Sunday, August 18, 2024

824 英翻中 (524) Walk in the light. 行在光中. 18/08/2024

824 英翻中 (524)                      Walk in the light.                  行在光中.                            18/08/2024

2.  Walk As Children of Light (5:3–14)                                                                                              2.  像光明之子一樣的行事為人(5:3-14

Since “God is light” and we are imitating our Father, then we should walk in the light and have nothing to do with the darkness of sin. Paul gave three descriptions of believers that prove his point.                                                                                                                                                          既然“上帝就是光”,就要效法我們在天上的父,那我們就該行在光中,與罪的黑暗無關。保羅對信徒的三個描述證明了他的論點。

We are saints (vv. 3–4). That is, we are “set-apart ones” and no longer belong to the world of darkness around us. We have been “called out of darkness into his marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9). It is beneath the dignity of a saint to indulge in the sins that belong to the world of darkness, some of which Paul named here. He warned us against the sexual sins (fornication, uncleanness) that were so prevalent in that day—and are prevalent today. Sad to say, these sins have invaded the homes of Christians and brought grief to local churches too. “Covetousness” may seem out of place next to fornication, but the two sins are but different expressions of the same basic weakness of fallen nature—uncontrolled appetite. The fornicator and the covetous person each desire to satisfy the appetite by taking what does not belong to them. “The lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes” (1 John 2:16) would describe these two sins. “Let there not be even a hint of these sins!” said Paul.                                                                                                                              我們是聖徒(3-4兩節)。也就是說,我們是“分別為聖的人”,不再屬於周圍的黑暗世界。我們“被召出黑暗進入奇妙的光中”(彼前  29)。沉溺於黑暗世界的罪惡是有失聖徒的尊嚴,保羅在這裡提到了其中的一些罪惡。他警告我們要提防當時盛行的性罪惡(淫亂、不潔) --- 今天這些罪仍盛行。可悲的是,這些罪已經侵入基督徒的家庭,並帶給當地教會的悲痛。 “貪婪”似乎與淫亂不相稱,但這兩種罪只不過是墮落本性的同一基本弱點 --- 不受控制的貪慾 --- 的不同表現。淫亂的和貪婪的人都想拿不屬於自己的東西來滿足慾望。 “肉體的情慾和眼目的情慾”(約壹  2:16)將描述這兩種罪。保羅說,“讓這些罪孽連一絲痕跡都存在!”

In Ephesians 5:4 he warned against sins of the tongue, which, of course, are really sins of the heart. It is not difficult to see the relationship between the sins named in Ephesians 5:3 and those in Ephesians 5:4. People who have base appetites usually cultivate a base kind of speech and humor, and often people who want to commit sexual sins, or have committed them, enjoy jesting about them. Two indications of a person’s character are what makes him laugh and what makes him weep. The saint of God sees nothing humorous in obscene language or jests. “Foolish talking” does not mean innocent humor but rather senseless conversation that cheapens the man and does not edify or minister grace to the hearers (Eph. 4:29). Paul was not condemning small talk because much conversation falls into that classification. He was condemning foolish talk that accomplishes no good purpose.                                                                                                              在以弗所書 54節中,保羅告誡我們要提防舌頭的罪,當然,這實際上是心裡的罪。不難看出以弗所書 53節中所提到的罪,與以弗所書 54節中提到的罪之間的關係。慾望低下的人通常會培養出低級的言語和幽默,而那些想要犯性罪或已經犯了性罪的人,往往喜歡拿它們開玩笑。 人性格的兩個標誌是什麼讓他笑,什麼讓他哭。上帝的聖徒在淫穢語言或玩笑中看不到任何幽默。 “胡言亂語”並不是指天真的幽默,而是使人貶低他的談話毫無意義,對聽眾不會有所造就或給於(弗  4:29)。保羅並不是在譴責閒聊,因為很多談話都是這樣。他譴責那沒有任何好處的愚蠢談論。

Jesting is a translation of a word that means “able to turn easily.” This suggests a certain kind of conversationalist who can turn any statement into a coarse jest. The gift of wit is a blessing, but when it is attached to a filthy mind or a base motive, it becomes a curse. There are quick-witted people who can pollute any conversation with jests that are always inconvenient (out of place). How much better it is for us to be quick to give thanks! This is certainly the best way to give glory to God and keep the conversation pure.                                                                                                笑話(Jesting) 可譯成“隨時能夠輕鬆改變”。是說健談者可以將任何陳述轉變成粗俗的玩笑。智慧的禮物是祝福,但當它附著在骯髒的頭腦或卑鄙的動機上時,它就會變成詛咒。有些機智的人,他總是用不適當(不合時)的笑話來破壞人的對話。我們若能快謝謝他,停止它,那該多好! 這實在是榮耀上帝,並保持純潔談話的最佳方式。 

A Christian woman attended an anniversary dinner in honor of a friend, not knowing that there would be a program of low comedy following the meal. The socalled comedian tried to entertain the crowd with coarse humor that degraded everything that the Christian guest held to be sacred and honorable. At one point in the program, the comedian’s throat became dry. “Please bring me a glass of water,” he called to a waiter.                                                                                                  一位基督徒婦女參加紀念她朋友的結婚周年晚宴,不知道飯後會有低級喜劇節目。這位所謂的喜劇演員試圖用粗俗的幽默來取悅觀眾,這種幽默貶低了基督徒客人認為神聖和尊貴的一切。在節目中的某個時刻,喜劇演員的喉嚨變得乾燥。 他對服務員喊道,“請給我倒杯水。” 

At that point the Christian woman added, “And bring a toothbrush and a bar of soap with it!” To be sure, soap in the mouth will never cleanse the conversation, but she made her point.                此時,基督徒女士補充說,“順便給他送上牙刷和肥皂!”可以肯定的是,肥皂永遠不會淨化他嘴裡的談話,但她表明了自己的觀點。

Christians who have God’s Word in their hearts (Col. 3:16) will always season their speech with salt (Col. 4:6), for grace in the heart means grace on the lips.                                                                心中有聖言的基督徒(西  3:16)總是用鹽調味(西  4:6),因為心中的恩典意味著嘴上的恩典。 

We are kings (vv. 5–6). When we trusted Christ, we entered into the kingdom of God (John 3:3), but we are also awaiting the full revelation of His kingdom when He returns (2 Tim. 4:1). Paul made it clear that people who deliberately and persistently live in sin will not share in God’s kingdom. “They which practice such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God” (Gal. 5:21, literal translation). “Whoremonger” is a translation of the Greek word pornos, from which we get our word pornography, and it means “one who practices fornication—illicit sex.” The morally unclean and the covetous will join the fornicator in judgment. Paul equated covetousness with idolatry, for it is the worship of something other than God. These warnings deal with the habitual practice of sin, and not the occasional act of sin. David committed adultery, yet God forgave him and one day took him to heaven. Certainly David was disciplined for his sin, but he was not rejected by God.                                                                                                                                        我們是君王(5-6 兩節)。當我們相信基督時,就進入了上帝的國度(約  3:3),但我們也在等待祂的再來,完全的啟示祂的國度(提後  4:1)。保羅明確表示,故意和堅持生活在罪中的人,不能分享上帝的國度。 “行這樣事的人必不能承受上帝的國(加  5:21譯)Whoremonger”是希臘語pornos 的翻譯,從它們得到“行淫的人的非法性行為的照片(pornography)”。道德上的污穢和貪婪的人,會墮入淫亂的人受審判。保羅將貪婪與拜偶像一樣看待,因為它是對上帝以外的事物的敬拜。這些警告是針對習慣性的犯罪行為,而不是偶爾的犯罪行為。大衛犯了姦淫,但上帝原諒了他,有一天帶他上天堂。大衛當然為他的罪受了管教,但他並沒有被上帝所棄絕。

In Paul’s day, there were false Christians who argued that believers could live in sin and get away with it. These deceivers had many arguments to convince ignorant Christians that they could sin repeatedly and still enter God’s kingdom. “You were saved by grace!” they argued. “Therefore go ahead and sin that God’s grace might abound!” Paul answered that foolish argument in Romans 6. “Sin in the life of a believer is different from sin in the life of an unsaved person!” Yes—it’s worse! God judges sin no matter where He finds it, and He does not want to find it in the life of one of His own children. I personally believe that no true Christian can ever be lost, but he will prove the reality of his faith by an obedient life.

在保羅的時代,有假基督徒爭辯說,信徒可以活在罪中並逃脫懲罰。這些騙子還有很多論據,讓無知的基督徒相信他們可以反复犯罪,仍然可以進入上帝的國度。  他們爭論,你得救了!” “因此去犯罪吧,好讓上帝的恩典增多!”保羅在羅馬書 6章中回答了這個愚蠢的論點。“信徒生命中的罪與未得救之人生命中的罪不同!”是的,信徒生命中的罪更糟!上帝只要發現罪都會審判它,而且祂不想在祂自己的孩​​子生活中找到它。我個人相信,沒有任何真正的基督徒會永遠不迷失,但他會以順服的生活來證明他信心的實存。

There are many professors who are not possessors (Matt. 7:21–23). A Christian is not sinless, but he does sin less—and less—and less! The Christian is a king, and it is beneath his dignity to indulge in the practices of the lost world that is outside the kingdom of God.                                  有許多教授不是擁有智慧的人(太  7:21-23)。基督徒並非無罪,但他犯罪的次數越來越少 --- 越來越少 --- 真正越來越少! 基督徒是君王,沉迷於上帝國度之外的失喪世界的做法,會損失他的尊嚴。

We are light (vv. 7–14). This figure is the main thrust of the passage, for Paul was admonishing his readers to “walk as children of light.” You will want to read 2 Corinthians 6:14—7:1 for a parallel passage that explains the contrasts that exist between the child of God and the unsaved person. Paul did not say that we were “in the darkness,” but that we “were darkness.” Now that we are saved, “what communion hath light with darkness?” After all, light produces fruit, but the works of darkness are unfruitful as far as spiritual things are concerned. “For the fruit of the Spirit [or “the light”] is in all goodness and righteousness and truth.” It is impossible to be in darkness and light at the same time!                                                                                                      我們是光(7-14 等節)。這是該段經文的主旨,因為保羅告誡他的讀者要“像光明之子一樣行事為人”。你將需要閱讀哥林多前書 26章從14節至71節的平行段落,該段落解釋了上帝的孩子與未得救之人之間存在的對比。保羅沒有說我們“在黑暗中”,而是說我們“是黑暗”。現在得救了,“光明與黑暗會有什麼交通?”畢竟,光會結出果子,但就屬靈的事而言,黑暗的工作是不會結果子的。 “因為聖靈 [或‘這光’所結的果子在一切良善、公義和真理中。”不可能同時存在黑暗和光明中

The light produces “goodness,” one manifestation of the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22). Goodness is “love in action.” Righteousness means rightness of character before God and rightness of actions before men. Both of these qualities are based on truth, which is conformity to the Word and will of God. Jesus had much to say about light and darkness. “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven” (Matt. 5:16). “Everyone that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God” (John 3:20–21).                                                                                    光產生“良善”,這是聖靈所結果子的表現(加  5:22)。善良是“愛的作為”。公義是指在上帝面前品格的正確和在人面前的行為正確。這兩種品質都基於真理,都符合上帝的話語和旨意。關於光明與黑暗,耶穌對黑暗與光明說了很多。“願你的光照在人前,使人看見你的善行,榮耀你在天上的父”(太  5:16)。 “凡作惡的便恨光,並不來就光,恐怕他的行為受責備。但行真理的必來就光,要顯明他所行的是靠上帝而行”(約   320-21)。

To “walk as children of light” means to live before the eyes of God, not hiding anything. It is relatively easy to hide things from other people because they cannot see our hearts and minds, but “all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do” (Heb. 4:13). Every time I take a plane to a meeting, I must surrender myself and my luggage to a special inspection, and I am happy to do so, because this inspection helps to detect bombs. I have never been afraid to walk through the “detection tunnel” or have my luggage pass through the X-ray equipment, because I have nothing to hide.                                                                                          “行事為人像光明之子”意思是活在上帝的眼前,不隱藏任何事。向別人隱瞞事情比較容易,因為他們看不到我們的心思意念,但“凡事在與我們有關係的主眼前,都是赤露敞開的”(來  4:13)。我每次坐飛機去開會,都必須把自己和行李交出,給以的特別檢查,我很高興他們這樣做,因為藉由檢查可以發現炸彈。我從不害怕穿過“檢查隧道”或讓我的行李穿過 X 光設備,因為我沒有什麼可隱藏的。

An author asked Charles Spurgeon for permission to write his life story, and the great preacher replied, “You may write my life in the skies—I have nothing to hide!”                                                有位作家請求司布真允許為他寫傳記,偉大的傳教士司布真回答說,“你可以在大白天空曠之處書寫我的生平,因為我沒有什麼可隱瞞的!”

But walking “as children of light” also means revealing God’s light in our daily lives. By our character and conduct, we bring God’s light into a dark world. As God’s lights, we help others find their way to Christ. The mind of the unsaved person is blinded by Satan (2 Cor. 4:3–4) and by sin (Eph. 4:17–19). Only as we witness and share Christ can the light enter in. Just as a healthy person can assist the sickly, so a child of God can lead the lost out of darkness into God’s wonderful light.                                                                                                                                        但行事為人“像光明之子”也意味著在我們的日常生活中彰顯上帝的光。藉由我們的品格和行為,將上帝的光帶入了這黑暗世界。作為上帝的光,幫助他人找到通往基督的道路。未得救之人的心智被撒旦(林後  4:3-4)和罪(弗  4:17-19)蒙蔽了雙眼。只有當我們見證並分享基督時,光才能進入他們裡面。正如健康的人可以幫助生病的人一樣,上帝的孩子也可以帶領失喪的人走出黑暗,進入上帝奇妙的光中。

Light reveals God; light produces fruit; but light also exposes what is wrong. No surgeon would willingly operate in darkness lest he make a false move and take a life. How could an artist paint a true picture in darkness? The light reveals the truth and exposes the true character of things. This explains why the unsaved person stays clear of the church and the Bible. God’s light reveals his true character, and the exposure is not very complimentary. As we Christians walk in light, we refuse to fellowship with the darkness, and we expose the dark things of sin for what they really are.                                                                                                                                                              光啟示上帝;光生產果子;但光也暴露錯誤的事。 外科醫生是不願意在黑暗中行手術,以免手術出錯,而奪走病人的生命。藝術家怎能在黑暗中繪出真實的畫面?  光揭示了真相,暴露了事物的真實面目。 這就說明未得救的人為什麼會遠離教會和不讀聖經。上帝的光顯露了祂的真面目,曝光不是很恭維。當我們基督徒行走在光明中時,就拒絕與黑暗相交,而要揭露罪惡的黑暗事物的真實面目。

“I am come a light into the world,” said Jesus (John 12:46). He also said to His disciples, “Ye are the light of the world” (Matt. 5:14). When He was here on earth, the perfection of His character and conduct exposed the sinfulness of those around Him. This is one reason why the religious leaders hated Him and sought to destroy Him. “If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin, but now they have no cloak for their sin” (John 15:22). Just as a healthy person unconsciously exposes the handicaps and sicknesses of people he visits in a hospital, so the Christian exposes the darkness and sin around him just by living like a Christian. Paul told us to live balanced lives—positively, to walk in the light; negatively, to denounce and expose the wickedness of those in the darkness. It is not enough simply to expose the wickedness of those in the darkness. It is not enough simply to expose sin. We must also bear fruit.                                    耶穌說,我是世上的光。”(約  12:46)。祂還對門徒說,“你們是世上的光"(太  5:14)當祂在地上時,祂完美的品格和行為暴露了世人的罪惡。因此,宗教領袖憎恨祂,並試圖殺死祂的原因之一。 “如果我沒有來到世上,並教訓他們,他們就沒有罪,但如今他們的罪無可推諉”(約  15:22)。就像健康的人在醫院裡,會不自覺地暴露他所探訪的人的殘疾和疾病一樣,基督徒只要生活像基督徒,他就會暴露在他周圍人的黑暗和罪惡。保羅告訴我們要過平衡的生活 --- 積極地,在光中行事為人;消極地,譴責和揭露那些在黑暗中人的邪惡。僅僅揭露那些在黑暗中的人的邪惡是不夠的。僅僅揭露罪是不夠的。我們也必須結出果。

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