Thursday, August 15, 2024

821 英翻中 (521) The unsaved man does not know Christ. 未得救者不認識基督. 15/08/2023

821 英翻中 (521)   The unsaved man does not know Christ.  未得救者不認識基督.      15/08/2023

我們在天上的父, 求祢賜孩子智慧,  認識祢, 而不是只大概的知道祢.  1953年, 在考上台灣大學後, 在台灣大學基督徒團契中, 孩子曾仔細的研讀以弗所書, 只大概的知道祢(to know about You).  七十年後, 在我寫這篇博客時, 我真知道祢, 祢是上帝的兒子, 是三位一體的上帝. 祢曾在我半歲時, 從1931年的長江大洪水中救了我. 在我12歲, 因小日本要用轟炸機殺我們時, 祢恩賜孩子有機會學習駕駛飛機, 與惡魔爭戰.  小日本無條件投降後, 祢又恩賜孩子有機會進入台灣大學學習水利工程, 祢把孩子在14歲時就看到祖國的偉大的水利工程 "都江堰" 恩賜給孩子知道, 孩子也在台大教室把這偉大的水利工程傳遞給學生們, 更謝謝祢恩賜孩子如父的教授徐世大老師耳提面命的一再教導我, 要把所學的用在受苦受難的中華民族的同胞身上.  孩子牢記在心, 還沒完成, 懇求主照祢的旨意行.  奉主耶穌基督的聖名禱告.  阿們.

2.  The Argument (4:20–24)                                                                                                                      2.   論點(4:20-24

Paul reinforced his admonition with an argument from the spiritual experience of his readers. Again the emphasis is on the mind, or the outlook, of the believer. “But ye have not so learned Christ” (Eph. 4:20). He did not say “learned about Christ,” because it is possible to learn about Christ and never be saved. To “learn Christ” means to have a personal relationship to Christ so that you get to know Him better each day. I can learn about Sir Winston Churchill because I own many of his books and can secure books about his life. But I can never “learn him” because he is dead. Jesus Christ is alive! Therefore, I can “learn Christ” through a personal fellowship with Him.                                                                                                                                                          保羅以讀者屬靈經驗的論據來強化他的勸告。再次強調信徒的思想或觀點。 “但你們學習基督,卻沒有這樣”(弗  4:20)。他沒有說“了解基督”,因為有可能了解基督而永遠不會得救。 “學習基督”意味著與基督建立個人關係,這樣你就可以每天更好地認識他。我可以了解丘吉爾,因為我擁有他的許多書,並且可以找到有關他生平的書籍。但我永遠無法“了解他”,因為他已經死了。耶穌基督還活著!因此,我可以通過與基督的個人交通來“學習基督”。

This fellowship is based on the Word of God. I can be taught “the truth” as it is in Jesus Christ. The better I understand the Word of God, the better I know the Son of God, for the whole Bible is a revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 24:27; John 5:39). The unsaved man is spiritually ignorant, while the Christian is intelligent in the things of the Word. And the unsaved man does not know Christ, while the believer grows in his personal knowledge of Christ day by day. We have believed the truth; we have received the life; therefore, we will walk “in the way” and not walk after the example of the unsaved world.                                                                                      這種團契是基於神的話語。我可以被教導“真理”,因為它是在耶穌基督裡。我越了解上帝的話語,我就越了解祂的兒子,因為整本聖經都是上帝藉以對主耶穌基督的啟示(路    24:27;        約    5:39)。未得救的人在屬靈上是無知的,而基督徒在聖經的事上卻是聰明的。未得救的人不認識基督,而信徒對基督的個人認知卻一天天增長。我們相信真理;我們得到了生命;因此,我們將“每日的行事為人效法主”,而不是效法未得救世人的榜樣。

But this experience of salvation goes much deeper than this, for it has resulted in a whole new position before God. The old man (the former life) has been put away, and we can now walk in newness of life through Christ. Ephesians 4:22–24 is a summary of Romans 5—8, where Paul explained the believer’s identification with Christ in death, burial, and resurrection. He also dealt with this in Ephesians 2:4–6, as well as in Colossians 3. As Christians, we have not simply changed our minds. We have totally changed our citizenship. We belong to God’s “new creation” in Christ (2 Cor. 5:17), and therefore, the ideas and desires of the old creation no longer should control our lives.                                                                                                                                      但這種得救的經歷比較更深刻,因為是在上帝面前帶來全新的生命。舊人(未得救前的生命)已經被除去,我們現在可以通過基督走在新的生命裡。以弗所書 4:22-24 是羅馬書 5-8 章的總結,保羅在那裡解釋了信徒在死亡、埋葬和復活中與基督的認同。他也在以弗所書 24-6等節以及歌羅西書 3 中處理了這個問題。作為基督徒,我們並沒有簡單地改變主意。我們已經完全改變了我們的公民身份。我們屬於上帝在基督裡的“新造”                             (林後  5:17),因此,舊造的想法和願望不再能控制我們基督徒的生活。

The simplest illustration of this great truth is given in John 11, the resurrection of Lazarus. Our Lord’s friend, Lazarus, had been in the grave four days when Jesus and His disciples arrived at Bethany, and even Martha admitted that, by now, the decaying body would smell (John 11:39). But Jesus spoke the word and Lazarus came forth alive, an illustration of John 5:24. Notice our Lord’s next words: “Loose him, and let him go” (John 11:44). Take off the graveclothes! Lazarus no longer belonged to the old dominion of death, for he was now alive. Why go about wearing graveclothes? Take off the old and put on the new!                                                                                約翰福音 11 章記載拉撒路的復活的神跡,也啟示了這個偉大真理的最簡單的例證。當耶穌和他的門徒到達伯大尼時,我們主的朋友拉撒路已經在墳墓里四天了,就連馬大也承認,現在應該已經腐爛了, 會從屍體發出氣味(約 11:39)。但耶穌說了這話,拉撒路就活著出來,這是約翰福音 5:24 的例證。請注意我們主接下來的話:“鬆開他,讓他去出來”(約 11:44)。脫下他的葬服!拉撒路不再受死亡的舊統治,因為他現在已復活了。為什麼要穿葬服?是為了要脫掉舊的,穿上新的!

This was Paul’s argument — you no longer belong to the old corruption of sin; you belong to the new creation in Christ. Take off the graveclothes! How do we do this? “Be renewed in the spirit of your mind” (Eph. 4:23). Conversion is a crisis that leads to a process. Through Christ, once and for all, we have been given a new position in His new creation, but day by day, we must by faith appropriate what He has given us. The Word of God renews the mind as we surrender our all to Him (Rom. 12:1–2). “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy Word is truth” (John 17:17). As the mind understands the truth of God’s Word, it is gradually transformed by the Spirit, and this renewal leads to a changed life. Physically, you are what you eat, but spiritually, you are what you think. “As he thinketh in his heart, so is he” (Prov. 23:7). This is why it is important for us as Christians to spend time daily meditating on the Word, praying, and fellowshipping with Christ.這是保羅的論點 — 你不再屬於罪的舊腐化;你屬於在基督裡的新造。脫下葬服!我們如何做到這一點? “心靈要更新”(弗  4:23)。轉換是導致過程的危機。通過基督,我們一勞永逸地在他的新創造中獲得新的位置,但我們必須日復一日地憑著信心來取用祂所賜給我們的。當我們將一切交給祂時,上帝的話語就會更新我們的心思意念(羅 12:1-2)。 “用祢的真理使他們成聖:祢的話就是真理”(約 17:17)。當我們的心思意念明白上帝的話語的真理時,它會逐漸被聖靈改變,這種更新會導致生命的改變。在身體上,你是你所吃的,但在靈性上,你是你所想的。 “他心裡怎樣想,他就怎樣”(箴     23:7)。這就是為什麼我們基督徒每天要用很多的時間默想上帝的話、向基督禱告和相交是很重要的。

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