Saturday, December 26, 2015

146 英语语法应用(三十三)

146 英语语法应用(三十三)             圣诞快乐!    Merry Christmas!                           12/26/2015

我们在天上的父,  感谢祢赐我祢的独生儿子---主耶稣祂的大爱改变了我的生命更谢谢祢让我深知祂的降生是为了赦免我的罪而死在十架字上.   求上帝再次恩赐我属天的智,    来显明我真实的信心见证主耶稣是祢的儿子.    奉主耶稣我们的主的名祈求.  阿门.

Our  heavenly  Father,  thank You for giving me Your only  begotten Son.  My life has been changed by His love.  Thank you more for letting me to understand that His born was for going to be crucified for forgiving my sin.   Would You, my God, grant me the heavenly wisdom to  show the realities of my faith,  Jesus is Your Son,  to the world?   I pray through Jesus Christ our Lord .  Amen     

Christmas is a good news!  God gave us His begotten Son to us today!   Christmas means that Jesus was born for saving us voluntarily to be crucified.  

上帝没有为祂预备有教导, 且具有丰富经验的父母,   只是一个年轻的木匠, 一个乡
村的少女中没有什么老人帮忙,  一个能与祂谈心的亲戚都住在山地里的另一个城市中.
God didn’t prepare a highly educated and experienced couple to be His parents.   They were merely a young carpenter and a country girl.  There were no older folks in the family.  The only relative with whom He could talk, lived in another town in the hill country.

上帝没有为祂预备一个舒适的家.   祂出生时连一张小床都没有, 只有一个粗糙的马
婴孩随便用布包着, 放在马糟里.
God didn’t prepare a comfortable home for Him.  When He was born He had no crib or cradle, just a coarse manger.  The baby wrapped in cloths and laid in the animal’s manger. 

朋友上帝为了爱我们, 甚至将祂心爱的独生儿子赐给我们而主耶稣为了要救我们脱离罪恶 , 甘愿顺服这样的安排道成肉身的从神降为人的样式, 取了奴仆的形像, 且自己卑微, 存心顺服, 以至于死, 且死在十字架上. 
Friends!  This time, it seemed that God announced to the world;  “I loved you so much that I gave my only begotten son.   I gave Him to you totally.   You could treat Him as you please.  He had no privilege, no exemption; because He came not to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.”

好消息今天你却可以预备一个住处主耶稣, 那就是你的心房请打开你的心门吧接祂进来做你生命的主!
There is more good news!  You could prepare a place for Jesus to stay today.  You could offer Him your hearts.  He would like to stay there and be with you all your lives!

圣诞快乐!    Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

145 英语语法应用(三十二)

145 英语语法应用(三十二)   感恩节的由来                         12/01/2015

1789, 华盛顿总统宣布将1126日订为感恩节.  1863, 林肯总统声明11月的最后一个星期四是感恩的日子”.   美国人以敬畏上帝的感恩的心来庆祝感恩节它与圣诞节和美国独立纪念日并列为美国三个最重要的节日.

Lincoln’s 1863 Thanksgiving Proclamation          美国总统林肯1863年的感恩节宣言

The year that is drawing towards its close, has      接近尾声的今年,我们享有丰收的
Been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields      土地与美好气候。
and healthful skies. To these bounties, which
are so constantly enjoyed that we are prone to       对这些我们每日享受的慷慨赐予,我
forget the source from which they come, other      们很容易忘记它们源自何处,
shave been added, which are of so extraordinary    这是全能上帝的供应。
a nature, that they cannot fail to penetrate and   
soften even the heart which is habitually                上帝的巨大力量,即使是刚硬的心
insensible to the ever watchful providence of         都会被穿透软化。
Almighty God.
In the midst of a civil war of unequalled                 虽然非常严重与艰苦的内战已引起
magnitude and severity, which has sometimes        了其它一些国家的挑衅。
seemed to foreign States to invite and to                 但在这期间,
provoke their aggression, peace has been                国家间的和平得到了维护,
preserved with all nations, order has been               秩序得到了维持,
maintained, the laws have been respected and         法律得到重视并遵守。
obeyed, and harmony has prevailed everywhere      除了这些军事冲突的地区外,
except in the theatre of military conflict;                 其它地区都能和睦。
while that theatre has been greatly contracted          因着陆军与海军的努力
by the advancing armies and navies of the               使战区正在大大地缩小。
Needful diversions of wealth and of strength          虽然许多财物与力量从和平的
from the fields of peaceful industry to the               地区提供给战争的需要,
national defense, have not arrested the plough,
the shuttle, or the ship; the axe had enlarged           但这并没有抑制农业发展和
the borders of our settlements, and the mines,         我们地域的开拓。
as well of iron and coal as of the precious                铁和煤矿与贵重金属的矿物          
metals, have yielded even more abundantly than     产量比以往更多。
heretofore. Population has steadily increased,         尽管在战场有人员损失,
notwithstanding the waste that has been made in     国家人口仍稳定增长,
the camp, the siege and the battle-field; and the      人民为国家的实力与活力的
country, rejoicing in the consciousness of               提高而欣喜,期待未来
augmented strength and vigor, is permitted to    
expect continuance of years with large increase       将有更大的自由。
of freedom.           
No human counsel hath devised nor hath any          人类的忠告或凡人之手无法
mortal hand worked out these great things.              产生这些伟大的成就。
They are the gracious gifts of the Most High           它们是至高造物主恩慈的礼物,
God, who, while dealing with us in anger for          主即使为我们的犯罪而
our sins, hath nevertheless remembered mercy.       发怒时仍显出怜悯。

It has seemed to me fit and proper that they             对我而言,这些应该被全体
should be solemnly, reverently and gratefully          美国人民一 心一意、
acknowledged as with one heart and voice by          庄严地、恭敬地、
the whole American People. I do therefore               感激地献上感恩。
invite my fellow citizens in every part of the            我因此邀请全美各地、
United States , and also those who are at sea             海上以及居留外国的同胞们,
and those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to
set apart and observe the last Thursday of                  将下个月11 月最后一个星期四
November next, as a day of Thanksgiving and          作为感恩的一天,向我们在
Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in        天上的天父祈祷和感恩。
the Heavens. And I recommend to them that             我也建议美国人民,
while offering up the ascriptions justly due to           在对上帝这样非凡奇妙的赐福
Him for such singular deliverances and blessings,     而向天父献上感谢祭时,
they do also, with humble penitence for our               也谦卑地为我们国家的
national perverseness and disobedience,                     堕落与悖逆悔改。
commend to his tender care all those who have          对所有在这场无法避免的
become widows, orphans, mourners or sufferers        悲惨内战中成为寡妇,
in the lamentable civil strife in which we are              孤儿、送葬者或受难者的,
unavoidably engaged, and fervently implore              祈求天父温柔的看顾。
the interposition of the Almighty Hand to heal           强烈地恳求全能的上帝尽快伸
the wounds of the nation and tore store it as soon       出恩手医治和 修复这个国家,
as may be consistent with the Divine purposes to       使国家符合上帝的旨意,
the full enjoyment of peace, harmony,                         以致享有完全的和平,
tranquility and Union.                                                   融洽, 宁静与团结。

Abraham Lincoln                                                          亚伯拉罕 林肯 总统

感恩节说话          史涤然

我是感恩节.  “感恩节是我的名字我喜爱住在人们的心里我不是白住的若让我进住, 我会带给你喜乐, 柔和, 忍耐和平安等等

不幸的是很多人不喜欢我且拒绝我人的心不可能空着的当我不住在里面, 那么抱怨就带着它的腐烂的朋友, 嫉妒, 傲慢坏脾气, 和懊丧等等进入.

一般人想尽了办法来抵制这些负面的东西终极都是失败了.   实质上, 不困难只要让我进入这些负面的东西立刻烟消云散逃走了.  

还有些人只把我放在他们的嘴唇边.   他们说, “赞美主!” “感谢祢, !”   不幸的是, 他们没有让我进入他们的心因此他们的话白费口舌抱怨带着苦毒仍然留在那里

非常有趣, 我在他们中间仍是很知名甚至每年他们都为我举办节日我很奇怪, 没有接纳我, 怎么能庆祝我, 于是我去拜访有很多小孩的富有人家不要误会不是我喜富溅贫我认为他们一定有很多要感恩的地方那么, 我的问题不攻自破

我隐形的伏在天花板上等待他们庆祝的恰当时候出现当每人都坐定好后, 发出一声快乐的呼喊!”   这是我应该现身在他们中间的暗记正当我要飞下去时, 我注意他们都向厨房门出现的银盘盛着的一只烤得金黄发亮的火鸡看着.    


Tuesday, November 24, 2015

144 英语语法应用(三十一)

144 英语语法应用(三十一)           感恩节的话                                              11/24/2015

我们在天上的父,  谢谢祢在45年前就指示我翻译 —“Realities(真实见证)”.  祢的旨意最美好使我今日仍受用无穷求祢继续恩赐我智能能把英翻中的必备的知识讲得清楚. 并且更赐给我悟性能把祢的福音明白的译成清楚的中文让十几亿的骨肉血亲都能蒙拯救享受祢赐的属天的福气
谢谢祢赐我母亲,  生我育我,   并不厌其烦的教我话语.   求祢赐我有感恩的心不要忘恩负义.   求祢让我在这感恩节立下决心用祢赐我的有限的歳月, 把中英的语言的不同能仔细的介绍给我骨肉同胞像我母亲那么有耐心的教导我一样主呵,   求祢垂听我的祷告.    奉主耶稣的名祈求.  阿门.

讨论很多次中英的语言的不同它实关系到翻译的问题.   翻译虽是外语系中英语系内的重要课程之一.   但是选的人不多记得就读台湾大学时曾约农教授是我很敬佩的学者在他的讲授翻译课程中要求甚严.   因为他说要学好翻译必须中文和英语在篇章的写作上面都要在一般水平以上.  

数十年来没有离开过英翻中”.    一般论到英翻中” (本博客不讨论中翻英”),   要注意的两件事: 中文写作要够水准, 而英语的程度达到看得懂就行了.   换句话说中文的修养应该比英语要强些这是编辑者的认知因为在英翻中的过程中英语方面的要求是知道语法的应用,    看懂篇章的含意.   但是, 在中文 (译文)这方面的要求是:  “”, “等等标准非常的严格.   编辑者借用梁实秋学者的看法---先做到”,  使阅读者能了解这篇英文写作的意思.   这也是我用四年的时间编写英文文法博客的初衷.

前讲提到中英文在语法上比较显著不同有三处, 动词时制, 疑问句与被动语气句及习语与短语而在英翻中上常出错在附加疑问句(tag—question)尤其是在回答该类问题要特别小心.

如果该附加疑问句前面的陈述是肯定的句子, 发问的人是暗示你要用肯定意思回筨. 这种用法与中文相同, 不过少用. 
例如 :
He likes playing basketball, doesn’t he?     他喜欢打蓝球不是吗?
Yes, he does.   (来回答这问题用肯定请不要用  No, he doesn’t. )

如果该附加疑问句前面的陈述是否定的句子, 发问的人是暗示你要用否定意思回筨. 有时是陷阱, 故意让你顺水推舟的用否定的语句回答, 而落入他的陷阱.

例如, 在圣经约翰福音十八章十七节及二十五节:
      17 Then the slave-girl who kept the door said to Peter, “You are not also one of this man’s disciples, are you?” He said, “I am not.  …… 25 Now Simon Peter was standing and warming himself. So they said to him, “You are not also one of His disciples, are you?” He denied it, and said, “I am not. ……….


      彼得是基督信仰者的盘石, 这是他软弱的地方三次顺水推舟不认他的老师主耶稣基督后来主饶恕他, 重建他成为教会的柱石.

下面的例子是说明在英翻中时, 要特别留意它与我国人思想恰好相反.

He doesn't like playing volleyball, does he?   他不喜欢玩排球, 是吗?
No, he doesn't.   是的, 他不喜欢.   (这里英文的“No”要译成是的”)

今天是感恩节特别选一篇涤然师母所撰写的短文作者是南昌葆灵女中高材生(编辑者读葆灵附小时, 她已经毕业) ,   然后, 她毕业于福州华南女子大学外文系与史祈生牧师结为夫妻该文取自导向月刋(Steering monthly)” 171 1999 11月刋出.    师母自 1985 年便任该基督信仰刋物总编辑, 十多年前罹患乳癌仍在患病中依靠主恩继续出刋.    忠心事奉.   终于在 2004 癌症复发,  219 安息主怀享年78.

[] :  请爱好学习英文的朋友先自行翻译编辑者的翻译下讲刋出.


I am thanksgiving. I mean, my name is "Thanksgiving".   I love to live in people's minds. I am not a freeloader. If you let me in, I'll bring lots of "goodies" with me such as joy, meekness, patience and peace, among others.
Unfortunately, many people dislike me and won't let me in. You know, one's mind can't be blank, so while I am not in one's mind. Complaint comes in right away and he brings lots of rotten things with him such as jealousy, arrogance, bad temper and depression, among others.
Most of the people try to deal with those negative things with all kinds of methods which ultimately fail. Actually, the solution is very simple. Just let me in and those negative things will run away in no time.
There is another kind of person who lets me dwell on their lips only. They'll say, "Praise the Lord!" "Thank you, Lord!" Unfortunately, they don't have me in their minds, so their words are use-less, as complaint with its bitterness still occupies that space.
The most interesting thing is that I am very popular nevertheless. There is even a festival for me each year. I wondered how they celebrate me without giving me a resting place, so I chose to visit a rich family with many children. Don't get me wrong. I don't prefer rich people; I just thought they may have much to give thanks for, so I could answer my question.
I hid myself on the ceiling and waited for the right time to ceremoniously appear. After everyone was seated at the table, I heard a burst of happy shouting, "Wow!" That was my cue to make an entrance on center stage. Just when I was about to fly down, I noticed that everyone turned to look at the kitchen door where a big, golden-brown and shining turkey was being brought in on a silver plate.  The turkey saw me and said, "Hey, you only live on people's lips, but look at me. I can enter their mouths and stay in their stomachs. So, they have come to call your festival, 'Turkey Day'! I think it is a more appropriate name anyway."
I didn't know how to answer the turkey, yet I remembered there is also thanksgiving service in the churches. I could go there and feel welcome. I entered a church service, and, sure enough, the first prayer I heard began, "Dear God, I thank you!" I was so excited and prepared myself to enter this person's mind. As I settled myself in his mind, I heard the speaker continue with, "...because I am not like the others..." Immediately, I was chased out with a hard fist and a slammed door.
I feel so lonely and so sad. Why don't people like me? It is so easy to have me around. All you have to do is admit that all good things are from God and you have done nothing to deserve them, and, don't compare what you have with what others have. Just trust that God has given you the best, though different from others' blessings.
Didn't I tell you that I am not a freeloader? If you accept me, I'll bring you many "goodies" including peace and joy.