Friday, June 14, 2024

771 英翻中 (471) God helps me not falling down from the ladder 上帝救我免除跌斷腿骨. 14/6/202465 英翻中 (465) 上帝救我免除跌斷腿骨.

 771 英翻中 (471)  God helps me not falling down the stairs  上帝救我免除跌斷腿骨.      14/6/2024

司布真每日靈修(日) Morning by Morning

June 14

Scripture: “Delight yourself in the Lord.” (Psalm 37:4)

       To some, this verse is a little confusing to understand how someone can “delight in the Lord.” But to true believers, this verse is just a familiar truth repeated over and over again. The mark of a believer the constant flow of inner peace and joy, and they are truly able to delight in the Lord.

    Atheists or non-Christians never regard religion as a serious pleasure. They only think that believing in a religion will bring constraints and lack freedom. If they attend a worship service, it is probably because they have a request, and sometimes it is because they have no choice. They feel that "taking pleasure in God" is a very strange thought, and "holiness" and "joy" are even further out of reach. But those who know Jesus understand that "faith" and "joy" are so closely connected that even the forces of Hades cannot separate them. Those who love God with all their heart and soul know that His ways are full of peace and that at His right hand are everlasting happiness. Because of our complete surrender and total dedication, we will not reluctantly pursue holiness, nor will we have no choice but to perform rituals. No, we not only regard serving God as our joy, but also having hope      brings us peace and joy.                





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