Thursday, October 3, 2024

866 英翻中(566) Who says our Yellow River can't navigate"? 黃河真的不能通航嗎? 10/3/2024

866 英翻中(566)  Who says our Yellow River can't navigate"?  黃河真的不能通航嗎?  10/3/2024

2/24/ 日早禱

O God, ever blessed, who has given me the night for rest and the day for labour and                     應当永遠讚美的主, 你賜我夜裡休息, 白晝工作, 求你使我过去一夜的酣睡,

service, grant that refreshing sleep of the night now pas may be turned to Your greater


glory in the life of the day now before me.  Let it breed no slothfulness within me,  but

  郤使他叫我能够更加慇懃工作, 更加願意服從你的旨意.

rather send me to more diligent action and more willing obedience.

   Teach me, O God, so to use all the circumstances of my life today that they may bring

    主啊, 求你教我利用今日生活裡的機會, 結出聖灵的果子,

forth in me the fruits of holiness rather than the fruits of sin.


   Let me use disappointment as material for patience:   容我利用失望, 訓練忍耐;

   Let me use success as material for thankfulness:    容我利用成功, 培養感恩的心;

   Let me use suspense as material for perseverance:   容我利用阻撓, 訓練毅力

   Let me use danger as material for courage:    容我利用危險, 培養勇敢;

   Let me use reproach as material for longsuffering:    容我利用責備, 訓練耐心

   Let me use praise as material for humility:

    容我利用稱讚, 培養謙卑

   Let me use pleasures as material for temperance:

   容我利用娛樂, 訓練  ;

   Let me use pains as material for endurance.

    容我利用痛苦, 培養堅忍.

   O Lord Jesus Christ, who for the joy that was set before You did endure the Cross,

    主基督, 你旣因那永恆的快樂, 輕視羞辱, 忍受十字架的痛苦,

despising the shame, and are now set down at the right hand of the throne of God, let me

   現在得以坐在上帝寳座的右邊求你容我緊記你曾忍受罪人对你的不  ,

consider You who did endure such contradiction of sinners against Yourself, lest I be

   免得我戰    , 軟弱無力.

wearied and faint in my mind.

      ‘But that toil shall make You   飽嚐辛勞况味

            Some day all Mine own---  可作屬我的人

       And the end of sorrow   憂患終了時光,

            Shall be near My throne.’   更與我接近.

   Holy God, I would remember before You all my friends and those of my own

    聖善的主, 我要在你面前, 為我一切的朋友與我的眷屬祈禱., 特別是…..

household, especially……and…., beseeching You that in Your great love You would

  ……., 求主用你的大愛, 使他們得免於罪並求今日約朿他們的行為,

keep them also free from sin, controlling all their deeds this day in accordance with You

   使之符合你完全聖善的旨意.   阿們.

most perfect will.  Amen. 

田納西流域的開發, 近百年仍見其功效.  我國黃河在河套這一段有些相似該流域.  欣見頻道報導, 古賢水利樞紐工程開工, 若恩師徐世大教授在世, 肯定會欣喜歡笑.  因他在授我們水利工程論及有關治黃河河套這一段的治理, 曾提到可建堤壩來攔截泥及開發水力發電來改善這區域的居民的生活環境, 至為重要.  編輯者見議, 該區域的船閘可否試試古時建造靈渠使用 "陡門" , 提昇水位的結構物.  待河床等到泥沙受到控制, 用明代治水聖者潘季訓 "束水攻沙" 之法, 來沖刷原昇高的黃河河床, 船隻從黃河河套開向渤海, 指日可待. 

古賢大埧應該閈建, 來配合已完成的水土保持的偉成功!!!

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