Thursday, August 29, 2024

835 英翻中 (535) Put on the equipment of Jesus Christ. 披載基督. 29/08/2024

835 英翻中 (535)             Put on the equipment of Jesus Christ.          披載基督.               29/8/2024

2.  The Equipment (6:13–17)

2.  裝備(6:13-17


Since we are fighting against enemies in the spirit world, we need special equipment both for offense and defense. God has provided the “whole armor” for us, and we dare not omit any part. Satan looks for that unguarded area where he can get a beachhead (Eph. 4:27). Paul commanded his readers to put on the armor, take the weapons, and withstand Satan, all of which we do by faith. Knowing that Christ has already conquered Satan, and that the spiritual armor and weapons are available, by faith we accept what God gives us and go out to meet the foe. The day is evil, and the enemy is evil, but “if God be for us, who can be against us?” (Rom. 8:31).

既然是與靈界的敵人交戰,我們就需要攻擊且防備兩用的特殊裝備來進行。上帝為我們預備了“全副軍裝”,我們必須全部穿上。 撒旦會使用詭計來尋找那沒有保護的部分,作為牠作為牠的灘頭陣地(弗  4:27)。保羅吩咐他的讀者穿上全副軍裝,拿起所有的武器,抵擋撒但,一切都是憑著信心去作戰。我們既已知道基督已經戰勝了撒旦,並且屬靈的盔甲和武器已經可用,憑著信心接受上帝賜給我們的全副軍裝,出去迎接敵人。日子和敵人都是邪惡的,但是“如果上帝幫助我們,誰能敵擋我們?” (羅  8:31)。


The girdle of truth (6 : 14) --- Satan is a liar (John 8:44), but the believer whose life is controlled by truth will defeat him. The girdle held the other parts of the armor together, and truth is the integrating force in the life of the victorious Christian. A man of integrity, with a clear conscience, can face the enemy without fear. The girdle also held the sword. Unless we practice the truth, we cannot use the Word of truth. Once a lie gets into the life of a believer, everything begins to fall apart. For over a year, King David lied about his sin with Bathsheba, and nothing went right. Psalms 32 and 51 tell of the price he paid.

真理的束腰帶(6:14--- 撒旦是說謊者(約  8:44),但信徒具有真理在內的生命,肯定能打敗魔鬼。腰帶將盔甲其他部分固定在一起,並且真理是得勝基督徒生命中的正義的能力。 正直的人,其良心明朗,可以毫無畏懼地面對敵人。束腰帶也固定著劍。除非操練真理,否則我們無法使用真理的聖言。一旦謊言進入信徒的生活,所有一切盔甲裝備都開始分崩離析。 大衛王對拔示巴的罪行撒謊了一年多,一切都沒有好轉。 詩篇 32 51 篇講述了他付出的代價。


The breastplace of righteousness (6 : 14) --- This piece of armor, made of metal plates or chains, covered the body from the neck to the waist, both front and back. It symbolizes the believer’s righteousness in Christ (2 Cor. 5:21) as well as his righteous life in Christ (Eph. 4:24). Satan is the accuser, but he cannot accuse the believer who is living a godly life in the power of the Spirit. The life we live either fortifies us against Satan’s attacks or makes it easier for him to defeat us (2 Cor. 6:1–10). When Satan accuses the Christian, it is the righteousness of Christ that assures the believer of his salvation. But our positional righteousness in Christ, without practical righteousness in the daily life, only gives Satan opportunity to attack us.

公義的護胸鏡(614--- 這件盔甲,由金屬板或鍊子製成,從脖子到腰部,前後都覆蓋著上部分身體。它像徵著信徒在基督裡的公義(林後  5:21)以及他在基督裡的公義生活(弗  4:24)。撒旦是控告者,但他不能控告那些靠著聖靈的大能,過敬虔生活的信徒。我們的生活要么增強抵禦撒旦的攻擊,否則便讓敵人更容易擊敗我們(林前  6:1-10)。當撒但控告基督徒時,正是基督的公義,顯示信徒得救的確據。但我們在基督裡的公義地位,若沒有日常生活中實際表現公義,只會徒增撒旦攻擊我們的機會。


The shoes of the gospel (6 : 15) --- The Roman soldier wore sandals with hobnails in the soles to give him better footing for the battle. If we are going to “stand” and “withstand,” then we need the shoes of the gospel. Because we have the peace with God (Rom. 5:1) that comes from the gospel, we need not fear the attack of Satan or men. We must be at peace with God and with each other if we are to defeat the devil (James 4:1–7). But the shoes have another meaning. We must be prepared each day to share the gospel of peace with a lost world. The most victorious Christian is a witnessing Christian. If we wear the shoes of the gospel, then we have the “beautiful feet” mentioned in Isaiah 52:7 and Romans 10:15. Satan has declared war, but you and I are ambassadors of peace (2 Cor. 5:18–21); and, as such, we take the gospel of peace wherever we go.

福音的鞋子(6 : 15 --- 羅馬士兵穿著鞋底有釘子的作戰鞋,以便為戰鬥提供更好的立足點。如果我們要“站穩”和“經得起跌倒”,那麼我們需要福音的鞋子。因為有從福音帶來的與上帝的和好的福氣(羅  5:1),我們就不必害怕撒旦或人的攻擊。若要打敗魔鬼,我們就必須與上帝和平相處(雅  41-7)。 但鞋子還有另外一個含義。我們必須每天準備好與失落的世界分享和平的福音。最得勝的基督徒是作見證的基督徒。我們若穿上福音的鞋子,那麼就有了以賽亞書 527節和羅馬書 1015節中提到的“美麗的腳”。雖然撒旦已宣戰,但你我是上帝和平的大使(林前  5:18-21);因此,無論我們走到哪裡,都帶著和平的福音。


The shield of faith (6 : 16) --- The shield was large, usually about four feet by two feet, made of wood, and covered with tough leather. As the soldier held it before him, it protected him from spears, arrows, and “fiery darts.” The edges of these shields were so constructed that an entire line of soldiers could interlock shields and march into the enemy like a solid wall. This suggests that we Christians are not in the battle alone. The “faith” mentioned here is not saving faith, but rather living faith, a trust in the promises and the power of God. Faith is a defensive weapon that protects us from Satan’s fiery darts. In Paul’s day, arrows, dipped in some inflammable substance and ignited, were shot at the enemy. Satan shoots “fiery darts” at our hearts and minds: lies, blasphemous thoughts, hateful thoughts about others, doubts, and burning desires for sin. If we do not by faith quench these darts, they will light a fire within and we will disobey God. We never know when Satan will shoot a dart at us, so we must always walk by faith and use the shield of faith.

信心之盾 (6 : 16) --- 盾牌很大,通常大約四英尺乘兩英尺,由木頭製成,並覆蓋著堅韌的皮革。當士兵將它舉在他面前時,它可以保護他免受長矛、箭矢和“飛鏢”的傷害。盾牌的邊緣構造非常奇妙,它能使整排士兵可以將盾牌在一起,像堅固的牆壁一樣向敵人陣地前進。這表明基督徒並不是孤軍奮戰。這裡所提到的“信心”不是得救的信心,而是活生生的信心,是對上帝的應許和大能的信靠。信心是防禦性武器,可以保護我們免受撒旦火燒熾熱的飛鏢攻擊。在保羅的時代,箭浸在易燃物質,然後點燃,射向敵人。撒旦對著我們的心意念射出“熾熱的飛鏢”:謊言褻瀆神明的思想對他人的仇恨思想懷疑和對罪的強烈渴望。不憑著信心熄滅這些飛鏢,它們就會在我們心中點燃火焰,使我們違背上帝的旨意 永遠不知道撒但什麼時候會向我們射箭,所以必須始終憑信心行事,並使用我們信心的盾牌。


The helmet of salvation (6 : 17) --- Satan wants to attack the mind, the way he defeated Eve (Gen. 3; 2 Cor. 11:1–3). The helmet refers to the mind controlled by God. It is too bad that many Christians have the idea that the intellect is not important, when in reality it plays a vital role in Christian growth, service, and victory. When God controls the mind, Satan cannot lead the believer astray. The Christian who studies his Bible and learns the meaning of Bible doctrines is not going to be led astray too easily. We need to be “taught by Him, as the truth is in Jesus” (Eph. 4:21). We are to “grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18). Wherever Paul ministered, he taught the new converts the truths of the Word of God, and this helmet protected them from Satan’s lies.

救恩的頭盔(617--- 撒旦想要攻擊人的心思意念,就像打敗夏娃一樣(創  3 111-3)。頭盔意表上帝約束我們意念。許多基督徒認為智並不重要,這完全錯了,實上它在基督徒生命的成長,事奉, 勝中起著至關重要的作用。當上帝約束人的心思時,撒但就不能把信徒引入歧途。研究聖經並了解聖經教義的基督徒不會太容易誤入歧途。我們要“接受耶穌的教導,正如真理在一樣”(弗  4:21)。我們“在恩典和我們的主和救主耶穌基督的知上有長進”(彼後  318)。無論保羅在哪裡服事,他都會教導新信徒有關上帝話語的真理,而這頂頭盔保護他們免受撒旦的謊言。


One Sunday afternoon, I visited a man who had been a deacon in a local church, but was at that time involved in a false cult. We sat at the table with open Bibles, and I tried to show him the truth of God’s Word, but it seemed his mind was blinded by lies. “How did you happen to turn away from a Bible preaching church and get involved in this belief?” I asked, and his reply stunned me.



“Preacher, I blame the church. I didn’t know anything about the Bible, and they didn’t teach me much more. I wanted to study the Bible, but nobody told me how. Then they made me a deacon, and I wasn’t ready for it. It was too much for me. I heard this man preaching the Bible over the radio and it sounded as if he knew something. I started reading his magazine and studying his books, and now I’m convinced he’s right.”



What a tragedy that when his local church took him in, they failed to fit him with the helmet of salvation. Had they practiced the truth found in 2 Timothy 2:2, this man might not have been a casualty in the battle.

當他參加那間當地教會時,他們沒有給他戴上救恩的頭盔,這是多麼可悲。如果他們實踐了提摩太后書 22中的真理,這個人可能不會是這屬靈戰鬥中犧牲品。


The sword of the Spirit (6 : 17) ---  is the offensive weapon God provides us. The Roman soldier wore on his girdle a short sword which was used for close-in fighting. Hebrews 4:12 compares the Word of God to a sword, because it is sharp and is able to pierce the inner man just as a material sword pierces the body. You and I were “cut to the heart” (Acts 2:37; 5:33) when the Word convicted us of our sins. Peter tried to use a sword to defend Jesus in the garden (Luke 22:47–51), but he learned at Pentecost that the “sword of the Spirit” does a much better job. Moses also tried to conquer with a physical sword (Ex. 2:11–15), only to discover that God’s Word alone was more than enough to defeat Egypt.

聖靈的寶劍(6 : 17--- 是上帝提供給我們的進攻性武器。羅馬士兵的腰帶上掛著一把短劍,用於互相接時的作戰。希伯來書 412 上帝的話語比作,因為它鋒利,能刺穿人的內心,就像物質的劍刺穿身體一樣。當上帝的話語定我們的罪時,你和我都“被刺入心中”(徒  2:375:33)。彼得試圖在花園裡用劍保護耶穌(路 22:47-51),但他在五旬節學習得知“聖靈的劍”的效果要利害得多。摩西也試圖用物的劍來征服埃及(出  2:11-15),結果卻發現單靠上帝的話語就足以打敗


A material sword pierces the body, but the Word of God pierces the heart. The more you use a physical sword, the duller it becomes, but using God’s Word only makes it sharper in our lives. A physical sword requires the hand of a soldier, but the sword of the Spirit has its own power, for it is “living and powerful” (Heb. 4:12). The Spirit wrote the Word, and the Spirit wields the Word as we take it by faith and use it. A physical sword wounds to hurt and kill, while the sword of the Spirit wounds to heal and give life. But when we use the sword against Satan, we are out to deal him a blow that will cripple him and keep him from hindering God’s work.


(來   4:12)。聖靈寫下話語,當我們憑信心接受並使用話語時,聖靈就會運用話語有所作為質的只能傷害和殺,而聖靈寶却能癒,並賦予生命。但是當我們用攻擊撒但時,我們給他一擊,就能使癱瘓,不讓牠阻上帝的作


When He was tempted by Satan in the wilderness, Christ used the sword of the Spirit and defeated the enemy. Three times Jesus said, “It is written” (Luke 4:1–13). Note that Satan can also quote the Word— “For it is written” (Luke 4:10)—but he does not quote it completely. Satan tries to use the Word of God to confuse us, so it is important that we know every word that God has given us. “You can prove anything by the Bible,” someone said. True—if you take verses out of context, leave out words, and apply verses to Christians today that do not really apply. The better you know the Word of God, the easier it will be for you to detect Satan’s lies and reject his offers.

耶穌基督在曠野撒但試探時,基督使用聖靈寶劍打敗了。耶穌三次使用聖言“經上記著”(路  41-13)。請注意,撒旦也可以引用這句話因為有記載”(路  4:10,但牠並沒有完全引用它。 撒旦試圖用上帝的話語來迷惑我們,所以必須知道上帝賜給我們的每句話。有人說“你可以用聖經證明任何事情,若你斷章取義,去掉一些詞句,把實際上並不適用的經文應用到今天的基督徒身上。你越了解上帝的話語,你就越容易發現撒旦的謊言並拒絕的提議。


In one sense, the “whole armor of God” is a picture of Jesus Christ. Christ is the Truth (John 14:6), and He is our righteousness (2 Cor. 5:21) and our peace (Eph. 2:14). His faithfulness makes possible our faith (Gal. 2:20); He is our salvation (Luke 2:30); and He is the Word of God (John 1:1, 14). This means that when we trusted Christ, we received the armor. Paul told the Romans what to do with the armor (Rom. 13:11–14): wake up (Rom. 13:11), cast off sin, and “put on the armor of light” (Rom. 13:12). We do this by putting “on the Lord Jesus Christ” (Rom. 13:14). By faith, put on the armor and trust God for the victory. Once and for all, we have put on the armor at the moment of salvation. But there must be a daily appropriation. When King David put off his armor and returned to his palace, he was in greater danger than when he was on the battlefield (2 Sam. 11). We are never out of reach of Satan’s devices, so we must never be without the whole armor of God.

從一個角度來看“上帝的全副軍裝”,它的意義是活畫耶穌基督的圖像。基督是真理(約  14:6),祂是我們的公義(林後  5:21),和我們的平安(弗  2:14)。祂的信實造成我們的信心(加  2:20);祂是我們的救主(路  2:30);祂是上帝的道(約 1:1, 14)。換句話說,當我們相信基督時,就得到了盔甲。保羅告訴羅馬人如何處理盔甲(羅 13:11-14):甦醒過來(羅  13:11),除去罪惡,“穿上光明的盔甲”(羅  13:12)。“披戴主耶穌基督”我們做到這一點(羅  13:14)。憑著信心,穿上軍裝,相信上帝會取得勝利。我們只需一次穿上了盔甲就永遠靠主得救。但必須有每日親近祂。當大衛王脫下盔甲回到宮殿時,他比在戰場上時,面臨更大的危險(撒下 11章)。我們永遠不會脫離撒旦的詭計,所以絕不能沒有上帝的全副軍裝。


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