Tuesday, August 6, 2024

809 英翻中 (509) Paul's Benediction. 保罗的祝福. 08/08/2024

809 英翻中 (509)             Paul's Benediction.                 保罗的祝福.                             08/08/2024

讀經: ( 以弗所書  三章十七節至十九節 )  17 使基督因你们的信住在你们心里,叫你们的爱心有根有基, 18 能以和众圣徒一同明白基督的爱是何等长阔高深, 19 并知道这爱是过于人所能测度的,便叫神一切所充满的充满了你們.  

3. The Benediction (3:20–21)                                                                                                                      3. 祝福(3:20-21 

After contemplating such a marvelous spiritual experience, it is no wonder Paul burst forth in a doxology, a fitting benediction to such a prayer. Note again the trinitarian emphasis in this benediction: Paul prayed to God the Father, concerning the indwelling power of God the Spirit, made available through God the Son.                                                                                                     在默想了如此奇妙的属灵经历之后,难怪保罗突然发了颂歌,这是对这种祈祷的恰当祝福。再次注意这个祝福中强调三位一体的重点:保罗向父上帝祷告,祈求圣灵上帝内住的能力,通过子上帝得到。

Perhaps the best way for us to grasp some of the greatness of this doxology is to look at it in outlined form:                                                                                                                                            或许让我们领会这种颂赞的某些伟大之处, 其最佳方式是以概述的形式来研究它:


Now unto Him that is

able to do all

above all

            abundantly above all

            exceeding abundantly above all

                                           现在对他来说                                                                                                                                                              能做所有                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  首先                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       最重要的是                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         超过最重要

Paul seemed to want to use every word possible to convey to us the vastness of God’s power as found in Jesus Christ. He ended each of the two previous chapters with praise to God for His great victory in Christ. He told us that Christ’s power is so great He arose from the dead and ascended far above all (Eph. 1:19–23). He taught us that His power is so great He has reconciled Jews and Gentiles to each other, and to God, and that He is now building a temple to the eternal glory of God (Eph. 2:19–22). But in the paragraph before us, Paul shared the exciting truth that this far above all power is available to us! It is even “above all that we ask or think.” In other words, the power of Christ, like the love of Christ, is beyond human understanding or measurement. And this is just the kind of power you and I need if we are to walk and war in victory.                                                                                                                                                      保罗似乎想用每一个可能的词来向我们传达上帝在耶稣基督里的巨大能力。他以赞美上帝在基督里的伟大胜利结束了前两章的每一章。他告诉我们,基督的能力是如此之大,他从死里复活,远高于一切(弗 1:19-23)。他教导我们,他的能力如此强大,他使犹太人和外邦人彼此和好,并与上帝和好,现在他正在建造一座圣殿,以彰显上帝永恒的荣耀(弗 2:19-22)。但在我们面前的段落中,保罗分享了一个令人兴奋的事实,即我们可以使用这种远超一切的力量!它甚至是“最重要的是我们问或想的”。换句话说,基督的能力,就像基督的爱一样,是人类无法理解或衡量的。如果我们要在胜利中行走和战斗,这正是你我所需要的那种力量。

The word power is again dunamis, which we met back in Ephesians 3:7, and working is energeia (energy) found in Ephesians 1:11, 19; 2:2; 3:7; and 4:16. Some power is dormant; it is available, but not being used, such as the power stored in a battery. But God’s energy is effectual power—power at work in our lives. This power works in us, in the inner man (Eph. 3:16). Philippians 2:12–13 are parallel verses, so be sure to read them. It is the Holy Spirit who releases the resurrection power of Christ in our lives.                                                                                              大能这词就是( dunamis),我们在以弗所书 3:7 中遇到过,而工作是在以弗所书 1:1119 中找到的能量(能量); 2:2; 3:7; 4:16。有些权力处于休眠状态;它可用,但未被使用,例如存储在电池中的电力。但上帝的大能量是有效的能力   — 在我们的生活中发挥作用的大能。这种能力一定要懂它们。是圣灵在我们的生活中释放基督复活的大能

One winter day, I had an important engagement in Chicago, and the evening before, the area was hit by a severe snowstorm. I did not have a garage, so my car was not only covered with snow, but heavy cakes of ice had formed under the fenders and bumpers. These ice cakes I simply kicked off, after I had swept off the car. I drove to the gas station to fill the tank. When I pushed the button on the dashboard to open the gas cap, it didn’t work. No matter how hard or often I pushed, the cap stayed shut. The station attendant looked under the fender and discovered the problem. In kicking off the ice, I had broken the wire that connected the gas cap with the battery.某个冬日,参加芝加哥一项重要活动,前一天晚上,该地区遭遇了一场严重的暴风雪。我没有车库,所以我的车不仅被雪覆盖,而且挡泥板和保险杠下面还结了厚厚的冰块。这些冰塊只是在我下车后才开始除掉它們。現在我要到加油站加满油。当我按下仪表板上的按钮打开油箱盖时,它不起作用。无论我多么用力或如经常一樣的推动,盖子都保持关闭状态。车站服务员在挡泥板下面看了看,发现了问题。在踢冰时,我弄断了连接气帽和电池的电线。 

Apparently this is what has happened to many Christians. They have been cut off from their source of power. Unbelief, unconfessed sin, careless living, worldliness in action or attitude—all of these can rob us of power. And a Christian robbed of power cannot be used of God. “Without me, ye can do nothing” (John 15:5).                                                                                                              显然,这就是发生在许多基督徒身上的事情。他们已经被切断了权力的来源。不信、未承认的罪、粗心的生活、世俗的行为或态度  — 所有这些都会夺走我们的力量。被剥夺权力的基督徒不能被上帝使用。 “没有我,你们什么都不能做”(约    155)。

Why does God share His power with us? So that we can build great churches for our own glory? So that we can boast of our own achievements? No! “To him be glory in the church!” The Spirit of God was given to glorify the Son of God (John 16:14). The church on earth is here to glorify the Son of God. If our motive is to glorify God by building His church, then God will share His power with us. The power of the Spirit is not a luxury; it is a necessity.                                            为什么上帝要与我们分享祂的大能?    因此我们能荣耀是自己建造伟大的教会?以至于我们可以夸耀自己的成就? 不! “教会的荣耀归于祂!”上帝的灵被赐予是用來荣耀上帝的儿子(约    16:14)。地上的教会是为了荣耀上帝的儿子。如果我们的动机是通过建立教会来荣耀上帝,那么上帝就会与我们分享祂的大能。圣灵的大能不是奢侈品;而是必需的。

But the amazing thing is that what we do in His power today will glorify Christ “throughout all ages, world without end” (Eph. 3:21). The church’s greatest ministry is yet to come. What we do here and now is preparing us for the eternal ages, when we shall glorify Christ forever.                但令人惊奇的是,我们今天靠着祂的能力所做的,将“历世历代,无穷无尽”(弗 3:21)荣耀基督。教会最伟大的事工尚未到来。我们此时此地所做的就是为永恒的时代做好准备,届时我们将永远荣耀基督。

He is able to do all—above all—abundantly above all—exceeding abundantly above all!                  基督能做所有   — 最重要的   — 丰富的   — 超越一切的事功!

Get your hands on your spiritual wealth by opening your heart to the Holy Spirit, and praying with Paul for strength for the inner man … for a new depth of love … for spiritual apprehension … and for spiritual fullness.                                                                                                                       通过向圣灵敞开心扉,并与保罗一起为内心的人祈求大能……获得新的爱的深度……获得属灵的领悟……以及属灵的充滿,从而获得你的属灵财富。

“Ye have not because ye ask not” (James 4:2)                                                                                          你们没有,因为你们不求”(雅    4:2)

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