Sunday, June 2, 2024

763 英翻中 (463) Spirit will help ou win the war. 靠聖靈戰勝老我. 2/6/2024

763 英翻中 (463)         Spirit will help ou win the war.             靠聖靈戰勝老我.            2/6/2024

司布真每日靈修(日) Morning by Morning

Since you believe in Jesus, you have a new life, but this new life is often the enemy of the old self. The old life is so tenacious that it never misses any opportunity to attack the new life. Of course, this new life also wants to survive and resist the attacks of the enemy to the death. Fortunately, with the presence of God’s grace, through prayer, faith, love and hope, and by putting on the whole armor of God and moving forward bravely, we will be able to defeat the enemy.

We need to remember that as long as we live in this world, these two forces will always be enemies of each other, but as long as Jesus is with us, this new life is greater than our enemies. Are you having a rough day today? Is the world or the flesh against you? Don’t lose heart, keep fighting, for God is with you. The Lord is your banner and your captain, and you will prevail, for who can resist the Almighty God? Continue to fight unremittingly. Although the road is full of thorns and difficulties, if we closely follow our Captain and keep our eyes fixed on Him, we will taste the sweet fruit of victory, because the Captain of our salvation ensures that we will triumph and gain the final glory.
經文: 「聖靈和情慾相爭,這兩個是彼此為敵。」(加拉太書五:17)



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