Monday, August 19, 2024

825英翻中 (525) Come into the kingdom of God's dear Son. 進入上帝愛子的國度 . 19/08/2024

825 英翻中 (525)          Come into the kingdom of God's dear Son.         進入上帝愛子的國度 .               19/08/2024

But Ephesians 5:12 gives us a caution. Be careful how you deal with the “unfruitful works of darkness.” The motto today seems to be “Tell it like it is!” And yet that can be a dangerous policy when it comes to exposing the filthy things of darkness, lest we unconsciously advertise and promote sin. Paul said, “It is a shame even to speak of those things” (Eph. 6:12). Some preachers enjoy reveling in the sensational, so much so that their sermons excite appetites and give to the innocent more information than they need. “But yet I would have you wise unto that which is good, and simple concerning evil” (Rom. 16:19).                                                                                  但是,以弗所書 512節給了我們警告。小心處理“在黑暗中不結果子的工作”。今天的座右銘似乎是“照原樣講!”然而,當涉及到揭露黑暗的骯髒事物時,這可能是危險的政策,以免我們無意識地宣傳和闡揚罪惡。保羅說,“就是提起來,也是可恥的(弗   5:12)。 有些傳道人喜歡陶醉在聳人聽聞的事中,以至於他們的講道激發了望慾,並為不知道的人提供,比他們需要的更多的信息。 “但我願意你們在善事上聰明,在惡事上愚昧(羅 16:19).

I recall a friend in youth work who felt it necessary to read all that the teenagers were reading “in order to understand them better,” and it so polluted his mind that he himself fell into sin. It is not necessary for the believer to perform an autopsy on a rotting corpse to expose its rottenness. All he has to do is turn on the light! “For whatsoever doth make manifest is light” (Eph. 5:13).          我記得有位從事青年工作的朋友,覺得有必要閱讀所有青少年正在閱讀的書籍,“以便更好地理解他們”,因此那些書污染了他的思想,以至於他自己也陷入了罪中。信徒不必對腐爛的屍體進行驗屍,以暴露其腐爛程度。他所要做的就是打開明亮的燈! “因為只有光可以顯明一切”(弗  5:13)。 

When you think of light, you think of waking up to a new day, and Paul presented this picture (Eph. 5:14), paraphrasing Isaiah 60:1. You have the same image in Romans 13:11–13 and 1 Thessalonians 5:1–10. That Easter morning, when Christ arose from the dead, was the dawning of a new day for the world. Christians are not sleeping in sin and death. We have been raised from the dead through faith in Him. The darkness of the graveyard is past, and we are now walking in the light of salvation. Salvation is the beginning of a new day, and we ought to live as those who belong to the light, not to the darkness. “Lazarus, come forth!”                                      當你想到光時,你會想到醒來迎接新的一天,保羅展示了這張圖片(弗  5:14),轉述了以賽亞書 601節。你在羅馬書 131113等節,和帖撒羅尼迦前書 51-10等節 中,有相同的形象。那個復活節早晨,當基督從死裡復活時,是世界新一天的曙光。基督徒並沒有在罪和死亡中沉睡。我們因信祂而從死裡復活。墓地的黑暗已經過去,我們現在走在救恩的光中。救恩是新一天的開始,我們應該像屬於光明的人一樣生活,而不是屬於黑暗的人。 拉撒路,出來!”

The believer has no business in the darkness. He is a saint, which means he is a partaker “of the inheritance of the saints in light” (Col. 1:12). He is a king, because he has been delivered “from the power of darkness” and has been translated “into the kingdom of His dear Son” (Col. 1:13). He is “light in the Lord” (Eph. 5:8).                                                                                                       信徒在黑暗中無事可做。他是聖徒(saint),是說他“在聖徒的光中承受了基業"(西  1:12)。   他是一位君王,因為他已“脫離黑暗的權勢”,可譯為“進入祂愛子的國度”(西  1:13)。他是“主裡的光”(弗  5:8)。

3.  Walk in Wisdom (5:15–17)                                                                                                                  3.  在智慧中行事為人(5:15-17

Circumspect comes from two Latin words that mean “looking around.” The Greek word carries the idea of precision and accuracy. “See that you walk carefully, with exactness” is the meaning. The opposite would be walking carelessly and without proper guidance and forethought. We cannot leave the Christian life to chance. We must make wise decisions and seek to do the will of God.                                                                                                                                                        “環顧四周(Circumspect)” 該單詞來自兩個拉丁字。 希臘語帶有精確和準確的意思。就是“小心行事,腳踏實地”的意思。 其反義字是粗心大意,沒有適當的指導和深謀遠慮。我們不能把基督徒的生活留給機會。我們必須做出明智的決定,並努力去遵行上帝的旨意。

Ephesians 5:14–15 are related to these verses. Paul appeared to be saying, “Don’t walk in your sleep! Wake up! Open your eyes! Make the most of the day!” It is sad to see many professed Christians drift through life like sleepwalkers, never really making the most of opportunities to live for Christ and serve Him. Paul presented several reasons why we should be accurate and careful in our walk.                                                                                                                                  以弗所書 514-15兩節與這段經文有關。保羅似乎在說,“不要在睡夢中行走!醒來!張開你的眼睛!充分利用這一天!”很可悲的看到,通過許多自稱是基督徒的生活,看到他們像夢遊者一般的漂移,從來沒有真正充分利用他們的機會,為基督而活,並為祂服務。保羅提出了幾點,為什麼在我們行事為人時,應該準確和小心的原因。

It is a mark of wisdom (v. 15). Only a fool drifts with the wind and tide. A wise man marks out his course, sets his sails, and guides the rudder until he reaches his destination. When a man wants to build a house, he first draws his plans so he knows what he is doing. Yet, how many Christians plan their days so that they use their opportunities wisely? True, we cannot know what a day may bring forth (James 4:13–17). But it is also true that a planned life can better deal with unexpected events. Someone said, “When the pilot does not know what port he is heading for, no wind is the right wind.”                                                                                                                                              當像智慧人(第 15 節)。只有傻瓜才隨風漂蕩。智者劃定航線,揚帆起航,掌舵直至到達目的地。當人想要蓋房子時,他首先畫出他的計劃,以便知道他在做什麼。然而,有多少基督徒是在計劃他們的日子,以便明智地利用他們的機會? 誠然,我們不知道這一天會什麼事(雅  413-17)。但也確實如此,有計劃的生活才能更好地應付突發的事。有人說,“當領航員不知道他要去哪個港口時,再好的風對他的船的航行也是無助。”

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