Wednesday, August 28, 2024

834 英翻中 (534) Christians are in the army now! 我們是屬靈的軍隊裡! 28/08/2024

834 英翻中 (534)         Christians are in the army now!     我們是屬靈的軍隊裡!         28/8/2024

CHAPTER THIRTEEN               YOU’RE IN THE ARMY NOW!        Ephesians 6:10–24            第十三課                                       現在你在屬靈的軍隊裡!                  以弗所書   6:10-24

Sooner or later every believer discovers that the Christian life is a battleground, not a playground, and that he faces an enemy who is much stronger than he is—apart from the Lord. That Paul should use the military to illustrate the believer’s conflict with Satan is reasonable. He himself was chained to a Roman soldier (Eph. 6:20), and his readers were certainly familiar with soldiers and the equipment they used. In fact, military illustrations were favorites with Paul (2 Cor. 10:4; 1 Tim. 6:12; 2 Tim. 2:3; 4:7).                                                                                                遲早每個信徒都會發現基督徒的生活是戰爭場地,而不是遊樂園,而且他要面對比他強大得多的敵人  遠離主。保羅用軍隊來說明信徒與撒但的衝突是合理的。他自己與羅馬士兵鎖鏈在一起(弗  6:20),他的讀者當然熟悉羅馬士兵和他們使用的裝備。事實上,保羅最喜歡軍事插圖來作例證(林後  10:4;  提前  6:12;  提後 2:3; 4:7)。

As Christians, we face three enemies: the world, the flesh, and the devil (Eph. 2:1–3). “The world” refers to the system around us that is opposed to God, that caters to “the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life” (1 John 2:15–17). “Society apart from God” is a simple, but accurate, definition of “the world.” “The flesh” is the old nature that we inherited from Adam, a nature that is opposed to God and can do nothing spiritual to please God. By His death and resurrection, Christ overcame the world (John 16:33; Gal. 6:14), and the flesh (Rom. 6:1–6; Gal. 2:20), and the devil (Eph. 1:19–23). In other words, as believers, we do not fight for victory—we fight from victory! The Spirit of God enables us, by faith, to appropriate Christ’s victory for ourselves.                                                                                                                                  作為基督徒,我們面對三個敵人:世界、肉體和魔鬼(弗  2:1-3)。 “世界”是指我們周圍與上帝為敵的系統,它迎合“肉體的情慾,眼目的情慾,並今生的驕傲”(約壹215-17)。 “遠離上帝的社會”是對“世界”的簡單但準確的定義。 “肉體”是我們從亞當那裡繼承下來的老我本性,一種與上帝為敵的本性,不能做任何屬靈的事來討祂的喜悅。藉著祂的死和復活,基督戰勝了世界(約  16:33;加  6:14)、肉體(羅  6:1-6  2:20)和魔鬼(弗   1 19-23)。換句話說,作為信徒,我們不是為勝利而戰,而是從勝利而戰! 因為上帝的靈使我們能夠憑著信心,將基督的勝利挪用歸於基督徒自己。

In these closing verses of the letter, Paul discussed four topics so that his readers, by understanding and applying these truths, might walk in victory.                                                    在這封信的最後幾節,保羅討論了四個主題,以便他的讀者通過理解和應用這些真理,可以行走在勝利中。

1.  The Enemy (6:10–12)                                                                                                                            1.  敵人(6:10-12

The intelligence corps plays a vital part in warfare because it enables the officers to know and understand the enemy. Unless we know who the enemy is, where he is, and what he can do, we have a difficult time defeating him. Not only in Ephesians 6, but throughout the entire Bible, God instructs us about the enemy, so there is no reason for us to be caught off guard.                             情報部門在戰爭中起著至關重要的作用,因為它使軍官能夠知道和了解敵人。除非我們知道敵人是誰,他在哪裡,他能做什麼,否則我們很難打敗他。不僅在以弗所書第 6 章,而且在整本聖經中,上帝都教導我們有關敵人的信息,所以我們沒有理由措手不及。

The leader the devil. The enemy has many different names. Devil means “accuser,” because he accuses God’s people day and night before the throne of God (Rev. 12:7–11). Satan means “adversary,” because he is the enemy of God. He is also called the tempter (Matt. 4:3), and the murderer and the liar (John 8:44). He is compared to a lion (1 Peter 5:8), a serpent (Gen. 3:1; Rev. 12:9), and an angel of light (2 Cor. 11:13–15), as well as “the god of this age” (2 Cor. 4:4 niv).  領袖 魔鬼。敵人有許多不同的名稱。魔鬼的意思是“控告者”,因為牠日夜在上帝的寶座前控告上帝的子民(啟  12:7-11)。撒旦的意思是“敵人”,因為牠是上帝的敵人。牠也被稱為試探者(太  4:3)、兇手和說謊者(約  8:44)。牠比作獅子(彼前  5:8)、蛇(創  3:1;啟  12:9)和光明天使(林後  11:13-15),以及“這個世紀的神祗”(林前     4:4  新國際版)。

Where did he come from, this spirit-creature that seeks to oppose God and defeat His work? Many students believe that in the original creation, he was “Lucifer, son of the morning” (Isa. 14:12–15) and that he was cast down because of his pride and his desire to occupy God’s throne. Many mysteries are connected with the origin of Satan, but what he is doing and where he is going are certainly no mystery! Since he is a created being, and not eternal (as God is), he is limited in his knowledge and activity. Unlike God, Satan is not all-knowing, all-powerful, or everywhere-present. Then how does he accomplish so much in so many different parts of the world? The answer is in his organized helpers.                                                                                    牠是從哪裡來的,這個企圖與上帝作對、挫敗祂作為的邪靈?許多神學生相信,在最初的創造中,他是“早晨之子路西法(Lucifer)”(賽  14:12-15),並且因為牠的驕傲和想要佔據上帝寶座的渴望而被擊倒。很多密謎都與撒旦的來歷有關,但牠在做什麼,去向何方,肯定不是什麼奧秘! 由於牠是受造物,而不是永恆的(像上帝一樣),因此牠的知識和活動是有限的。與上帝不同,撒旦不是無所不知、無所不能或無處不在。那麼牠是如何在世界上這麼多不同的地方取得如此大的成就的呢?答案在於牠有組織的幫手

Satan’s helpers. Paul called them “principalities … powers … rulers … spiritual wickedness in high places” (Eph. 6:12). Charles B. Williams translated it, “For our contest is not with human foes alone, but with the rulers, authorities, and cosmic powers of this dark world; that is, with the spirit forces of evil challenging us in the heavenly contest” (Williams). This suggests a definite army of demonic creatures that assist Satan in his attacks against believers. The apostle John hinted that one third of the angels fell with Satan when he rebelled against God (Rev. 12:4), and Daniel wrote that Satan’s angels struggle against God’s angels for control of the affairs of nations (Dan. 10:13–20). A spiritual battle is going on in this world and in the sphere of “the heavenlies,” and you and I are a part of this battle. Knowing this makes “walking in victory” a vitally important thing to us—and to God.                                                                                                        撒旦的幫手。保羅稱他們為“執政的……掌權的……統治者……天空邪惡的靈氣”(弗  6:12)。查爾斯 · 威廉 (Charles B. Williams) 將其翻譯為:“因為我們的競爭者不僅是世上的敵人,而是與統治者,權威,和黑暗天體的宇宙力量;也就是說,邪惡的靈力量在天堂競賽中挑戰我們”(威廉版本)。這說明有肯定數量的惡魔軍隊協助撒旦攻擊信徒。使徒約翰暗示,當撒旦背叛上帝時,三分之一的天使與撒旦一同墮落(啟12:4),但以理寫道,撒旦的天使為了控制萬國事務而與上帝的使者爭戰(但 10:13- 20)。一場屬靈的爭戰正在這世上和“諸天”的領域中進行,你我都是這場爭戰的參與者。知道這一點,“行走在勝利中”對我們和上帝來說,都是至關重要的事。

The important point is that our battle is not against human beings. It is against spiritual powers. We are wasting our time fighting people when we ought to be fighting the devil who seeks to control people and make them oppose the work of God. During Paul’s ministry in Ephesus, a riot took place that could have destroyed the church (Acts 19:21–41). It wasn’t caused only by Demetrius and his associates, for behind them were Satan and his associates. Certainly Paul and the church prayed, and the opposition was silenced. The advice of the king of Syria to his soldiers can be applied to our spiritual battle: “Fight neither with small nor great, save only with the king” (1 Kings 22:31).                                                                                                                              重點是我們的戰鬥不是針對世人類。而是敵對屬邪靈氣的權勢。當我們應該與試圖控制人並使他們反對上帝工作的魔鬼戰鬥時,我們却浪費時間與人戰鬥。保羅在以弗所傳道期間,曾發生了一場可能摧毀教會的騷亂(徒  1921-41)。這不僅僅是底米丟和他的同夥造成的,因為在他們身後是撒旦和牠的同夥。毫無疑問,保羅和教會都在祈禱,反對聲也被壓制住了。敘利亞王對他的士兵的建議可以應用到我們的屬靈爭戰中:“無論大小,你們都不可與他們爭戰,只要與以色列王爭戰”(王上  22:31)。

Satan’s abilities. The admonitions Paul gave indicate that Satan is a strong enemy (Eph. 6:10–12) and that we need the power of God to be able to stand against him. Never underestimate the power of the devil. He is not compared to a lion and a dragon just for fun! The book of Job tells what his power can do to a man’s body, home, wealth, and friends. Jesus called Satan a thief who comes “to steal, and to kill, and to destroy” (John 10:10). Not only is Satan strong, but he is also wise and subtle, and we fight against “the wiles of the devil.” Wiles means “cunning, crafty arts, strategems.” The Christian cannot afford to be “ignorant of his devices” (2 Cor. 2:11). Some men are cunning and crafty and “lie in wait to deceive” (Eph. 4:14), but behind them is the arch-deceiver, Satan. He masquerades as an angel of light (2 Cor. 11:14) and seeks to blind men’s minds to the truth of God’s Word. The fact that Paul uses the word wrestle indicates that we are involved in a hand-to-hand battle and are not mere spectators at a game. Satan wants to use our external enemy, the world, and our internal enemy, the flesh, to defeat us. His weapons and battle plans are formidable.                                                                                                                                 撒旦的能力。保羅的告誡地說明牠是強敵(弗  6:10-12),我們需要用上帝的大能來對抗牠。永遠不要低估魔鬼的權勢。不可以把牠與獅子和龍相比較! 約伯記講述了撒旦的魔力可以將一個人的身體、家庭、財富和朋友作極度毀滅的影響。耶穌稱撒旦是小偷,牠來“要偷竊,殺人,毀滅”(約  1010)。撒但不僅強大,而且聰明狡猾,我們與“魔鬼的詭計”作鬥爭。懷爾司(Wiles)的意思是“牠們狡猾,奸詐的技巧,策略”。基督徒付不起“對牠們的詭計輕視”的代價(林後  2:11)。有些人狡猾奸詐,“埋伏欺騙的鬼計”(弗  4:14),並且尋找使人對上帝聖言的真理心靈的瞎眼。牠們偽裝成光明的天使(林後  11:14)並試圖使人們對上帝話語的真理視而不見。保羅使用摔跤這個詞的事實來說明,我們參與的是肉搏戰,而不僅僅是一場比賽的旁觀者。撒但要利用我們外面的敵人 --- 世界,和裡面的敵人 --- 肉體來打敗我們。牠的武器和作戰計劃令人生畏。

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