Wednesday, June 19, 2024

774 英翻中 (474) My faith on Jesus Christ is everlasting. 信主的心更堅定. 19/06/2024

774 英翻中 (474)     My faith on Jesus Christ is everlasting.     信主的心更堅定.      19/06/2024 

3. Draw on Your Spiritual Provisions (2:11–15)                                                                                    3. 使用你的屬靈認知(211–15 

Remember that the false teaching that threatened the Colossian church was made up of several elements: Eastern mysticism, astrology, philosophy, and Jewish legalism. It is the latter element that Paul dealt with in this section of his letter. Apparently, the false teachers insisted that their converts submit to circumcision and obey the Old Testament law.                                                    請記住,威脅歌羅西教堂的錯誤教導,是由東方神秘主義,占星術,哲學和猶太律法主義等要素組成。保羅在這信的這一部分中所討論的是猶太律法主義。顯然,假教師堅持,他們要皈依基督必須要接受割禮,並遵守舊約律法。

Gnostic legalism was not quite the same as the brand of legalism practiced by the Judaizers whom Paul refuted in his epistle to the Galatians. The Jewish teachers that Paul attacked in Galatians insisted that circumcision and obedience to the law were necessary for salvation. (See Acts 15 for some background on this problem.) Gnostic legalism said that the Jewish law would help the believers become more spiritual. If they were circumcised, and if they watched their diets and observed the holy days, then they would become part of the “spiritual elite” in the church. Unfortunately, we have people with similar ideas in our churches today.                                            諾斯底的律法主義與猶太律法師所操守的完全不同,保羅在書信中對加拉太信徒進行了有關這方面駁斥。保羅在加拉太書中所駁斥猶太律法師的,是他們堅稱行割禮和服從律法是得救的必要條件。(有關該問題的一些背景,請參閱  使15章。)諾斯底律法主義說,猶太律法將幫助信徒變得更加屬靈。如果他們受割禮,並且注重飲食並遵守聖日,那麼他們將成為教會中  “屬靈優秀者的一部分。不幸的是,今天在我們的教會中有類似想法的人。

 Paul made it clear that the Christian is not subject in any way to the Old Testament legal system, nor can it do him any good spiritually. Jesus Christ alone is sufficient for our every spiritual need, for all of God’s fullness is in Him. We are identified with Jesus Christ because He is the Head of the body (Col. 1:18) and we are the members of the body (1 Cor. 12:12–13). Paul explained our fourfold identification with Jesus Christ that makes it not only unnecessary, but sinful for us to get involved in any kind of legalism.

保羅明確指出,基督徒不會以任何方式服從舊約律法制度,它不會在屬靈上給他帶來任何好處。耶穌基督就足以滿足我們的任何屬靈需要,因為上帝所有的豐盛都居住在祂裡面。 我們與耶穌基督同在,因為祂是身體的頭(西1:18),我們是祂的肢體(林前1212-13)。保羅解釋了我們對耶穌基督的四重認同,使我們不僅對任何形式的律法制度不必要,而且與律法有關連是犯罪。


Circumcised in Him (v. 11). Circumcision was a sign of God’s covenant with the Jewish people (Gen. 17:9–14). Though it was a physical operation, it had a spiritual significance. The trouble was that the Jewish people depended on the physical and not the spiritual. A mere physical operation could never convey spiritual grace (Rom. 2:25–29). Often in the Old Testament, God warned His people to turn from their sins and experience a spiritual circumcision of the heart (Deut. 10:16; 30:6; Jer. 4:4; 6:10; Ezek. 44:7). People make the same mistake today when they depend on some religious ritual to save them—such as baptism or the Lord’s Supper.

基督為我們行割禮(11節)。割禮是上帝與猶太人立約的標誌(創179-14)。儘管這是醫學上的手術,但它具有屬靈意義。麻煩是在於猶太人依靠肉體,而不注重靈命。單純的醫學上的手術是永遠無法接納屬靈的恩典(羅225–29)。上帝經常在舊約中警告祂的子民,要脫離罪惡,並經歷心靈上的割禮(申10:16; 306; 44; 6:10; 447 今天,人依靠某種宗教儀式來拯救他們時,會犯同樣的錯誤,例如洗禮或主的晚餐。

It is not necessary for the believer to submit to circumcision, because he has already experienced a spiritual circumcision through his identification with Jesus Christ. But there is a contrast here between Jewish circumcision and the believer’s spiritual circumcision in Christ:



Jews                                                Believers

external surgery                            internal—the heart

only a part of the body                 the whole “body of sins”

done by hands                               done without hands

no spiritual help overcome sin     enables them to over conquering sin


                  猶太人                                                                  信徒

              外部手術                                                                  內在的 --- 心臟

              只是身體的一部分,                                              整個  罪惡的身體

              手完成                                                                  不用手完成

              沒有克服罪的屬靈幫助                                          使他們能克服罪惡


When Jesus Christ died and rose again, He won a complete and final victory over sin. He not only died for our sins (salvation), but He “died unto sin” (sanctification; see Rom. 6:10ff). What the law could not do, Jesus Christ accomplished for us. The old nature (“the body of the sins of the flesh”) was put off—rendered inoperative—so that we need no longer be enslaved to its desires. The old sinful nature is not eradicated, for we can still sin (1 John 1:5—2:6). But the power has been broken as we yield to Christ and walk in the power of the Spirit.

耶穌基督死後復活,在罪惡上祂獲得了完全而最終的勝利。祂不是僅為贖我們的罪(拯救)而死,而且祂  罪而死(成聖;見  610 比照研讀)。律法做不到,耶穌基督為我們成全了。 使老我(肉體的罪性)被抑止,使它無法運作,因此我們不再被它的慾望奴役。過去的老我的罪性沒有根除,所以我們仍會犯罪(約壹15—26)。但是,當我們委身於基督,並與聖靈的大能同行時,就有能力抑制老我的罪性發作。


2.  Alive in Him (vv. 12–13).

2.  活在祂裡面(12-13)。


Here Paul used the illustration of baptism. Keep in mind that in the New Testament, the word baptize has both a literal and a figurative meaning. The literal meaning is “to dip, to immerse.” The figurative meaning is “to be identified with.” For example, the Jewish nation was “baptized unto Moses” when it went through the Red Sea (1 Cor. 10:1–2). There was no water involved in this baptism, because they went over on dry land. In this experience, the nation was identified with Moses.

保羅在這裡用了洗禮的例子。請記住,在新約聖經中,洗禮既有字面含義,又用在比喻上。字面意思是 浸入,埋下 作比喻用時的意義是  被認同。例如,猶太人穿過紅海,就是象徵性 歸於摩西的洗禮(林前1101-2)。它是沒有浸入水的洗禮,因為他們在乾燥的地上過去的。在這經歷中,以色列國與摩西認同。


Paul used the word baptism in a figurative sense in this section of his letter—for no amount of material water could bury a person with Christ or make him alive in Christ. Water baptism by immersion is a picture of this spiritual experience. When a person is saved, he is immediately baptized by the Spirit into the body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:12–13) and identified with the Head, Jesus Christ. This identification means that whatever happened to Christ also happened to us. When He died, we died with Him. When He was buried, we were buried. When He arose again, we arose with Him—and we left the grave clothes of the old life behind (Col. 3:1–14).

保羅在這封信中的此處,是用比喻來象徵洗禮,因為世上沒有那麼多水,可以使人與基督同時埋葬,或使他在基督裡復活。浸水洗禮就是這種屬靈的寫照。當人得救時,他立即被聖靈的洗禮進入基督的身體(林前   1212-13),並與教會的頭,耶穌基督認同。這種認同意味著,凡在基督身上發生的一切事,也發生在我們身上。當祂死時,我們與祂同死。埋葬祂時,我們也與祂同時埋葬。 祂復活時,我們與祂一起復活,意思是,我們把包裹舊生活的死屍布丟棄(西   31-14)。


All of this took place “through the faith of the operation of God” (Col. 2:12). It was the power of God hat changed us, not the power of water. The Spirit of God identified us with Jesus Christ, and we were buried with Him, raised with Him, and made alive with Him! (The Greek verbs are very expressive: co-buried, co-raised, and co-made alive.) Because God raised His Son from the dead, we have eternal life. The practical application is clear: since we are identified with Christ and He is the fullness of God, what more do we need? We have experienced the energy of God through faith in Christ, so why turn to the deadness of the law? God has forgiven us all our trespasses (Col. 2:13b) so that we have a perfect standing before Him.

所有這些都是通過上帝的行動的信心發生的(西2:12)。改變我們的是上帝的力量,而不是水的力量。上帝的靈使我們與耶穌基督同在,我們與他一同被埋葬,與他一同復活,並與他一同復活! (希臘語動詞非常富於表現力:同埋,同養,同活。)因為上帝從死裡復活了他的兒子,所以我們有永生。實際應用很清楚:既然我們與基督同化,並且他是上帝的豐盛,那麼我們還需要什麼呢?我們通過對基督的信仰經歷了上帝的能量,那麼為什麼要轉向法律的死法呢?上帝已寬恕了我們所有的過犯(西213b),以便我們在祂面前有完美的地位。


3.  Free from the law in Him (v. 14).

3.  脫離他內在的律法(14節)。


Jesus not only took our sins to the cross (1 Peter 2:24), but He also took the law to the cross and nailed it there, forever out of the way. The law was certainly against us, because it was impossible for us to meet its holy demands. Even though God never gave the Ten Commandments to the Gentiles, the righteous demands of the law—God’s holy standards—were “written in their hearts” (Rom. 2:12–16).



When He shed His blood for sinners, Jesus Christ canceled the huge debt that was against sinners because of their disobedience to God’s holy law. In Bible days, financial records ere often kept on parchment, and the writing could be washed off. This is the picture Paul painted.



How could the holy God be just in canceling a debt? In this way His Son paid the full debt when He died on the cross. If a judge sets a man free who is guilty of a crime, the judge cheapens the law and leaves the injured party without restitution. God paid sin’s debt when He gave His Son on the cross, and He upheld the holiness of His own law.



But Jesus Christ did even more than cancel the debt: He took the law that condemned us and set it aside so that we are no longer under its dominion. We are “delivered from the law” (Rom. 7:6). We “are not under the law, but under grace” (Rom. 6:14). This does not mean that we are lawless, because the righteousness of the law is fulfilled in us as we walk in the power of the Spirit (Rom. 8:4). Our relationship with Jesus Christ enables us to obey God out of love, not out of slavish fear.



4.  Victorious in Him (v. 15).

4.  在祂裡面得勝(第15節)。


Jesus not only dealt with sin and the law on the cross, but He also dealt with Satan. Speaking about His crucifixion, Jesus said, “Now is the judgment of this world; now shall the prince of this world be cast out” (John 12:31). The death of Christ on the cross looked like a great victory for Satan, but it turned out to be a great defeat from which Satan cannot recover. Jesus had three great victories on the cross. First, He “disarmed the powers and authorities” (Col. 2:15 niv), stripping Satan and his army of whatever weapons they held. Satan cannot harm the believer who will not harm himself. It is when we cease to watch and pray (as did Peter) that Satan can use his weapons against us.

耶穌不僅處理罪惡和十字架上的律法,而且還處理撒旦。耶穌談到他的被釘十字架時說:現在是這個世界的審判;這是世界的審判。現在要把這世界的王子趕出去(約翰福音12:31)。基督在十字架上的死對撒但來說是一個偉大的勝利,但事實證明這是一次巨大的失敗,撒但無法從中恢復。耶穌在十字架上取得了三項偉大的勝利。首先,他解除了權力和權威的武裝(西2:15 新國際版),從撒但和他的軍隊手中奪走了他們持有的任何武器。撒但不能傷害不會傷害自己的信徒。當我們停止觀看和祈禱時(就像彼得一樣),撒但可以使用他的武器對付我們。


Second, Jesus “made a public spectacle” (Col. 2:15 niv) of the enemy, exposing Satan’s deceit and vileness. In His death, resurrection, and ascension, Christ vindicated God and vanquished the devil.

其次,耶穌公開展示了敵人(西   2:15  新國際版),暴露了撒但的欺騙和邪惡。基督在他的死,復活和提升中,為上帝辯護並擊敗了魔鬼。


His third victory is found in the word triumph. Whenever a Roman general won a great victory on foreign soil, took many captives and much loot, and gained new territory for Rome, he was honored by an official parade known as “the Roman Triumph.” Paul alluded to this practice in his Second Letter to the Corinthians (see 2 Cor. 2:14). Jesus Christ won a complete victory, and He returned to glory in a great triumphal procession (Eph. 4:8ff.). In this, He disgraced and defeated Satan.

在勝利一詞中找到了他的第三次勝利。每當羅馬將軍在異國他鄉取得重大勝利,奪取許多俘虜和大量戰利品並為羅馬贏得新領土時,他都會被稱為羅馬勝利的官方閱兵所榮耀。保羅在給哥林多人的第二封信中提到了這種作法(見  林前  214)。耶穌基督贏得了一次完全的勝利,他在一次偉大的凱旋遊行中回到了榮耀(弗48  比照研讀)。在這方面,他He愧並擊敗了撒但。


You and I share in His victory over the devil. We need not worry about the elemental forces that govern the planets and try to influence men’s lives. The satanic armies of principalities and powers are defeated and disgraced! As we claim the victory of Christ, use the equipment He has provided for us (Eph. 6:10ff.), and trust Him, we are free from the influence of the devil.

你和我分享他戰勝魔鬼的勝利。我們不必擔心控制行星並試圖影響人類生活的基本力量。撒旦的公國和大國軍隊被擊敗並遭到恥辱!當我們要求基督勝利時,使用祂為我們提供的裝備(弗610  比照研讀),並相信祂,我們就不受魔鬼的影響。


What a wonderful position and provision we have in Christ! Are we living up to it by faith?



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