Wednesday, August 21, 2024

827 英翻中 (527) Let us walk in harmony. 求主賜我們家庭和諧相處. 21/08/2024

 827 英翻中 (527)        Let us walk in harmony.          求主賜我們家庭和諧相處.              21/08/2024

CHAPTER ELEVEN           HEAVEN IN YOUR HOME                       Ephesians 5:18–33  第十一課                               天堂在你家中                                               以弗所書  5:18-33

When home is ruled according to God’s Word,” said Charles Haddon Spurgeon, “angels might be asked to stay with us, and they would not find themselves out of their element.”                        司布真說, 當家庭按照上帝的話語互動時,天使可能會要求和我們同住,他們可能不會發現自己離開了他們的本性。”

The trouble is that many homes are not governed by God’s Word—even homes where the members are professing Christians—and the consequences are tragic. Instead of angels being guests in some homes, it seems that demons are the masters. Too many marriages end in the divorce court, and nobody knows how many husbands and wives are emotionally divorced even though they share the same address. The poet William Cowper called the home “the only bliss of Paradise that hast survived the Fall,” but too many homes are an outpost of hell instead of a parcel of paradise.                                                                                                                                    問題在許多家庭並不照著上帝話語運作,即使是   — 自稱為基督徒的家庭 — 其後果是悲慘的。甚至在一些家庭中,天使不是客人,而惡魔是主人。太多的婚姻在法庭辧離婚而告終,沒有人知道有多少丈夫和妻子即使用相同的地址,在情感上却是離婚。詩人威廉 · 考珀 (William Cowper) 稱家為“在秋天倖存下來的唯一天堂的幸福”,但太多的家是地獄的前哨,而不是天堂似的居住。

The answer is the Holy Spirit of God! It is only through the power of the Holy Spirit that we can walk in harmony as husbands and wives (Eph. 5:22–33), parents and children (Eph. 6:1–4), and employers and employees (Eph. 6:5–9). The unity of the people of God that Paul described (Eph. 4:1–16) must be translated into daily living if we are to enjoy the harmony that is a foretaste of heaven on earth.                                                                                                                                        答案是上帝的聖靈! 只有通過聖靈的大能,才能使基督徒的夫妻行事為人和諧(弗  5:22-33),父母和孩子相處和諧(弗  6:1-4),雇主和僱員互相幫助(弗  6:5-9)。保羅所描述的上帝子民的合一(弗  4:1-16)必須轉化在他們的日常生活中,才能讓我們享受到天上人間的和諧。

“Be filled with the Spirit” is God’s command, and He expects us to obey. The command is plural, so it applies to all Christians and not just to a select few. The verb is in the present tense—“keep on being filled”— so it is an experience we should enjoy constantly and not just on special occasions. And the verb is passive. We do not fill ourselves but permit the Spirit to fill us. The verb “fill” has nothing to do with contents or quantity, as though we are empty vessels that need a required amount of spiritual fuel to keep going. In the Bible, filled means “controlled by.” “They … were filled with wrath” (Luke 4:28) means “they were controlled by wrath” and for that reason tried to kill Jesus. “The Jews were filled with envy” (Acts 13:45) means that the Jews were controlled by envy and opposed the ministry of Paul and Barnabas. To be “filled with the Spirit” means to be constantly controlled by the Spirit in our mind, emotions, and will.                         “被聖靈充滿”是上帝的命令,祂希望我們順服。該命令是複數形式,因此適用於所有基督徒,而不僅僅是少數人。動詞是現在時制(present tense) “時時被充滿”, 所以這是我們應該每日不斷享受的體驗,而不僅僅是在特殊場合。而且動詞是被動態。不是讓自己來充滿,而是讓聖靈來充滿我們。動詞“充滿”與內容或數量無關,就好像我們是空的容器,需要足夠的屬靈燃料才能繼續前進。在聖經中,充滿的意思是“被控制”。 “他們……充滿了憤怒”(路  4:28)的意思是“他們被憤怒所控制”,因此試圖殺死耶穌。“猶太人滿心嫉妒”(徒  13:45)是指猶太人被嫉妒所控制,反對保羅和巴拿巴的事工。“被聖靈充滿”意味著在我們的思想、情緒和意念都時時要受聖靈的引導。

When a person trusts Christ as his Savior, he is immediately baptized by the Spirit into the body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:13). Nowhere in the New Testament are we commanded to be baptized by the Spirit, because this is a once-for-all experience that takes place at conversion. When the Spirit came at Pentecost, the believers were baptized by the Spirit, and thus the body of Christ was formed (Acts 1:4–5). But they were also “filled with the Spirit” (Acts 2:4), and it was this filling that gave them the power they needed to witness for Christ (Acts 1:8). In Acts 2, the Jewish believers were baptized by the Spirit, and in Acts 10 the Gentile believers had the same experience (Acts 10:44–48; 11:15–17). Thus the body of Christ was made up of Jews and Gentiles (Eph. 2:11–22). That historic baptism, in two stages, has never been repeated any more than Calvary has been repeated. But that baptism is made personal when the sinner trusts Christ and the Spirit enters in to make him a member of the body of Christ. The baptism of the Spirit means that I belong to Christ’s body. The filling of the Spirit means that my body belongs to Christ.        當人相信基督是他的救主時,他會立即受聖靈洗禮,進入基督的身體(林前  12:13)。新約中沒有任何地方命令我們受聖靈的洗,因為這是在相信基督時發生的一勞永逸的經歷。當聖靈在五旬節降臨時,信徒受了聖靈的洗,形成了基督的身體(徒 14-5)。但他們也“被聖靈充滿”(徒  2:4),正是這充滿給了他們為基督作見證所需的能力(徒  1:8)。在使徒行傳第 2 章,猶太信徒受了聖靈的洗,在使徒行傳第 10 章,外邦信徒也有同樣的經歷(徒  1044-481115-17)。因此,基督的身體是由猶太人和外邦人共同組成的(弗  2:11-22)。那次歷史性的洗禮分兩個階段,從未重演過,就像加略山從未重演過一樣。但是當罪人相信基督,並且聖靈進入他心裡,使他成為基督身體的肢體時,這種洗禮就成為個人的。聖靈的洗意味著我屬於基督的身體。聖靈充滿是說,我的身體屬於基督。

We usually think of the power of the Spirit as necessary for preaching and witnessing, and this is true. (See Acts 4:8, 31; 6:3, 5; 7:55; 13:9. The apostles experienced repeated fillings after that initial experience at Pentecost.) But Paul wrote that the Spirit’s fullness is also needed in the home. If our homes are to be a heaven on earth, then we must be controlled by the Holy Spirit. But how can a person tell whether or not he is filled with the Spirit? Paul stated that there are three evidences of the fullness of the Spirit in the life of the believer: he is joyful (Eph. 5:19), thankful (Eph. 5:20), and submissive (Eph. 5:21–33). Paul said nothing about miracles or tongues or other special manifestations. He stated that the home can be a heaven on earth if each family member is controlled by the Spirit, and is joyful, thankful, and submissive.                                    我們通常認為聖靈的能力是講道和見證所必需的,這是真的。 (見  4:8, 31; 6:3, 5; 7:55; 13:9。使徒在五旬節最初的經歷之後,經歷了反复的聖靈充滿。)但保羅寫道,在家裡也需要聖靈的充滿。若家要成為地上的天堂,那麼必須受到聖靈對我們的身體和口舌的管制。但人如何判斷他是否被聖靈充滿呢?  保羅說,聖靈充滿信徒的生命中,有的三個證據:他是喜樂的(弗  5:19),不斷感恩的(弗  5:20),和永遠順服(弗  5:21-33 )。保羅沒有提到神蹟,方言,或其他特殊的表現。 他說,如果每個家庭成員都被聖靈管制,該家庭就有喜樂、感恩和順服,那麼家庭就可以成為地上的天堂。

1.  Joyful (5:19)                                                                                                                                1.  喜樂 (5:19)

Joy is one of the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22). Christian joy is not a shallow emotion that, like a thermometer, rises and falls with the changing atmosphere of the home. Rather, Christian joy is a deep experience of adequacy and confidence in spite of the circumstances around us. The Christian can be joyful even in the midst of pain and suffering. This kind of joy is not a thermometer but a thermostat. Instead of rising and falling with the circumstances, it determines the spiritual temperature of the circumstances. Paul put it beautifully when he wrote, “I have learned in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content” (Phil. 4:11).                                            喜樂是聖靈所結的果子之一(加   5:22)。基督徒的喜樂不是膚淺的情緒,像溫度計一樣,隨著家庭氣氛的變化而起起落落。相反,儘管周圍的環境有變化,基督徒總是充分和自信的深刻體驗他們的喜樂。基督徒即使在痛苦和苦難中也能喜樂。這種喜悅不是溫度計而是恆溫器。它決定了環境的屬靈溫度,而不是隨環境的變起起落落。保羅寫得很優美,他寫道,“我無論在何景況下,都學會了知足”(腓  4:11)。

To illustrate this joy, Paul used the familiar image of drunkenness: “Be not drunk with wine … but be filled with the Spirit” (Eph. 5:18). When the believers at Pentecost were filled with the Spirit, the crowd accused them of being drunk with new wine (Acts 2:13–15). There was such a joyfulness about them that the unbelievers could think of no better comparison. But some practical lessons can be learned from the contrasts. To begin with, the drunk is under the control of another force, since alcohol is actually a depressant. He feels a great sense of release—all his troubles are gone. He can “lick anybody in the house!” The drunk is not ashamed to express himself (though what he says and does is shameful), nor can he hide what is going on in his life.    為了說明這種喜樂,保羅使用了熟悉的醉酒形象,他說,“不要醉酒…只要聖靈充滿”(弗  5:18)。當五旬節的信徒被聖靈充滿時,人群指責他們喝了新酒(徒  213-15)。他們是如此的喜樂,以致不信的人想不出更好的比較。 但是從對比中可以學到一些實際的教訓。首先,醉酒者受另一種力量的挾持,因為酒精實際上是鎮靜劑。它有極大的輕鬆感受   — 使他所有的煩惱都消失了。他可以“與房子裡的任何人親嘴!”醉漢不以表露為恥(雖然他的言行是可恥的),他也無法隱瞞他生活中正在發生的事情。

Transfer this picture to the believer who is filled with the Spirit. God controls his life, and he experiences a deep joy he is not afraid to express to the glory of God. Of course, the drunk is really out of control, since the alcohol affects his brain, while the believer experiences a beautiful self-control that is really God in control. Self-control is among the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:23). “The spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets” (1 Cor. 14:32). The drunk makes a fool of himself, but the Spirit-filled Christian glorifies God and is willing to be a “fool for Christ’s sake” (1 Cor. 4:10). The drunk calls attention to himself, while the Spirit-filled believer is a witness for Christ.                                                                                                                                                        將這張圖像比照聖靈充滿的信徒。上帝掌管著他的生活,他體驗到深深的喜樂,他不懼怕去表達上帝的榮耀。當然,醉酒的人是真的失去控制,因為酒精會影響他的大腦,而信徒則體驗到美麗的自我管制,這真的是上帝在管制。 自我控制是聖靈結的果子(加  5:23)。 “先知的靈服從先知”(林前  14:32)。醉漢自欺欺人,但被聖靈充滿的基督徒會榮耀上帝,並願意“為基督的緣故做傻瓜”(林前  4:10)。醉酒者使人注意他自己,而聖靈充滿的信徒是基督的見證人。

It is certainly not difficult to live or work with someone who is filled with the Spirit and joyful. He has a song in his heart and on his lips. The drunk often sings, but his songs only reveal the corruption in his heart. The Spirit-filled Christian’s song comes from God, a song he could never sing apart from the Spirit’s power. God even gives us songs in the night (Ps. 42:8). In spite of pain and shame, Paul and Silas were able to sing praises to God in the Philippian jail (Acts 16:25), and the result was the conversion of the jailer and his family. What a happy time they all had that midnight hour—and they did not need to get drunk to enjoy it!                                                        與聖靈充滿並喜樂的人一起生活或工作是輕鬆的。他的心里和嘴唇上常有一首歌。醉漢經常唱歌,但他的歌只暴露了他內心的腐敗。 而聖靈充滿的基督徒的歌曲來自上帝,如果沒有聖靈的大能,他永遠無法唱出這首歌。上帝甚至在夜間賜給我們一首歌(詩 42:8)。儘管痛苦和羞愧,保羅和西拉仍然能夠在腓立比監獄中,夜間唱歌讚美上帝(徒  16:25),結果是獄卒和他的家人都相信耶穌基督。他們在午夜時分度過了多麼幸福的時光,他們不需要喝醉就能享受它!

 “Your neighborhood tavern is the friendliest place in town!” That slogan appeared in a headline of a special newspaper insert during “National Tavern Month,” so I decided to test its veracity. I watched the newspapers for several weeks and cut out items that related to taverns—and all of them were connected with brawls and murders. The friendliest place in town! But this headline reminded me that people who drink together often experience a sympathy and conviviality. This fact is no argument for alcohol, but it does illustrate a point: Christians who are filled with the Holy Spirit enjoy being together and experience a sense of joyful oneness in the Lord. They do not need the false stimulants of the world. They have the Spirit of God—and He is all they need.        該口號“你家附近的小酒館是鎮上最友好的地方!” 出現在“全國酒館月”期間的一份特別報紙的標題插頁中,因此我決定測試它的真實性。 看了幾個星期的報紙,刪掉了與酒館有關的內容  發現所有其他的都與鬥毆和謀殺有關。這是鎮上最友好的地方!?  但是這個標題提醒我,在一起喝酒的人往往會感受到同情和歡樂。這個事實並不能成為喝酒的論據,但它確實說明了一個觀點:聖靈充滿的基督徒在一起享受,並體驗到在主裡喜樂的合一。他們不需要世界上的虛假興奮劑。 他們擁有的正是,他們所需要的上帝的靈。


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