Wednesday, August 7, 2024

808 英翻中(514) GET YOUR HANDS ON YOUR WEALTH 掌握屬靈的豐盛 8/7/2024

808 英翻中(514)      Get your hands on your wealth.           掌握屬靈的豐盛.                              8/7/2024

CHAPTER Seven      GET YOUR HANDS ON YOUR WEALTH           Ephesians 3:14–21                   第七課                        掌握屬靈的豐盛                                                   以弗所书 3:14-21

This passage is the second of two prayers recorded in Ephesians, the first one being Ephesians 1:15–23. In the first prayer, the emphasis is on enlightenment, but in this prayer, the emphasis is on enablement. It is not so much a matter of knowing as being—laying our hands on what God has for us and by faith making it a vital part of our lives. Paul was saying, “I want you to get your hands on your wealth, realize how vast it is, and start to use it.”                                                         这段经文是以弗所书记录的两个祷告中的第二个,第一个是以弗所书 115-23。在第一个祈祷中,重点是开悟,但在这个祈祷中,重点是启用。这与其说是知道不如说是问题——把手放在上帝为我们准备的东西上,并凭着信心使它成为我们生活的重要组成部分。保罗说:“我希望你能接触到你的财富,意识到它有多么巨大,并开始使用它。”

It is worth noting that both of these prayers, as well as the other prison prayers (Phil. 1:9–11; Col. 1:9–12), deal with the spiritual condition of the inner man, and not the material needs of the body. Certainly it is not wrong to pray for physical and material needs, but the emphasis in these petitions is on the spiritual. Paul knew that if the inner man is what he ought to be, the outer man will be taken care of in due time. Too many of our prayers focus only on physical and material needs and fail to lay hold of the deeper inner needs of the heart. It would do us good to use these prison prayers as our own, and ask God to help us in our inner person. That is where the greatest needs are.                                                                                                                                                   值得注意的是,这两个祈祷,以及其他监狱祈祷(腓 1:9-11;西 1:9-12),都是针对内在人的精神状况,而不是物质需求的身体。为物质和物质的需要祷告当然没有错,但这些祈求的重点是属灵的。保罗知道,如果里面的人是他应该有的样子,外面的人就会在适当的时候得到照顾。我们太多的祈祷只关注身体和物质的需要,而没有抓住内心深处的需要。将这些监狱祈祷用作我们自己的祈祷,并祈求上帝在我们的内心帮助我们,这对我们有好处。这就是最大的需求。

1. The Invocation (3:14–15)                                                                                                                      1. 祈求(3:14-15

The first thing that strikes us is Paul’s posture: “I bow my knees.” (This must have been quite an experience for the Roman soldier chained to Paul!) The Bible nowhere commands any special posture for prayer. Abraham stood before the Lord when he prayed for Sodom (Gen. 18:22), and Solomon stood when he prayed to dedicate the temple (1 Kings 8:22). David “sat before the Lord” (1 Chron. 17:16) when he prayed about the future of his kingdom. And Jesus “fell on his face” when He prayed in Gethsemane (Matt. 26:39).                                                                                        首先让我们印象深刻的是保罗的姿势:“我跪下。” (对于被锁在保罗身上的罗马士兵来说,这一定是一次相当大的经历!)圣经中没有任何地方要求任何特殊的祷告姿势。亚伯拉罕为所多玛祈祷时站在耶和华面前(创 18:22),所罗门为圣殿祈祷时站在耶和华面前(王上    8:22)。当大卫为他的王国的未来祈祷时,他“坐在耶和华面前”(代上 17:16)耶稣在客西马尼园祷告时“俯伏在地”(太    26:39

You have noticed, no doubt, the emphasis on spiritual posture in Ephesians. As lost sinners, we were buried in the graveyard (Eph. 2:1). But when we trusted Christ, He raised us from the dead and seated us with Christ in the heavenlies (Eph. 2:4–6). Because we are seated with Christ, we can walk so as to please Him (Eph. 4:1, 17; 5:2, 8, 15) and we can stand against the devil (Eph. 6:10–13). But the posture that links “sitting” with “walking” and “standing” is “bowing the knee.” It is through prayer that we lay hold of God’s riches that enable us to behave like Christians and battle like Christians. Whether we actually bow our knees is not the important thing; that we bow our hearts and wills to the Lord and ask Him for what we need is the vital matter.                                                                                                                                                         毫无疑问,你已经注意到以弗所书对属灵姿势的强调。作为失丧的罪人,我们被埋葬在墓地(弗 2:1)。但是当我们相信基督时,他使我们从死里复活,让我们与基督一同坐在天上(弗 2:4-6)。因为我们与基督同坐,所以我们可以行事为人取悦他(弗 4:1175:2815),我们可以抵挡魔鬼(弗 6:10-13)。但将“坐”与“走”“站”联系起来的姿势是“屈膝”。借着祷告,我们能持定神的丰富,使我们能像基督徒一样行事,像基督徒一样争战。我们是否真的屈膝并不重要;将我们的心意和意志归给主,向他祈求我们所需要的,这是至关重要的。

Paul’s prayer was addressed to “the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” In the Bible, prayer is addressed to the Father, through the Son, and in the Spirit. This is the usual pattern, though you do find petitions addressed to the Son, and possibly to the Spirit (1 Thess. 3:12–13). In Ephesians 1:3, Paul called the Father “the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” He was the “God … of our Lord Jesus Christ” when Jesus was here on earth, for as man, Jesus lived in total dependence on God. This title reminds us of Christ’s humanity. But God is the “Father of our Lord Jesus Christ” because Jesus Christ is eternal God; so this title reminds us of His deity.         保罗的祷告是写给“我们主耶稣基督的父”的。在圣经中,祈祷是通过圣子,并在圣灵中向父祈祷的。这是通常的模式,尽管您确实会找到写给子,也可能写给圣灵的请求(帖前 3:12-13)。在以弗所书 1 3 节,保罗称父为“我们主耶稣基督的神和父”。当耶稣在世时,他是“我们主耶稣基督的上帝……”,因为作为人,耶稣完全依赖上帝。这个称号提醒我们基督的人性。但上帝是“我们主耶稣基督的父”,因为耶稣基督是永恒的上帝;所以这个称号让我们想起了他的神性。

There is a sense, however, in which all men in general, and Christians in particular, share in the fatherhood of God. Paul stated that “the whole family in heaven and earth is named” after the divine Father. That word family can be translated “fatherhood.” Every fatherhood in heaven and on earth gets its origin and name from the Father. He is the great Original; every other fatherhood is but a copy. Adam is called “the son of God” (Luke 3:38), referring to his creation. Believers are the “sons of God” by rebirth (John 1:11–13; 1 John 3:1–2). All men are not children of God by nature. Instead, they are children of disobedience and children of wrath (Eph. 2:2–3). As Creator, God is the Father of each man but as Savior, He is only the Father of those who believe. There is no such thing in Scripture as the universal fatherhood of God that saves all men. “Ye must be born again” (John 3:7).                                                                                                       然而,从某种意义上说,所有人,尤其是基督徒,都分享上帝的父权。保罗说,“天上地下的全家,都以圣父的名字命名”。家庭这个词可以翻译为“父权”。天上地下的每一个父权,其起源和名字都来自父。他是伟大的原创者;所有其他的父亲身份都只是一个副本。亚当被称为“上帝的儿子”(路加福音 3:38),指的是他的创造。信徒通过重生成为“上帝的儿子”(约翰福音 111-13;约翰一书 31-2)。并非所有的人天生都不是上帝的儿女。相反,他们是悖逆之子和可怒之子(弗 2:2-3)。作为创造者,上帝是每个人的父亲,但作为救主,他只是那些相信的人的父亲。圣经中没有像上帝的普世父权这样的事情来拯救所有人。 “你们必须重生”(约翰福音 37)。

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