Thursday, June 27, 2024

781 英翻中 (481) To put off the grave-clothes of sin and put on new clothes of new born. 脫下罪惡的死衣, 穿上重生的新衣. 27/06/2024

781 英翻中 (481)   To put off the grave-clothes of sin and put on new clothes of new born.                                                                      脫下罪惡的死衣, 穿上重生的新衣.                          27/06/2024

CHAPTER NINE            ALL DRESSED UP AND SOMEPLACE TO GO      Colossians 3:12–17  第九章                                                    一切盡力而為                                                                                                                                                                                                                         歌羅西書31217

This section completes Paul’s exhortation to the Christian to live a holy life. It continues the illustration of garments: “Put off … put on” (Col. 3:8–10). He exhorted his readers to put off the grave-clothes of sin and the old life, and to put on the “grace-clothes” of holiness and the new life in Christ.                                                                                                                                                    上一部分完成了保羅對基督徒的勸告,以過一種聖潔的生活。它延續了服裝的錯覺:“脫下…穿上”(西   38-10)。他勸告讀者們脫下罪惡和老我生活的犯罪污染的衣服,並穿上在基督裡新生活聖潔的“恩典”新衣。

The emphasis in this section is on motives. Why should we put off the old deeds and put on the qualities of the new life? Paul explained four motives that ought to encourage us to walk in newness of life (Rom. 6:4).                                                                                                                      本段節的重點是動機。我們為什麼要拋棄老我,換上新生命的聖潔衣服?保羅提出了四個動機加以解釋,它們應該鼓勵我們走上行事為人的新生活(羅   64)。

1.  The Grace of Christ (3:12–14)                                                                                                            1.  基督的恩典(312-14

Grace is God’s favor to undeserving sinners. Paul reminded the Colossians of what God’s grace had done for them. God chose them (v. 12a). The word elect means “chosen of God.” God’s words to Israel through Moses help us to understand the meaning of salvation by grace: “The Lord did not set his love upon you, nor choose you, because ye were more in number than any people; for you were the fewest of all people. But because the Lord loved you … hath the Lord brought you out [of Egypt] with a mighty hand” (Deut. 7:7–8).                                                                                  恩典是上帝賜給罪人不當得的恩惠。保羅提醒歌羅西聖徒,上帝的恩典為他們做了什麼。祂選擇了他們(12節)。當選用這個詞的意思是表示“上帝的揀選”。上帝通過摩西對以色列的話語, 幫助我們理解了恩典得救的意義:“耶和華沒有將他的愛放在你身上,也沒有選擇你,因為你們的人數在眾多人數中,  因為你們是所有人中最少的。但是因為祂愛你……耶和華用大能的手將你從埃及領出來。(申   77-8

This miracle of divine election did not depend on anything that we are or that we have done, for God chose us in Christ “before the foundation of the world” (Eph. 1:4). If God saved a sinner on the basis of merit or works, nobody would be saved. It is all done through God’s grace that it might all bring glory to God.                                                                                                                   這次上帝選用的神蹟,  並不取決於我們的所是, 或所做的,因為上帝“在世界建立之前”就在基督裡揀選了我們(弗   14)。如果上帝根據功績或好行為救任何罪人,世上就不會有任何人得救。一切都是通過上帝的恩典來完成的,它可能都會給上帝帶來榮耀。

Of course, election is a “sacred secret” that belongs to God’s children. It is not a doctrine that we believers explain to the unsaved. “The Lord knoweth them that are his” (2 Tim. 2:19), so we must leave the working out of His eternal purposes with Him. Our task is to share the good news of the gospel with a lost world.                                                                                                                          誠然,選擇是屬於上帝得到祂的子民“神聖秘密”。我們相信這不是對未得救的人要說明的教義。 “上帝認識他們是屬祂的”(提後     2:19,所以我們必須把這作為脫離祂永恆的旨意, 交還給祂。我們的任務是與失落的世界分享福音的好消息。

God set them apart (v. 12). That is the meaning of the word holy. Because we have trusted Christ, we have been set apart from the world unto the Lord. We are not our own; we belong completely to Him (1 Cor. 6:19–20). Just as the marriage ceremony sets apart a man and a woman for each other exclusively, so salvation sets the believer apart exclusively for Jesus Christ. Would it not be a horrible thing, at the end of a wedding, to see the groom run off with the maid of honor? It is just as horrible to contemplate the Christian living for the world and the flesh.                       上帝將他們分開(第12節)。那就是屬於聖潔的意思。因為我們已經信靠了基督,所以我們已經與世隔絕,屬於主。我們不再是自己;我們完全屬於祂(林前   619-20)。就像結婚典禮使男人和女人分別彼此相屬一樣,救贖也使信徒分別為聖, 為耶穌基督所獨有。當婚禮結束時,看到新郎帶著榮譽的新娘急速離開,不是令人害怕的事嗎?    同樣, 當基督徒為世界和肉體而思索他的生活,  應急速避開,  顯得敬畏。

God loves them (v. 12). When an unbeliever sins, he is a creature breaking the laws of the holy Creator and Judge. But when a Christian sins, he is a child of God breaking the loving heart of his Father. Love is the strongest motivating power in the world. As the believer grows in his love for God, he will grow in his desire to obey Him and walk in the newness of life that he has in Christ.                                                                                                                                                       上帝愛他們(12節)。當不信者犯罪時,他就是破壞神聖創造者和審判者律法的人。但是,當基督徒犯罪時,他是上帝的孩子,傷害父親慈愛的心。愛是世界上最強大的動力。當信徒對上帝的愛不斷增長時,他就會越來越渴望順服祂,並依在基督裡的新生命行事為人。                                                     

God has forgiven them (vv. 13–14). “Having forgiven you all trespasses” (Col. 2:13). God’s forgiveness is complete and final; it is not conditional or partial. How is the holy God able to        forgive us guilty sinners? Because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. God has forgiven us “for Christ’s sake” (Eph. 4:32), and not for our own sake.                                                            上帝已赦免了他們(13-14 等節)。 “赦免你們一切的過犯”(西   2:13)。上帝的寬恕是完備而最終的;它不是有條件的或部分的。聖潔的上帝怎麼能原諒我們有罪的罪人? 因為耶穌基督在十字架上的捨命洗淨我們信祂的人的罪債。上帝是“為了基督的緣故”寬恕了我們(弗     4:32),而不是我們自己做了什麼而蒙赦免。

Chosen by God, set apart for God, loved by God, and forgiven by God. They all add up to GRACE! Now, because of these gracious blessings, the Christian has some solemn responsibilities before God. He must put on the beautiful graces of the Christian life. Paul named eight graces.      由上帝揀選,為上帝分別為聖,為上帝所愛,並接納上帝寬恕。他們全是恩典(GRACE)!現在,由於這些恩典的祝福,基督徒在上帝面前負有嚴肅的責任。他必須穿上基督徒生活的恩典新衣。保羅將這些恩典分別以八項加以說明。

1. Put on … tender mercies (Col. 3:12). The Greek uses the term bowels of compassion because the Greek people located the deeper emotions in the intestinal area, while we locate them in the heart. As believers, we need to display tender feelings of compassion toward one another (see Phil. 2:1ff). This is not something that we turn on and off, like the TV set. It is a constant attitude of heart that makes us easy to live with.                                                                                                    1.  穿上…溫柔憐憫的新衣(西    3:12)。希臘人使用“同情腸”一詞,因為希臘人將較深的情感置於腹內的腸道,而我們則將其置於心內。作為信徒,我們需要表現出對彼此的同情心(見     腓   2比照研讀)。這不是像電視機,   我們隨時可以打開和關閉的東西。它是恆久的內心態度, 使我主內弟兄們容易相處。

2. Put on … kindness (Col. 3:12). We have been saved because of God’s kindness toward us through Jesus Christ (Eph. 2:7; Titus 3:4). We, in turn, ought to show kindness toward others. “Be ye kind one to another” (Eph. 4:32) is God’s command.

2.  穿上……仁慈的新衣(西     3:12)。我們得救是因為上帝通過耶穌基督對我們的恩慈        (弗     27;  多     34)。反過來,我們應該對他人表示友善。上帝的命令是“你們要彼此善待” (   弗   4:32)。

One of the most beautiful pictures of kindness in the Bible is King David’s treatment of the crippled prince, Mephibosheth (see 2 Samuel 9). David’s desire was to show “the kindness of God” to King Saul’s family because of his own love for Saul’s son Jonathan. The young man chosen was Mephibosheth, Jonathan’s son, a poor cripple. If David had acted according to justice, he would have condemned Mephibosheth, for the man belonged to a condemned family. But David acted on the basis of love and grace.                                                                                         聖經中最美麗的善意圖片之一是大衛王對殘廢的王子米非波設的對待(見    撒下   )。大衛的願望是向掃羅王的家人表示“上帝的恩慈”,因為他對掃羅的兒子約拿單(Jonathan)有自己的愛。所選擇的年輕人是約拿單的兒子米非波設(Mephibosheth),他是個可憐的兒子。如果大衛按照正義行事,他將譴責米非波設,因為那人屬於一個受譴責的家庭。但是大衛是在愛與恩典的基礎上的作為。

David sought Mephibosheth and assured him not to be afraid. He invited Mephibosheth to live in the palace as a member of his family, and to eat at the king’s bountiful table. This is the kindness of God! You and I have experienced an even greater kindness, for as Christians, we are God’s children and shall live with Him in heaven forever!                                                                             大衛尋找墨菲伯設斯,並向他保證不要害怕。他邀請米非波設一家人住在宮殿裡,並在國王的豐盛餐桌旁吃飯。這就是上帝的仁慈!您和我經歷了更大的恩惠,因為作為基督徒,我們是上帝的孩子,並將永遠與祂同在天堂!

3. Put on … humbleness of mind (Col. 3:12). The pagan world of Paul’s day did not admire humility. Instead, they admired pride and domination. Jesus Christ is the greatest example of humbleness of mind (Phil. 2:1ff.). Humility is not thinking poorly of oneself.  Rather, it is having the proper estimate of oneself in the will of God (Rom. 12:3). The person with humbleness of mind thinks of others first and not of himself.                                                                                   3.  穿上……謙虛心志的新衣(西     3:12)。保羅時代的異教世界,    那時並不欣賞謙卑。相反,他們欽佩驕傲和統治。耶穌基督是內心謙卑的最大典範(腓     2比照研讀)。謙虛並不是對自己的想法很不好。相反,它是在上帝的旨意中, 對自己進行了適當的估計(羅   123)。謙虛的人首先想到別人,而不是自己。

4. Put on … meekness (Col. 3:12). Meekness is not weakness; it is power under control. This word was used to describe a soothing wind, a healing medicine, and a colt that had been broken. In each instance, there is power: a wind can become a storm; too much medicine can kill; a horse can break loose. But this power is under control. The meek person does not have to fly off the handle because he has everything under control.                                                                                   4.  穿上…溫柔的新衣(西   3:12)。溫柔不是軟弱。它是能力在受控制下的作為。這個詞用來形容舒緩的風,治癒的藥和小馬駒。在每種情況下,都有力量:舒緩的風會變成風暴。太多的藥會殺死人;一匹小馬會掙脫彊繩亂奔。但是溫柔是可以控制的能力。溫順的人不必控制,因為他的一切在控制之下

5. Put on … longsuffering (Col. 3:12). This word is literally “long-temper.” The short-tempered person speaks and acts impulsively and lacks self-control. When a person is longsuffering, he can put up with provoking people or circumstances without retaliating. It is good to be able to get angry, for this is a sign of holy character. But it is wrong to get angry quickly at the wrong things and for the wrong reasons.                                                                                                                      5.  穿上……長久受苦難的新衣(西   3:12)。這個詞的字面意思是“長久忍耐”。脾氣暴躁的人會說話和衝動,缺乏自制力。當一個人忍受長久苦難時,他可以長久忍人的挑釁或惡劣的情況,而無需進行報復。能夠生氣是件好事,因為這是神聖品質的標誌。但是,對錯誤的事情, 和錯誤的原因, 迅速生氣是不對的。

6. Put on … forbearance (Col. 3:13). This word literally means “to hold up” or “to hold back.” God is forbearing toward sinners in that He holds back His judgment (Rom. 2:4; 3:25). Meekness, longsuffering, and forbearance go together.                                                                           6. 穿上……寬容的新衣(西   3:13)。寬容的意思是“克”或“保留”。上帝寬恕罪人,因為他保留了自己的審判(羅24 325)。溫柔,長久苦難和寬容並存。

7. Put on … forgiveness (Col. 3:13). This is the logical result of all that Paul has written so far in this section. It is not enough that the Christian must endure grief and provocation, and refuse to retaliate; he must also forgive the troublemaker. If he does not, then feelings of malice will develop in the heart; and these can lead to greater sins.                                                                          7.  忍受……寬恕(西   3:13)。這是保羅到目前為止, 在本節中所寫內容的所有邏輯結果。基督徒單單忍受悲傷和挑釁,拒絕報復是不夠的。他還必須原諒麻煩製造者。如果他不這樣做,那麼惡心就會在心中發展。這些會導致更大的罪過。

8. Put on … love (Col. 3:14). This is the most important of the Christian virtues, and it acts like a “girdle” that ties all the other virtues together. All of the spiritual qualities Paul has named are aspects of true Christian love, as a reading of 1 Corinthians 13 will reveal. Love is the first of the fruit of the Spirit and the other virtues follow—joy (Col. 3:16), peace (Col. 3:15), longsuffering, gentleness, kindness, and meekness (Col. 3:12).                                                                                  8. 穿上……愛的新衣(西   3:14)。這是基督教美德中最重要的,它的作用就像將所有其他美德聯繫在一起的“腰帶”。保羅列舉的所有的這些屬靈品質,都是真正的基督徒愛所包括的,正如哥林多前書13章的所記載的那樣。愛是聖靈的果實之首,其他美德隨之而來   — 喜樂(西   3:16),和平(西   3:15),忍耐,柔和,仁慈和溫柔(西   3:12

When love rules in our lives, it unites all these spiritual virtues so that there is beauty and harmony, indicating spiritual maturity. This harmony and maturity keep the life balanced and growing. The gnostic system could never do this.                                                                                 愛在我們的生活中佔首位時,它將所有這些屬靈美德結合在一起,從而實現美麗與和諧,表明屬靈的成熟。這種和諧與成熟使生活保持平衡和成長。 諾斯底系統永遠無法做到這一點。

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