His Word and teach us His wisdom so that we become more like Jesus Christ. During my many years of ministry, I’ve met a few people whose knowledge of Scripture was phenomenal, but who failed to manifest the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22–23). “Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up” (1 Cor. 8:1 niv).                                                                          這意味著我們必須勤奮地花時間閱讀和研究上帝的話語,將其真理融入我們的心中,並遵守祂的命令(2:1-9)。擁有聖經和閱讀有關聖經的書籍是不夠的,儘管它們很有幫助。了解聖經是一回事,而聆聽上帝透過祂的話語說話,並教導我們祂的智慧,使我們變得更像耶穌基督,則是另一回事。在我多年的事工生涯中,我遇到過一些人,他們對聖經的了解非常出色,但卻未能結出聖靈的果子(加拉太書 5:22-23)。 「知識使人自高自大,愛心卻能造就人」(哥林多前書 8:1 Niv)。                                                                                                                                 But there’s a negative side to this as well: Wise people don’t waste their time listening to foolishness and lies. Wise people are careful about what they read, what they hear and see, and what they talk about in daily conversation. They’re diligent to keep trash out of their minds and hearts, because “garbage in” ultimately means “garbage out” (see Prov. 4:23). For this reason, they carefully control the radio and television, and they are selective in their reading.                                                               但這也有消極的一面:明智的人不會浪費時間聽愚蠢和謊言。明智的人會謹慎對待他們所讀到的內容、所聽到的和所看到的內容,以及他們在日常談話中談論的內容。他們努力不讓垃圾進入自己的思想和內心,因為「垃圾進來」最終意味著「垃圾出去」(參考箴言 4:23)。為此,他們小心翼翼地控制廣播和電視,並且有選擇性地閱讀。                                                                   Those who are wise profit from rebuke (9:8–9; 10:17; 17:10) and from advice (13:10; 12:15; 19:20). They don’t think so highly of themselves that they can’t learn from others (3:7; 26:12). If we’re “wise in our own eyes,” we certainly won’t be wise in God’s eyes!                                                                     明智的人從責備(9:8-9;10:17;17:10)和忠告(13:10;12:15;19:20)中獲益。他們對自己評價不高,以至於無法向別人學習(3:7;26:12)。如果我們“在自己眼中看有智慧”,我們在神眼中肯定就不是有智慧的人!                                                                                                                   Wise people fear the Lord. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (1:7). “Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and depart from evil” (3:7). We’ve already learned that “fearing the Lord” means respecting Him so that we obey His will and seek to honor His name. Fearing the Lord is the opposite of tempting the Lord by deliberately disobeying Him and then daring Him to intervene. “Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling” (Phil. 2:12). “Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling” (Ps. 2:11).                                                                                                                         有智慧的人敬畏耶和華。 「敬畏耶和華是智慧的開端」(1:7)。 「不要自以為有智慧;要敬畏耶和華,遠離惡事」(3:7)。我們已經知道,「敬畏主」意味著尊重祂,以便我們遵守祂的旨意並尋求榮耀祂的名。敬畏主與故意違背主、然後敢於做預定來試探主,反抗祂。 「當恐懼戰兢,作成你們得救的工夫」(腓 2:12)。 「當存畏懼事奉耶和華,又當存戰兢而喜樂」(詩 2:11)。                                                                                                                                               The fear of the Lord is “a fountain of life” (Prov. 14:27) and leads to life (19:23). It gives security (14:26), hope (23:17–18), and the promise of long life (10:27). When you fear the Lord, you keep your priorities straight. “Better is a little with the fear of the Lord, than great treasure with trouble” (15:16 nkjv). You also steer clear of evil (8:13; 16:6; see also 14:2).                                                                                敬畏耶和華是「生命的泉源」(箴 14:27)並帶來生命(19:23)。它給人安全感(14:26)、希望(23:17-18)和長壽的應許(10:27)。當你敬畏主時,你會明確自己的優先順序。 「雖少有財寶而敬畏耶和華,強如多有財寶而煩惱」(15:16 新欽定版)。你還要遠離邪惡(8:13;16:6;另參14:2)。                                                                                                                            Wise people associate with wise people. “He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed” (13:20 nkjv). As we read and study Scripture, we associate with the wise men and women of Bible history and learn from them. By spending time with godly friends, we can learn wisdom and grow in our knowledge of Christ. As I look back over my Christian pilgrimage, I thank God for the many people the Lord has brought into my life to help me better understand the wisdom and ways of the Lord. “A righteous man is cautious in friendship, but the way of the wicked leads them astray” (12:26 niv).                                                                                                            智者與智者交往。 「與智慧人同行的,必有智慧;與愚昧人同行的,必滅亡」(13:20  新欽定版)。當我們閱讀和研究聖經時,我們與聖經歷史上的智者交往,並向他們學習。透過花時間與敬虔的朋友在一起,我們可以學習智慧,並增長對基督的認識。當回顧我的基督徒朝聖之旅時,感謝上帝,上帝將許多人帶入我的生活,幫助我更好地理解上帝的智慧和道路。 「義人謹慎交友,惡人的道路卻使人誤入歧途」(12:26 Niv)。                                                                        One of the best ways to “walk with the wise” is to read church history and Christian biography. I have hundreds of volumes of biography and autobiography in my library, some of which I have read many times, and these books have greatly enriched my life. I didn’t have the privilege of knowing personally J. Hudson Taylor, Amy Carmichael, St. Augustine, Dwight L. Moody, Billy Sunday, G. Campbell Morgan, Fanny Crosby, or Robert Murray M’Cheyne, but by reading their biographies and autobiographies, sermons and letters, I’ve benefited from their walk with the Lord.                                        「與智者同行」的最佳方法之一,是閱讀教會歷史和基督教傳記。我的圖書館裡有數百卷傳記和自傳,其中一些我讀過很多遍,這些書極大地豐富了我的生活。我沒有特權來親自認識 J. Hudson Taylor(戴德生)、Amy Carmichael、St. Augustine(聖.奧古斯丁)、Dwight L. Moody(慕迪)、Billy Sunday(比利桑迪)、G. Campbell Morgan(G·坎貝爾·摩根)、Fanny Crosby (范妮·克羅斯比)或 Robert Murray M'Cheyne(羅伯特·默里·麥切恩),但透過閱讀他們的傳記以及自傳、講道和書信,我從他們與主同行中受益匪淺。                                                                                                                       Wise people preserve what they’ve gained and they use it. “Wise people store up knowledge, but the mouth of the foolish is near destruction” (10:14 nkjv). If wisdom is stored in the heart, then we’ll say the right thing at the right time, and people will be helped. But fools lose whatever wisdom they may have picked up, and their words only bring destruction.                                                                       聰明人會保存他們所獲得的東西並利用它。 「智慧人積存知識,愚昧人的口卻瀕臨滅亡」(10:14 新欽定版)。如果心中存有智慧,那麼我們就會在適當的時候說適當的話,人們就會得到幫助。但愚人會失去他們所獲得的一切智慧,他們的言語只會帶來毀滅。                                           A parallel text is 12:27: “The lazy man does not roast his game, but the diligent man prizes his possessions” (niv). The Scottish preacher George Morrison has a powerful sermon on this text titled “Wasted Gains.”2 (The very title is a sermon!) What a tragedy it is when people waste their gains by failing to use their education, the sermons and Bible lessons they’ve heard, or the books they’ve read. Truly wise people treasure the knowledge and skills they’ve worked hard to acquire and use this treasure to the glory of God.                                                                                                                                   平行文本是 12:27:「懶惰人不烤他的野味,勤奮的人珍惜他的財產」(新國隙版)。蘇格蘭傳教士喬治·莫里森(George Morrison)就這篇文章發表了一篇強有力的講道,題為“浪費的收穫”。能利用他們的教導、講道和聖經課程而浪費他們的收穫時,這是多麼悲劇啊!   他們聽過,或者讀過。真正聰明的人珍惜他們努力獲得的知識和技能,並利用這些財富來榮耀上帝。           I recall hearing some of my student friends say at seminary graduation, “Thank the Lord, no more Greek and Hebrew!” They had spent several years learning to use the Bible languages, and now they were selling their valuable language tools and thereby wasting their gains.                                                        我記得聽到我的一些神學學生,在畢業時說,“感謝主,不再有希臘語和希伯來語了!”    他們花了幾年時間學習使用聖經語言,現在他們卻出售了寶貴的語言工具,從而浪費了他們的獲得。                                                                                                                                                                    Over the years, I have made good use of wide-margin Bibles in which I’ve written the things God’s taught me and that I’ve learned from others. Many times while preparing a sermon or writing a book, I have turned to these notes and “invested” my gains. When I read a good book, I underline important sentences, write notes in the margins, and compile my own index of ideas at the back of the book. My copier gets plenty of use because I copy material from books and put it into file folders for future use. This way I’m not wasting my gains.                                                                                                    多年來,我很好地利用了寬邊聖經,我在其中寫下了上帝教給我的東西以及我從別人那裡學到的東西。很多時候,在準備講道或寫書時,我會翻閱這些筆記並「投入」我的收穫。當我讀一本好書時,我會在重要的句子下劃線,在頁邊空白處寫下註釋,並在書的後面編寫我自己的想法索引。我的影印機用途廣泛,因為我從書中複印材料並將其放入文件夾中以供將來使用。這樣我就不會浪費我的收穫。                                                                                                                   Wise people flee from sin. “A wise man fears and departs from evil, but a fool rages and is self-confident” (14:16 nkjv). If we fear the Lord, we will hate evil (8:13; see Ps. 97:10; Rom. 12:9). The self-confident person isn’t wise. Joshua was self-confident and lost a battle (Josh. 7); Samson was self-confident and became a prisoner (Judg. 16:20ff.); Peter was self-confident and betrayed the Lord three times (Luke 22:33–34). “Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall”(1 Cor. 10:12 nkjv).                                                                                                                                                                       智者遠離罪惡。 「智者畏懼而遠離惡事;愚昧人狂怒而自信」(14:16 新欽定版)。如果我們敬畏主,我們就會恨惡罪(8:13;參考詩篇 97:10;羅馬書 12:9)。自信的人並不聰明。約書亞自信,卻輸掉了一場戰鬥(書  7);參孫因自信而成為囚犯(士 16:20 比照研讀);彼得因自信而三次背叛主(路  22:33-34)。 「所以,凡自以為站得住腳的,應當謹慎,免得跌倒」(林前 10:12 新欽定版)。                                                                                                                         Wise people don’t take unnecessary chances and experiment to see how close they can get to the precipice without falling off. When Joseph was confronted with evil, he fled (Gen. 39:7ff.). I heard about a handsome assistant pastor who was being pursued by several young ladies in the church, and the senior minister warned him to be careful.                                                                                                       聰明的人不會冒不必要的風險,去試著看看自己能離懸崖多近而不掉下去。當約瑟面對邪惡時,他逃跑了(創 39:7 比照研讀)。聽說教會裡一位英俊的助理牧師被幾位小姐追求,高級牧師警告他要小心。                                                                                                                                            “Oh, there’s safety in numbers,” the young man replied rather flippantly, defending himself. To which the senior minister wisely replied, “Yes, there’s safety in numbers; but sometimes there’s more safety in exodus.” Paul would have agreed with the older pastor, for he wrote to Timothy, “Flee youthful lusts” (2 Tim. 2:22).                                                                                                                               「哦,人多才安全。」年輕人很輕率地回答道,為自己辯護。對此,高級部長明智地回答:“是的,人多才安全;  但有時出走更安全。"  保羅可能會同意這位年長牧師的觀點,因為他寫信給提摩太說:「要逃避少年人的私慾」(提後  2:22)。                                                                       Wise people discipline their speech. “A wise man’s heart guides his mouth, and his lips promote instruction” (Prov. 16:23 niv). “In the multitude of words sin is not lacking, but he who restrains his lips is wise” (10:19 nkjv). Proverbs has so much to say about the dynamics and dangers of human speech that we’ll devote an entire chapter to this topic. Suffice it to say now that the wise person realizes the power of the tongue and keeps it under God’s control. “The fruit of the Spirit is … self-control” (Gal. 5:22–23; see James 3). The speech of wise people will instruct and inspire, and you’re nourished as you listen; the talk of fools only tears down and leaves you empty and discouraged (note Eph. 5:1–7).                     有智慧的人會遵守自己的言論。 「智慧人的心引導他的口,他的嘴唇促進教訓」(箴 16:23 Niv)。 「言語多,不乏罪;約束嘴唇的,就有智慧」(10:19 新欽定版)。箴言中有很多關於人類言語的動態和危險的內容,因此我們將用整整一章來討論這個主題。現在只需說智者認識到舌頭的力量,並將其置於上帝的控制之下就足夠了。 「聖靈所結的果子就是…自制」(加  5:22-23;參考雅各書 3)。智者的言論具有教導性和啟發性,聆聽時你會得到滋養;愚昧人的言語只會讓你流淚,讓你感到空虛和灰心(請注意  弗  5:1-7)。                                                   Wise people are diligent in their work. “Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth. He who gathers crops in summer is a wise son, but he who sleeps during harvest is a disgraceful son” (Prov. 10:4 niv). Diligence and laziness are key topics in Proverbs, and we’ll study them later in greater detail. Solomon makes it clear that God has nothing good to say about careless, lazy people. Wise people are working people, people who make the most of their opportunities and who carry their share of the load. My friend Dr. Bob Cook used to say that hard work is a thrill and a joy when you’re doing the will of God; Scottish novelist George MacDonald said, “It’s our best work that He wants, not the dregs of our exhaustion.”                                                                                                                                 聰明人都會勤奮工作。 「懶惰使人貧窮,勤勞者帶來財富。夏天收割莊稼的,是智慧之子;收割時睡覺的,是羞辱之子」(箴 10:4 和合本)。勤奮和懶惰是箴言中的關鍵主題,我們稍後將更詳細地研究它們。所羅門明確表示,上帝對粗心、懶惰的人沒有什麼好話可說。聰明人是勞動人民,是充分利用機會、承擔自己責任的人。我的朋友鮑伯庫克(Bob Cook)博士曾經說過,當你遵行上帝的旨意時,努力工作是一種興奮和快樂。蘇格蘭小說家喬治麥克唐納說:“他想要的是我們最好的作品,而不是我們疲憊的殘渣。”                                                                    Wise people seek to influence others to trust the Lord. “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who wins souls is wise” (11:30 nkjv). The word translated “wins” means “to capture,” as a hunter captures his prey. Wise people seek to capture the ignorant and disobedient by sharing God’s wisdom with them. Jesus told His fishermen disciples that they would be “catching men” instead of catching fish (Luke 5:10). Wisdom leads to righteousness, and righteousness produces fruit (“a tree of life”), and this fruit “entices” those who are hungry for what is real and eternal. By both their lives and their words, wise people seek to lead others to the Lord.                                                                                      明智的人尋求影響他人信靠主。 「義人的果子是生命樹,贏得靈魂的人是有智慧的」(11:30 新欽定版)。翻譯為“勝利”的意思是“捕獲”,就像獵人捕獲他的獵物一樣。智者試圖透過與無知和不服從的人分享上帝的智慧來吸引他們。耶穌告訴祂的漁民門徒,他們將「得人」而不是抓魚(路  5:10)。智慧導致正義,正義產生果實(「生命樹」),而這種果實「吸引」那些渴望真實和永恆的人。智者透過他們的生活和言語尋求帶領他人歸向主。                                       As we continue our study of Proverbs, we’ll discover other personal characteristics of those who are wise; I trust we’ll seek to imitate them. After all, God promises that the wise will inherit glory (3:35), bring joy to others (10:1; 15:20), bring help from God (12:18), never be in want (21:10), and have strength to wage war (24:5–6). The way of wisdom is the way of true life.                                                當繼續學習箴言時,我們會發現智者的其他個人特徵;我相信我們會努力模仿他們。畢竟,上帝應許智者會繼承榮耀(3:35),帶給別人喜樂(10:1;15:20),帶來祂的幫助(12:18),永遠不會缺乏(21:10) ,並且有力量發動戰爭(24:5-6)。智慧之道,才是真正的人生之道。

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