Friday, June 21, 2024

776 英翻中 (476) Let No Man Beguile You of Your Rewar.不要讓人詐騙你的獎賞 . 6/21/2024

776  英翻中 (476)   Let No Man Beguile You of Your Rewar.  不要讓人詐騙你的獎賞    .       6/21/2024                                   

親愛的訪友,  編輯者曾作見證,  我考上台灣大學得力於英文考了 76分.  那時一般考生都致力於苦啃英文文法.   固然學習英文文法大大有助於英文的翻譯, 但還是不如直接學習翻譯來得好.    那時我在工作之餘,  就拿起趙麗蓮博士所編的  "學生英文雜誌",  內容充滿有趣的中英對照翻譯故事.   不但學習到英語文法,  也增加對字彙記憶.   就是說對英文 ---  作文,  英文中翻英,  及英翻中 都大有幫助.       朋友,  編輯者選Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe 所著的 " Be  Book " 中的  "Be   Complete" 來幫助您記憶英文文法及字彙,   且讓您欣賞其文字的簡潔優美.      作者是在葛理翰博士                                (Dr. Billygram )       在加州洛杉磯帳篷宣教佈道中得救的,  然後任慕廸聖經學院的主任牧師.   大前年去世.    編輯者心被恩感,  決志翻譯該卷聖經,  歌頌上帝.                                                            

2. “Let No Man Beguile You of Your Reward” (2:18–19)                                                                      2.不要讓人詐騙你的獎賞”(218-19

The word translated “beguile” in the King James Version means “to declare unworthy of a prize.” It is an athletic term: the umpire disqualifies the contestant because he has not obeyed the rules. The contestant does not cease to be a citizen of the land, but he forfeits the honor of winning a prize. A Christian who fails to obey God’s directions does not lose his salvation. But he does lose the approval of the Lord and the rewards He has promised to those who are faithful     (1 Cor. 3:8).                                                                                                                                                 欽定版譯本中的“詐騙(beguile)”是“宣布獎賞無價值”。這是運動的術語:因為裁判不遵守規則,隨便取消運動員參賽資格。參賽者並沒有失去成為該國的公民,但他却喪失了獲得獎賞的榮譽。基督徒如果不聽從上帝的旨意,他並不會失去救贖。但是他的確會失去了主的認可,也喪失了主向忠心的人所應許的獎賞(林前   38)。

It is a gracious act of God that He has promised rewards to those who serve Him. Certainly He does not owe us anything! We ought to be so grateful that He has saved us from judgment that we would serve Him whether or not we received a reward. Most of God’s servants probably obey Him out of love and devotion and never think about rewards. Just as there are degrees of punishment in hell (Matt. 23:14), so there will be degrees of glory in heaven—even though all believers will be like Christ in their glorified bodies. The Puritan Thomas Watson said it perfectly: “Though every vessel of mercy shall be full [in heaven], yet one may hold more than another.”                                                                                                                                                     上帝對那些侍奉祂的人應許賜獎賞,這是上帝恩典的作為。誠然,祂不欠我們任何東西!我們應該對祂使我們脫離了審判,付出感激,無論我們是能否獲得獎賞,都應該為祂服務。大多數上帝的僕人,可能出於愛和奉獻而順服祂,從不考慮回報。就像在地獄中受到懲罰的程度一樣(太23:14),天上也會有榮耀的程度 --- 就像所有信徒都有像基督一樣的榮耀的身體。清教徒托馬 · 沃森(Thomas Watson)完美地說,“儘管在[天堂]每隻的船都充滿了憐憫,但並不是都能容納。 

There is, then, the danger that our lives today will rob us of reward and glory tomorrow. The peril Paul had in mind here was Eastern mysticism, the belief that a person can have an immediate experience with the spiritual world, completely apart from the Word of God or the Holy Spirit. The false teachers in Colosse had visions and made contact with angels. In bypassing the Word of God and the Spirit of God, they were opening themselves to all kinds of demonic activity— because Satan knows how to give counterfeit experiences to people (2 Cor. 11:13–15).   於是,可能會發生以今天的生活奪取我們明天光榮和賞賜。在保羅的頭腦中,所想到的危險是東方的神秘主義,認為人可以立即可以經驗屬靈的世界,而完全脫離了上帝的話語或聖靈。歌羅西的假教師有異象,並且與天使接觸。他們繞開了上帝的道和祂的靈,向各種惡魔活動敞開了大門,因為撒但知道如何向人提供假冒的經歷(林前   1113-15)。

The word translated “intruding” was a technical term used by the mystical religions of that day. It meant “to set foot in the inner shrine, to be fully initiated into the mysteries of the religion.” No Christian has to go through any initiation ceremony to get into the presence of God. We may have “boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus” (Heb. 10:19). We may “come boldly unto the throne of grace” (Heb. 4:16). And as for worshipping angels, they are our servants! The angels are “all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation” (Heb. 1:14).                                                                                                                                                 翻譯為“入侵”。這詞是當時神秘宗教使用的技術術語。是說“進入廟的內部,全面進入宗教的奧秘。”基督徒無需參加任何典禮就可以與上帝的同在。我們可能有“膽敢藉著耶穌的寶血進入至聖所”(來   10:19)。我們可以“大膽地來到恩典的寶座前”(來   4:16)。至於敬拜天使,他們是我們的僕人!天使“都是服役的靈,奉差遣為那要承受救恩的人效力”(來   1:14)。

Of course, all of this mystical ceremony was wrapped up in a false humility that was actually an expression of pride. “I am not good enough to come directly to God,” the gnostic would say, “so I will start with one of the angels.”                                                                                                            誠然,所有這些神秘的儀式都籠罩在虛假的謙卑中,實際上是自誇的表象。諾斯底派人說,“我還不夠好到可以直接來到上帝面前,所以我要從天使中的一位開始。”

Trying to reach God the Father through anyone or anything other than His Son, Jesus Christ, is idolatry. Jesus Christ is the one and only Mediator between God and man (John 14:6; 1 Tim. 2:5). The person who worships through angels or saints now in heaven does not prove his humility, for he is not submitting to the authority of God’s Word. Actually, he reveals a subtle kind of pride that substitutes man-made traditions for me Word of God. “His unspiritual mind puffs him up with idle notions” (Col. 2:18 niv).                                                                                                           試圖通過不是父上帝兒子耶穌基督之外的任何人或其他事物,要來到上帝面前,那是偶像崇拜。耶穌基督是上帝與人之間的唯一且是僅有的調解人(約   146 提前   25)。如今在天堂里藉著天使或聖徒敬拜的人,並不能證明他是謙卑,因為他沒有屈服於上帝聖言的權威。實際上,他顯示了一種微妙的自傲自大感,他以人為的傳統代替了我的上帝聖言。 “他的不屬靈思想產生出他無用的概念”(西   2:18 新國際版)。

True worship always humbles a person. The mind is awed by the greatness of God; the heart is filled with love for God; and the will is submitted to the purpose God has for the life. The gnostics, however, were interested primarily in “deeper spiritual knowledge,” and they ignored God’s truth. Their “inner secrets” gave them big heads, but not burning hearts or submissive wills. “Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up” (1 Cor. 8:1 niv).                                                          真正的敬拜總是使人謙卑。心靈因上帝的偉大而敬畏。內心充滿了對上帝的愛;意志被奉獻給了上帝一生的目的。然而,這些專家們主要是對“更深的精神知識”感興趣,他們忽略了上帝的真理。他們的“內在秘訣”使他們大開了腦袋,但並沒有燃燒的心或順從的意志.“知識浮出水面,但愛卻沉積了”(林前   81新國際版)。

It is worth noting that a true spiritual experience with God leads to submission and service. When Job met the Lord he said, “I have heard of thee by the hear[1]ing of the ear, but now mine eye seeth thee. Wherefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes” (Job 42:5–6). Peter fell down before his Lord and said, “Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord” (Luke 5:8). Isaiah saw the Lord and confessed how sin[1]ful he was (Isa. 6), and when John saw the risen Christ, he fell at His feet like a dead man (Rev. 1:17).                                                                                              值得注意的是,與上帝的真正屬靈經歷導致服從和服務。當約伯遇見上帝時,他說:“我已經聽見了祢的聲音,但是現在我的眼睛看見祢了。因此我憎惡自己,在塵土和灰燼中悔改”(約伯記   425-6)。彼得在他的主面前跌倒時說:“離開我吧。上帝啊,因為我是一個有罪的人”(路   58)。以賽亞見了耶和華並承認他有多罪惡(賽   6章),當約翰看見復活的基督時,他像死人一樣跌倒在祂的腳下(啟   1:17)。

The cheap familiarity with which some people approach God in prayer, or talk about Him in testi[1]mony or conversation, sometimes borders on blasphemy. The saintly Bishop Westcott of Great Britain, author of many scholarly commentaries on various books of the Bible, once wrote, “Every year makes me tremble at the daring with which people speak of spiritual things.”  某些人在禱告中接近上帝,或在見證或談話中談論上帝的廉價的親切感,有時會褻瀆神靈。英國的聖韋斯特科特主教,曾在聖經的各種書籍中發表許多學術評論,曾寫道:“每年,我都因為人們談論精神事物的大膽而顫抖。”

Tragically, this “vain religion of the puffed-up fleshly mind” is but a mere substitute for true spiritual nourishment from Jesus Christ, the Head of the body, His church. This is one of several passages in the New Testament that pictures the church as the body of Christ (see Rom. 12:4ff.; 1 Cor. 12–14; Eph. 4:4–16; Col. 1:18, 24). All of us, as believers, are members of the spiritual body, the church, because of the work of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 12:12–13). As Christians, we minister to one another in the body just as the various parts of the human body minister to each other (1 Cor. 12:14ff.).                                                                                                                                                    可悲的是,這種“充實的肉體虛榮的宗教”只不過是身體的元首耶穌基督(他的教會)提供的真正屬靈營養的替代品。這是新約聖經中幾段描述教會為基督身體的段落之一(見羅124ff .;林前12-14;弗44-16;西11824)。 )。由於聖靈的工作,我們所有人(作為信徒)都是靈性身體的成員,即教會的成員(林前11212-13)。作為基督徒,我們在身體中彼此服務,就像人體的各個部分彼此服務一樣(林前1214ff。)。

 But if a believer does not draw on the spiritual nourishment that comes from Christ and other Christians, he becomes weak. The false teachers were not holding to the Head, and therefore they were spiritually undernourished, but they thought they were spiritual experts. Imagine thinking yourself a giant when in reality you are a pygmy!                                                                                 但是,如果一個信徒不依靠基督和其他基督徒的屬靈營養,他就會變得虛弱。虛假的老師沒有堅持到底,因此他們在精神上營養不良,但他們認為自己是精神上的專家。想像一下,當您實際上是侏儒時,會以為自己是個巨人!

The false teachers were anxious to win converts to their cause, but the spiritual body grows by nutrition, not by addition. Every member of Christ’s body, including the “ligaments and sinews” (joints and bands), is important to the health and growth of the body. No matter what your spiritual gift may be, you are important to the church. In fact, some people who may not have spectacular public ministries are probably just as important behind the scenes as those out in public.                                                                                                                                                         虛假的老師渴望贏得歸信者的轉化,但是精神的身體是通過營養而不是通過添加來增長的。基督身體的每個成員,包括“韌帶和筋”(關節和筋),對身體的健康和成長都很重要。無論您的屬靈恩賜是什麼,您對教會都很重要。實際上,一些幕後工作人員可能沒有出色的公共事務,但他們在幕後的重要性與在公開場合一樣重要。

It is through worship, prayer, and the Word that we draw on the spiritual resources of Christ. All of us must be part of a local church where we can exercise our own spiritual gifts (Eph. 4:11–17). “Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good” (1 Cor. 12:7 niv). The New Testament says nothing of “isolated saints” outside of the local church.                             我們通過敬拜,祈禱和誠心讀聖言來汲取基督的屬靈資源。我們所有人都必須成為當地教會的一員,在這裡我們可以行使自己的屬靈恩賜(弗   41117)。 “現在每個人的聖靈的顯現都是為了共同的利益”(林前   127)。新約聖經在當地教堂外沒有說“孤立的聖徒”。

 But it is possible to be in a local church and not draw on the Head and the nourishment of the spiritual body. The false teachers in Colosse sought to introduce their teachings into the local assembly, and if they succeeded, they would have caused the spiritual nourishment to decrease instead of increase. Unless the members of the local assembly abide in Christ, yield to the Spirit, and obey the Word, they cannot experience the life of the Head, Jesus Christ.                                 但是有可能在當地的教堂裡,而不是依靠頭部和精神身體的營養。歌羅西的假教師試圖將他們的教引入當地教會,如果他們成功了,他們本來會導致屬靈上的營養減少而不是增加。除非當地教會的成員住在基督裡,屈服於聖靈,並遵守聖言,否則他們將無法體驗耶穌基督為教會之首的生活。

There is a fascination with “religious mysticism” that attracts people. Learning mysteries, being initiated into the inner secrets, and having contact with the spirit world all seem exciting.       對“宗教神秘主義”的迷戀吸引了人們。學習奧秘,被發現在內在的秘密以及與靈界的接觸似乎都令人興奮。

But these practices are soundly condemned by God. The true Christian glories in Christ, not in his own experience. He follows the Word, led by the Holy Spirit, and as he abides in Christ, he experiences bless[1]ing and fruitfulness. He seeks no other experience than that which relates him to the Head, Jesus Christ.                                                                                                                         但是這些做法遭到上帝的強烈譴責。基督徒真正的榮耀是在基督裡,而不是在他自己的經歷上。他遵循由聖靈引導的聖言,並在基督里居住時,經歷了祝福和富有成果。他除了尋求與他的首長耶穌基督有關的經驗外,沒有其他經驗。


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