Sunday, December 1, 2024

921 英翻中 (621) We have nothing to boast, only Lord's cross. 我們沒有什麼值得誇口, 惟主的十字架, 12/1/2024

921 英翻中 (621)                           We have nothing to boast, only Lord's cross.                                                                                                我們沒有什麼值得誇口, 惟主的十字架.                      12/1/2024

CHAPTER THREE  第三章                                                                                                                        Proverbs 2—4   箴言2-4                                                                                                                               THE PATH OF WISDOM AND LIFE 智慧與生命之路                                                                                      A newspaper cartoon shows an automobile balancing precariously over the edge of a cliff, with an embarrassed husband at the wheel and his disgusted wife sitting next to him. Meekly, he says to his wife, “Honey, there’s got to be a lesson here somewhere.”                                                                                   報紙上的漫畫展示了一輛汽車搖搖晃晃地在懸崖邊緣保持平衡,駕駛座上的是一位尷尬的丈夫,而他厭惡的妻子則坐在他旁邊。他溫順地對妻子說:“親愛的,總得在某個地方吸取教訓。”                                                                                                                                                                     There’s a lesson there all right, and it’s this: The only way to end up at the right destination is to choose the right road. If you’ve ever made a wrong turn in a strange place and found yourself lost, then you know how important that lesson is.                                                                                                                 這是一個教訓,那就是:到達正確目的地的唯一方法就是選擇正確的道路。如果你曾經在一個陌生的地方轉錯了方向並迷路了,那麼你就會知道這個教訓有多重要。                                          The metaphor of life as a journey is a familiar one; it is found in the Bible as well as in classical literature. The Odyssey of Homer describes Ulysses’ ten-year journey from Troy to his home in Ithaca, and Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress is an account of Christian’s journey from the City of Destruction to the heavenly city. The Bible frequently exhorts us to choose the right path, but the contemporary world thinks there are “many ways to God” and any path you sincerely follow will eventually take you there.           人們很熟悉將生命比喻為一場旅程。它存在於聖經和古典文學中。荷馬的《奧德賽》描述了尤利西斯從特洛伊到伊薩卡家鄉的十年旅程,班揚的《天路歷程》則描述了基督徒從毀滅之城到天堂之城的旅程。聖經經常勸誡我們選擇正確的道路,但當代世界認為“通往上帝的道路有很多條”,任何你真誠遵循的道路最終都會帶你到達那裡。                                                                          Jesus made it clear that in this life we can take only one of two ways, and each of them leads to a different destination. Everybody has to choose either the crowded road that leads to destruction or the narrow road that leads to life (Matt. 7:13–14). There’s no middle way.                                                               耶穌明確表示,我們今生只能選擇兩條路之一,而每條路都會通往不同的目的地。每個人都必須選擇一條通往毀滅的擁擠道路,或是通往生命的狹窄道路(太7:13-14)。沒有中間道路。                                                                                                                                                                       In the book of Proverbs, the words path and way (and their plurals) are found nearly one hundred times (kjv). Wisdom is not only a person to love, but Wisdom is also a path to walk, and the emphasis in chapters 2, 3, and 4 is on the blessings God’s people enjoy when they walk on Wisdom’s path. The path of Wisdom leads to life, but the way of Folly leads to death; when you walk on the path of Wisdom, you enjoy three wonderful assurances: Wisdom protects your path (ch. 2), directs yurpath (ch. 3), and perfects your path (ch.4)                                                                                                                            在《箴言》中,路徑和方式(及其複數形式)這兩個詞出現了近一百次 (欽定本)。智慧不僅是值得愛的人,也是一條要走的路,第2、3、4章的重點是神的子民在走智慧的路時所享受的祝福。智慧之道導致生命,愚昧之道導致死亡。當你走在智慧之路上時,你會享受三個美妙的保證:智慧保護你的道路(第2章),指引你的道路(第3章),並完善你的道路(第4章)。

1. Wisdom Protects Your Path (Prov. 2)                                                                                                      1.智慧保護你的道路(箴2)                                                                                                                              The key verse in chapter 2 is verse 8: “He guards the paths of justice, and preserves the way of His saints” (nkjv). The repetition of the phrase “my son” (2:1; 3:1, 11, 21; 4:10, 20; and see 4:1, “my children”) reminds us that the book of Proverbs records a loving father’s wise counsel to his family. The British statesman Lord Chesterfield said, “In matters of religion and matrimony I never give any advice; because I will not have anybody’s torments in this world or the next laid to my charge.” But Jewish fathers were commanded to teach their children wisdom (Deut. 6:1–9); if the children were smart, they paid attention and obeyed. Life is dangerous. It is wise to listen to the counsel of godly people who have walked the path before us.                                                                                                         第 2 章的關鍵經文是第 8 節:「祂守護正義的道路,保護祂聖徒的道路」(NKJV新詹姆斯版)。 「我的兒子」這個片語的重複(2:1;3:1, 11, 21;4:10, 20;參閱4:1,「我的孩子」)提醒我們,箴言記錄了一位慈愛的父親的心。英國政治家切斯特菲爾德 (Chesterfield) 勳爵說:「在宗教和婚姻問題上,我從不給任何建議;因為我不會讓任何人在今世或來世受苦受難。但猶太父親被命令要教導他們的孩子智慧(申 6:1-9);如果孩子們聰明,他們就會注意並服從。生命是危險的。聽取在我們之前走過的敬虔之人的建議是明智的。                                                          Three different “walks” are described in this chapter.                                                                                  本章描述了三種不同的「行走」。                                                                                                           Walking with God (vv. 1–9). Chapters 2—4 all begin with an admonition to listen to God’s words and take them to heart (3:1–12; 4:1–9), because that’s the only way we can walk with God and live skillfully. Eight imperatives in this paragraph reveal our responsibilities toward God’s truth: receive (accept) God’s words and hide them (store them up) in our minds and hearts; incline the ear and apply the heart; cry after knowledge and lift up the voice for understanding; seek for wisdom and search after it. If you want wisdom, you must listen to God attentively (Matt. 13:9), obey Him humbly (John 7:17), ask Him sincerely (James 1:5), and seek Him diligently (Isa. 55:6–7), the way a miner searches for silver and gold.                                                                                                                                                       與神同行(1-9節)。第 2-4 章都以勸告我們要聆聽上帝的話語並將其牢記在心(3:1-12;4:1-9),因為這是我們與上帝同行並巧妙生活的唯一方法。這一段中的八項命令揭示了我們對神的真理的責任:接受(接受)神的話語並將它們隱藏(儲存)在我們的思想和心靈中;側耳貼心;呼求知識,高聲尋求理解;尋求智慧並追尋它。如果你想要智慧,你必須專心聆聽神(太13:9),謙卑地順服他(約翰福音7:17),真誠地祈求他(雅各書1:5),並殷勤地尋求他(以賽亞書55:6-) 7),礦工尋找白銀和黃金的方式。                                                                                 Obtaining spiritual wisdom isn’t a once-a-week hobby, it is the daily discipline of a lifetime. But in this age of microwave ovens, fast foods, digests, and numerous “made easy” books, many people are out of the habit of daily investing time and energy in digging deep into Scripture and learning wisdom from the Lord. Thanks to television, their attention span is brief; thanks to religious entertainment that passes for worship, their spiritual appetite is feeble and spiritual knowledge isn’t “pleasant to [their] soul” (Prov. 2:10). It’s no wonder fewer and fewer people “take time to be holy” and more and more people fall prey to the enemies that lurk along the way.                                                                                      獲得靈性智慧不是每週一次的嗜好,而是一生的日常紀律。但在這個微波爐、快餐、文摘和無數「簡單」書籍的時代,許多人已經養成了每天投入時間和精力深入挖掘聖經和從主那裡學習智慧的習慣。由於電視的存在,他們的注意力持續時間很短;由於宗教娛樂被視為崇拜,他們的精神胃口微弱,精神知識「不令[他們的]靈魂喜悅」(箴言2:10)。難怪「花時間變成聖潔」的人越來越少,而越來越多的人成為潛伏在路上的敵人的犧牲品。                                                   If we do our part, God will keep His promise and protect us from the enemy (vv. 7–8): “He holds victory in store for the upright, he is a shield to those whose walk is blameless, for he guards the course of the just and protects the way of his faithful ones” (niv). “Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You” (Ps. 119:11 nkjv).                                                                                                       如果我們盡自己的本分,神就會信守祂的應許,保護我們免受敵人的侵害(7-8節):「祂為正直人預備勝利,為行為完全的人作盾牌,因為祂保護我們引導正義者的道路,保護他忠實之人的道路」(新譯本)。 「我將你的話藏在心裡,免得我得罪你」(詩篇 119:11 NKJV)。  

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