Sunday, August 11, 2024

818 英翻中 (518) The Gifts for Unity. 合一的恩賜. 11/08/2024

818 英翻中 (518)                      The Gifts for Unity.           合一的恩賜.                          11/08/2024

3.  The Gifts for Unity (4:7–11)                                                                                                                3. 合一的恩賜(4:7-11

Paul moved now from what all Christians have in com[1]mon to how Christians differ from each other. He was discussing variety and individuality within the unity of the Spirit. God has given each believer at least one spiritual gift (1 Cor. 12:1–12), and this gift is to be used for the unifying and edifying (building up) of the body of Christ. We must make a distinction between “spiritual gifts” and natural abilities. When you were born into this world God gave you certain natural abilities, perhaps in mechanics, art, athletics, or music. In this regard, all men are not created equal, because some are smarter, or stronger, or more talented than others. But in the spiritual realm, each believer has at least one spiritual gift no matter what natural abilities he may or may not possess. A spiritual gift is a God-given ability to serve God and other Christians in such a way that Christ is glorified and believers are edified.                                                                                  保羅現在從所有基督徒的共同點轉移到基督徒之間的不同之處。他正在討論聖靈統一中的多樣性和個性。上帝給了每個信徒至少一項屬靈恩賜(林前 12:1-12),這份恩賜將用於基督身體的合一和造就(建立)。我們必須區分“屬靈恩賜”和天然能力。當你出生在這個世界上時,上帝給了你某些天生的能力,也許是在機械、藝術、體育或音樂方面。在這方面,並非所有人都生而平等,因為有些人比其他人更聰明、更強壯或更有才華。但在屬靈領域,無論他擁有或不具備何種天賦,每個信徒都至少擁有一項屬靈恩賜。屬靈恩賜是上帝賜予的一種能力,能夠以榮耀基督和造就信徒的方式服侍上帝和其他基督徒。

How does the believer discover and develop his gifts? By fellowshipping with other Christians in the local assembly. Gifts are not toys to play with. They are tools to build with. And if they are not used in love, they become weapons to fight with, which is what hap[1]pened in the Corinthian church (1 Cor. 12—14). Christians are not to live in isolation, for after all, they are members of the same body.                                                                                                                                信徒如何發現和發展他的恩賜?通過與當地集會中的其他基督徒相交。禮物不是玩的玩具。它們是用於構建的工具。如果他們沒有用在愛情中,他們就會成為戰鬥的武器,這就是哥林多教會發生的事情(林前 12-14)。基督徒不要孤立地生活,畢竟他們是同一個身體的成員。

Paul taught that Christ is the Giver of these gifts, through the Holy Spirit (Eph. 4:8–10). He ascended to heaven as Victor forevermore. The picture here is of a military conqueror leading his captives and sharing the spoil with his followers. Only in this case, the “cap[1]tives” are not His enemies, but His own. Sinners who once were held captives by sin and Satan have now been taken captive by Christ. Even death itself is a defeated foe! When He came to earth, Christ experi[1]enced the depths of humiliation (Phil. 2:5–11), but when He ascended to heaven, He experienced the very highest exaltation possible. Paul quoted Psalm 68:18, applying to Jesus Christ a victory song written by David (Eph. 4:8).                                                                                   保羅教導說,通過聖靈,基督是這些恩賜的賜予者(弗 4:8-10)。他永遠以維克多的身份升天。這幅畫是一個軍事征服者帶領俘虜並與他的追隨者分享戰利品。只有在這種情況下,“俘虜”不是他的敵人,而是他自己的敵人。曾經被罪和撒旦俘虜的罪人現在被基督俘虜了。甚至死亡本身也是一個失敗的敵人!基督來到地上時,經歷了最深的屈辱(腓立比書 2:5-11),但當他升到天上時,他經歷了最高的昇華。保羅引用了詩篇 68:18,將大衛寫的得勝之歌應用在耶穌基督身上(弗 4:8)。

There are three lists of spiritual gifts given in the New Testament: 1 Corinthians 12:4–11, 27–31; Romans 12:3–8; and Ephesians 4:11. Since these lists are not identical, it may be that Paul has not named all the gifts that are available. Paul wrote that some gifts are more important than others, but that all believers are needed if the body is to function normally (1 Cor. 14:5, 39). Paul named, not so much “gifts” as the gifted men God has placed in the church, and there are four of them.   新約中列出了三份屬靈恩賜:1 哥林多前書 124-1127-31;羅馬書 123-8;和以弗所書 4:11。由於這些清單並不相同,可能是保羅沒有列出所有可用的禮物。保羅寫道,有些恩賜比其他恩賜更重要,但如果身體要正常運作,所有信徒都需要(林前 14:5, 39)。保羅並沒有提到神在教會中放置的有恩賜的人那麼多的“恩賜”,一共有四個。

Apostles --- The word means “one who is sent with a commission.” Jesus had many disciples, but He selected twelve apostles (Matt. 10:1–4). A disciple is a “follower” or a “learner,” but an apostle is a “divinely appointed representative.” The apostles were to give witness of the resurrection (Acts 1:15–22), and there[1]fore had to have seen the risen Christ personally (1 Cor. 9:1–2). There are no apostles today in the strictest New Testament sense. These men helped to lay the foundation of the church—“the foundation of the apostles and prophets” (Eph. 2:20), and once the foun[1]dation was laid, they were no longer needed. God authenticated their ministry with special miracles (Heb. 2:1–4), so we should not demand these same miracles today. Of course, in a broad sense, all Christians have an apostolic ministry. “As my Father hath sent me, even so send I you” (John 20:21). But we must not claim to be apostles.                                                                                使徒——這個詞的意思是“受差遣的人”。耶穌有很多門徒,但他選擇了十二個使徒(馬太福音 10:1-4)。門徒是“跟隨者”或“學習者”,而使徒是“上帝指定的代表”。使徒要為複活作見證(使徒行傳 1:15-22),因此必須親眼目睹復活的基督(林前 9:1-2)。在新約最嚴格的意義上,今天沒有使徒。這些人幫助奠定了教會的根基——“使徒和先知的根基”(以弗所書 2:20),一旦奠定了根基,就不再需要他們了。上帝用特別的神蹟證實了他們的事工(來 2:1-4),所以我們今天不應該要求同樣的神蹟。當然,從廣義上講,所有基督徒都有使徒的事工。 “我父怎樣差遣了我,我也照樣差遣你們”(約翰福音 20:21)。但我們不可自稱為使徒。 

Prophets (v. 11b).  We commonly associate a prophet with predictions of future events, but this is not his primary function. A New Testament prophet is one who proclaims the Word of God (Acts 11:28; Eph. 3:5). Believers in the New Testament churches did not possess Bibles, nor was the New Testament written and completed. How, then, would these local assemblies discover God’s will? His Spirit would share God’s truth with those possessing the gift of prophecy. Paul suggested that the gift of prophecy had to do with understanding “all mysteries and all knowledge” (1 Cor. 13:2), meaning, of course, spiritual truths. The purpose of prophecy is “edification, encouragement, and consolation” (1 Cor. 14:3, literal translation). Christians today do not get their spiritual knowledge immediately from the Holy Spirit, but mediately through the Spirit teaching the Word. With the apostles, the prophets had a foundational ministry in the early church, and they are not needed today (Eph. 2:20).                                                                                                                         先知---我們通常將先知與對未來事件的預測聯繫起來,但這不是他的主要功能。新約先知是宣講神話語的人(使徒行傳 11:28;弗 3:5)。新約教會的信徒沒有聖經,新約也沒有寫成和完成。那麼,這些地方集會如何發現神的旨意呢?他的靈會與那些擁有預言恩賜的人分享上帝的真理。保羅建議說,預言的恩賜與理解“所有的奧秘和知識”(林前 13:2)有關,當然,意思是屬靈的真理。預言的目的是“造就、鼓勵和安慰”(林前 14:3,直譯)。今天的基督徒不是立即從聖靈那裡獲得他們的屬靈知識,而是通過教導話語的聖靈間接獲得他們的屬靈知識。對於使徒,先知在早期教會中有一個基礎性的事工,今天不需要他們(弗 2:20)。

Evangelists (v, 11c) “Bearers of the good news.” These men traveled from place to place to preach the gospel and win the lost (Acts 8:26–40; 21:28). All ministers should “do the work of an evangelist,” but this does not mean that all ministers are evangelists (2 Tim. 4:5). The apostles and prophets laid the foundation of the church, and the evangelists built on it by winning the lost to Christ. Of course, in the early church, every believer was a witness (Acts 2:41–47; 11:19–21), and so should we be witnesses today. But there are people also today who have the gift of evangelism. The fact that a believer may not possess this gift does not excuse him from being burdened for lost souls or witnessing to them.                                                                                                                        傳福音的人 (v, 11c) 「傳播好消息的人」。這些人從一個地方到另一個地方傳福音並贏得失喪的人(使徒行傳 8:26-40;21:28)。所有傳道人都應該“做傳福音者的工作”,但這並不意味著所有傳道者都是傳福音者(提後書 4:5)。使徒和先知奠定了教會的根基,而福音傳道者則透過贏得失喪的人歸向基督而在其基礎上進行建設。當然,在早期教會,每個信徒都是見證人(使徒行傳2:41-47;11:19-21),今天我們也應該成為見證人。但今天也有人擁有傳福音的恩賜。信徒可能不具備這種恩賜,這一事實並不能成為他不為失喪的靈魂承擔負擔或為他們作見證的藉口。 

Pastors and teachers (v. 11d). The fact that the word some is not repeated indicates that we have here one office with two ministries. Pastor means “shepherd,” indicating that the local church is a flock of sheep (Acts 20:28), and it is his responsibility to feed and lead the flock (1 Peter 5:1–4, where “elder” is another name for “pastor”). He does this by means of the Word of God, the food that nourishes the sheep. The Word is the staff that guides and disciplines the sheep. The Word of God is the local church’s protection and provision, and no amount of entertainment, good fellowship, or other religious substitutes can take its place.                                                                 牧師和教師(第 11 節)。 some這個詞沒有重複這一事實表明我們在這裡有一個辦公室有兩個部委。牧師的意思是“牧羊人”,表明地方教會是一群羊(使徒行傳 20:28),他有責任餵養和帶領羊群(彼得前書 5:1-4,其中“長老”是另一個名字)為“牧師”)。他是通過神的話語,餵養羊的食物來做到這一點的。聖言是引導和管教羊群的杖。神的話語是地方教會的保護和供應,再多的娛樂、良好的團契或其他宗教替代品都無法取代它。

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