Saturday, August 10, 2024

817 英翻中 (517) Speak ing the truth in love. 用愛心說誠實話. 10/8/2024

817 英翻中 (517)         Speaking the truth in love.           用愛心說誠實話.                10/8/2024

2.  The Grounds of Unity (4:4–6)                                                                                                              2.  合一的基礎(4:4-6 

Many people today attempt to unite Christians in a way that is not biblical. For example, they will say, “We are not interested in doctrines, but in love. Now, let’s forget our doctrines and just love one another!” But Paul did not discuss spiritual unity in the first three chapters; he waited until he had laid the doctrinal foundation. While not all Christians agree on some minor matters of Christian doctrine, they all do agree on the foundation truths of the faith. Unity built on anything other than Bible truth is standing on a very shaky foundation. Paul names here the seven basic spiritual realities that unite all true Christians.                                                                                     許多人今天試圖以不符合聖經的指示想團結基督徒。例如,他們會說,“我們對教義不感興趣,而對愛感興趣。現在,請讓我們忘記教義,彼此相愛吧!”但是保羅在前三章沒有討論屬靈的合一; 一直等到他奠定了教義基礎才論及。雖然並非所有基督徒都同意基督教教義的一些小問題,但他們都同意基督信仰的基本真理。  若合一不是建立在聖經真理上,它就是建立在非常不穩定的基礎上。保羅在這裡列舉了七個基本的屬靈的實存,它們將所有真基督徒聯合起來。

One body. This is, of course, the body of Christ in which each believer is a member, placed there at con[1]version by the Spirit of God (1 Cor. 12:12–31). The one body is the model for the many local bodies that God has established across the world. The fact that a person is a member of the one body does not excuse him from belonging to a local body, for it is there that he exercises his spiritual gifts and helps others to grow.                                                                                                   一體。當然,這是基督的身體,每個信徒都是其中的成員,被上帝的靈安置在那裡(林前 1212-31)。一個身體是上帝在世界各地建立的許多地方身體的模型。一個人是一個身體的成員這一事實並不能成為他不屬於當地身體的藉口,因為他在那裡鍛煉自己的屬靈恩賜並幫助他人成長。

One Spirit. The same Holy Spirit indwells each believer, so that we belong to each other in the Lord. There are perhaps a dozen references to the Holy Spirit in Ephesians, because He is important to us in the liv[1]ing of the Christian life.                                                                                 一靈。同樣的聖靈住在每個信徒裡面,使我們在主裡彼此屬於彼此。以弗所書可能有十幾處提到聖靈,因為他在基督徒生活中對我們很重要。

One hope of your calling. This refers to the return of the Lord to take His church to heaven. The Holy Spirit within is the assurance of this great promise (Eph. 1:13–14). Paul was suggesting here that the believer who realizes the existence of the one body, who walks in the Spirit, and who looks for the Lord’s return, is going to be a peacemaker and not a troublemaker.                                     你呼喚的一個希望。這是指主的再來,將祂的教會帶到天上。內在的聖靈是這個偉大應許的保證(弗 1:13-14)。保羅在這裡暗示,認識到一個身體的存在,在聖靈里而行,並期待主再來的信徒,將是一個使人和睦的人,而不是一個製造麻煩的人。

One Lord. This is our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us, lives for us, and one day will come for us. It is difficult to believe that two believers can claim to obey the same Lord, and yet not be able to walk together in unity. Someone asked Ghandi, the spiritual leader of India, “What is the greatest hindrance to Christianity in India?” He replied, “Christians.” Acknowledging the lordship of Christ is a giant step toward spiritual unity among His people.                                      一位主。這是我們的主耶穌基督,他為我們死,為我們活著,總有一天會為我們而來。很難相信兩個信徒可以自稱順服同一個主,卻不能合一同行。有人問印度精神領袖甘地:“印度基督教最大的障礙是什麼?”他回答說:“基督徒。”承認基督的主權是在祂的子民中邁向屬靈合一的一大步。

One faith. There is one settled body of truth deposited by Christ in His church, and this is “the faith.” Jude called it “the faith which was once delivered unto the saints” (Jude 3). The early Christians recognized a body of basic doctrine that they taught, guarded, and committed to others (2 Tim. 2:2). Christians may differ in some matters of interpretation and church practice, but all true Christians agree on “the faith”—and to depart from “the faith” is to bring about disunity within the body of Christ.                                                                                                                         一種信仰。基督在祂的教會中存放了一個固定的真理體系,這就是“信仰”。猶大稱它為“從前交付聖徒的真道”(猶3)。早期的基督徒承認他們教導、保護和委身於他人的一系列基本教義(提後書 2:2)。基督徒在解釋和教會實踐的某些問題上可能會有所不同,但所有真正的基督徒都同意“信仰”— 而離開“信仰”就會導致基督身體內的不合一。

One baptism. Since Paul was here discussing the one body, this “one baptism” is probably the baptism of the Spirit, that act of the Spirit when He places the believing sinner into the body of Christ at conversion (1 Cor. 12:13). This is not an experience after conver[1]sion, nor is it an experience the believer should pray for or seek after. We are commanded to be filled with the Spirit (Eph. 5:18), but we are never commanded to be baptized with the Spirit, for we have already been bap[1]tized by the Spirit at conversion. As far as the one body is concerned, there is one baptism—the baptism of the Spirit. But as far as local bodies of believers are con[1]cerned, there are two baptisms: the baptism of the Spirit and water baptism.                                                 一次洗禮。既然保羅在這裡討論的是一個身體,這個“一個洗禮”可能就是聖靈的洗禮,當他將相信的罪人在轉變時放入基督的身體時,聖靈的作為(林前 12:13)。這不是歸信之後的經歷,也不是信徒應該祈求或尋求的經歷。我們被命令要被聖靈充滿(弗 5:18),但我們從來沒有被命令要受聖靈的洗,因為我們在歸信時已經受過聖靈的洗。就一個身體而言,只有一種洗禮——聖靈的洗禮。但就當地信徒團體而言,有兩種洗禮:聖靈的洗禮和水的洗禮。

One God and Father. Paul liked to emphasize God as Father (Eph. 1:3, 17; 2:18; 3:14; 5:20). The marvelous oneness of believers in the family of God is evident here, for God is over all, and working through all, and in all. We are children in the same family, loving and serving the same Father, so we ought to be able to walk together in unity. Just as in an earthly family the various members have to give and take in order to keep a loving unity in the home, so God’s heavenly family must do the same. The “Lord’s Prayer” opens with “Our Father”—not “My Father.”                                                                                                               一位上帝和一位父親。保羅喜歡強調上帝是父親(弗 1:3172:183:145:20)。在這裡,神家中信徒奇妙的合一是顯而易見的,因為神在萬有之上,在萬有之中作工。我們是同一個家庭的孩子,愛和服侍同一個父親,所以我們應該能夠團結一致地走在一起。正如在地上的家庭中,不同的成員必須付出和接受才能在家裡保持愛的合一,所以上帝的天上家庭也必須這樣做。 “主禱文”的開頭是“我們的父親”——而不是“我的父親”。

Paul was quite concerned that Christians not break the unity of the Spirit by agreeing with false doctrine (Rom. 16:17–20), and the apostle John echoed this warning (2 John 6–11). The local church cannot believe in peace at any price, for God’s wisdom is “first pure, then peaceable” (James 3:17). Purity of doctrine of itself does not produce spiritual unity, for there are churches that are sound in faith, but unsound when it comes to love. This is why Paul joined the two: “speaking the truth in love” (Eph. 4:15).                                                                                                                     保羅非常擔心基督徒不會因同意錯誤的教義而破壞聖靈的合一(羅馬書 16:17-20),使徒約翰回應了這個警告(約翰二書 6-11)。地方教會不惜任何代價相信和平,因為神的智慧是“先清潔,後和平”(雅各書 3:17)。教義本身的純潔不會產生精神上的合一,因為有些教會在信仰上是健全的,但在愛方面卻是不健全的。這就是為什麼保羅把兩者結合起來:“用愛心說誠實話”(弗 4:15)。

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