Friday, June 28, 2024

782 英翻中 (482) Lord, grants us Your peace! 主阿, 求賜我們祢的平安! 28/06/2024

782 英翻中 (482)          Lord, grants us Your peace!          主阿, 求賜我們祢的平安!     28/06/2024

親愛的主內訪友, 您有基督的平安嗎?  趕快向主耶穌祈求賜下祂的平安.

2. The Peace of Christ (3:15)                                                                                                                  2. 基督的平安(3:15

In this verse Paul turned from character to conduct. How can a Christian know when he is doing God’s will? One answer is the peace of Christ in the heart and in the church. When the believer loses his inner peace, he knows that he has in some way disobeyed God.                                              保羅在這節經文中轉變了品格到行為。基督徒怎麼知道自己何時遵守上帝的旨意?    答案是他有沒有基督在您心靈和教會中的平安。當信徒失去內心的平靜時,便知道他已經以某種方式背逆上帝的旨意。

The word translated “rule” is an athletic term. It means “to preside at the games and distribute the prizes.” Paul used a variation of this word in his letter to the Colossians: “Let no one declare you unworthy of a prize” (literal translation, Col. 2:18). In the Greek games, there were judges (we would call them “umpires”) who rejected the contestants who were not qualified, and who disqualified those who broke the rules. The peace of God is the “Umpire” in our believing hearts and our churches. When we obey the will of God, we have His peace within, but when we step out of His will (even unintentionally), we lose His peace.                                                                           翻譯為“規則”是表示有關運動方面的術語。它的意思是“主持遊戲並分發獎品的規則。” 保羅在給歌羅西人的信中,  使用了這個詞的變相說明:“不要讓任何人宣布你不值得獲獎”(直譯,西   218)。在希臘運動會中,有裁判(稱他們為“公斷人”)他們能拒絕沒有資格的選手,並取消違反規則的選手的資格。在我們信奉的心和教會中,上帝的平安是“審判者”。當我們服從祂的旨意時,就擁有了祂的平安,但是當我們(甚至是無意地)離開祂的旨意時,我們就失去了基督的平安。

We must beware, however, of a false peace in the heart. Jonah deliberately disobeyed God, yet he was able to go to sleep in the hold of a ship in a storm! “I had peace about it!” is not sufficient evidence that we are in the will of God. We must pray, surrender to His will, and seek His guidance in the Scriptures. The peace of heart alone is not always the peace of God.                     但是,我們必須謹防內心的虛假和平。約拿故意違背了上帝,但在暴風雨中,他還是能夠睡在一艘船上! “我對此感到和平!”不足以證明我們符合上帝的旨意。我們必須祈禱,服從他的旨意,並在聖經中尋求他的指導。內心的安寧並不總是神的安寧。

Something else is involved: if we have peace in our hearts, we will be at peace with others in the church. We are called to one body, and our relationship in that body must be one of harmony and peace. If we are out of the will of God, we are certain to bring discord and disharmony to the church. Jonah thought he was at peace, when actually his sins created a storm!                             還有其他事情:如果我們內心有和平,我們將與教會中的其他人和平。我們被稱為一個身體,我們在該身體中的關係必須是和諧與和平之一。如果我們超出上帝的旨意,我們一定會給教會帶來不和諧和不和諧。喬納(Jonah)以為自己正處於安寧之中,而實際上他的罪惡製造了風暴!

When a Christian loses the peace of God, he begins to go off in directions that are out of the will of God. He turns to the things of the world and the flesh to compensate for his lack of peace within. He tries to escape, but he cannot escape himself! It is only when he confesses his sin, claims God’s forgiveness, and does God’s will that he experiences God’s peace within.                     當基督徒失去神的平安時,他開始朝著神的旨意之外的方向出發。他轉向世界和肉體,以彌補自己內心缺乏和平。他試圖逃脫,但他無法逃脫!只有當他承認自己的罪,主張神的寬恕以及神的旨意時,他才會在內心經歷神的安寧。

When there is peace in the heart, there will be praise on the lips: “And be ye thankful” (Col. 3:15). The Christian out of God’s will is never found giving sincere praise to God. When David covered up his sins, he lost his peace and his praise (Ps. 32; 51). When he confessed his sins, then his song returned.                                                                                                                                     心中若有和平,就會在嘴唇上讚美:“願你們感恩”(西3:15)。從來沒有發現出於上帝旨意的基督徒會給上帝真誠的讚美。當大衛掩飾自己的罪過時,他失去了安寧和讚美(詩32 51)。當他認罪時,他的歌又回來了。

2.  The Word of Christ (3:16)                                                                                                                    2.  基督的話(3:16

This means, of course, the Word of God. The false teachers came to Colosse with man-made traditions, religious rules, and human philosophies. They tried to harmonize God’s Word with their teachings, but they could not succeed. God’s Word always magnifies Jesus Christ.               當然,這意味著神的話。虛假的老師帶著人為的傳統,宗教規則和人類哲學來到了歌羅西。他們試圖使神的話語與他們的教導相協調,但他們未能成功。上帝的話總是放大耶穌基督。

It was not the word of false teachers that brought salvation to the Colossians; it was the Word of the truth of the gospel (Col. 1:5). This same Word gives us life and sustains and strengthens us (1 Peter 1:22— 2:3).                                                                                                                                     並不是說虛假的老師給歌羅西人帶來了救恩。這是福音真理的道(西15)。相同的話語給了我們生命,使我們得以維持和增強(彼得前書12223)。

The Word will transform our lives if we will but permit it to “dwell” in us richly. The word dwell means “to feel at home.” If we have experienced the grace and the peace of Christ, then the Word of Christ will feel at home in our hearts. We will discover how rich the Word is with spiritual treasures that give value to our lives.                                                                                                     如果我們願意,話語會改變我們的生活,但允許它豐富地“居住”在我們體內。居住一詞的意思是“有賓至如歸的感覺”。如果我們經歷了基督的恩典與平安,那麼基督的話語就會在我們心中產生賓至如歸的感覺。我們將發現賦予我們生命價值的精神寶藏豐富了聖言。

However, we must not think that Paul wrote this only to individual Christians; for he directed it to the entire church body. “Let the Word of Christ dwell among you” is a possible translation. As it dwells richly in each member of the church, it will dwell richly in the church fellowship.           但是,我們決不能以為保羅只寫這本書給個別基督徒。因為他把它指向了整個教堂。 “讓基督的話語住在你們中間”是一個可能的翻譯。當它豐富地居住在教會的每個成員中時,它將豐富地居住在教會的團契中。

There is a danger today, as there was in Paul’s day, that local churches minimize the Word of God. There seems to be a lack of simple Bible teaching in Sunday school classes and pulpits. Far more interest is shown in movies, musical performances, and various entertain[1]ments than in God’s Word. Many saved people cannot honestly say that God’s Word dwells in their hearts richly because they do not take time to read, study, and memorize it.                                               就像保羅時代一樣,今天有一種危險,就是當地教會將上帝的聖言最小化。星期日學校的課程和講壇上似乎缺乏簡單的聖經教學。與上帝的話語相比,電影,音樂表演和各種娛樂活動表現出更多的興趣。許多得救的人們不能誠實地說上帝的話語深深地駐留在他們的心中,因為他們不花時間去閱讀,學習和記住它。

There is (according to Paul) a definite relationship between our knowledge of the Bible and our expression of worship in song. One way we teach and encourage ourselves and others is through the singing of the Word of God. But if we do not know the Bible and understand it, we cannot honestly sing it from our hearts.                                                                                                         (根據保羅的說法)我們對聖經的了解與我們對歌曲的敬拜表達之間存在明確的關係。我們教導和鼓勵自己和他人的一種方式是通過歌頌上帝的道。但是,如果我們不了解聖經,也不了解聖經,我們就無法誠實地唱歌。

Perhaps this “poverty of Scripture” in our churches is one cause of the abundance of unbiblical songs that we have today. A singer has no more right to sing a lie than a preacher has to preach a lie. The great songs of the faith were, for the most part, written by believers who knew the doctrines of the Word of God. Many so[1]called “Christian songs” today are written by people with little or no knowledge of the Word of God. It is a dangerous thing to separate the praise of God from the Word of God.                                                                                                                     也許我們教會中的這種“聖經貧窮”是我們今天擁有大量不合聖經的歌曲的原因之一。歌手沒有宣講謊言的權利,就沒有傳教士宣揚謊言的權利。信仰的偉大歌曲大部分是由了解上帝之道教義的信徒撰寫的。如今,許多所謂的“基督徒之歌”都是由很少或根本不了解上帝話的人寫的。將讚美與上帝的聖言分開是很危險的。

Psalms were, of course, the songs taken from the Old Testament. For centuries, the churches in the English-speaking world sang only metrical versions of the Psalms. I am glad to see today a return to the singing of Scripture, especially the Psalms. Hymns were songs of praise to God written by believers but not taken from the Psalms. The church today has a rich heritage of hymnody which, I fear, is being neglected. Spiritual songs were expressions of Bible truth other than in psalms and hymns. When we sing a hymn, we address the Lord; when we sing a spiritual song, we address each other.                                                                                                                   詩篇,當然是從舊約中摘錄的歌曲。幾個世紀以來,英語世界中的教堂只唱著詩篇的公製版本。今天我很高興看到聖經,尤其是詩篇的回歸。讚美詩是信徒們讚美上帝的歌曲,但並非摘自詩篇。今天的教堂擁有豐富的讚美詩傳承,我擔心這很容易被忽視。屬靈歌曲是聖經真理的表達,而不是詩篇和讚美詩。當我們唱讚美詩時,我們向主講話。當我們演唱屬靈歌曲時,我們會互相稱呼。

Paul described a local church worship service (1 Cor. 14:26; Col. 3:16). Note that the believer sings to himself as well as to the other believers and to the Lord. Our singing must be from our hearts and not just our lips. But if the Word of God is not in our hearts, we cannot sing from our hearts. This shows how important it is to know the Word of God, for it enriches our public and private worship of God.                                                                                                                           保羅描述了當地教會的敬拜儀式(林前   14:26;  西   3:16)。請注意,信徒向自己,其他信徒和主唱歌。我們的歌唱必須來自我們的內心,而不僅僅是嘴唇。但是,如果我們心中沒有上帝的聖言,我們就無法發自內心地歌唱。這表明了解上帝的聖言是多麼重要,因為它豐富了我們對上帝的公開和私人崇拜。

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