Monday, June 10, 2024

769 英翻中 (469) We love because God first loved us. 我們愛,因為上帝先愛我們. 11/06/2024

769 英翻中 (469)   


Without the sun, there would be no light in this world. Without the love of Jesus in our hearts, we cannot have the true love of God. Only when we are in contact with God’s infinite love can we have an overflowing love for God. This is the absolute truth. How could we love God if He didn’t love us first? We love Him in return for God's love for us. 

Some people look at God's natural masterpieces or study the words of the Bible, but they are not moved or embraced. Only when the Spirit of God touches people's hearts can God's love be stirred up in people's hearts. Moreover, God’s love is so wonderful and great. When we were still sinners and rebelled against Him, His beloved Son was willing to die for us in order to win our hearts. If He hadn’t made such a sacrifice and paid the price with His precious blood, He might not have been able to win His love. Give us a little bit of God's love. 

Once this love sprouts, it still needs to be cared for and watered before it can grow, because the human heart is not a fertile soil. This sapling of "love" needs careful care in order to continue to grow, and it needs the nourishment of God's love. This delicate "Flower of love" will not wither. This love comes from heaven, and it needs to be fed with manna, the bread from heaven, otherwise it will not survive in the wilderness. Humans are emotional animals, and love needs to be fed with love and tenderness. This confirms that we love God because God first loves us.



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