Sunday, August 4, 2024

812 英翻中 (512) Paul came back to Jerusalem. 保羅回到耶路撒冷. 04/08/2024

812 英翻中 (512)     Paul came back to Jerusalem.           保羅回到耶路撒冷.                 04/08/2024

2.  Blessings from God the Son (Gal.  1:7–12)                                                                                          2.  圣子得到的祝福(加   1:7-12

We should not think that each person of the Godhead works independently, because they all worked together to make possible our salvation. But each Person has a special ministry to perform, a special “spiritual deposit” to make in our lives.                                                                我们不应该认为上帝的三個位格是独立工作的,因为祂们在一起作,使我们的得救成为可能。但是每位格都有自己特殊的作為要执行,特殊的  “屬靈存款放置在我们的生命裡 

He has redeemed us (v. 7a). To redeem means “to purchase and set free by paying a price.” There were sixty million slaves in the Roman Empire, and often they were bought and sold like pieces of furniture. But a man could purchase a slave and set him free, and this is what Jesus did for us. The price was His own blood (1 Peter 1:18ff.). This means that we are free from the law (Gal. 5:1), free from slavery to sin (Rom. 6), as well as free from the power of Satan and the world (Gal. 1:4; Col. 1:13–14). If we were slaves, we would be poor, but because we are sons, we are rich!          祂赎了我们(第 7 上半段)。赎回  “付出购买和释放的贖款。罗马帝国有六千万奴隶,他们经常像家具一样被买卖。但是人可以买奴隶并释放他,这就是耶稣为我们所做的。代价是祂自己的血(彼前  1:18比照研讀)。这意味着我们脱离了律法(加   5:1),脱离了罪的奴役(罗   6章),也脱离了撒旦和世界的权势(加   1:4西   1 :13–14)。如果我们是奴隶,我们会很穷,但因为我们是儿子,所以我们很富有!

He has forgiven us (v. 7b). The word forgive means “to carry away.” This reminds us of the ritual on the Jewish day of Atonement, when the high priest sent the scapegoat into the wilderness (Lev. 16). First the priest killed one of the two goats and sprinkled its blood before God on the mercy seat. Then he confessed Israel’s sins over the live goat, and had the goat taken into the wilderness to be lost. Christ died to carry away our sins so they might never again be seen (Ps. 103:12; John 1:29). No written accusation stands against us because our sins have been taken away! Sin made us poor, but grace makes us rich.                                                                                                             祂饒恕了我们(第 7 节)。饒恕的意思是  “不再記憶这让我们想起了犹太赎罪日的仪式,当时大祭司将替罪羊送到旷野(未   16)。首先,祭司杀了两只山羊中的一只,把它的血洒在上帝面前的施恩座上。然后他为那只活山羊承认以色列人的罪,并把山羊带到旷野,让他跑掉。基督的死是为了除去我们的罪孽,使人永远不再記憶它们(诗  103:12    1:29)。没有任何书面指控可以反对我们,因为我们的罪孽已被除去! 罪使我们贫穷,但恩典使我们富有。

He has revealed God’s will to us (vv. 8–10). This letter has much to say about God’s plan for His people, a plan that was not fully understood even in Paul’s day. The word mystery has nothing to do with things eerie. It means a “sacred secret, once hidden but now revealed to God’s people.” We believers are a part of God’s “inner circle.” We are able to share in the secret that God will one day unite everything in Christ. Ever since sin came into the world, things have been falling apart. First, man was separated from God (Gen. 3). Then man was separated from man, as Cain killed Abel (Gen. 4). People tried to maintain a kind of unity by building the Tower of Babel (Gen. 11), but God judged them and scattered them across the world. God called Abraham and put a difference between the Jew and the Gentile, a difference that was maintained until Christ’s death on the cross. Sin is tearing everything apart, but in Christ, God will gather everything together in the culmination of the ages. We are a part of this great eternal program.                                           祂启示我们上帝的旨意(8-10 节)。这封信把上帝對祂子民的计划说了很多,即使在保罗的时代,这计划也没有完全得到理解。  “神秘”  怪異的意思无关。它的意思是  “神圣的秘密,曾经隐藏,但现在上帝向祂的子民揭示 我们信徒是上帝 核心圈子裡的人。我们能够分享這秘密,它是上帝有一天会在基督里将一切联合起来。自从罪进入世界以来,事情一直在分崩离析。首先,人与上帝隔绝(创   3章)。然后人与人分离,因为该隐杀死了亚伯(创   4章)。人们试图通过共同建造巴别塔来维持他們某种团结(创   11),但上帝审判了他们,并将他们分散到世界各地。上帝呼召亚伯拉罕,将犹太人和外邦人区别开来,这种区别一直持续到基督死在十字架上。 ”  撕裂一切,但在基督里,上帝会在时代的高潮中,将一切聚集在一起。我们是这伟大的永恒计划的一部分。

He has made us an inheritance (vv. 11–12). The King James Version reads, “In whom also we have obtained an inheritance,” but “in whom also we were made an inheritance” is also a possible translation. Both are true and the one includes the other. In Christ we have a wonderful inheritance (1 Peter 1:1–4), and in Christ we are an inheritance. We are valuable to Him. Think of the price God paid to purchase us and make us part of His inheritance! God the Son is the Father’s love gift to us; and we are the Father’s love gift to His Son. Read John 17 and note how many times Christ called us “those whom thou hast given me.” The church is Christ’s body (Eph. 1:22–23), building (Eph. 2:19–22), and bride (Eph. 5:22–23); Christ’s future inheritance is wrapped up in His church. We are “joint-heirs with Christ” (Rom. 8:17), which means that He cannot claim His inheritance apart from us!                                                                                           祂使我们成为产业(11-12 节)。钦定版是這樣記載:我们也因祂得了产业,但  “我们也因祂成为产业也是對的。两者都是正确的,一个包含另一个。在基督里我们有奇妙的基业(彼前   11-4),在基督里我们是基业。我们对祂来说是宝贵的。想一想上帝为购买我们,并让我们成为祂产业的一部分,而付出的代价!圣子是天父给我们的爱;我们是天父给祂儿子爱的礼物。阅读约翰福音 17章, 并注意基督有多少次称我们为  “你所赐给我的人  教会是基督的身体(弗   1:22-23),聖殿(弗   2:19-22)和新妇(弗   5:22-23);基督未来的产业包含在祂的教会里。 我们是  “与基督同为后嗣(罗   8:17),这意味着祂不能從我们分別開來,必須同時一起要求得到祂的产业!

3. The Preacher (1:16c–23)                                                                                                                      3. 传道者(加    116後半段   -  23

What were Paul’s contacts with other believers after he was converted? This is a question vital to his defense. Paul had no personal contacts with the apostles right after his conversion experience on the Damascus Road. “Immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood” (Gal. 1:16c). The logical thing for Paul to have done after his conversion was to introduce himself to the church at Jerusalem and profit from the spiritual instruction of those who had been “in Christ” before him. But this he did not do—and his decision was led of the Lord. For if he had gone to Jerusalem, his ministry might have been identified with that of the apostles—all Jews—and this could have been a Hindrance to his work among the Gentiles.                                                                                        在他之后,保罗与其他信徒的接触是什么?被转换了吗?这是一个对他辩护至关重要的问题。保罗与使徒没有任何私人接触在他在大马士革路上的转换经历之后。我立刻不认同血肉之躯(加   116c )。保罗做的合乎逻辑的事他转换后是为了自我介绍耶路撒冷的教会,从屬靈上获利那些曾经在基督里的人的指示他。但他没有这样做   — 他的决定被引导了主啊因为如果他去耶路撒冷,他的事工可能已经确定了使徒  所有的犹太人  可能這是阻襠他在外邦人中的工作。

At this point we need to remind ourselves that the message of the gospel came “to the Jew first” (Acts 3:26; Rom. 1:16). Our Lord’s ministry was to the nation of Israel, and so was the ministry of the apostles for the first few years (see Acts 1—7). The death of Stephen was a turning point. As the believers were scattered, they took the good news with them to other places (Acts 8:4; 11:19ff.). Philip took the message to the Samaritans (Acts 8), and then God directed Peter to introduce it to the Gentiles (Acts 10). However, it remained for Paul to carry the gospel to the Gentile masses (Acts 22:21–22; Eph. 3:1, 8), and for this reason God kept him separated from the predominantly Jewish ministry being conducted by the apostles in Jerusalem.                                此时我们需要提醒自己福音的信息首先传给了犹太人(徒  3:26;  1:16)。我们的主的事工是为了以色列民族,使徒的事工也是如此最初几年(见  徒   1-7)。死亡斯蒂芬是一个转折点。由于信徒分散,他们把好消息传给了其他人地方(徒   84; 1119  比照研讀。)。腓利接受这消息去撒玛利亚人傳福音(徒    8章),然后上帝指示彼得把它介绍给外邦人(徒   10章)。但是,保罗要把福音传给眾外邦人(徒   2221-22; 弗    31,8),因此上帝让他与主要犹太人在耶路撒冷正在由使徒进行事工的分开

Paul did not immediately go to Jerusalem. Where did he go? He reviewed his contacts and showed that there was no opportunity for him to receive either his message or his apostolic calling from any of the leaders of the church. (Compare this section with Acts 9:10–31, and keep in mind that even the best biblical scholars are not agreed on the chronology of Paul’s life. Fortunately, the details of history do not affect the understanding of what Paul has written: we can disagree on chronology and yet agree on theology!)                                                                                                  保罗没有立即去耶路撒冷。哪里他去了吗?他回顾了他的联系人并表明了这一点他没有机会接受他的来自任何一位领导人的信息或他的使徒召唤教会(将此部分与使徒行传进行比较910-31,记住即使是最好的圣经学者们对保罗生平的年表并不一致。幸运的是,历史的细节并没有影响到理解保罗所写的内容:我们可以不同意关于年表,但同意神學!)

He went to Arabia (v. 17 b ) This was after his initial ministry in Damascus (Acts 9:19–20). Instead of “conferring with flesh and blood,” Paul gave himself to study, prayer, and meditation, and met with the Lord alone. He may have spent the greater part of three years in Arabia (Gal. 1:18), and no doubt was involved in evangelism as well as personal spiritual growth. The apostles had received three years of teaching from the Lord Jesus, and now Paul was going to have his own opportunity to be taught of the Lord.                                                                                             他去了阿拉伯(加    第17 节中)。这是他最初的大马士革事工(使徒行传919-20)。代替有血有肉,保罗自言自语道学习,祈祷和冥想,并与主相遇单独。他可能已经度过了三年的大部分时间在阿拉伯(加拉太书1:18),毫无疑问参与其中传福音以及个人的属灵成长。该使徒们已经接受了三年的教学主耶稣,现在保罗将拥有自己的有机会被教导主。

He went back to Damascus (v. 17c). It would have been logical to visit Jerusalem at this point, but the Lord directed otherwise. Certainly it was a risky thing for Paul to go back to the city that knew he had become a Christian. The Jewish leaders who had looked to him as their champion against Christianity would definitely be after his blood. Apparently the “basket incident” of Acts 9:23–25 (see 2 Cor.11:32–33)  took place at this time. The return to Damascus and the danger it brought to Paul’s life are further proof that the Jewish leaders considered Paul an enemy, and therefore that his experience with Christ was a valid one.                                                                  他回到大马士革(第17後半段节)。它会在这一点上参观耶路撒冷是合乎逻辑的,但是主另有指示。当然这是冒险的保罗回到知道他所拥有的城市的事情成为基督徒。曾经的犹太领导人他认为他是反对基督教的冠军肯定是在他的血之后。显然是使徒行传923-25篮子事件(见2 Cor1132-33)此时发生了。回归大马士革及其给保罗生命带来的危险是进一步证明犹太领导人认为保罗是一个敌人,因此他与基督的经历是一个有效的。

He finally visited Jerusalem (vv. 18–20). This was three years after his conversion, and his main purpose was to visit Peter. But Paul had a tough time getting into the church fellowship (Acts 9:26–28)! If his message and ministry had been from the apostles, this would never have happened; but because Paul’s experience had been with the Lord Jesus alone, the apostles were suspicious of him. He stayed in Jerusalem only fifteen days, and he saw only Peter and James (the Lord’s brother). Thus he received neither his message nor his apostleship from the Jerusalem church. There simply was not the time nor the opportunity. He had already received them both directly from Christ.                                                                                                                                 他终于访问了耶路撒冷(加   18-20 节)。这是在成為信徒三年后,他的主要目的是去拜访彼得。但保罗度过了一段艰难时期进入教会团契(使徒行传926-28)!如果他的信息和传道​​来自使徒,这永远不会发生;但因为保罗的经历过与主耶稣独自的经历使徒们怀疑他。他留在耶路撒冷只有十五天,他只见到了彼得和詹姆斯主的兄弟)。因此,他既没有收到他的信息也不是耶路撒冷教会的使徒。那里根本不是时间也不是机会。他有已经直接从基督接受了他们。

He returned home to Tarsus (vv. 21–23). Again, the record in Acts explains why: His life was in danger in Jerusalem, just as it had been in Damascus (Acts 9:28–30). As Paul went through Syria, he preached the Word, and when he arrived in Cilicia, his home province (Acts 21:39; 22:3), he began to evangelize (see Acts 15:23). Historians have concluded that he remained there perhaps seven years, until Barnabas recruited him for the work in Antioch (Acts 11:19–26). A few believers in Jerusalem knew Paul, but the believers in the churches of Judea did not know him, though they heard that he was now preaching the very faith he had once tried to destroy.            他回到了大馬斯克(第21-23节)。再次,使徒行传中的记录解释了为什么:他的生命处于危险之中在耶路撒冷,就像在大马士革一样(徒   928-30)。当保罗经过叙利亚时,他鼓吹了一句话,当他到达西里西亚时,他的家省(徒   21:39; 223),他开始传福音(见  徒   15:23)。历史学家得出的结论是他可能还有七年,直到巴拿巴招募他参加安提阿的工作(徒    11:19–26).  耶路撒冷的一些信徒知道保罗,但是犹太教会的信徒不知道他,虽然他们听说他现在正在讲道他曾经试图破坏他的信仰。

In the light of Paul’s conduct, his conversion, and his contacts, how could anybody accuse him of borrowing or inventing either his message or his ministry? Certainly he did receive his gospel by a revelation from Jesus Christ. Therefore, we must be careful what we do  with this gospel, for it is not the invention of men, but the very truth of God.                                                                            根据保罗的行为,他的转变,和他的联系人,怎么可能有人指责他借钱或发明他的信息或他的事工?当然,他确实从他的启示中得到了他的福音耶稣基督。因此,我们必须小心我们的工作有了这个福音,因为它不是人的发明,而是上帝的真理。


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