Wednesday, June 26, 2024

780 英翻中 (480) Have a mercy on me, Lord. 主阿, 求祢憐憫我. 26/06/2024

 780 英翻中 (480)     Have a mercy on me, Lord.        主阿, 求祢憐憫我.                         26/06/2024

Blasphemy describes speech that slanders others and tears them down. Often among Christians this kind of malicious gossip masquerades as a spiritual concern: “I would never tell you what I know about her, except that I know you’ll want to pray about it.” Evil speaking is caused by malice (1 Peter 2:1). If you have deep[1]seated ill will toward a person, you will use every opportunity to say something bad about him.                                                                                       褻瀆言論描述了誹謗他人並將他們推倒的言論。在基督徒中,這種惡意的八卦偽裝常常是一種精神上的擔憂:我永遠不會告訴你我對她的了解,除非我知道你會為此祈禱。邪惡的說話是由惡意造成的(彼得一書21)。如果您對一個人懷有深深的惡意,您將利用一切機會對他說些不好的話。

Filthy communication is just that: foul speech, coarse humor, obscene language. For some reason, some Christians think it is manly or contemporary to use this kind of speech. Low humor sometimes creeps into conversations. If someone says, “Now, take this with a grain of salt!” you can remind him of Colossians 4:6: “Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt.” Salt is a symbol of purity, and grace and purity go together.                                                                骯髒的交流僅僅是:粗言穢語,粗俗幽默,淫穢語言。由於某些原因,一些基督徒認為使用這種語言是男性主義或現代主義的。低級幽默有時會蔓延到對話中。如果有人說:現在,把它和一粒鹽一起吃!您可以使他想起歌羅西書46讓您的講話永遠保持優雅,並加些鹽調味。鹽是純潔的象徵,優雅與純潔並存。

The final sin Paul named was lying (Col. 3:9). He wrote this same warning to the believers in Ephesus (Eph. 4:25). Satan is the liar (John 8:44), while the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth (John 14:17; 15:26). When a Christian lies, he is cooperating with Satan; when he speaks the truth in love (Eph. 4:15), he is cooperating with the Spirit of God.                                                    保羅所稱的最後罪孽是撒謊(西39)。他向以弗所信徒寫了同樣的警告(弗4:25)。撒旦是撒謊者(約翰福音8:44),而聖靈是真理之靈(約翰福音14:17; 15:26)。當基督徒撒謊時,他正在與撒但合作。當他說出愛中的真理時(以弗所書4:15),他正在與上帝的靈合作。

A lie is any misrepresentation of the truth, even if the words are accurate. The tone of voice, the look on the face, or a gesture of the hand can alter the meaning of a sentence. So can the motive of the heart. If my watch is wrong and I give a friend the wrong time, that is not a lie. Lying involves the intent to deceive for the purpose of personal gain. An old proverb says, “Half a fact is a whole lie.”                                                                                                                                                             謊言是對事實的任何虛假陳述,即使這些單詞是準確的。語氣,臉部表情或手部手勢可能會改變句子的含義。內心的動機也可以。如果我的手錶錯了,而我給了朋友錯誤的時間,那不是騙人的。說謊涉及為了個人利益目的而欺騙的意圖。一句古老的諺語說:一半事實是謊言。

Bishop Warren A. Candler was preaching about the lies of Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5), and asked the congregation, “If God still struck people dead for lying, where would I be?” The congregation snickered a bit, but the smiles disappeared when the Bishop shouted, “I’d be right here—preaching to an empty church!”                                                                                                      沃倫·A·坎德勒(Warren A. Candler)主教在宣講亞那尼亞斯和薩菲拉的謊言(使徒行傳5),並向會眾問:如果上帝仍然以撒謊殺死人,我會去哪裡?會眾笑了一下,但是當主教大喊時,微笑消失了:我會在這裡-進入一個空蕩蕩的教堂!

                                                                                                                                                                Strengthen the Christly (3:10–11) Because we are alive in Christ, we must seek the things that are above. And, because we died with Christ, we must put off the things that belong to the earthly life of past sin. The result is that we can become like Jesus Christ! God wants to renew us and make us into the image of His Son!”                                                                                                                                 加強基督的力量(310-11                                                                                                                因為我們在基督裡還活著,所以我們必須尋求上面的事物。而且,因為我們與基督同死,所以我們必須推遲屬於過去罪惡世俗生活的事物。結果就是我們可以變得像耶穌基督!上帝要更新我們,使我們成為他兒子的形像!

The Greek verbs translated “put off” and “put on” (Col. 3:9–10) indicate a once-for-all action. When we trust Christ, we put off the old life and put on the new. The old man has been buried, and the new man is now in control. But the verb translated “renewed” is a present participle—“who is constantly being renewed.” The crisis of salvation leads to the process of sanctification, becoming more like Jesus Christ.                                                                                                             希臘語動詞翻譯為穿脫穿上(西39-10),表示一次一勞永逸的舉動。當我們相信基督時,我們推遲了舊的生活,換上了新的生活。老人被埋葬了,而現在新人已被控制。但是動詞翻譯為“ renewed是一個現在的分詞   — 誰在不斷被更新。救贖的危機導致聖化的過程,變得更加像耶穌基督。

The Greeks had two different words for new. The word neos means “new in time.” We use this word as an English prefix in such words as “neoorthodoxy” and “neoclassicism.” The word kainos means “new in quality, fresh.” Sometimes the two words were used interchangeably in the New Testament, but there is still a fundamental difference.                                                                   希臘人用兩個不同的詞來表示新詞。 neos一詞的意思是時間上的新事物。我們將此單詞用作“ neoorthodoxy“ neoclassicism之類的英語前綴。 kainos一詞的意思是新鮮的品質。有時在《新約》中這兩個詞可以互換使用,但仍然存在根本的區別。

The believer has once and for all put on the “new man” (neos), and, as a consequence, he is being renewed (kainos). There is a change in quality, for he is becoming like Jesus Christ. The “new Man” is Jesus Christ, the last Adam (1 Cor. 15:45), the Head of the new creation (2 Cor. 5:17).    信徒一勞永逸地戴上了新人(新星),結果,他被更新了(kainos)。 質量發生了變化,因為他變得像耶穌基督。 “新人是耶穌基督,最後一個亞當(林前15:45),新造物的首領(林前5:17)。 

How does this renewal come about? Through knowledge. The word knowledge was one of the key terms in the vocabulary of the gnostics. But their so[1]called spiritual knowledge could never change a person’s life to make him like Christ. The better he gets to know Christ, the more he becomes like Him (Phil. 3:10).                                                                                                                   更新如何發生?通過知識。知識一詞是不可知論者詞彙中的關鍵術語之一。但是他們所謂的屬靈知識永遠不會改變一個人的生活,使他像基督一樣。他越了解基督,他就越像他一樣(腓立比書310)。

Man was created in the image of God (Gen. 1:26–27). This involves man’s personality (intellect, emotion, will) and man’s spirituality (he is more than a body). When man sinned, this image of God was marred and ruined. Adam’s children were born in the image of their father (Gen. 5:1, 3). In spite of the ravages of sin, man still bears the image of God (Gen. 9:6; James 3:9).                        人是按照神的形像被創造的(創世記126-27)。這涉及到人的個性(理智,情感,意志)和人的靈性(他不僅僅是一個身體)。當人犯罪時,上帝的這種形象就被破壞了。亞當的孩子是按照父親的形像出生的(創世記513)。儘管罪惡肆虐,但人類仍然帶有上帝的形像(創世記96;雅各書39)。

We were formed in God’s image, and deformed from God’s image by sin. But through Jesus Christ, we can be transformed into God’s image! We must be renewed in the spirit of our minds (Eph. 4:23). As we grow in knowledge of the Word of God, we will be transformed by the Spirit of God to share in the glorious image of be transformed into God’s image! We must be renewed in the spirit of our minds (Eph. 4:23). As we grow in knowledge of the Word of God, we will be transformed by the Spirit of God to share in the glorious image of God (2 Cor. 3:18). God transforms us by the renewing of our minds (Rom. 12:2), and this involves the study of God’s Word. It is the truth that sets us free from the old life (John 8:31–32).                                               我們是按照上帝的形像而形成的,並因罪而脫離了上帝的形像。但是通過耶穌基督,我們可以轉變成神的形像!我們必須本著心靈的精神更新(以弗所書4:23)。隨著我們對上帝聖言的認識的增長,我們將被上帝的聖靈改造,以分享被轉化為上帝聖像的榮耀形象!我們必須本著心靈的精神更新(以弗所書4:23)。隨著我們對上帝聖言的認識的增長,我們將因上帝的靈而轉變,分享上帝的榮耀形象(林前2318)。上帝通過更新我們的思想來改變我們(羅馬書122),這涉及對上帝聖言的研究。真理使我們擺脫了舊生活(約翰福音83132)。

God’s purpose for us is that we be “conformed to the image of His Son” (Rom. 8:29). This refers to character, the spiritual quality of the inner man. When we see Jesus Christ, we shall be like Him and have glorified bodies (1 John 3:1–3), but while we are waiting for Him to return, we can become like Him and share His holy image. This is a process of constant renewing as the Spirit of God uses the Word of God.                                                                                                                       上帝對我們的目的是使我們“順服他兒子的形像”(羅8:29)。這是指品格,即內在人的精神品質。當我們看到耶穌基督時,我們將像他一樣,擁有榮耀的身體(約翰一書31-3),但是當我們等待他返回時,我們可以變得像他一樣,分享他的聖像。這是一個不斷更新的過程,因為神的靈使用了神的道。

Human distinctions and differences should be no barrier to holy living in the church. In Jesus Christ, all human distinctions disappear (Col. 3:11). In Christ, there are no nationalities (“neither Greek nor Jew”). There is no recognition of former religious differences (“circumcision nor uncircumcision”). The gnostics taught that circumcision was important to the spiritual life (Col. 2:11ff.). But Paul made it clear that this traditional act of physical surgery gave no advantages in the spiritual life.                                                                                                                                        人的差異和差異不應成為教會聖潔生活的障礙。在耶穌基督裡,所有人類的區別都消失了(西3:11)。在基督裡,沒有國籍(“既沒有希臘人也沒有猶太人”)。沒有承認以前的宗教差異(“包皮環切或不包皮環切”)。專家們認為包皮環切術對精神生活很重要(西2:11)。但是保羅明確指出,這種傳統的物理手術在精神生活中沒有任何好處。

There are also no cultural differences in Christ (“barbarian, Scythian”). The Greeks considered all non-Greeks to be barbarians; and the Scythians were the lowest barbarians of all! Yet, in Jesus Christ, a person’s cultural status is no advantage or disadvantage. Nor is his economic or political status (“bond or free”). Paul made it clear that a slave should try to get his freedom (1 Cor. 7:20–23), but he should not think he is handicapped spiritually because of his social position.                   基督也沒有文化差異(“野蠻人,Scythian”)。希臘人認為所有非希臘人都是野蠻人。斯基泰人是所有國家中最低的野蠻人!但是,在耶穌基督裡,每個兒子的文化地位是沒有優勢也沒有劣勢的。他的經濟或政治地位(“束縛或自由”)也不是。保羅明確指出,奴隸應設法獲得自由的家園(林前1720-23),但他不應認為自己因其社會地位而在精神上有殘障。

All of these human distinctions belong to the “old man” and not the “new man.” In his letter to the Galatians, Paul added, “There is neither male nor female,” and thus erased even differences between the sexes. “Christ is all, and in all” was Paul’s conclusion. “For ye are all one in Christ Jesus” (Gal. 3:28).                                                                                                                                     所有這些人類區別都屬於“老人”,而不是“新人”。保羅在致加拉太書信中補充說:“既沒有男性也沒有女性”,因此消除了兩性之間的差異。保羅的結論是:“基督就是一切,總而言之”。 “因為你們都在基督耶穌裡”(加   3:28)。

It is wrong to build the fellowship of the church on anything other than Jesus Christ, His person and His work. Ministries that are built on human distinctions, such as race, color, or social standing, are not biblical. One of the evidences of spiritual growth and the renewing of the mind is this willingness to receive and love all who sincerely know Christ and seek to glorify Him. The gnostic “super saints” were trying to isolate the Colossian believers from the rest of the church, and this was wrong. Even though physically we do not lose our national heritage when we become Christians, we do not use that heritage as a test of what is spiritual.                                                     在除耶穌基督,祂的人和祂的工作以外的任何事物上建立教會的團契是錯誤的。建立在人的差異上的部委,例如種族,膚色或社會地位,並非聖經。精神成長和思想更新的證據之一就是這種願意接受和愛所有真誠認識基督並尋求榮耀祂的人的意願。諾斯底論的“超級聖人”正試圖將歌羅西信徒與教會的其他人隔離開來,這是錯誤的。即使在身體上,當我們成為基督徒時,我們不會失去我們的民族遺產,但我們也不會將其作為對屬靈事物的考驗。

“Christ is all and in all” is the emphasis in this letter. “That in all things he might have the preeminence” (Col. 1:18). Because we are complete in Christ, we can look beyond the earthly differences that separate peo[1]ple and enjoy a spiritual unity in the Lord. The gnostic false teachers, like the false teachers today, tried to rob God’s people of the richness of their oneness in Christ. Beware!                                                                                                                                        在這封信中,強調了“基督是萬有在芾事上為首”。 “他在所有事上都可能有卓越的地位”(西   1:18)。因為我們在基督裡是完整的,所以我們可以超越人與人之間的世俗差異,並在主裡享受屬靈的統一。像今天的虛假老師一樣,那些精明的虛假老師試圖搶奪上帝子民在基督裡一體的豐富性。警醒! 

We are alive in Christ; therefore, we should seek the heavenly. We are dead in Christ; therefore, we should slay the earthly. We can become like Christ; therefore, we must strengthen the Christly and permit the Spirit to renew our minds, making us more into the image of God.                           我們在基督裡還活著;因此,我們應該尋求天上的事。我們與基督同;因此,我們應該致死世俗的事。我們才能變得像基督;因此,我們必須加強基督的力量,讓聖靈更新我們的思想,使我們更加像上帝的形象。

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