Thursday, August 22, 2024

828 英翻中 (528) Thanksgiving is the source of glad. 感恩是喜樂的泉源. 22/08/2024

828 英翻中 (528)      Thanksgiving is the source of glad.        感恩是喜樂的泉源.           22/08/2024

2.  Thankful (5:20)                                                                                                                                    2.  感恩 (5:20) 

Someone defined the home as “the place where we are treated the best—and complain the most!” How true this is! “My father never talks to me unless he wants to bawl me out or ask about my grades,” a teenager once told me. “After all, a guy needs some encouragement once in a while!” Marriage counselors tell us that “taking each other for granted” is one of the chief causes of marital problems. Being thankful to God for each other is a secret of a happy home, and it is the Holy Spirit who gives us the grace of thankfulness.                                                                                有人將家定義為“受到最好的對待  也是我們抱怨最多的地方!”這是何等的真實!有位青少年告訴我,“我父親從不跟我說話,除非他想罵我或問我的成績,畢竟人都偶爾需要鼓勵!”婚姻顧問告訴我們,“把對方視為理所當然”是導致婚姻問題的主要原因之一。 為彼此感謝上帝是幸福家庭的秘訣,是聖靈賜給我們應當感謝的宏恩。

How does a grateful heart promote harmony in the home? For one thing, the sincerely grateful person realizes that he is enriched because of others, which is a mark of humility. The person who thinks the world owes him a living is never thankful for anything. He thinks he is doing others a favor by permitting them to serve him. The thankful heart is usually humble, a heart that gladly acknowledges God as the “Giver of every good and perfect gift” (James 1:17). Like Mary’s gift to Jesus in John 12, gratitude fills the house with fragrance.                                                                  感恩的心是如何促進家庭的和諧?  首先,真誠感恩的人會意識到自己是因他人而富足,這是謙卑的標誌。認為世界上的人都欠他一份生計的人,永遠不會對任何事情心存感激。他認為允許別人為他服務,是他在幫別人忙。感恩的心通常是一顆謙卑的,樂意承認上帝是“賜予各樣美好完美禮物的神”(雅  1:17)。就像約翰福音 12 章中馬利亞給耶穌的禮物一樣,感恩讓整個屋子充滿了膏的馨香氣。    

To be sure, all of us are grateful for some things at some special occasions, but Paul commanded his readers to be thankful for all things at all times. This exhortation in itself proves our need of the Spirit of God, because in our own strength we could never obey this commandment. Can we really be thankful in times of suffering, disappointment, and even bereavement? Keep in mind that Paul was a prisoner when he wrote those words, yet he was thankful for what God was doing in him and for him (Eph. 1:16; 5:4, 20; Phil. 1:3; Col. 1:3, 12; 2:7; 3:17; 4:2). When a Christian finds himself in a difficult situation, he should immediately give thanks to the Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, by the power of the Spirit, to keep his heart from complaining and fretting. The devil moves in when a Christian starts to complain, but thanksgiving in the Spirit defeats the devil and glorifies the Lord. “In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you” (1 Thess. 5:18).                                                                                                              誠然,我們所有人都會在某些特殊場合為一些事感恩,但保羅吩咐他的讀者要時時為所有的事感恩。這個勸誡本身證明我們需要上帝的靈,因為靠我們自己的力量,我們永遠無法遵守這誡命。在苦難、失望甚至喪親之痛的時候,我們真的可以感恩嗎?  記住,保羅在寫這封信時,是關在羅馬監獄的囚犯,但他感謝上帝在他身上所做的一切(弗  1:165:420;腓  1:3;西  1 :3, 12; 2:7; 3:17; 4:2)。當基督徒發現自己處於困境時,他應該立即奉耶穌基督的名,靠著聖靈的大能感謝天父,使他的心不再抱怨和煩惱。當基督徒開始抱怨時,魔鬼就進來了,但在聖靈中的感謝,就戰勝了魔鬼,並榮耀了主。 “凡事謝恩:因為這是上帝在基督耶穌裡向你們所定的旨意”(帖前 5:18)。

The word gratitude comes from the same root word as grace. If we have experienced the grace of God, then we ought to be grateful for what God brings to us. Thank and think also come from the same root word. If we would think more, we would thank more.                      感恩這個詞來自與恩典相同的詞根。如果我們經歷過上帝的恩典,那麼我們就應該感謝祂帶給我們的恩賜。感謝和思想也來自同一個詞根。如果想得更多,我們就會感謝更多。


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