Friday, August 9, 2024

810 英翻中 (510) The mistery of the will of God. 上帝旨意的奧秘. 09/08/2024

810  英翻中 (510)          The mistery of the will of God.      上帝旨意的奧秘.                   9/8/2024

Our havenly Father,  teach me, O God, so to use all the circumstances of my life today that they may bring forth in me the fruits of holiness rather than the fruits of sin.                                                                                                                                            主啊求祢教我利用今日白晝生活的恩賜結出聖灵的果子而不結罪的果子.     

   Let me use disappointment as material for patience:   容我利用失望訓練忍耐;

   Let me use success as material for thankfulness:         容我利用成功生感恩的心;

   Let me use suspense as material for perseverance:      容我利用阻撓訓練毅力;

   Let me use danger as material for courage:                   容我利用危險培養勇敢;

   Let me use reproach as material for longsuffering:      容我利用責備訓練耐心;

   Let me use praise as material for humility:                   容我利用讚美訓練謙卑;

   Let me use pleasures as material for temperance:        容我利用娛樂訓練節制;

   Let me use pains as material for endurance.                 容我利用痛苦培養堅忍

      Holy God, I would remember before You all my friends and those of my own household, especially……and…., beseeching You that in Your great love You would keep them also free from sin, controlling all their deeds this day in accordance with You most perfect will. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.                                                                 神聖的上帝我要在祢面前為我所有的朋友與我的親友祈禱求主用祢的大愛使他們得免於犯罪,  並求今日約朿他們的行為使之符合你完全聖善的旨意.   奉主耶穌基督的名禱告,   阿們. 

CHAPTER EIGHT               LET’S WALK TOGETHER                        Ephesians 4:1–16             第八課                                    让我们一起學像主的行事為人                  以弗所书 4:1-16

All of Paul’s letters contain a beautiful balance between doctrine and duty, and Ephesians is the perfect example. The first three chapters deal with doctrine, our riches in Christ, while the last three chapters explain duty, our responsibilities in Christ. The key word in this last half of the book is walk (Eph. 4:1, 17; 5:2, 8, 15), while the key idea in the first half is wealth. In these last three chapters, Paul admonished us to walk in unity (Eph. 4:1–16), purity (Eph. 4:17–5:17), harmony (Eph. 5:18–6:9), and victory (Eph. 6:10–24).                                                                        保罗的所有书信都是使教义和责任之间採取平衡的論點,以弗所书是完美的例子。本書前三章论及教义,即 我们在基督里的丰富,而后三章则論及责任,即 我们在基督里的责任。本书后半部分的关键词是 生活(弗   4:1175:2815),而前半部分的关键思想是 豐盛。在后三章中,保罗告诫我们要行事为人要合一(弗   4:1-16),纯洁(弗   4:17-5:17),和谐(弗   5:18-6:9),以及得胜(弗   6:10-24)。

As in the third paragraph of this lesson shows.  These four “walks” perfectly parallel the basic doctrines Paul has taught us in the first three chapters.                                                                       如開始的第三段中所示。 这四个“生活”與保罗在前三章中教导我们的基本教义完全是平行的。

Before we look at this section in detail, we must note two important words in Ephesians 4:1: therefore and beseech. The word therefore indicates that Paul was basing his exhortations to duty on the doctrines taught in the first three chapters. (Rom. 12:1–2 are parallel verses.) The Christian life is not based on ignorance but knowledge, and the better we understand Bible doctrine, the easier it is to obey Bible duties. When people say, “Don’t talk to me about doctrine—just let me live my Christian life!” they are revealing their ignorance of the way the Holy Spirit works in the life of the believer. “It makes no difference what you believe, just as long as you live right” is a similar confession of ignorance. It does make a difference what you believe, because what you believe determines how you behave!                                                                                       在要详细查看这一段之前,我们必须注意以弗所书 41 中包含的两个重要單词: 因此(therefore)” 恳求(beseech)保罗 因此明他的 懇求是基于前三章所教导的教義。 (罗   12:1-2 是平行的经文。)基督徒的生活不是基于 无知,而是基于 認知,越了解圣经教义,就越容易遵守圣经的职责。当人们说,“不要跟我谈论教义,請让我过基督徒的生活!”顯示信徒對圣灵在他們生活中工作的忽視。 “只要你活得正确,你相信什么都没有区别”是一种类似的无知忏悔。它确实会影响你的信心,因为您的信心决定了你行事为人的一切要點!

            Our Wealth                                                                Our Walk                                                                  我们的财富                                                                我们的行事为人

Called by grace to belong to His body            Walk worthy of your calling—the unity of the   (chap. 1)                                                            Body (4:1–16)                                                                恩典呼蒙召属于祂的身体(第 1 章)             行事为人你的蒙召相稱 — 身体的合一(4:1-16

Raised from the dead (2:1–10)                        Put off the graveclothes (4:17–5:17) ; walk in  purity  从死里复活 (2:1-10)                                           脱下葬衣 (4:17-5:17);在纯洁中行事為人

Reconciled (2:11–22)                                        Walk in harmony (5:18–6:9)                                            和好 (2:11-22)                                                   行事為人和睦相处 (5:18-6:9)

Christ’s victory over Satan                             Walk in victory (6:10–24)                                                 is the mystery (chap. 3)                                 在胜利中行事為人(6:10-24                                    基督战胜撒旦是奧密(第3章)

The word beseech indicates that God, in love, urges us to live for His glory. He does not say, as He did to the Old Testament Jews, “If you obey Me, I will bless you.” Rather, He says, “I have already blessed you— now, in response to My love and grace, obey Me.” He has given us such a marvelous calling in Christ; now it is our responsibility to live up to that calling.                             懇求顯明上帝在爱中敦促我们为祂的荣耀而活。 不像对旧约犹太人,祂说:“如果你順服我,我会祝福你。”相反祂说,“我已经祝福了你,现在回应我的爱和恩典,順服我。”祂在基督里给了我们如此奇妙的呼召;现在,我们有责任不辜负祂的呼召。

The main idea in these first sixteen verses is the unity of believers in Christ. This is simply the practical application of the doctrine taught in the first half of the letter: God is building a body, a temple. He has reconciled Jews and Gentiles to Himself in Christ. The oneness of believers in Christ is already a spiritual reality. Our responsibility is to guard, protect, and preserve that unity. To do this, we must understand four important facts.                                                                这前十六节的主要思想是信徒在基督里的合一。这只是該封信前半部分教义的实际应用:上帝正在建造身体,圣殿。 在基督里祂使犹太人和外邦人与自己和好。信徒在基督里的合一,已经是属灵的实存。我们的责任是卫護,保护和维持它。为此,我们必须了解四个重要事实。

1.  The Grace of Unity (4:1–3)                                                                                                                    1.  合一的恩典(4:1-3

Unity is not uniformity. Unity comes from within and is a spiritual grace, while uniformity is the result of pressure from without. Paul used the human body as a picture of Christian unity (1 Cor. 12), and he adapted the same illustration here in this section (Eph. 4:13–16). Each part of the body is different from the other parts, yet all make up one body and work together.                       一致不是合一。合一是內在的,是屬靈的恩寵,而一致是外來壓力的結果。保羅使用人體作為基督徒合一的圖畫(林前   12),他在本節中採用了相同的插圖(弗   4:13-16)。身體的每一部分都不相同,但却組成一個身體並協同為它工作。

If we are going to preserve the “unity of the Spirit,” we must possess the necessary Christian graces, and there are seven of them listed here. The first is lowliness, or humility. Someone has said, “Humility is that grace that, when you know you have it, you have lost it.” Humility means putting Christ first, others second, and self last. It means knowing ourselves, accepting ourselves, and being ourselves to the glory of God. God does not condemn you when you accept yourself and your gifts (Rom. 12:3). He just does not want us to think more highly of ourselves than we ought to—or less highly than we ought to.                                                                                                       如果要保持“聖靈的合一”,我們就必須擁有必要的基督徒美德,這裡列出了其中的七種美德。第一個是卑微,或謙卑。有人說:“謙卑是恩典,當知道你擁有它時,你已經失去了它。”謙卑的意思是把基督放在首位,把其他的人放在第二位,把自我放在最末後,意思是認識自己,接受自己,我們是為榮耀上帝而存在。當你接納自己和禮物時,上帝不會譴責你(羅   12:3)。祂只是不讓我們對自己的評價比我們應該得的更高,或者比我們應該得的較低。

Meekness is not weakness. It is power under control. Moses was a meek man (Num. 12:3), yet see the tremendous power he exercised. Jesus Christ was “meek and lowly in heart” (Matt. 11:29), yet He drove the moneychangers from the temple. In the Greek language, this word was used for a soothing medicine, a colt that had been broken, and a soft wind. In each case you have power, but that power is under control.                                                                                                                    溫柔不是軟弱。它是權力受到控制。摩西是溫柔的人(民   12:3),但請看他所行使的巨大權力。耶穌基督“心裡柔和謙卑”(太   11:29),但祂卻把兌換銀錢的人趕出了聖殿。在希臘語中,這個詞用來表示鎮定劑、掙斷繩索的小馬和柔和的風。在每種情況下,你都有權力,但這種權力却是受控制的。

Allied with meekness is longsuffering, which literally means “long-tempered,” the ability to endure discomfort without fighting back. This leads to the mentioning of forbearance, a grace that cannot be experienced apart from love. “Love suffereth long and is kind” (1 Cor. 13:4). Actually, Paul was describing some of the “fruit of the Spirit” (Gal. 5:22–23); for the “unity of the Spirit” (Eph. 4:3) is the result of the believer “walking in the Spirit” (Gal. 5:16).                            與溫柔相伴的是堅忍,字面意思是“持久調節的脾氣”,能夠忍受痛楚而不反抗。這與提到過的寬容相近,是離開愛無法能體驗的恩典。 “愛是恆久忍耐,又有恩慈”(林前 13:4)。實際上,保羅是在描述一些“聖靈的果子”(加   5:22-23);因為“聖靈的合一”(弗   4:3)是信徒“順著聖靈而行”(加   5:16)的果子。

The next grace that contributes to the unity of the Spirit is endeavor. Literally it reads “being eager to maintain, or guard, the unity of the Spirit.” “It’s great that you love each other,” I once heard a seasoned saint say to a newly wedded couple, “but if you’re going to be happy in marriage, you gotta work at it!” The verb used here is a present participle, which means we must constantly be endeavoring to maintain this unity. In fact, when we think the situation is the best, Satan will move in to wreck it. The spiritual unity of a home, a Sunday school class, or a church is the responsibility of each person involved, and the job never ends.                                                    有助於聖靈合一的下一個恩典是致力。 表面的意思是“渴望維持或保護聖靈的合一”。我曾經聽到經驗豐富的聖徒對新婚夫婦說,你們彼此相愛真好,但如果你想保持婚姻幸福,你們就必須恆久一致的努力!”這裡使用的動詞是現在分詞,這意味著我們必須不斷努力保持這種合一。 事實上,當我們認為情況最好時,撒但就會進來破壞它。家庭,主日學班,或教堂的屬靈合一,是每個參與者的責任,而且是永無止境的工作。

The final grace is peace—“the bond of peace.” Read James 3:134:10 for the most vivid treatment of war and peace in the New Testament. Note that the reason for war on the outside is war on the inside. If a believer cannot get along with God, he cannot get along with other believers. When “the peace of God” rules in our hearts, then we build unity (Col. 3:15).                  最後的恩典是和平——“和平的捆綁”。閱讀雅各書 313節至第410節,了解新約中對戰爭與和平最生動的描述。請注意,引起外部戰爭的原因是出自內部戰爭。若信徒不能與上帝和好,他就無法與其他信徒和好。當“上帝的平安”在我們心中掌權時,我們就會建立合一(西   3:15)。

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