Saturday, June 29, 2024

783 英翻中 (483) Sing Spiritual song with gratitude in yout hearts to God. 心被恩感, 歌頌上帝. 29/06/2024

783 英翻中 (483)     Sing Spiritual song with gratitude in yout hearts to God.   心被恩感, 歌頌上帝.                                      29/06/2024

親愛的主內訪友, 當您在歌頌上帝時, 有沒有心被恩感?  若沒有感恩的心, 就等聖靈觸發您熱烈的心被恩感, 再歌頌上帝.

Our singing must be with grace. This does not mean “singing in a gracious way,” but singing because we have God’s grace in our hearts. It takes grace to sing when we are in pain, or when circumstances seem to be against us. It certainly took grace for Paul and Silas to sing in that Philippian prison (Acts 16:22–25). Our singing must not be a display of fleshly talent; it must not be a display of fleshly talent; it must be a demonstration of the grace of God in our hearts.          我們的歌聲必須優雅。這並不意味著“以優雅的方式唱歌”,而是唱歌,因為我們內心深處有上帝的恩典。當我們處於痛苦中或當情況似乎不利於我們時,唱歌需要恩典。保羅和西拉斯在菲利浦的監獄中唱歌確實很寬容(使徒行傳1622-25)。我們的歌唱絕不能顯示肉體的才華。它一定不能顯示出肉體的才華;它必須是我們心中上帝的恩典的體現。

Someone has said that a successful Christian life involves attention to three books: God’s Book, the Bible; the pocketbook; and the hymn book. I agree. I often use a hymnal in my devotional time to help express my praise to God. As a believer grows in his knowledge of the Word, he will want to grow in his expression of praise. He will learn to appreciate the great hymns of the church, the gospel songs, and the spiritual songs that teach spiritual truths. To sing only the elementary songs of the faith is to rob himself of spiritual enrichment.                                            有人曾說過,成功的基督徒生活涉及對三本書的關注:《上帝的書》,《聖經》,《袖珍聖經》和《聖詩》。我同意。在靈修時,我經常使用讚美詩來表達對上帝的讚美。當信徒對上帝的道認識不斷增長時,他要用不斷增長的讚美的表達他的靈性。他將學會欣賞教堂的讚美詩,福音歌和傳授屬靈真理的靈歌。只唱信心的基本歌曲,就是在剝奪自己的屬靈悟性。

Before we leave this section, we should notice an important parallel with Ephesians 5:18—6:9. In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul emphasized being filled with the Spirit; in his letter to the Colossians, he emphasized being filled with the Word. But the evidences of this spiritual fullness are the same! How can we tell if a believer is filled with the Spirit? He is joyful, thankful, and submissive (Eph. 5:19–21); all of this shows up in his relationships in the home and on the job (Eph. 5:22—6:9). How can we tell if a believer is filled with the Word of God? He is joyful, thankful, and submissive (Col. 3:16—4:1).                                                                                            在離開本段之前,我們應該注意到與以弗所書518節至69有很相似重要之處。保羅在給以弗所書信中, 強調要被聖靈充滿。在給歌羅西人的信中,他強調要被聖言充滿。但是,這種靈性上豐滿的證據是相同的!我們如何分辨信徒是否被聖靈充滿?      他表現出喜樂,感恩,順從等感動(弗     519-21)。所有這些都出現在他在家庭和工作中的關係中(弗   522-69)。我們如何分辨信徒是否對上帝的道充分的認識?他應該表現喜樂,感恩和順從的情緒(西   316-41)。

3.  The Name of Christ (3:17)                                                                                                                  3.  基督的名(3:17

In modern society, we pay little attention to names. But the ancient world held a man’s name to be of utmost importance. Often, during Old Testament days, God changed a person’s name because of some important experience or some new development.                                                    在現代社會中,我們很少留意名稱。但是古代世界最重要的是男人的名字。通常,在舊約時代,上帝由於某些重要經驗或一些新的發展而改變他的名字。

As Christians, we bear the name of Christ. The word Christian is found only three times in the entire New Testament (Acts 11:26; 26:28; 1 Peter 4:16). The name was given originally as a term of contempt, but gradually it became a name of honor. The name of Christ, then, means identification: we belong to Jesus Christ.                                                                                              作為基督徒,我們以小基督的名字見稱。在整個《新約》中,基督徒名稱僅被發現三次 (徒   11:26; 26:28; 彼前   4 : 16)。該名稱最初有鄙視的含意,但後來逐漸成為榮耀的名稱。因此,基督徒的名字, 意味著與基督認同:我們屬於耶穌基督。

But His name also means authority. A man’s name signed to a check authorizes the withdrawal of money from the bank. The president’s name signed to a bill makes it a law. In the same way, it is in the name of Jesus Christ that we have the authority to pray (John 14:13–14; 16:23–26). Because Jesus Christ is God, and He has died for us, we have authority in His name.                    但是祂的名字也意味著權威。在支票上簽名的人的名字允許從銀行取款。總統在法案上簽字的名字使其成為法律。同樣,我們有權以耶穌基督的名義禱告(約   1413-14; 1623-26)。因為耶穌基督是上帝,並且祂為我們的罪而死,所以我們擁有以他的名所擁有的權柄。

All that we say and do should be associated with the name of Jesus Christ. By our words and our works, we should glorify His name. If we permit anything into our lives that cannot be associated with the name of Jesus, then we are sinning. We must do and say everything on the authority of His name and for the honor of His name.                                                                                                我們所說和所做的一切都應與耶穌基督的名相稱。我們應藉著自己的行事為人來榮耀祂的名。如果我們允許任何與耶穌的名字不相關的東西,  進入我們的生活,那麼我們就是在犯罪。我們必須以祂的名的權威,  和為祂的名的榮譽做我們所有行事為人的準則。

Bearing the name of Jesus is a great privilege, but it is also a tremendous responsibility. We suffer persecution because we bear His name (John 15:20–21). I have noticed in conversations that you can tell people you are a Baptist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, or even an atheist, and there will be little response. But if you tell people you are a Christian and bring the name of Christ into the conversation, almost immediately there is some kind of response, and it is usually negative.          奉主耶穌的名是榮耀的特權,但也是重大的責任。我們遭受迫害, 是因為我們奉主耶穌的名行事為人(約     1520-21)。在談話中我注意到,您可以告訴人, 您是屬浸信會,長老會,路德教會的, 甚至是無神論者,對此幾乎沒有反應。但是,如果您告訴人們您是基督徒,並在對話中,   榮耀基督的名,馬上就會出現一些反應,通常是負面的。

Every parent tries to teach his children to honor the family name. In just a few minutes, a person can dis[1]grace a name that it has taken his ancestors years to build. For example, the Hebrew name Judah is a respected name; it means “praise.” The New Testament equivalent is “Judas”—and who would name his son Judas? Note that Paul again mentioned thanksgiving in this Colossian letter. Whatever we do in the name of Christ ought to be joined with thanksgiving. If we cannot give thanks, then we had better not do it or say it! This is the fifth of six references in Colossians to thanksgiving (Col. 1:3, 12; 2:7; 3:15, 17; 4:2). When we remember that Paul was a Roman prisoner when he wrote this letter, it makes this emphasis on thanksgiving that much more wonderful.                                                                                                                                        每個做父母都試圖教導他們的子女尊重他們宗親姓氏。在短短的幾分鐘內,人就可以輕視其祖先多年建立的名字。例如,希伯來人的名字猶大就是受人尊敬的名字;意思是“讚美”。新約的等價詞是“猶大”-誰叫他的兒子猶大?    請注意,保羅在歌羅西書中再次提到感恩節。我們奉基督之名所做的一切,都應伴隨心被恩感。如果我們不能存感恩的,最好不要這樣做, 或如此說!這是歌羅西書中提到感恩的六個參考文獻中的第五處所默示的(西     1312; 27;   3:1517;  42)。當我們回想起保羅寫這封信時, 他是羅馬的囚犯,這使對感恩的重視, 更加奇妙。

As we review these four spiritual motivations for godly living, we are impressed with the centrality of Jesus Christ. We forgive because Christ forgave us (Col. 3:13). It is the peace of Christ that should rule in our hearts (Col. 3:15). The Word of Christ should dwell in us richly (Col. 3:16). The name of Christ should be our identification and our authority. “Christ is all, and in all” (Col. 3:11).                                                                                                                                        當我們回顧這四種虔誠生活的屬靈動機時,對耶穌基督為中心印象深刻。我們能饒恕, 是因為基督先饒恕了我們(西   3:13)。應該在我們心中先有基督的平安(西    3:15)。基督的道應當豐富地居住在我們裡面(西     3:16)。基督的名應當成為我們的身份和權威。 “基督是一切,祂是萬有”(西3:11)。

Since we are united with Christ through the indwelling Holy Spirit, we have all the resources we need for holy living. But we must be spiritually motivated. Because we have experienced the grace of Christ, we want to live for Him. Because we have enjoyed the peace of Christ, we want to obey Him. We have been enriched by the Word of Christ, and ennobled by the name of Christ; therefore, we want to honor and glorify Him. Can we desire any higher motivation?                      由於我們通過內住的聖靈與基督聯合,所以我們擁有進行聖潔生活所需的全部資源。但是我們必須有屬靈上的感動大能。因為我們經歷了基督的恩典,所以我們想為祂而活。因為我們享受了基督的平安,所以我們想順服祂。我們因基督的聖言而富足,因基督的名稱而高貴。因此,我們要尊敬和榮耀祂。我們可以渴望更高的大能嗎?

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