Monday, December 2, 2024

922 英翻中 (622) I would rather have Jesus. 我寧願有耶穌. 勝過世界. 12/2/2024

922 英翻中 (622)        I would rather have Jesus.       我寧願有耶穌. 勝過世界.                12/2/2024

        People are willing to work diligently in their jobs because they know they’ll earn a paycheck, but what about applying themselves diligently to God’s Word in order to gain spiritual riches that are more valuable than gold and silver and jewels, riches that will last forever? (See 2:4; 3:13–15; 8:10–21; 16:16.) There’s a price to pay if we would gain spiritual wisdom, but there’s an even greater price to pay if we don’t gain it. We must walk with God through the study of His Word.                                           人們願意在工作中勤奮工作,因為他們知道自己會賺到薪水,但如果勤奮地遵守神的話語,以獲得比金銀珠寶更有價值的精神財富,這些財富可以持續一生呢? (參閱2:4;3:13-15;8:10-21;16:16。)如果我們想要獲得屬靈智慧,就需要付出代價,但如果我們沒有獲得屬靈智慧,我們就要付出更大的代價。我們必須透過研究神的話語與神同行。 Walking with the wicked (vv. 10–19). Here we meet “the evil man” and “the strange woman,” two people who are dangerous because they want to lead God’s children away from the path of life. The evil man is known for his perverse (“froward,” kjv; crooked) words (see vv. 12, 14; 6:14; 8:13; 10:31–32; 16:28, 30). He walks on the dark path of disobedience and enjoys doing that which is evil. He belongs to the crowd Solomon warns us about in 1:10–19. The person who walks in the way of wisdom would immediately detect his deceit and avoid him. 與惡人同行(10-19節)。在這裡,我們遇到了“惡人”和“奇怪的女人”,這兩個人很危險,因為他們想帶領上帝的孩子遠離生命的道路。惡人以其乖僻(“乖僻”,欽定本;彎曲)的言語而聞名(參閱12, 14節;6:14;8:13;10:31-32;16:28, 30)。他走在悖逆的黑暗道路上,喜歡做惡事。祂屬於所羅門在 1 章 10-19 節中警告我們的群眾。走在智慧之路上的人,會立刻識破他的欺騙而避開他。                                                                                                     The “strange woman” is the adulteress, the wayward wife described so vividly in 7:1–27. If the evil man uses perverse words to snare the unwary, the adulteress uses flattering words. Someone has said that flattery isn’t communication, it is manipulation; it’s people telling us things about ourselves that we enjoy hearing and wish were true. The strange woman knows how to use flattery successfully. She has no respect for God because she breaks His law (Ex. 20:14); she has no respect for her husband because she violates the promises she made to him when she married him. She no longer has a guide or a friend in the Lord or in her husband because she has taken the path of sin. Anyone who listens to her words and follows her path is heading for the cemetery.                                                                                    「陌生婦人」指姦婦,即 7 章 1-27 節中生動描述的任性的妻子。如果惡人用乖僻的言語來陷害粗心的人,姦婦就用諂媚的言語來引誘粗心的人。有人說,奉承不是溝通,而是操縱;人們告訴我們一些關於我們自己的事情,我們喜歡聽到這些事情,並且希望這些事情是真實的。這個奇怪的女人懂得如何成功地利用阿諛奉承。她不尊重上帝,因為她違反了上帝的律法(出 20:14);她不尊重她的丈夫,因為她違背了嫁給他時向他做出的承諾。她在主或她的丈夫中不再有嚮導或朋友,因為她走上了罪的道路。任何聽從她的話並遵循她的道路的人都會前往墓地。                                                                                                                                                                      Walking with the righteous (vv. 20–22). Note the argument that Solomon gives in this chapter that begins with the “if” of verse 1 and continues with the “then” of verse 9 and the “thus” of verse 20. If we receive God’s words and obey them, then we will have wisdom to make wise decisions, and thus God will keep His promise and protect us from the evil man and the strange woman. When you obey God, you have the privilege to “walk in the ways of good men” (v. 20 niv). If you follow the Word of God, you will never lack for the right kind of friends.                                                                                                  與義人同行(20-22節)。請注意所羅門在這一章中給出的論證,從第1 節的「如果」開始,到第9 節的「那麼」和第20 節的「如此」。我們就會有智慧做出明智的決定,上帝就會信守祂的諾言,保護我們免受惡人和陌生女人的侵害。當你順服神時,你就有權利「行善人的道」(20節)。如果你遵循神的話語,你就永遠不會缺少合適的朋友。                                                   The wicked may appear to be succeeding, but their end is destruction (Ps. 37). The godly will be rooted in the place of God’s blessing (Ps. 1:3), but the ungodly will be uprooted from the land. The safest and most satisfying path is the path of wisdom, the path of life.                                                                  惡人看似得逞,但他們的結局卻是毀滅(詩篇 37)。敬虔的人必在上帝賜福的地方紮根(詩篇 1:3),但不敬虔的人必從這地被連根拔起。最安全、最令人滿意的道路是智慧之路、生命之路。

2. Wisdom Directs Our Path (Prov. 3)                                                                                                        The key verses in this chapter are verses 5–6, a promise God’s people have often claimed as they have sought the Lord’s direction for their lives. And this promise has never failed them—if they have obeyed the conditions God has laid down in verses 1–12. God keeps His promises when we obey His precepts, because our obedience prepares us to receive and enjoy what He has planned for us.                               2. 智慧指引我們的道路(箴 3)                                                                                                            本章的關鍵經文是第 5 至 6 節,這是上帝子民在尋求主對他們生活的指引時經常宣稱的應許。如果他們遵守了神在 1-12 節所規定的條件,那麼這個應許就不會辜負他們。當我們遵守祂的誡命時,上帝就會履行祂的應許,因為我們的服從使我們準備好接受並享受祂為我們計劃的一切。 需要滿足的條件(1-12 節)。                                                                                                                    Conditions to meet (vv. 1–12). The first condition for receiving God’s guidance is that we learn God’s truth (vv. 1–4). The will of God is revealed in the Word of God (Col. 1:9–10), and the only way to know His will is to study His Word and obey it. By receiving the Word within our hearts, we experience growth in godly character so that mercy and truth (“love and faithfulness,” niv) become beautiful ornaments in our lives (Prov. 3:3; 1:9). It isn’t enough for believers to carry the Bible in their hands; they must let the Holy Spirit write it on their hearts (3:3; 7:3; 2 Cor. 3:1–3). Obedience to the Word can add years to your life and life to your years.                                                                                         接受神的引導的首要條件是學習神的真理(1-4節)。神的旨意啟示在神的話語中(歌羅西書 1:9-10),了解神的旨意的唯一方法就是研究並遵守神的話語。透過在我們心中接受神的話語,我們會經歷敬虔品格的成長,從而使憐憫和真理(“仁愛和信實”,NIV)成為我們生活中美麗的裝飾品(箴言 3:3;1:9)。信徒手裡拿著《聖經》是不夠的,還需要有聖經在手。他們必須讓聖靈將其寫在他們的心上(3:3;7:3;哥林多後書 3:1-3)。順服神的話可以使你的壽命延長,也可以使你的壽命延長。                                                                                                                             Second, we must obey God’s will (vv. 5–8). “He shall direct your paths” (v. 6 nkjv) is the promise, but the fulfillment of that promise is predicated on our obedience to the Lord. We must trust Him with all our heart and obey Him in all our ways. That means total commitment to Him (Rom. 12:1–2). The word translated “trust” in verse 5 means “to lie helpless, facedown.” It pictures a servant waiting for the master’s command in readiness to obey, or a defeated soldier yielding himself to the conquering general.                                                                                                                                               其次,我們必須遵守神的旨意(5-8節)。 「祂必指引你的路」(第 6 節)是應許,但這應許的實現取決於我們對主的順服。我們必須全心全意地信靠他,並在一切方面服從他。這意味著完全委身於祂(羅馬書 12:1-2)。第 5 節中翻譯為「信靠」的字的意思是「面朝下無助地躺著」。它描繪了一個僕人等待主人的命令,準備服從,或者一個戰敗的士兵屈服於征服的將軍。                                                                                                                                                                        The danger, of course, is that we lean on our own understanding and thereby miss God’s will. This warning doesn’t suggest that God’s children turn off their brains and ignore their intelligence and common sense. It simply cautions us not to depend on our own wisdom and experience or the wisdom and experience of others. Abraham did this when he went to Egypt (Gen. 12:10–20), and so did Joshua when he attacked the little town of Ai (Josh. 7). When we become “wise in [our] own eyes” (Prov. 3:7), then we’re heading for trouble.                                                                                                                                 當然,危險在於我們依賴自己的理解,因而錯過了神的旨意。這個警告並不意味著上帝的孩子們會關閉他們的大腦並忽視他們的智慧和常識。它只是告誡我們不要依賴自己的智慧和經驗,也不要依賴別人的智慧和經驗。亞伯拉罕在去埃及時就這樣做了(創世記 12:10-20),約書亞在攻擊艾小鎮時也這樣做了(約書亞記 7)。當我們「自以為有智慧」(箴 3:7)時,我們就會陷入麻煩。                                                                                                                                                   Share God’s blessings (vv. 9–10) is the third condition we must meet if we want God to direct our paths. There’s no such thing as “spiritual” and “material” in the Christian life, for everything comes from God and belongs to God. The Old Testament Jews brought the Lord the firstlings of their flocks (Ex. 13:1–2) and the firstfruits of their fields (Lev. 23:9–14), and in this way acknowledged His goodness and sovereignty. The New Testament parallel is seen in Matthew 6:33. If we don’t faithfully give to the Lord, we don’t really trust the Lord. Of course, our tithes and offerings aren’t “payment” for His blessings; rather, they’re evidence of our faith and obedience. Christian industrialist R. G. LeTourneau used to say, “If you give because it pays, it won’t pay.” Giving is heart preparation for what God wants to say to us and do for us. “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matt. 6:21 nkjv).                                                                                                                                                               如果我們希望上帝指引我們的道路,那麼分享上帝的祝福(9-10節)是我們必須滿足的第三個條件。在基督徒的生命中,沒有「精神」和「物質」之分,因為一切都來自神,都屬於神。舊約猶太人將他們羊群中頭生的(出13:1-2)和田地初熟的莊稼(利23:9-14)帶到主面前,以此方式承認他的良善和主權。馬太福音 6 章 33 節中可以看到新約的相似之處。如果我們不忠心地奉獻給主,我們就不是真正信靠主。當然,我們的十分之一和奉獻並不是對祂祝福的「付款」;而是我們的奉獻。相反,它們是我們信仰和服從的證據。基督教工業試驗家 R. G. LeTourneau 曾經說過:“如果你因為有回報而給予,那麼它就不會回報。”奉獻是為神想對我們說的話和為我們所做的事做好心裡準備。 「因為你的財寶在哪裡,你的心也在那裡」(太 6:21 NKJV)。    

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