Monday, September 30, 2024

863 英翻中 (563) Transpotation of Youngtzs river is golden way. 長江航運是我國黃金水道. 9/30/2024

 863 英翻中 (563)            Have a mercy on me.     謝謝主賜孩子寫作的智慧.            9/30/2024


Now,  O Lord, when the day’s work is done, I turn once more to You.  From You                               主啊, 一天的工作完了,我再度來到你的面前. 一切由祢而來, 一切因

all comes, in You all lives, in You all ends.  In the morning I set out with Your blessing,                   而生,一切終 . 早晨因你的祝福我出發,

all day You have upheld me by Your grace, and now I pray that You would grant me rest             的恩典整天保守我. 現在, 求你賜我休息與平安. 我要卸下我的一切的

and peace.  I would cast all my cares upon You and leave to You the issue of my labour prosper,      罣慮給祢, 并把我工作的結果交給祢.  求主祝福一切合乎你旨

I beseech You, all that has been done today in accordance with Your will, and                                 意的工作, 并饒恕一切錯誤的作為我今天若有什麼善行,

forgive al that has been done amiss.  What good I have done today, graciously own and                 求主嘉納擴大, 若作了什麼  , 求主運用大能的手推翻,

further; and if I have done any harm, annul and overrule it by Your almighty power.                      使之歸於無效.

   O Lord, I remember before You tonight all the workers of the world                                               主啊, 今晚在面前, 我替全世界的工人祈禱;

   Workers with hand or brain:     為一切勞心勞力的;

   Workers in cities or in the fields:    為一切在城在鄕的;

    Men who go forth to toil and women who keep house:                                                                           為一切勞苦的男子與一切管理家務的女人

    Those who command and those who obey:     為一切雇主與雇工;

    Those whose work is monotonous or mean:   為一切在上發號施令與在下秉承命令的人;

    Those whose work is dangerous:  為一切担任危險工作的人;

    Those who can find no work to do:  為那些工作單調而缺乏興趣的人;

    Those whose work is the service of the poor or the healing of the sick or the proclamation                 為那些無工可作的人

     of the gospel of Christ at home or in foreign places.                                                                             為那些服務貧窮人,医治病人, 并在國內外宣傳福音的人.

      O Christ, who comes not to be ministered unto but to minister, have mercy upon all                         基督啊來到世上, 不是要人的服事, 乃是要服事人,

      who labour faithfully to serve the common good.  O Christ, who did feed the hungry                        賜慈恩給一切為公众利益服務的人主基督, 你用餅用魚給

       multitude with loaves and fishes, have mercy upon all who labour to earn their daily                      千飢餓的群眾吃飽, 求你憐憫所有靠勞力餬口的人主基督, 你叫

       bread.  O Christ, who did call unto Yourself all them that labour and are heavy laden,                     一切勞苦担重担的人到你那裡去,  

      have mercy upon all whose work is beyond their strength.  And to You, with the Father                  願讚美與榮耀歸於求你憐恤那些力不能勝任的人.

      and the Holy Spirit, be all the glory and the praise.  Amen.                                                                   主耶穌基督及聖父聖灵.  阿們.

內河航運:  長江航運歷來就有 "黃金水道" 之美譽, 但過去的航運歷史卻是一段灘多水急的艱辛的航運時代.  自古就有 "蜀道之難, 難于上青天." 之說.  自三峽工程建立後, 就再也聽不到出賣苦力的纤夫以樂勝苦的歌聲.  因為再也不是1000噸位的無動力的小船.  而是噸位被提高到5000噸位的有動力的大船.  棧道拉船的工作被提升, 中西部的老百姓的生活環境大大的改善. 小孩子不要再翻山越嶺的去上學.  從此使長江內航運事業走進了新世代.



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