935 英翻中 (635) Let your heart be filled with the joy of the Lord Jesus. 讓主耶穌的喜樂充滿的心. 12/15/22024 星期日
小時候每逢聖誕節的來臨, 都聆聽牧師講解耶穌降生的事跡, 他不是講聖誕老人來送禮物, 而是在第一週日講天使向地位卑賤的牧人報平安的信息 --- "8 在伯利恒之野地里有牧羊的人,夜间按着更次看守羊群。 9 有主的使者站在他们旁边,主的荣光四面照着他们,牧羊的人就甚惧怕。 10 那天使对他们说:“不要惧怕,我报给你们大喜的信息,是关乎万民的。 11 因今天在大卫的城里,为你们生了救主,就是主基督。 12 你们要看见一个婴孩,包着布,卧在马槽里,那就是记号了。” 13 忽然有一大队天兵,同那天使赞美神说: 14 “在至高之处荣耀归于神!在地上平安归于他所喜悦的人[a]!" (路 2 : 8-14)
[註:] 上週馬里蘭州中國聖經教會蔣牧師講 "平安".
今天是星期日, 馬里蘭州中國聖經教會主任牧師程牧師分享: "喜樂." (約 15 章) 主是葡萄樹, 我們是枝子. 惟有接在喜樂的泉源的上帝的兒子樹幹上, 您才有喜樂. 在這兵荒馬亂的世界, 您有喜樂嗎? 有, 我有喜樂. 年底我就是 95 歲的老人. 求主恩賜祂的喜樂, 能使我把祂的福音 --- 箴言, 翻譯完, 讓青少年人有生活的喜樂.
Money isn’t everything,” said a wit, “but it does keep you in touch with your children.” On a more serious level, Paul summarized the Christian philosophy of wealth when he wrote, “Let him who stole steal no longer, but rather let him labor, working with his hands what is good, that he may have something to give him who has need” (Eph. 4:28 nkjv). 「錢不是萬能的,」一位智者說,“但它確實能讓你和孩子保持聯繫。在更嚴肅的層面上,保羅總結了基督教的財富哲學,他寫道:「從前偷竊的,不要再偷;總要勞力,親手做正經事,就可以有東西分給需要的人。」(弗 4:28 新欽定版)。 According to Paul, you can get wealth in three ways: by stealing it, earning it, or receiving it as a gift, which would include getting it as an inheritance. Stealing is wrong (Ex. 20:15), labor is honorable (Ex. 20:9), and “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). 根據保羅的說法,你可以透過三種方式獲得財富:偷竊、賺取或作為禮物接受,其中包括作為遺產獲得。偷竊是錯的(出 20:15),勞動是可敬的(出 20:9),「施比受更有福」(使徒行傳 20:35)。 In the book of Proverbs, King Solomon tells us a great deal about these three kinds of people—the thieves, the workers, and the poor who need our help. (Among the thieves, I’m including “the sluggard,” the lazy person who never works but expects others to take care of him. That’s being a thief, isn’t it?) However, wealthy as he was (1 Kings 4; 10), King Solomon emphasized that God’s wisdom is more important than money. “How much better is it to get wisdom than gold! and to get understanding rather to be chosen than silver!” (Prov. 16:16; see 2:1–5; 3:13–15; 8:10–21) This is Solomon’s version of Matthew 6:33; he’s reminding us that while it is good to have the things money can buy, be sure you don’t lose the things money can’t buy. 在《箴言》中,所羅門王告訴我們很多關於這三種人的事:盜賊、工人和需要我們幫助的窮人。 (在小偷中,我把「懶惰者」包括在內,即懶惰的人,從不工作,卻指望別人來照顧他。這就是小偷,不是嗎?)然而,儘管他很富有(王上 4 ; 10)、所羅門王強調上帝的智慧比金錢重要。 「獲得智慧比獲得黃金強多了!獲得理解, 遠被選中獲得銀子強多了! (箴 16:16;參閱 2:1-5;3:13-15;8:10-21)這是所羅門版本的馬太福音 6:33;他提醒我們,雖然擁有金錢能買到的東西固然很好,但請確保你不要失去金錢買不到的東西。
1. The Thieves 1. 小偷 The book of Proverbs opens with a stern warning against participating in get-rich-quick schemes that involve breaking the law (Prov. 1:10–19). These schemes are self-destructive and lead to bondage and possibly the grave. Beware of people who promise to make you wealthy without asking you to work or take any risks. “Wealth obtained by fraud dwindles, but the one who gathers by labor increases it” (13:11 nasb). “A man with an evil eye hastens after riches, and does not consider that poverty will come upon him” (28:22 nkjv). “Ill gotten treasures are of no value, but righteousness delivers from death” (10:2 niv). 《箴言》一開始就嚴厲警告人們不要參與違法有罪的致富計畫(箴 1:10-19)。這些計劃是自我毀滅性的,會導致束縛,甚至可能進入墳墓。提防那些承諾讓你致富, 而不要求你工作或承擔任何風險的人。 「透過詐欺獲得的財富會減少,但透過勞動累積的財富會增加」(13:11 新美國標準版)。 「有邪惡眼的人, 急於追求財富,卻不想到貧窮會臨到他身上」(28:22 新欽定版)。 「不義之財毫無價值,唯有正義能救人脫離死亡」(10:2 新國際版)。 Proverbs 21:5–7 points out three ways not to get wealth: following hasty schemes (v. 5), lying to people (v. 6), and robbing (v. 7). Most if not all get-rich-quick schemes involve some kind of deception and are nothing but scams.1 Unfortunately, even God’s people have been duped by scam artists, and more than one trusting soul has lost his or her life savings in a “sure thing” that turned out to be a sure loser. However, scams wouldn’t succeed if there weren’t people eager to get rich as quickly and easily as possible. But, as the old adage puts it, “There are no free lunches.” You take what you want from life, but eventually you pay for it. 箴言 21:5-7 指出了三種得不到財富的方法:草率行事(第 5 節)、欺騙人(第 6 節)和搶劫(第 7 節)。大多數(如果不是全部)快速致富計劃都涉及某種欺騙,只不過是騙局.1 致終失去你畢生積蓄。然而,如果沒有人渴望盡快、輕鬆地致富,詐騙就不會得逞。但是,正如古老的格言所說,“天下沒有白吃的午餐”。你從生活中得到了你想要的東西,但最終你還是要付出代價。 God demands that we be honest in all our business dealings. Dishonesty is robbery. “Dishonest scales are an abomination to the Lord, but a just weight is His delight” (11:1 nkjv; see 16:11; 20:10, 23). Moses commanded in the law that the people use honest weights and measures (Lev 19:35–36; Deut. 25:13–16); since Israel didn’t have an official Department of Standards to check on these things, the law wasn’t always obeyed. Amos accused the merchants in his day of “skimping the measure, boosting the price and cheating with dishonest scales” (Amos 8:5 niv); Micah asked, “Shall I count them pure with the wicked balances, and with the bag of deceitful weights?” (Mic. 6:11). 上帝要求我們在所有業務往來中都要誠實。不誠實就是搶劫。 「不誠實的天平為耶和華所憎惡,公道的稱為祂所喜悅」(11:1 新欽定本;參閱 16:11;20:10, 23)。摩西在律法中命令人們使用準確的度量衡(利 19:35-36;申 25:13-16);由於以色列沒有官方標準部門來檢查這些事情,因此法律並不總是得到遵守。阿摩司指責他那個時代的商人「偷稅漏稅,抬高價格,用不誠實的秤進行欺騙」(阿摩司書8:5,新國際版);彌迦問道:“我可以用邪惡的天平和那袋假的法碼來算它們純潔嗎?” (彌 6:11)。 Another dishonest way to get wealth is to use your resources selfishly and disregard the needs of others. “A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed. People curse the man who hoards grain, but blessing crowns him who is willing to sell” (Prov. 11:25–26 niv). In times of drought and famine, a prosperous farmer could corner the grain market and become rich at the expense of his needy neighbors (see Neh. 5). We need to realize that everything we have comes from God (1 Cor. 4.7; John 3:27) and that we are but stewards of His wealth. While everyone expects that a businessman will make a profit, nobody wants him to “make a killing” and hurt others. 另一種獲取財富的不誠實方式是,自私地使用自己的資源,無視他人的需求。 「慷慨的人會繁榮;使別人精神煥發的人,自己也會精神煥發。人們咒罵囤積糧食的人,卻賜福給願意出售糧食的人」(箴 11:25-26 新國際版)。在乾旱和飢荒時期,富裕的農民可以壟斷糧食市場,以犧牲貧困鄰居的利益為代價致富(見尼希米記 5)。我們需要認識到,我們所擁有的一切都來自神(哥林多前書 4.7;約翰福音 3:27),我們只是祂財富的管家。每個人都希望商人能賺錢,但沒有人希望他“大賺一筆”,傷害別人。 The biggest thieves of all are the lazy people who could work but won’t, the people who consume what others produce but produce nothing for others to use. The “sluggard” and the “slothful man” are mentioned at least seventeen times in Proverbs, and nothing good is said about them. 最大的小偷是那些懶惰的人,他們可以工作但不肯工作,他們消費別人生產的東西但不生產任何東西供別人使用。箴言中至少提到十七次“好吃懶做的人” 和 “懶惰人”,但對他們沒有任何好話。 We need to recognize the fact that work is not a curse. God gave Adam work to do in the Garden even before sin entered the scene (Gen. 2:15). Before He began His public ministry, Jesus worked as a carpenter (Mark 6:3); the apostle Paul was a tentmaker (Acts 18:1–3). In that day, rabbis had vocations and supported themselves but didn’t accept payment from their students. When we engage in honorable employment we’re cooperating with God in caring for and using His creation, we’re helping to provide for others, and we’re growing in character. The work God has called us to do ought to nourish us (John 4:34), not tear us down; “the laborer is worthy of his hire” (Luke 10:7; 1 Tim. 5:18). 我們需要認識到工作不是詛咒這一事實。甚至在罪惡出現之前,上帝就先給亞當在伊甸園裡做一些工作(創 2:15)。在耶穌開始公開傳道之前,祂是一名木匠(可 6:3);使徒保羅是製造帳棚的人(徒 18:1-3)。那時,拉比們有自己的職業並養活自己,但不接受學生的報酬。當我們從事光榮的工作時,我們就是在與上帝合作,照顧和使用祂的創造物,我們就是在幫助養活他人,我們的品格也在成長。祂呼召我們去做的工作應該要滋養我們(約 4:34),而不是毀滅我們; 「工人是值得拿他的工錢的」(路 10:7;提前 5:18)。 What are some of the marks of sluggards? For one thing, they love to sleep. “How long will you lie there, you sluggard? When will you get up from your sleep?” (Prov. 6:9 niv). “As a door turns on its hinges, so does the lazy man on his bed” (26:14). Lots of motion—but no progress! Sleep is a necessary element for a healthy life, but too much sleep is destructive. Wise people enjoy sleep that’s “sweet” (3:24) because they know they’re in God’s will, and the laborer’s sleep is “sweet” because he or she has worked hard (Eccl. 5:12), but the sleep of the sluggard is a mark of selfishness and laziness. “Laziness could run a competitive race for the most underrated sin,” write Ronald Sailler and David Wyrtzen in The Practice of Wisdom (Chicago: Moody, 1992). “Quietly it anesthetizes its victim into a lifeless stupor that ends in hunger, bondage and death” (82). 懶惰人有哪些特質?一方面,他們喜歡睡覺。 「你這個懶鬼,還要躺在那裡多久?你什麼時候才能從睡夢中醒來? (箴 6:9 和合本)。 「門隨著鉸鏈轉動,懶人在床上也轉動起來」(26:14)。很多動作——但沒有進展!睡眠是健康生活的必要元素,但睡眠過多卻具有破壞性。智慧人享受「香甜」的睡眠(3:24),因為他們知道自己是在上帝的旨意中,而勞動者的睡眠是「香甜」的,因為他或她辛勤工作(傳道書 5:12)。懶惰者是自私和懶惰的標誌。 「懶惰可能會導致最被低估的罪惡,」羅納德‧塞勒和大衛‧維爾岑在《智慧的實踐》(芝加哥:穆迪,1992)中寫道。 「它悄悄地將受害者麻醉成毫無生氣的昏迷狀態,最終導致飢餓、束縛和死亡」(82)。 Put the sluggard to work and he’s more of a nuisance than a help. “As vinegar to the teeth, and as smoke to the eyes, so is the sluggard to them that send him” (Prov. 10:26). Vinegar on the teeth and smoke in the eyes aren’t necessarily lethal, but they do irritate you; so does a sluggard who won’t get the job done. All he does is dream about the things he wants to enjoy, but he won’t work hard enough to earn them. “The sluggard’s craving will be the death of him, because his hands refuse to work” (21:25 niv). Dreams become nightmares if you don’t discipline yourself to work. 讓懶惰的人去工作,他只會帶來麻煩,而不是提供幫助。 「懶惰人對差遣他的人來說,如同醋抹牙,煙燻眼目」(箴 10:26)。牙齒上的醋和眼睛裡的煙不一定會致命,但它們確實會刺激你;一個懶惰的人無法完成工作也是如此。他所做的只是夢想他想要享受的東西,但他不會努力工作來贏得它們。 「懶惰人的貪欲將導致他的死亡,因為他的手不肯工作」(21:25 新國際版)。如果你不約束自己去工作,夢想就會變成惡夢。 Another mark of the sluggard is a know-it-all attitude. “The lazy man is wiser in his own eyes than seven men who can answer sensibly” (26:16 nkjv). He lives in a fantasy world that prevents him from being a useful part of the real world (13:4; 21:25–26), but he can tell everybody else what to do. He’s never succeeded at anything in his own life, but he can tell others how to succeed. 懶惰人的另一個標誌是無所不知的態度。 「懶惰人自以為比七個能明智回答的人更有智慧」(26:16 新欽定版)。他生活在一個幻想世界中,這使他無法成為現實世界中有用的一部分(13:4;21:25-26),但他可以告訴其他人該做什麼。他一生中從未在任何事情上取得過成功,但他可以告訴別人如何成功。 Sluggards are good at making excuses. Either the weather is too cold for plowing (20:4), or it’s too dangerous to go out of the house (22:13; 26:13). “The way of the sluggard is blocked with thorns, but the path of the upright is a highway” (15:19 niv). The diligent man or woman can always find a reason to work, but the sluggard always has an excuse for not working. Evangelist Billy Sunday defined an excuse as “the skin of a reason stuffed with a lie,” and he was right. People who are good at making excuses are rarely good at doing anything else. 懶漢善於找藉口。要嘛是天氣太冷,不適合耕種(20:4),要嘛是出門太危險(22:13;26:13)。 「懶惰人的路充滿荊棘,正直人的路卻是大道」(15:19 新國際版)。勤奮的人總能找到工作的理由,而懶惰的人總能找到不工作的藉口。傳道者比利·桑迪將藉口定義為“充滿謊言的理由”,他是對的。善於找藉口的人很少擅長做其他事。 What finally happens to the sluggard? For one thing, unless others care for them, sluggards live in poverty and hunger. “Laziness casts one into a deep sleep, and an idle person will suffer hunger” (19:15 nkjv; see 10:4; 13:4). “If any would not work, neither should he eat” was the standard for the New Testament church (see 2 Thess. 3:6–15). The saints were happy to care for those who needed help and couldn’t care for themselves, but they had no time for freeloaders who lived by the sacrifices of others (Acts 2:44–47; 1 Tim. 5:3–16). The sluggard gets so lazy, he won’t feed himself even when the food is brought right to him (Prov. 19:24; 26:15)! 懶人最後怎麼樣了?一方面,除非別人關心他們,懶漢們就會生活在貧窮和飢餓之中。 「懶惰使人沉睡,懶惰人會挨餓」(19:15 新欽定版;參閱 10:4;13:4)。 「若有不肯作工的,就不可吃飯」是新約教會的標準(參考帖後 3:6-15)。聖徒們很樂意照顧那些需要幫助而又無法照顧自己的人,但他們沒有時間去照顧那些靠別人的犧牲過活的貪圖便宜的人(使徒行傳2:44-47;提摩太前書5 :3-16) 。懶惰人變得如此懶惰,即使食物直接送到他面前,他也不會自己吃東西(箴 19:24;26:15)! The sluggard loses his freedom and is enslaved to others. “The hand of the diligent will rule, but the lazy man will be put to forced labor” (12:24 nkjv). His debts accumulate to the point where he has to become a slave and work off what he owes (see Lev. 25:39–55; Deut. 15:12–18). The “easy life” of leisure turns out to be very costly as the sluggard exchanges his pillow for a plow and has to work off his debts the hard way. 懶惰人失去了自由,成為別人的奴隸。 「勤奮人的手必掌權,懶惰人必受苦役」(12:24 新欽定版)。他的債務累積到了他必須成為奴隸並償還所欠債務的程度(參考利未記 25:39-55;申命記 15:12-18)。懶惰的人把枕頭換成犁,並不得不艱難地還清債務,悠閒的「安逸生活」的代價卻是非常高昂的。 The sluggard wastes God-given resources. “He also that is slothful in his work is brother to him that is a great waster” (Prov. 18:9). The lazy person may be “working” but not doing a very good job. Consequently, what’s done will either have to be thrown out or done over; this means it will cost twice as much. 懶惰人浪費上帝所賜的資源。 「懶惰作工的,與大度浪費的人為弟兄」(箴 18:9)。懶惰的人可能在“工作”,但做得併不好。因此,所做的事情要么被扔掉,要么重新做;這意味著它的成本將是原來的兩倍。 The sluggard also wastes God-given opportunities. “He who gathers in summer is a wise son; he who sleeps in harvest is a son who causes shame” (10:5 nkjv). When the fields are ready for harvest, the reapers have to go to work, because the opportunity won’t be there forever (John 4:27–38). Diligent people are alert to their God-given opportunities and seek to make the most of them. 懶惰人也浪費了上帝所賜的機會。 「夏天採集的,是智慧之子;收割時睡覺的,是羞辱之子」(10:5 新欽定版)。當田地準備收割時,收割者就必須去工作,因為機會不會永遠存在(約翰福音4:27-38)。勤奮的人對上帝賜予的機會保持警惕,並尋求充分利用它們
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