Friday, August 23, 2024

829 英翻中 (529) Obey God's will. 順從上帝的旨意. 23/08/2024

829 英翻中 (529)               Obey God's will.                  順從上帝的旨意.                   23/08/2024

親愛的天上的阿巴父, 求祢孩子像祢有的愛心.  孩子正在讀保羅寫的 "以弗所書", 第五六兩章都講到 "家庭和諧的重要".  我再一次向主悔改, 做順服祢的旨意孩子, 見證主耶穌基督改變了我, 主阿, 我是祢的孩子, 求主垂憐孩子.  奉主耶穌基督的聖名禱告.  阿們.

3.  Submissive (5:21–33)                                                                                                                            3.  順從(5:21-33

Paul applied the principle of harmony to husbands and wives (Eph. 5:21–33), parents and children (Eph. 6:1–4), and masters and servants (Eph. 6:5–9), and he began with the admonition that each submit to the other (Eph. 5:21). Does this suggest that the children tell the parents what to do, or that the masters obey the servants? Of course not! Submission has nothing to do with the order of authority, but rather governs the operation of authority, how it is given and how it is received. Often Jesus tried to teach His disciples not to throw their weight around, or seek to become great at somebody else’s expense. Unfortunately, they failed to learn the lesson, and even at the Last Supper they were arguing over who was the greatest (Luke 22:24–27). When Jesus washed their feet, He taught them that the greatest is the person who uses his authority to build up people and not, like the Pharisees, to build up his authority and make himself important. We are to esteem others “more important than ourselves” (Rom. 12:10; Phil. 2:1–4). By nature, we want to promote ourselves, but the Holy Spirit enables us to submit ourselves.                        保羅將和諧的原則應用於丈夫和妻子(弗  5:21-33)、父母和孩子(弗  6:1-4)以及主人和僕人(弗  6:5-9),他開始並告誡彼此順服(弗  5:21)。這是否意味著孩子們告訴父母該做什麼,或者主人服從僕人? 當然不是!服從與權威的順序無關,而是支配著權威的運作,它是如何給予的,如何被接受。耶穌經常試圖教導他的門徒不要把自己的重擔放在心上,也不要試圖以犧牲他人為代價而變得偉大。不幸的是,他們沒有吸取教訓,甚至在最後的晚餐上,他們還在爭論誰是最大的(路  2224-27)。當耶穌洗他們的腳時,祂教導他們,最偉大的人是用自己的權柄來建立人,而不是像法利賽人那樣建立自己的權柄,使自己變得重要。 要尊重他人“比我們自己更重要”(羅  12:10;腓 2:1-4)。老我本性想提升自己,但聖靈使我們能夠順服自己。

As you study Paul’s words to husbands and wives, remember that he was writing to believers. He was nowhere suggesting that women are inferior to men, or that all women must be in subjection to all men in every situation. The fact that he uses Christ and the church as his illustration is evidence that he has the Christian home in mind.                                                                                當研讀保羅撰寫丈夫和妻子的相處時,記住他是在寫信給信徒。 並沒有暗示女人不如男人,或者說所有的女人在任何情況下,都必須服從所有的男人。他以基督和教會為例證的事實證明他心中有基督徒的家。

Wives, submit yourselves (vv. 22–24). He gives two reasons for this command: the lordship of Christ (Eph. 5:22) and the headship of the man in Christ (Eph. 5:23). When the Christian wife submits herself to Christ and lets Him be the Lord of her life, she will have no difficulty submitting to her husband. This does not mean that she becomes a slave, for the husband is also to sub[1]mit to Christ. And if both are living under the lordship of Christ, there can be only harmony. Headship is not dictatorship. “Each for the other, both for the Lord.” The Christian husband and wife should pray together and spend time in the Word, so that they might know God’s will for their individual lives and for their home. Most of the marital conflicts I have dealt with as a pastor have stemmed from failure of the husband and/or wife to submit to Christ, spend time in His Word, and seek to do His will each day.                                                                              妻子,你們要順服(22-24 等節)。保羅寫這命令的兩個原因是基督的主權(弗  5:22),和為在基督裡人的元首(弗  5:23)。當基督徒妻子順服基督,並讓祂作她生命的主時,她順服丈夫就沒有困難了。 這並是說她成為奴隸,因為丈夫也要順服基督。 如果兩者都生活在基督的管治之下,那麼他們就只能和諧。領導不是獨裁。 “彼此為對方,雙方都為主。”基督徒夫妻應該一起禱告,花時間在讀聖經上,好讓他們知道上帝對他們個人生活和家庭的旨意。 我為牧師職事時,處理過很多婚姻衝突,都因為丈夫和妻子,或單獨丈夫或妻子未能順服基督,花時間在祂的話語上,和每天都努力遵行祂的旨意。

This explains why a Christian should marry a Christian and not become “unequally yoked together” with an unbeliever (2 Cor. 6:14–18). If the Christian is submitted to Christ, he will not try to establish a home that disobeys the Word of God. Such a home invites civil war from the beginning. But something else is important. The Christian couple must be careful to submit to Christ’s lordship even before they are married. Unless the couple prays together and sincerely seeks God’s will in His Word, their marriage begins on a weak foundation. Sins committed before marriage (“We’re Christians—we can get away with this!”) have a way of causing problems after marriage. Certainly God is able to forgive, but something very precious is lost just the same. Dr. William Culbertson, former president of Moody Bible Institute, used to warn about “the sad consequences of forgiven sins,” and engaged Christian couples need to take that warning to heart.                                                                                                                                                          這就說明了為什麼基督徒應該與基督徒結婚,而不是與非信徒“同負一軛”(林後  614-18)。如果基督徒順服基督,他就不會試圖建立一個違背上帝話語的家庭。這樣的家從一開始就導致爭吵。但還有一點很重要。基督徒夫婦甚至在結婚之前就必須小心地順服基督的主權。除非這對夫婦一起祈禱,並真誠地在上帝的話語中尋求祂的旨意,否則他們的婚姻基礎就會很薄弱的。婚前所犯的罪(“我們是基督徒,我們可以逃脫懲罰!”)但在婚後會引發問題。上帝當然能夠饒恕,但同樣也失去了一些非常寶貴的東西。慕迪聖經學院前任院長威廉 · 卡爾伯森(William Culbertson)博士曾經警告過,“雖罪得赦免,却有悲慘後果”,要訂婚的基督徒需要牢記這一警告。 

Husbands, love your wives (vv. 25–33). Paul had much more to say to the Christian husbands than to the wives. He set for them a very high standard: Love your wives “even as Christ also loved the church.” Paul was lifting married love to the highest level possible, for he saw in the Christian home an illustration of the relationship between Christ and the church. God established marriage for many reasons. For one thing, it meets man’s emotional needs. “It is not good that the man should be alone” (Gen. 2:18). Marriage also has a social purpose in the bearing of children to continue the race (Gen. 1:28). Paul indicated a physical purpose for marriage—to help man and woman fulfill the nor[1]mal desires given them by God (1 Cor. 7:1–3). But in Ephesians 5, Paul indicated also a spiritual purpose in marriage, as the husband and wife experience with each other the submission and the love of Christ (Eph. 5:22–33).                                                                丈夫,要愛你們的妻子(25-33 等節)。保羅對基督徒丈夫比對妻子有更多的話要說。他為他們設立了非常高的標準:“愛你們的妻子,就像基督愛教會一樣”。 保羅將婚姻之愛提升到了最高水平,因為他在基督徒家庭中看到了基督與教會之間關係的例證。上帝建立婚姻的原因有很多。首先,它滿足了人的情感需求。 “那人獨居不好”(創  2:18)。婚姻後生育孩子繼續延續後代,也滿足社會目的(創  1:28)。保羅指出婚姻對生理上目的,使人實現上帝所賦予他們的正常慾望(林前  7:1-3)。但在以弗所書第 5 章中,保羅也指出了婚姻的屬靈目的,因為丈夫和妻子彼此經歷基督的順服和愛(弗  5:22-33)。

If the husband makes Christ’s love for the church the pattern for loving his wife, then he will love her sacrificially (Eph. 5:25). Christ gave Himself for the church, so the husband, in love, gives himself for his wife. Jacob so loved Rachel that he sacrificially worked fourteen years to win her. True Christian love “seeketh not her own” (1 Cor. 13:5)—it is not selfish. If a husband is submitted to Christ and filled with the Spirit, his sacrificial love will willingly pay a price that she might be able to serve Christ in the home and glorify Him.                                                                    丈夫以基督對教會的愛作為愛妻子的樣式,那麼他對她就有會犧牲地愛(弗 5:25)。基督為教會捨己,所以丈夫在愛中為妻子捨己。雅各如此愛拉結,以至於他犧牲了十四年來贏得她。真正的基督徒之愛是“不求自己的目的”(林前  13:5),基督徒之愛不是自私的。如果丈夫順服基督並被聖靈充滿,他會心甘情願地付出犧牲的愛的代價,使她能夠在家中侍奉基督並榮耀祂。

The husband’s love will also be a sanctifying love (Eph. 5:26–27). The word sanctify means “to set apart.” In the marriage ceremony, the husband is set apart to belong to the wife, and the wife is set apart to belong to the husband. Any interference with this God-given arrangement is sin. Today, Christ is cleansing His church through the ministry of His Word (John 15:3; 17:17). The love of the husband for his wife ought to be cleansing her (and him) so that both are becoming more like Christ. Even their physical relationship should be so controlled by God that it becomes a means of spiritual enrichment as well as personal enjoyment (1 Cor. 7:3–5). The husband is not to “use” his wife for his own pleasure, but rather is to show the kind of love that is mutually rewarding and sanctifying. The marriage experience is one of constant growth when Christ is the Lord of the home. Love always enlarges and enriches, while selfishness does just the opposite.    丈夫的愛也將是成聖的愛(弗  5:26-27)。成聖的意思是“分別出來”。在結婚典禮上,丈夫分別出來歸妻子,而妻子分別出來歸丈夫。凡違反上帝賜予的安排都是罪。今天,基督正在通過祂的話語的事工來潔淨祂的教會(約  1531717)。丈夫對妻子的愛應該淨化她(和他),使兩者都變得更像基督(成聖)。甚至他們肉體關係也應該受到上帝的管制,使其成為屬靈豐盛和滿足個人的享受(林前  73-5)。丈夫不是只為了自己的快樂而“利用”妻子,而是要表現出那種互惠互利和成聖的愛。當基督是家庭的主宰時,婚姻中愛的經歷是不斷成長的。愛總是擴大和豐富,而自私則確確相反。 

The church today is not perfect; it has spots and wrinkles. Spots are caused by defilement on the outside, while wrinkles are caused by decay on the inside. Because the church becomes defiled by the world, it needs constant cleansing, and the Word of God is the cleansing agent. “Keep yourselves unspotted from the world” (James 1:27). Strictly speaking, there should be no wrinkles in the church, because wrinkles are evidence of old age and internal decay. As the church is nourished by the Word, these wrinkles ought to disappear. Like a beautiful bride, the church ought to be clean and youthful, which is possible through the Spirit of God using the Word of God. One day the church will be presented in heaven “a glorious church” at the coming of Jesus Christ (Jude 24).                                                                                                                        今天的教會並不完美;它有斑點和皺紋。斑點是外在的污穢造成的,皺紋是由內在的腐爛造成的。因為教會被世界玷污了,它需要不斷的潔淨,而上帝的話語是潔淨的媒介。 “要保守自己不被世俗的污衊沾染”(雅  1:27)。嚴格來說,教堂裡應該沒有皺紋,因為皺紋是衰老和內部腐爛的證據。當教會被聖言滋養時,這些皺紋應該消失。像美麗的新娘一樣,教會應該是乾淨和年輕的,這可以通過使用上帝的話語,和祂的靈來實現。有一天,當耶穌基督再來時,教會將在天上成為“榮耀的教會”(猶  24)。

The husband’s love for his wife should be sacrificial and sanctifying, but it should also be satisfying (Eph. 5:28–30). In the marriage relationship, the husband and wife become “one flesh.” Therefore, whatever each does to the other, he or she does to himself or herself. It is a mutually satisfying experience. The man who loves his wife is actually loving his own body, since he and his wife are one flesh. As he loves her, he is nourishing her. Just as love is the circulatory system of the body of Christ (Eph. 4:16), so love is the nourishment of the home. How many people have confessed, “I am starved for love.” There should be no starvation for love in the Christian home, for the husband and wife should so love each other that their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs are met. If both are submitted to the Lord, and to each other, they will be so satisfied that they will not be tempted to look anywhere else for fulfillment.                                                            丈夫對妻子的愛應該是犧牲和聖潔的,但也應該是令人滿意的(弗  5:28-30)。在婚姻關係中,夫妻成為“一體”。因此,無論夫妻向對方做什麼,他或她都是對自己做的。這是雙方都滿意的體驗。愛妻子的丈夫其實是愛他自己的身體,因為他和妻子是一體的。因為他愛她,所以他在滋養她。正如愛是基督身體的循環系統(弗  4:16),愛是家庭的滋養。有多少人會坦白,“我渴望愛情。” 在基督徒家庭中,不應該缺乏愛,因為丈夫和妻子應該彼此相愛,以滿足他們身體,情感和屬靈上的需要。如果雙方都順服於主,並且彼此順服,他們就會非常滿意,不會被引誘到別處去尋求滿足。 

Our Christian homes are to be pictures of Christ’s relationship to His church. Each believer is a member of Christ’s body, and each believer is to help nourish the body in love (Eph. 4:16). We are one with Christ. The church is His body and His bride, and the Christian home is a divinely ordained illustration of this relationship. This certainly makes marriage a serious matter.            基督徒家庭要成為基督與祂教會關係的畫面。每個信徒都是基督身體的肢體,每個信徒都應該用愛來滋養基督身體(弗  4:16)。我們與基督是一體。教會是祂的身體和新娘,而基督徒的家,則是上帝命定的這種關係的例證。這無疑使婚姻成為嚴肅的事。

Paul referred to the creation of Eve and the forming of the first home (Gen. 2:18–24). Adam had to give part of himself in order to get a bride, but Christ gave all of Himself to purchase His bride at the cross. God opened Adam’s side, but sinful men pierced Christ’s side. So united are a husband and wife that they are “one flesh.” Their union is even closer than that of parents and children. The believer’s union with Christ is even closer and, unlike human marriage, will last for all eternity. Paul closed with a final admonition that the husband love his wife and that the wife reverence (respect) her husband, both of which require the power of the Holy Spirit.                    保羅提到夏娃的創造和第一個家的形成(創  2:18-24)。亞當必須獻出自己的一部分才能得到新娘,但基督卻將自己的全部獻給十字架上的新娘。上帝打開了亞當胸部的一側,但罪人刺穿了基督胸部的一側。夫妻如此結合,成為“一體”。他們的結合甚至比父母和孩子的結合更緊密。信徒與基督的結合更加緊密,並且與人類婚姻不同,會持續到永恆。保羅最後告誡丈夫愛他的妻子,妻子敬畏(尊重)她的丈夫,這兩者都需要聖靈的大能來幫助。

If Christian husbands and wives have the power of the Spirit to enable them, and the example of Christ to encourage them, why do too many Christian marriages fail? Somebody is out of the will of God. Just because two Christians know each other and get along together does not mean they are supposed to get married. In fact, not every believer is supposed to marry. It is sometimes God’s will for a Christian to remain single (Matt. 19:12; 1 Cor. 7:7–9). It is wrong for a believer to marry an unbeliever, but it is also wrong for two Christians to marry out of the will of God.        如果基督徒夫妻有聖靈的大能的幫助,有基督的榜樣來鼓勵他們,那為什麼還會有這麼多基督徒婚姻失敗? 只因為有些婚姻是出於上帝的旨意。若兩位基督徒僅僅因為彼此認識,並相處融洽,並不意味著他們就應該結婚。事實上,並不是任何信徒都應該結婚。有時,上帝的旨意是讓基督徒保持單身(太  19:12;林前  7:7-9)。信徒與非信徒結婚是錯誤的,但兩個基督徒非出於上帝的旨意而結婚也是錯誤的。 

But even if two Christians marry in the will of God, they must stay in God’s will if their home is to be the creative fellowship God wants it to be. “The fruit of the Spirit is love” (Gal. 5:22), and unless both husband and wife are walking in the Spirit they cannot share the love of Christ, the love that is so beautifully described in 1 Corinthians 13. The root of most marital problems is sin, and the root of all sin is selfishness. Submission to Christ and to one another is the only way to overcome selfishness, for when we submit, the Holy Spirit can fill us and enable us to love one another in a sacrificial, sanctifying, satisfying way—the way Christ loves the church.                    但是,即使兩個基督徒按照上帝的旨意結婚,如果他們的家要成為上帝希望的創造性團契,他們也必須留在上帝的旨意中。 “聖靈所結的果子就是愛”(加  5:22),除非丈夫和妻子都在聖靈中行事為人,否則他們就無法分享基督的愛,哥林多前書 13章,對這種夫妻之間的愛,作出如此美妙和詳細的描述。根源大多數婚姻問題都是罪,而所有罪的根源都出於自私。順服基督並彼此順服是克服自私的唯一方法,因為當我們順服時,聖靈可以充滿我們,使我們能夠以犧牲,成聖,令人滿意的方式彼此相愛,就像基督愛教會的方式。

To experience the fullness of the Spirit a person must first possess the Spirit—be a Christian. Then there must be a sincere desire to glorify Christ, since this is why the Holy Spirit was given (John 16:14). We do not use the Holy Spirit; He uses us. There must be a deep thirst for God’s fullness, a confession that we cannot do His will apart from His power. We must claim the promise of John 7:37–39: “If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink!” By faith yield yourself to Christ; by faith ask Him for the fullness of the Spirit. By faith receive. When you find yourself joyful, thankful, and submissive, you will know that God has answered.                            要經歷聖靈的豐滿,人必須首先成為基督徒,而擁有聖靈。然後必須真誠地渴望榮耀基督,因為這就是賜予聖靈的原因(約 16:14)。我們不能利用聖靈;而是祂造就我們。必須深切渴慕上帝的豐滿,承認離開了祂的大能,我們就無法遵行祂的旨意。我們必須承認約翰福音 737-39等節的應許:“人若渴了,可以到我這裡來喝!”憑著信心將自己交給基督;憑著信心祈求聖靈的充滿。憑著信心來接受。當你發現自己喜樂、感恩和順服時,你就會知道上帝已經回答了你的祈禱。


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