Tuesday, June 18, 2024

773 英翻中(473) Watch Out for Spiritual Perils. 當心靈命的危險. 18/6/2024

773 英翻中(473)           Watch Out for Spiritual Perils.           當心靈命的危險.              18/6/2024

2.  Watch Out for Spiritual Perils (2:8–10)                                                                                              2.  當心靈命的危險(28-10 

Paul continued the military image with this warning: “Beware lest any man carry you off as a captive” (literal translation). The false teachers did not go out and win the lost, any more than the cultists do today. They “kidnapped” converts from churches! Most of the people I have talked with who are members of antichristian cults were at one time associated with a Christian church of one denomination or another.                                                                                                               保羅繼續發出如軍事的形象,並提出以下警告,當心,以免任何人將你俘虜帶走(字面翻譯)。 假教師不會像今天的虔誠信徒那樣,出去贏得更多的喪失者。假教師 綁架教會信主的會友! 我與之交談的大多數反基督教的份子,都是從前與教會或參加某宗派聚會的人。 

How is it possible for false teachers to capture people? The answer is simple: These “captives” are ignorant of the truths of the Word of God. They become fascinated by the philosophy and empty delusion of the false teachers. (This is not to say that all philosophy is wrong, because there is a Christian philosophy of life. The word simply means “to love wisdom.”) When a person does not know the doctrines of the Christian faith, he can easily be captured by false religions.      假教師怎麼可能綁架人?  答案很簡單:這些 俘虜無視上帝之道的真理。他們對假教師的哲學和虛幻著迷了。 (並不是說所有哲學都是錯誤的,因為也有基督教的生活哲學。這個詞僅表示  “愛智慧。)當一個人不了解基督信仰的教義時,他很容易成為假宗教的俘虜。

This philosophy of the false teachers is “hollow and deceptive” (Col. 2:8 niv) for several reasons. To begin with, it is the tradition of men and not the truth of God’s Word. The word tradition means “that which is handed down”; and there is a true Christian tradition (1 Cor. 15:3ff.; 2 Thess. 2:15; 3:6; 2 Tim. 2:2). The important thing about any teaching is its origin: Did it come from God or from man? The religious leaders in our Lord’s day had their traditions and were very zealous to obey them and protect them (Matt. 15:1–20). Even the apostle Paul, before he met the Lord, was “exceedingly zealous of the traditions” (Gal. 1:14).                                                 假教師的哲學是 空的和欺騙(西28)。有幾個原因。首先,它們是人的傳統,而不是上帝聖言的真理。傳統是說  “傳下來的東西 這裡有真正的基督教傳統(林前153 比照研讀帖後   2:15; 36; 提後22)。任何教義的重要之處在於它的源頭:它是來自上帝還是來自人?  在主耶穌的日子裡,那時的宗教領袖有他們的傳統,並且非常熱心服從和保護它們(太   151-20)。甚至使徒保羅在遇見主之前,也是  “超越尋常的熱衷於傳統(加1:14)。

If a new Christian from a distant mission field were to visit many of our churches, he would probably be astounded at the ideas and practices we have that cannot be supported by God’s Word. Our man-made traditions are usually more important to us than the God-given doctrines of the Scriptures! While it is not wrong to have church traditions that remind us of our godly heritage, we must be careful not to make these traditions equal to the Word of God.                       若來自遙遠宣教領域的新基督徒來拜訪我們的許多教堂,他可能會對我們的想法和做法感到驚訝,因這些想法和做法得不到上帝聖言的支持。對我們而言,人建立的傳統,通常比上帝賦予我們的聖經教義更重要! 教會的傳統讓我們想起敬虔傳統,這不一定是錯的,但我們必須小心,不要使這些傳統與上帝的聖言相提並論。

The false teachers’ traditions were “hollow and deceptive” for another reason: they involved “the rudiments of the world.” The Greek word translated “rudiments” basically means “one of a row or series.” It had several meanings attached to it: (1) the elementary sounds or letters, the ABCs; (2) the basic elements of the universe, as in 2 Peter 3:10–12; (3) the basic elements of knowledge, the ABCs of some system, as in Hebrews 5:12. But in ancient Greece, this word also meant “the elemental spirits of the universe, the angels that influenced the heavenly bodies.” It was one of the words in the vocabulary of the religious astrology of that day.                                                       假教師的傳統是 空洞的和欺騙性的,是出於另一個原因:它們涉及  “世界的基本原則。希臘語翻譯  “基本”  實際上是指  “行或一系列 它具有以下幾種含義:(1)基本的聲音或字母,即ABC 2)宇宙的基本要素,如彼得後書310-12等節 3)知識的基本要素,像ABC的一些系統的,如希伯來書512。但是在古希臘語中,它還意味著  “宇宙基本的靈智,天使,影響天體的運作 基本是當時宗教占星術詞彙中的單詞之一。

The Gnostics believed that the angels and the heavenly bodies influenced people’s lives. Paul’s warnings to the Colossians about “new moon” and other religious practices determined by the calendar (Col. 2:16) may be related to this gnostic teaching, though the Jewish people also watched the calendar (Gal. 4:10). One thing is certain: such teachings about demons and angels were not a part of true Christian doctrine. If anything, such teachings were satanic.                     諾斯底派相信天使和天體會影響人的生活。 保羅對歌羅西人的警告是有關於  “新月和其他有關日曆確定宗教的習俗(西   2:16),儘管猶太人也查看日曆(加4:10),但這可能與諾斯底派的教導有關。這些有關於惡魔和天使的教導,可以肯定不是基督信仰的真正教義的一部分。如果是的話,那末是撒旦的假教師的教導。

The fact that this teaching is not after Christ is sufficient to warn us against horoscopes, astral charts, Ouija boards, and other spiritist practices. The whole zodiac system is contrary to the teaching of the Word of God. The Christian who dabbles in mysticism and the occult is only asking for trouble.                                                                                                                                   這種教導發生在基督當時代的事實,足以警惕我們對星座,星界的圖表,靈應盤(Ouija)和其他靈界的做法。整個十二宮圗(zodiac)系統與上帝聖言的教導背道而馳。著迷神秘主義和玄學的基督徒只是自找麻煩。

Why follow empty philosophy when we have all fullness in Christ? This is like turning away from the satisfying river to drink at the dirty cisterns of the world (Jer. 2:13). Of course, the false teachers in Colosse did not ask the believers to forsake Christ. They asked them to make Christ a part of the new system. But this would only remove Him from His rightful place of preeminence.當我們在基督裡已有祂的豐盛時,為什麼要尋找空洞的哲學? 這就像人從清潔合意的河流不用,轉而向世俗骯髒的蓄水池中去喝水一樣(耶   2:13)。當然,歌羅西的假教師並沒有要求信徒們放棄基督。假教師要求他們使基督成為新系統的一部分。但這樣做只會將基督從祂應有的位置上移開。 

So Paul gave the true and lasting antidote to all false teaching: “All fullness is in Christ, and you have been made full in Him. Why, then, would you need anything else?” (see Col. 2:9–10).           因此,保羅對所有虛假的教導,提供真實而持久的矯正法:所有的豐盛都在基督裡,而你已經在祂裡面得了豐盛。那麼,為什麼還要去尋找其他的呢?(見  西   29-10)。

We have seen the word “fullness” (pleroma) before (Col. 1:19). It means “the sum total of all that God is, all of His being and attributes.” This word was used by the Gnostics, but they did not give it the same meaning as did Paul. To them, the pleroma was the source of all the “emanations” through which men could come to God. The highest point in gnostic religious experience was to share in the pleroma.                                                                                                  我們已經在前面(西   1:19)知道  “豐滿pleroma)。 它的意思是  “上帝本性一切的豐盛,是祂有形有體的實存和本性。”  諾斯底派也使用這詞,但是,他們沒有像保羅那樣賦予的含義。在他們看來,人類發展是 豐滿,它是所有  “放射體”  的源泉,人可以通過這放射體返回上帝。 諾斯底派的最髙宗教性的分享是在  “豐滿

Of course, there are no emanations from God. The gulf between heaven and earth was bridged in the incarnation of Jesus Christ. He is declared to be “Emmanuel, God with us” (Matt. 1:23). Jesus Christ is the fullness of God, and that fullness dwells continually and permanently in Him bodily. Once again, Paul refuted the gnostic doctrine that matter was evil and that Jesus did not have a human body.                                                                                                                                    當然,從上帝沒有放射出任何東西。 耶穌基督的道成肉身彌合了天地之間的鴻溝。祂宣告為  “以馬內利,上帝與我們同在(太   1:23)。耶穌基督是上帝的豐盛,上帝有形有體的本性一切豐盛,永久地居住在基督體裡面。保羅再次駁斥諾斯底派的教義,他們說物質是邪惡的,所以耶穌沒有道成肉身

When Jesus Christ ascended to heaven, He went in a human body. It was a glorified body, to be sure, but it was real. After His resurrection, our Lord was careful to assure His disciples that He was the same Person in the same body; He was not a ghost or a spirit (see John 20:19–29). There is a glorified Man in heaven! The God-Man, Jesus Christ, embodies the fullness of God!                 耶穌基督升天時,祂進入了人體。可以肯定的是光榮的身體,並且是實存的。在祂復活之後,主非常注意的向祂的門徒證明祂是同一個人。祂不是鬼或精靈(見  2019-29)。天上有位榮耀的人!上帝本性的豐滿居住在神人耶穌基督裡!

Now, the remarkable thing is this: every believer shares that fullness! “And ye are complete in him” (Col. 2:10). The tense of the Greek verb indicates that this fullness is a permanent experience. Dr. Kenneth Wuest’s very literal Expanded Translation reads, “And you are in Him, having been completely filled full with the present result that you are in a state of fullness.”         現在,值得驚奇的是:每個信徒都分享這種豐盛!你們在祂裡面得了豐盛(西  2:10)。希臘語動詞的時態表明這種豐盛是永久的經歷。肯尼 · (Dr. Kenneth Wuest’s)博士的字面直譯寫道,你們在祂裡面,目前有完全豐盛的結果,是處在豐滿的狀態。

When a person is born again into the family of God, he is born complete in Christ. His spiritual growth is not by addition, but by nutrition. He grows from the inside out. Nothing needs to be added to Christ because He already is the very fullness of God. As the believer draws on Christ’s fullness, he is “filled unto all the fullness of God” (Eph. 3:19). What more does he need?                 當一個人在上帝家庭中重生時,他就在基督裡豐盛的重生。他的靈命成長不是靠增加,而是要營養。他是從內向外的成長。不需要添加任何東西,因為上帝的豐盛已經居住在基督裡。當信徒使用基督的豐滿時,他 就被上帝的豐滿所充滿(弗3:19)。他還需要什麼?

Indeed, there are spiritual perils that the Christian faces. The fundamental test of any religious teaching is “Where does it put Jesus Christ—His person and His work?” Does it rob Him of His fullness? Does it deny either His deity or His humanity? Does it affirm that the believer must have some “new experience” to supplement his experience with Christ? If so, that teaching is wrong and dangerous.                                                                                                                                 真的,基督徒面臨著屬靈上的危險。任何宗教教義的基本考驗是 耶穌基督的位置 --- 是祂的人性,還是祂的聖工?”  是從主奪走祂的豐盛嗎?  還是否認祂的神性或祂的道成肉身?  是否是肯定信徒必須有些  “新的經驗來補充他與基督的經歷? 如果是這樣,那教導是錯誤和危險的。

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