Wednesday, August 14, 2024

820 英翻中 (520) Don't like unsaved walk. 不要像未得救的人行事為人。 14/08/2024

820 英翻中 (520)      Don't like unsaved walk.         不要像未得救的行事為人        14/08/2024

CHAPTER NINE          TAKE OFF THE GRAVECLOTHES!        Ephesians 4:17–32                  第九課                             脫下喪服                                                   以弗所書 417-32

The Bible was written to be obeyed, and not simply studied, and this is why the words “therefore” and “wherefore” are repeated so often in the second half of Ephesians (4:1, 17, 25; 5:1, 7, 14, 17, 24). Paul was saying, “Here is what Christ has done for you. Now, in the light of this, here is what we ought to do for Christ.” We are to be doers of the Word, and not hearers only (James 1:22). The fact that we have been called in Christ (Eph. 1:18) ought to motivate us to walk in unity (Eph. 4:1–16). And the fact that we have been raised from the dead (Eph. 2:1–10) should motivate us to walk in purity (Eph. 4:175:17), or, as Paul told the Romans, “walk in newness of life” (Rom. 6:4). We are alive in Christ, not dead in sins; therefore “put off the old man … and put on the new man (Eph. 4:22, 24). Take off the graveclothes and put on the grace-clothes!                                                                                                                                                         聖經是為了被人遵守,而不是簡單的研究,這就是為什麼在以弗所書的後半部分經常重複使用“因此”和“緣故”(弗   4:1,17,255:1,7 , 14, 17, 24)。保羅說:“這是基督為你所做的。現在,有鑑於此,這就是我們應該為基督做的事情。”我們要行道,而不是單單聽道(雅 1:22)。我們在基督裡蒙召(弗 1:18)這一事實應該激勵我們行事為人要合一                  (弗 4:1-16)。我們從死裡復活的事實(弗 2:1-10)應該激勵我們行事為人要純潔                (弗 4:17-5:17),或者,正如保羅告訴羅馬人的那樣,“行事為人要有新生的式樣”(羅 6:4)。我們是活在基督裡,不是死在罪中;因此“脫去舊人……穿上新人”        (弗 4:2224)。脫下喪服,穿上恩衣!

1.  The Admonition (4:17–19)                                                                                                                  1. 告誡(4:17-19

There are some negatives in the Christian life, and here is one of them: “Walk not as other Gentiles walk.” The Christian is not to imitate the life of the unsaved people around him. They are “dead in trespasses and sins” (Eph. 2:1), while he has been raised from the dead and been given eternal life in Christ. Paul explains the differences between the saved and the unsaved.      基督徒生活中有消極的一面,這裡所論是其中一部分:“不要像外邦人那樣的行事為人。”基督徒不可效法周圍未得救人的生活。他們“死在過犯和罪惡中”(弗    2:1),而他已經從死裡復活,並在基督裡得到永生。保羅現在解釋得救和未得救者之間的區別。

To begin with, Christians think differently from unsaved people. Note the emphasis here on thinking: mind (Eph. 4:17, 23), understanding (Eph. 4:18), ignorance (Eph. 4:18), “learned Christ” (Eph. 4:20). Salvation begins with repentance, which is a change of mind. The whole outlook of a person changes when he trusts Christ, including his values, goals, and interpretation of life. What is wrong with the mind of the unsaved person? For one thing, his thinking is “vain” (futile). It leads to no substantial purpose. Since he does not know God, he cannot truly understand the world around him, nor can he understand himself. The sad story is told in Romans 1:21–25. Our world today possesses a great deal of knowledge, but very little wisdom. Thoreau put it beautifully when he said that we have “improved means to unimproved ends.”    首先,基督徒的想法與未得救的人不同。請注意這裡對思想的強調:心思(弗 4:1723)、理解(弗 4:18)、無知(弗 4:18)、“學了基督”(弗 4:20)。救恩始於悔改,也就是心意的改變。當一個人相信基督時,他的整個觀點都會改變,包括他的價值觀、目標和對生活的闡釋。未得救之人的心有什麼問題?一方面,他的想法是“徒勞的”(無用的)。它導致沒有實質性的目的。由於他不認識上帝,他無法真正了解周圍的世界,也無法了解自己。羅馬書 1:21-25 講述了這個悲傷的故事。我們今天的世界擁有大量的知識,但很少有智慧。梭羅(Thoreau)說得很好,他說我們已經“用改善手段以達到未改善的目的”。

The unsaved man’s thinking is futile because it is darkened. He thinks he is enlightened because he rejects the Bible and believes the latest philosophies, when in reality he is in the dark. “Professing themselves to be wise, they become fools” (Rom. 1:22). But they think they are wise. Satan has blinded the minds of the unsaved (2 Cor. 4:3–6) because he does not want them to see the truth in Jesus Christ. It is not simply that their eyes are blinded so they cannot see, but that their minds are darkened so that they cannot think straight about spiritual matters.                    未得救之人的思想是徒勞的,因為它是黑暗的。他認為自己開明是因為他拒絕聖經並相信最新的哲學,而實際上他是在黑暗中。 “自稱為聰明,反成了愚拙”(羅    1:22)。但他們自認為是明智的。撒旦蒙蔽了未得救之人的心智(林後  4:3-6),因為他不想讓他們看到耶穌基督裡的真理。不單單是眼睛瞎了看不見,而是心眼昏沉沉,不能正視屬靈的事。

Of course, the unsaved man is dead because of this spiritual ignorance. The truth and the life go together. If you believe God’s truth, then you receive God’s life. But you would think that the unbeliever would do his utmost to get out of his terrible spiritual plight. Alas, the hardness of his heart enslaves him. He is “past feeling” because he has so given himself over to sin that sin controls him. Read Romans 1:18–32 for a vivid expansion of these three brief verses.                    當然,未得救的人因為這種屬靈的無知而死了。真理與生活並存。如果你相信上帝的真理,那麼你就得著祂的生命。但是你會認為不信者會竭盡全力擺脫他可怕的精神困境。唉,他的硬心奴役了他。他是“過去的感覺”,因為他已經把自己交給了罪,以至於罪控制了他。閱讀羅馬書 118-32,生動地演示這三節簡短的經文。

The Christian cannot pattern himself after the unsaved person, because the Christian has experienced a miracle of being raised from the dead. His life is not futile, but purposeful. His mind is filled with the light of God’s Word, and his heart with the fullness of God’s life. He gives his body to God as an instrument of righteousness (Rom. 6:13), and not to sin for the satisfaction of his own selfish lusts. In every way, the believer is different from the unbeliever, and therefore the admonition: “Walk not.”                                                                                                                    基督徒不能效法未得救的人,因為基督徒經歷了從死裡復活的奇蹟。他的生活不是徒勞的,而是有目的的。他的心思充滿上帝話語的光,他的心充滿祂的生命。他將自己的身體獻給上帝作為公義的工具(羅    6:13),而不是為了滿足自己的私慾而犯罪。信徒在各方面都與未得救的人不同,因此告誡說:“不要像未得救的行事為人。”


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