932 英翻中 (632) Have a mercy on me, Oh Lord! 主阿! 憐憫我這罪人. 12/12/2024
CHAPTER SIX (The Simple, Scorner, and Fool) 第六章(簡單人、輕蔑者和愚昧者) PEOPLE, WISE AND OTHERWISE— PART II 人、智者和其他人——第二部分 While much more could be said about both the wise and the wicked, we need to move on and get better acquainted with “the terrible trio”— the simple, the scorners, and the fools. You will meet these three frequently as you read the book of Proverbs. 雖然關於智者和惡人還有很多話可說,但我們需要繼續前進,更好地了解「可怕的三人組」——簡單,輕蔑者和傻瓜。當你閱讀箴言時,你會經常遇到這三類人。 You’ll recall that in her first invitation, Wisdom called to all three of them (Prov. 1:22), but in her second invitation, she called only to the simple and the fools (8:5). The scorner wasn’t even interested in listening; he had dropped out of the picture. Then, in her third invitation, Wisdom called only to the simple (9:4), because the fools had turned away and joined the scorners. It’s a dangerous thing to reject God’s invitation to walk the path of wisdom and of life. You may never get another opportunity. 你會記得,在智慧的第一次邀請中,她呼喚了他們三個(箴言 1:22),但在第二次邀請中,她只呼喚了愚昧人和愚昧人(8:5)。蔑視者甚至沒有興趣聽。他已經從畫面中消失了。然後,在她的第三次邀請中,智慧只向愚昧人發出召喚(9:4),因為愚昧人已經轉身加入蔑視者的行列。拒絕上帝走智慧和生命之路的邀請是一件危險的事。你可能再也沒有機會了。
1. The Simple 1. 簡單者 The simple are the naive people who believe everything, because they don’t have convictions about anything. What they think is sophisticated “tolerance” is only spiritual ignorance, because they lack the ability to discriminate between truth and error. “A simple man believes anything, but a prudent man gives thought to his steps” (14:15 niv). Charles R. Bridges writes, “To believe every word of God is faith. To believe every word of man is credulity.”1 簡單者是天真的人,他們相信一切,因為他們對任何事都沒有信念。他們認為高深的「寬容」只是精神上的無知,因為他們缺乏分辨真理與錯誤的能力。 「愚昧人凡事都信,通達人謹慎自己的腳步」(14:15 新國際版)。查里 . R . 布里奇斯 (Charles R. Bridges) 寫道:「相信上帝的每一句話就是信心。相信人的每一句話都是輕信。」1 We’re living at a time when people who have convictions are considered bigots if not ignoramuses. It’s popular and politically correct to be open-minded and uncritical of what other people think or believe. Except when it comes to cashing a check when they’re broke, getting a prescription filled when they’re sick, or asking directions when they’re lost, most people don’t believe in absolutes. They insist that there’s no such thing as objective truth. According to them, whatever “feels good” down inside is truth for you; nobody has the right to criticize you for what you believe. Apply that philosophy to money, medicine, mechanics, or maps and see how successful you will be! 持開放態度,不批評他人的想法或信仰,這很受歡迎,而且在政治上也是正確的。除了破產時兌現支票、生病時配藥或迷路時問路之外,大多數人都不相信絕對的事情。他們堅持認為不存在客觀真理這樣的東西。根據他們的說法,任何內心「感覺良好」的東西對你來說都是真理;沒有人有權利因為你的信仰而批評你。將這個理念應用在金錢、醫學、機械或地圖上,看看你會有多成功! In his comments on Groundhog’s Day, Brooks Atkinson writes: “People everywhere enjoy believing things they know are not true. It spares them the ordeal of thinking for themselves and taking responsibility for what they know.”2 The old saying, “What you don’t know won’t hurt you,” is false, as any physician or auto mechanic can tell you. What you don’t know could kill you! “For the turning away [waywardness] of the simple shall slay them” (1:32). 布魯克 阿肯森(Brooks Atkinson)在土撥鼠日的評論中寫道:「世界各地的人們都喜歡相信他們知道的事情不是真的。這讓他們免去了獨立思考和為自己所知道的事情負責的痛苦。2 古話說“你不知道的不會傷害你”,這是錯誤的,任何醫生或汽車修理工都可以告訴你。你不知道的事情可能會殺了你! 「因為愚昧人的背離〔任性〕將殺死他們」(1:32)。 The simple are simple because they reject the truth of God’s Word that gives “prudence [common sense] to the simple” (v. 4 niv). The tragedy is that simple people actually love their simplicity (v. 22) and have no desire to change. Because they don’t take a stand for anything, they fall for everything; this saves them the trouble of thinking, studying, praying, and asking God for wisdom. Instead of working hard to dig into the mines of God’s wisdom (2:1–9), the simple prefer to take it easy and pick up whatever cheap trinkets they can find on the surface. 簡單的人之所以簡單,是因為他們拒絕上帝聖言的真理,即「使簡單的人有智慧」(4節)。可悲的是,簡單的人實際上喜歡他們的簡單(22節)並且不願意改變。因為他們不堅持任何事,所以他們會為一切而墮落;這使他們省去了思考、學習、祈禱和向上帝祈求智慧的麻煩。簡單的人不會努力挖掘上帝智慧的礦藏(2:1-9),而是寧願輕鬆一點,撿起他們在地表上能找到的任何便宜的小飾品。 It was a simple young man who listened to the prostitute and ended up an animal led to the slaughter (7:7ff.). “The simple inherit folly, but the prudent are crowned with knowledge” (14:18). Sometimes the simple will learn when they see others punished for their sins (19:25; 21:11). The wise person learns from instruction, but the simpleton has to see a living example before he or she will learn. Wise people see danger coming and avoid it, but the simple ones walk right into it (22:3; 27:12). Some people have to learn the hard way. 這是一個簡單的年輕人,他聽信了妓女的說法,最後成為了一隻被宰殺的動物(7:7 比照研讀.)。 「愚昧人承受愚昧,通達人得知識為冠冕」(14:18)。有時,當單純的人看到別人因自己的罪而受到懲罰時,他們會學到一些東西(19:25;21:11)。智者從指導中學習,但愚人必須先看到活生生的例子才能學習。聰明人看見危險來臨並避開它,但愚人卻面對危險(22:3;27:12)。有些人必須透過艱難的方式來學習。 All of us are ignorant in many things, but simpletons are ignorant of their ignorance and are unwilling to learn. They follow the philosophy, “Where ignorance is bliss, ’tis folly to be wise.”3 But when there’s a Bible to read, a life to build, and an eternity to prepare for, it is folly to be ignorant. 我們所有人在很多事情上都是無知的,但簡單的人對自己的無知一無所知,也不願意學習。他們遵循這樣的哲學:「如果無知是福,那麼聰明就是愚蠢。」3但是,當有一本聖經要讀,有一個生命要建立,有一個永恆要準備時,無知就是愚蠢。
2. The Scorner 2. 蔑視者 Scorners think they know everything, and anybody who tries to teach them is only wasting time. “Proud and haughty scorner [scoffer] is his name” (21:24). Scorners can’t find wisdom even if they seek for it (14:6), because learning God’s truth demands a humble mind and an obedient will. What scorners lack in knowledge they make up for in arrogance. Instead of sensibly discussing a matter with those who could teach them, they only sneer at truth and deny it. My Hebrew lexicons describe them as “frivolous and impudent.” Having no intellectual or spiritual ammunition, the scorner depends on ridicule and contempt to fight his enemies. 輕視者認為他們知道一切,任何試圖教導他們的人都只是在浪費時間。 「祂的名是驕傲傲慢的褻慢者」(21:24)。輕蔑者即使尋求智慧也找不到智慧(14:6),因為學習神的真理需要謙卑的心和順服的意志。蔑視者缺乏知識,卻用傲慢來彌補。他們不會明智地與那些能夠教導他們的人討論問題,而是只會嘲笑並否認真理。我的希伯來語字典將他們描述為“輕浮無禮”。蔑視者沒有智力或精神彈藥,只能靠嘲笑和蔑視來對抗敵人。 Scorners show how ignorant they are by the way they respond to advice and reproof. “He who reproves a scoffer gets shame for himself…. Do not reprove a scoffer, lest he hate you; rebuke a wise man, and he will love you” (9:7–8 nkjv). “A wise son heeds his father’s instruction, but a scoffer does not listen to rebuke” (13:1 nkjv). “A scoffer does not love one who corrects him, nor will he go to the wise” (15:12 nkjv). When you try to teach a scorner, you’re just casting pearls before swine. The scorner knows everything! The tragedy is that scorners cause all kinds of trouble wherever they go. Whether in the neighborhood, on the job, or in the church, the scorner is toxic and spreads infection. “Cast out the scorner, and contention shall go out; yea, strife and reproach shall cease” (22:10). Scorners can even create problems for a whole city. “Mockers [scorners] stir up a city, but wise men turn away anger” (29:8 niv). The Hebrew verb translated “stir up” conveys the image of somebody stirring up a fire or blowing on a flame to make it burn more vigorously. By their contemptible words and attitudes, they add fuel to a fire that ought to be allowed to die out. 輕蔑者可以從他們對建議和責備的反應中看出他們是多麼無知。 「責備嘲笑者的人會為自己蒙羞…不要責備褻慢人,恐怕他恨你;責備智慧人,他就必愛你」(9:7-8 NKJV)。 「智慧子聽從父親的教訓;褻慢人不聽責備」(13:1 NKJV)。 「褻慢人不喜愛責備他的人,也不會親近智慧人」(15:12 NKJV)。當你試圖教導一個蔑視者時,你就是在向豬群撒珍珠。蔑視者甚麼都知道!可悲的是,蔑視者所到之處,都會造成各種麻煩。無論是在社區、工作場所或教堂,蔑視者都是有毒的,會傳播感染。 「趕走褻慢人,紛爭就平息了;是的,紛爭和辱罵都必止息」(22:10)。蔑視者甚至會給整個城市帶來問題。 「褻慢者攪亂一座城,智慧人平息怒氣」(29:8 Niv)。翻譯為「攪動」的希伯來動詞傳達了某人煽動火或向火焰吹氣以使其燃燒得更猛烈的形象。他們的卑鄙言辭和態度,是火上澆油,本應撲滅的。 The pages of both religious and political history are stained by the records of the deeds of proud mockers who wouldn’t listen to wise counsel but impulsively rushed into matters too high for them (Ps. 131). Their tongues were “set on fire of hell” (James 3:6); they defiled and damaged families, churches, cities, and entire nations. Churches can be quickly divided and destroyed by arrogant people who laugh at biblical truth and seek to have their own way. All spiritual leaders need to read and heed Acts 20:28–31 and James 3:13–18. 宗教歷史和政治史的書頁都被驕傲的嘲笑者的行為記錄玷污了,他們不聽明智的勸告,而是衝動地闖入對他們來說太高的事情(詩篇131)。他們的舌頭「被地獄的火焚燒」(雅各書3:6);他們玷污並損害了家庭、教會、城市和整個國家。傲慢的人嘲笑聖經真理,一意孤行,很快就會分裂和摧毀教會。所有屬靈領袖都需要閱讀並留意使徒行傳 20:28-31 和雅各書 3:13-18。 Scoffers are “an abomination to men” (Prov. 24:9) and to God. In fact, the Lord “scorns the scornful, but gives grace to the humble” (3:34 nkjv). This verse is quoted both by James (4:6) and Peter (1 Peter 5:5). “Judgments are prepared for scoffers” (Prov. 19:29), and because scorners mock God, God mocks the scorners. Consider what the Lord did to the builders at Babel (Gen. 11), to Pharaoh at the Red Sea (Ex. 14), to Nebuchadnezzar in Babylon (Dan. 4), to Herod Agrippa in Judea (Acts 12:20–25), and a host of others who defied His will. 好輕蔑的人「為人所憎惡」(箴 24:9),也為上帝所憎惡。事實上,主「藐視褻慢的人,賜恩給謙卑的人」(3:34 新欽定版)。「雅各(4:6)和彼得(彼得前書 5:5)都引用了這節經文。 「刑罰是為褻慢的人預備的」(箴 19:29),因為褻慢的人嘲笑上帝,上帝也輕蔑嘲笑的人。想想主對巴別的建造者(創11)、紅海的法老(出14)、巴比倫的尼布甲尼撒(但4)、猶太的希律亞基帕(使徒行傳12:20- 25)所做的事),以及其他許多違抗他意志的人。好謳的人「為人所憎惡」(箴 24:9),也為上帝所憎惡。事實上,主「藐視褻慢的人,賜恩給謙卑的人」(3:34 新欽定版)。
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