Sunday, June 9, 2024

768 英翻中 (468) Who Is guiding You? 誰引導你? 09/06/2024

 768 英翻中 (468)           Who Is guiding You?                       誰引導你?                         09/06/2024                 

                           Dr.  Charles Stanly trusting God with today daily devotion.

June 9                Bible Reading:  "I am the way, and the truth, and the life."    John  14:6                          6月9日               讀經:             “我就是道路、真理、生命。”                    約翰福音 14:6                       

    Who is guiding your life?  Consider that questin and be honest with yourself.  You may think, I'm a Christian, so I quess Jesus is.  But perhaps you know that is not necessarily true.  Just because you've been saved doesn't mean Christ is directing your life.  Indeen, there are many things that may be driving you.  The need for acceptance, control, worth, respect, possesions, security, tradition, and even survival can shape how you respond to situations.  So it is ssential for you to recognize if one thse internal needs is compelling you, because they can never get you to where you really long to go.                                         誰在指導你的人生? 對自己誠實的考慮一下這個問題.  你可能會想, 我是基督徒, 所以我想,  耶穌, 祂是。 但也許你知道這不一定正確.  你已經得救,  並不意味著基督正在引導你的生活.  事實上, 有很多因素可能在推動你.  對被人接受、控制、價值、尊重、財產、安全、傳統, 甚至生存的需求, 都會影響你對境況的反應.   因此, 你必須認識到這些內在需求是否對你有吸引力, 因為它們永遠無法讓你到達你真正渴望去的地方.

    You either let the Lord Jesus guide you, or you're going in the wrong direction.  Allowing Christ to lead is a deliberate decision you must make for yourself --- you must choose to submit to His instructon, even when it appears contray to human reason.  But following Jesus is always the right way possible, in this life and in the view of the way to come.                                                                                    你要麼讓主耶穌引導你,要麼你就走在錯誤的路上.  讓基督來領導, 是你必須為自己做出的深思熟慮的決定——你必須選擇服從祂的指示, 即使它看起來與人類理性不合.  但無論是在今生或來世, 跟隨耶穌始終是正確道路。                                                                                                         

        Jesus, I want You to lead.  Search me and reveal what needs and attitudes control me, when teach me hw to follow You wholeheartly.  Amen.                                                                                                          耶穌,我希望祢來帶領。 審視我並啟示我, 什麼是我的需求和被控制, 同時教導我如何全心全意地跟隨祢.  阿門.



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