Wednesday, June 14, 2017

183 英文造句(十六)

183 英文造句(十六)   Lord, Your nail–scarred hands    主啊, 祢钉痕的手         6/14/2017

亲爱的主耶稣,   求怜悯我虽然手指还痛, 记忆退化, 腰有些伸不直, 上周从楼上踏空阶梯跌下来, 没有摔断骨头, 祢的恩典够我用我深信祢要拯救我赐我能力, 来完成祢的旨意奉主耶稣的名祈祷阿门.


读到一首打动心灵的诗, 愿与访友分享:

那双看不见的手               A pair of invisible hand

虽不见你,触不到祢           However,  not see You, not touch You

我知,祢正在对我低语         I know that You are whispering to me


喔!主耶稣 喔!主耶稣        Oh! Lord Jesus Oh! Lord Jesus

我深知道你一直就在这里       I know You've been here all the time

是你的手,钉痕的手           Your hands,  nail–scarred hands

重新抚慰,我那破碎的心田     Re-soothe my broken heart

是你声音,温柔话语           Your voice, gentle Words

再度填满我,心灵中的饥渴     Re-fill my heart of the hunger and thirst  

编辑者527日因踏空楼梯摔倒在地板上, 谢谢爱我的主耶稣基督保护我, 没有跌断骨头, 稍微有些扭痛, 是主耶稣钉痕的手亲自托住我看着祂的钉痕手就想到主的疼痛, 我顿时忘掉自己一点点的扭痛!求主教导我, 不要那么在乎痛, 让我也能够被骂不还口让我时常, 想到祢钉痕的手, 知道我的疼痛, 永远不及祢的疼痛.

there” 使用, 比较不容易, 因为这虚主语很少出现在中文里.

     例如 :
在他们出发旅行之前, 需要准备妥当.
There was a lot of things to be done before they left on vacation.

There isn't much to tell.

There is nothing else that I care about.

There's nothing wrong with having a different opinion.
            There's a new restaurant in Washington Street.
  (不可写    'A new restaurant is in Washington Street ' )

There was a lot of traffic.
(  'It was a lot of traffic'  这样写不对)