Thursday, September 12, 2024

849 英翻中 (549) Obey God's will. 順服上帝的旨意. 9/12/2024

849 英翻中 (549)

Chapter                                                    Galatians 4:1–18                     It’s time to grow up.             七章                                                                                       加   4:1–18                                      是成长时候了!


One of the tragedies of legalism is that it gives the appearance of spiritual maturity when, in reality, it leads the believer back into a “second childhood” of Christian experience. The Galatian Christians, like most believers, wanted to grow and go forward for Christ; but they were going about it in the wrong way. Their experience is not too different from that of Christians today who get involved in various legalistic movements, hoping to become better Christians. Their motives may be right, but their methods are wrong.

主义的悲剧之一,它表象屬靈成熟的外貌,实际上,它使信徒回到了基督信仰经历的第二个童年。像大多数信徒一样,加拉太基督徒想要基督裡繼續成长, 前进; 但他们用來解决问题的方法是错误.。他们经历与今天的基督徒想参与律法运的经历, 并没有兩樣希望成为有更的基督。他们的动机可能是正确的,但他们的方法却是错误的。


This is the truth Paul was trying to get across to his beloved converts in Galatia. The Judaizers had bewitched them into thinking that the law would make them better Christians. Their old nature felt an attraction for the law because the law enabled them to do things and measure external results. As they measured themselves and their achievements, they felt a sense of accomplishment, and, no doubt, a little bit of pride. They thought they were going forward when actually they were regressing.

这是保罗想與他在加拉太爱的跟隨者的真。犹太律法師迷惑他们, 使他們认为律会使他们成为更好的基督徒。他们的老我对律具有吸引力,因为律使他们能够做事, 誇大其事的表像结果。



Such people are in a situation similar to the airplane passengers who heard their pilot announce: “Our navigator has lost our position, folks, and we have been flying rather aimlessly for over an hour. That’s the bad news. But the good news is that we are making very good time.”



Paul takes(took) three approaches in this section as he sought to convince the Galatians that they did not need legalism in order to live the Christian life. They had all they needed in Jesus Christ.

保罗在这段經節中, 了三种方法,试图说服加拉太人, 告訴他们过基督徒的生活不需要律法的。他们拥有耶稣基督, 就是一切所需要的。


1.  He Explains Their Adoption (4:1–7) Among the blessings of the Christian experience is adoption (Gal. 4:5; Eph. 1:5). We do not enter God’s family by adoption, the way a homeless child would enter a loving family in our own society. The only way to get into God’s family is by regeneration, being “born again” (John 3:3).

1.  他解释了有關他们屬靈的意義41-7领养基督徒的祝福(加45; 15. 我们不会像現代的社会, 无家可归的孩子被領養便进入充满爱的家庭, 进入上帝的家庭不同。要进入上帝家庭的方法只有再生,也就是重生(约33)。


The New Testament word for adoption means “to place as an adult son.” It has to do with our standing in the family of God: we are not little children but adult sons with all of the privileges of sonship.

新约圣经對領養一詞的用成年的儿子。这与我们在上帝的家庭中的地位有关:我们不是小孩子,而是成年儿子, 拥有兒子所有特权.


It is unfortunate that many translations of the New Testament do not make a distinction between children of God and sons of God. We are the children of God by faith in Christ, born into God’s family. But every child of God is automatically placed into the family as a son, and as a son he has all the legal rights and privileges of a son. When a sinner trusts Christ and is saved, as far as his condition is concerned, he is a “spiritual babe” who needs to grow (1 Peter 2:2–3); but as far as his position is concerned, he is an adult son who can draw on the Father’s wealth and who can exercise all the wonderful privileges of sonship.

不幸的是,新約中许多的地方翻译, 没有区分上帝的孩子和上帝的儿子。我们因信基督而成为上帝的孩子,出生于上帝的家庭。但是,上帝的每个孩子都会自动成为家庭的儿子,作为儿子,他就拥有儿子的所有合法权利和特权。当罪人信靠基督并得救时,就他的状况而言,他只是需要成长的属灵的嬰孩(彼前22-3但就他的立场而言,他是成年的儿子,可以用父亲的财富,并且可以行使所有美好的儿子特权.


We enter God’s family by regeneration, but we enjoy God’s family by adoption. The Christian does not have to wait to begin enjoying the spiritual riches he has in Christ. “If a son, then an heir of God through Christ” (Gal. 4:7). Now follows Paul’s discussion about adoption. He reminds his readers of three facts.



What we were: children in bondage (vv. 1–3). No matter how wealthy a father may be, his infant son or toddling child cannot really enjoy that wealth. In the Roman world, the children of wealthy people were cared for by slaves. No matter who his father was, the child was still a child, under the supervision of a servant. In fact, the child himself was not much different from the servant who guarded him. The servant was commanded by the master of the house, and the child was commanded by the servant.



This was the spiritual condition of the Jews under the age of the law. The law, you recall, was the “guardian” that disciplined the nation and prepared the people for the coming of Christ (Gal. 3:23–25). So, when the Judaizers led the Galatians back into legalism, they were leading them not only into religious bondage, but also into moral and spiritual infancy and immaturity.

这是犹太人在古老时代的屬靈状况。你记得,这律法是操練以色列国家和人民, 为基督降临预备督導(加拉太书323-25)。因此,当犹太律法師将加拉太人带回律主义时,他们不仅带领他们进入宗教束缚,而且还带领他们进入道德和屬靈嬰孩期和不成熟。


Paul states that the Jews were, like little children, in bondage to “the elements of the world.” This word elements means “the basic principles, the ABCs.” For some fifteen centuries, Israel had been in kindergarten and grade school, learning their “spiritual ABCs,” so that they would be ready when Christ would come. Then they would get the full revelation, for Jesus Christ is “the Alpha and the Omega” (Rev. 22:13); He encompasses all the alphabet of God’s revelation to man. He is God’s last Word (Heb. 1:1–3).


保罗说,犹太人像小孩一样,受到的原則束缚。这原则词意味着基本原则,, 剛開始的原则。大约在15个世纪以来,以色列一直在幼稚园和小学中,学习他们作属灵的基督徒,以便他们在基督降临时准备好。

然后他们就会得到充分的启示,因为耶稣基督是阿尔法(Alpha) 和欧米(Omega)(启示录22:13; 這意味著, 包含了上帝对人类启示的所有字母。是上帝最後的一句话(来11-3)。


Legalism, then, is not a step toward maturity; it is a step back into childhood. The law was not God’s final revelation; it was but the preparation for that final revelation in Christ. It is important that a person know his ABCs, because they are the foundation for understanding all of the language. But the man who sits in a library and recites the ABCs, instead of reading the great literature that is around him, is showing that he is immature and ignorant, not mature and wise. Under the law, the Jews were children in bondage, not sons enjoying liberty.

然而還沒有使以色列人迈向成熟的一步; 它使他們又回到童時代。律不是上帝最后的启示; 这只是基督來臨時, 最后启示的准备。人了解他的起步(ABC)很重要,因为是理解全部的基础。但是,坐在图书馆背诵ABC的人,來代替研图书馆周围的伟大文学名著表明他們的不成熟,无知,還沒有成熟和聪明。根据律法,犹太人是受奴役的孩子,而不是享受自由的儿子。


What God did: redeemed us (vv. 4–5). The expression the fullness of the time (Gal. 4:4) refers to that time when the world was providentially ready for the birth of the Savior. Historians tell us that the Roman world was in great expectation, waiting for a Deliverer, at the time when Jesus was born. The old religions were dying; the old philosophies were empty and powerless to change men’s lives. Strange new mystery religions were invading the empire. Religious bankruptcy and spiritual hunger were everywhere. God was preparing the world for the arrival of His Son.

上帝所做的是拯救我們 (4–5等節). 

时间达满是指为救主诞生做好准备的时间已經够了(加拉太书44)。 历史学家,在耶稣出生的时候,罗马帝國期待救赎主的降臨 宗教正在死亡; 旧的哲学是空洞的,无力改变人们的生活。

奇怪的新神秘宗教正在入侵羅馬帝国。 到处都是宗教破产和屬靈饥饿。

上帝正在为這事在做准备, 等待祂儿子的到来。


From the historical point of view, the Roman Empire itself helped prepare the world for the birth of the Savior. Roads connected city with city, and all cities ultimately with Rome. Roman laws protected the rights of citizens, and Roman soldiers guarded the peace. Thanks to both the Greek and Roman conquests, Latin and Greek were known across the empire. Christ’s birth at Bethlehem was not an accident; it was an appointment: Jesus came in “the fullness of the time.” (And, it is worth noting, He will come again when the time is ready.)

从历史的觀點来看,罗马帝国本身帮助为救主的诞生世界做好准备。道路将城市与城市连接起来,所有城市最终都与罗马相连。罗马法律保护公民的权利,罗马士兵維持和平。由于希腊和罗马的征服,拉丁语和希腊语在整个帝国都是众所周知的語言。基督在伯利恒的出生不是偶然的; 这是约好的:是耶稣在 “时间的满足。”就降臨世上(并且,值得注意的是,当时间准备好时,会再来。)


Paul is (was) careful to point out the dual nature of Jesus Christ (Gal. 4:4), that He is both God and man. As God, Jesus “came forth” (John 16:28); but as man, He was “made of a woman.” The ancient promise said that the Redeemer would be of “the woman’s seed” (Gen. 3:15); and Jesus fulfilled that promise (Isa. 7:14; Matt. 1:18–25).

保罗小心翼翼地指出耶稣基督的双重性(加 44),既是上帝, 又是人。作为上帝,耶稣“出現了”(约16:28; 但作为人是“由女人所生。”古老的應許, 救赎主将是“女人的种子”(创3:15; 耶稣兌現了这应许(赛  7:14; 118-25)。


Paul has told us who came—God’s Son; he has told us when He came and how He came. Now he explains why He came: “to redeem them that were under the law” (Gal. 4:5). Redeem is the same word Paul used earlier (Gal. 3:13); it means “to set free by paying a price.” A man could purchase a slave in any Roman city (there were about sixty million slaves in the empire), either to keep the slave for himself or to set him free. Jesus came to set us free. So, to go back into the law is to undo the very work of Christ on the cross. He did not purchase us to make us slaves, but sons! Under law, the Jews were mere children, but under grace, the believer is a son of God with an adult standing in God’s family.

保罗告诉我们上帝的儿子已經降臨; 告诉我们耶穌是什麼時候, 和如何降生的。现在他解释了为什么耶穌要来:“為的是要赎回那些在律法之下的人”(加  45)。 救赎這詞早先使用有關同一意思, 是相同的字(加  3:13; 是說,  “通过付出代價而得自由。”在任何罗马城市都能购买奴隶(帝国大约有六千万奴隶),有的人為自己保留奴隶,有的買了而給他們自由。耶稣让我们自由。所以,回到律法就是要废除基督在十字架上所作的, 购买我们让我们免除被成为奴隶,而使我們成為上帝的儿子!根据法律,犹太人仅仅是孩子,但在恩典之下,信徒是上帝的儿子,成年人站在上帝的家中。


Perhaps at this point a chart will help us understand better the contrast between being a “child of God” and a “son of God.”



The Child               The Son

by regeneration          by adoption

entering the family     enjoying the family    under guardians             the liberty of an adult cannot inherit              an heir of the Father

儿童                                     兒子  

      再生                              通过收养

进入家庭                           享受家庭

监护人之下                      成人的自由

能继承                         父亲的继承人


What we are: sons and heirs (vv. 6–7). Once again, the entire Trinity is involved in our spiritual experience: God the Father sent the Son to die for us, and God the Son sent His Spirit to live in us. The contrast here is not between immature children and adult sons, but between servants and sons. Like the prodigal son, the Galatians wanted their Father to accept them as servants, when they really were sons (Luke 15:18–19). The contrasts are easy to see.



The son has the same nature as the father, but the servant does not. When we trust Christ, the Holy Spirit comes to live within us; and this means we are “partakers of the divine nature” (2 Peter 1:4). The law could never give a person God’s nature within. All it could do was reveal to the person his desperate need for God’s nature. So, when the believer goes back into law, he is denying the very divine nature within, and he is giving the old nature (the flesh) opportunity to go to work.



The son has a father, while the servant has a master. No servant could ever say “Father” to his master. When the sinner trusts Christ, he receives the Holy Spirit within, and the Spirit tells him that he is a child of the Father (Rom. 8:15–16). It is natural for a baby to cry, but not for a baby to talk to his father. When the Spirit enters the heart, He says, “Abba, Father” (Gal. 4:6); and, in response, the believer cries, “Abba, Father” (Rom. 8:15). The word Abba is an Aramaic word that is the equivalent of our English word papa. This shows the closeness of the child to the Father. No servant has this.




The son obeys out of love, while the servant obeys out of fear. The Spirit works in the heart of the believer to quicken and increase his love for God. “The fruit of the Spirit is love” (Gal. 5:22). “The love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy [Spirit]” (Rom. 5:5). The Judaizers told the Galatians that they would become better Christians by submitting to the law, but the law can never produce obedience. Only love can do that. “If ye love me, keep my commandments” (John 14:15).

儿子是出於來順, 而仆人却是由于恐惧而服从。圣灵在信徒的心中运行,並且快速和增加他对上帝的爱。 圣灵的果子就是爱”(加5:22.上帝的爱經由圣灵流入我们的心中”(罗55犹太律法師告诉加拉太人他们会通过遵守律成为更好的基督徒,但律永远不会产生顺从。只有爱才能做到这一点。 如果你们爱我,就當遵守我的诫命”(约翰福音14:15)。


The son is rich, while the servant is poor. We are both “sons and heirs.” And since we are adopted—placed as adult sons in the family—we may begin drawing on our inheritance right now. God has made available to us the riches of His grace (Eph. 1:7; 2:7), the riches of His glory (Phil. 4:19), the riches of His goodness (Rom. 2:4), and the riches of His wisdom (Rom. 11:33ff.)—and all of the riches of God are found in Christ (Col. 1:19; 2:3).


儿子很富有,而仆人却很穷。我们都是“儿子和继承人。”既然我们被收养 - 成为家庭中的成年儿子 - 我们现在可以开始利用我们的继承权。

上帝已赐给我们​​丰富的恩典(弗17; 27,祂荣耀的丰富(腓4:19),祂善良的丰富(罗24, 智慧丰富(罗1133比照研讀 - 所有上帝的富在基督里(西1:19; 23.


The son has a future, while the servant does not.  While many kind masters did provide for their slaves in old age, it was not required of them. The father always provides for the son (2 Cor. 12:14).



In one sense, our adoption is not yet final, because we are awaiting the return of Christ and the redemption of our bodies (Rom. 8:23). Some scholars think that this second stage in our adoption corresponds to the Roman practice when a man adopted someone outside his family to be his son. First there was a private ceremony at which the son was purchased; then there was a public ceremony at which the adoption was declared openly before the officials. 

實質上,我们的被收養还未完全,因为我们正在等待基督的复临和救赎我们的身体(罗8:23有学者认为當我们被收養於耶穌再來時当人在家庭外面收养其他人要成为他的儿子, 回应罗马人的程序。首先, 在购买儿子後, 要舉行私人的仪式然后, 舉行公开的仪式,僅僅是在官员之前公开宣布這收養的事。


Christians have experienced the first stage: we have been purchased by Christ and indwelt by the Spirit. We are awaiting the second stage: the public declaration at the return of Christ when “we shall be like him” (1 John 3:1–3). We are “sons and heirs,” and the best part of our inheritance is yet to come (see 1 Peter 1:1–5).

基督徒经历了被收養的第一阶段:基督以祂的寶血所购买, 并經圣灵的內住。現正等待當基督的再來時, 公开宣告“我们将像祂的样式”的第二阶段(约壹31-3)。我们是“儿子和继承人”,但我们的繼承最好的部分尚未到来(见彼得前书11-5)。


2. He Laments Their Regression (4:8–11)

2. 他哀叹他们的退後(48-11


What really happened when the Galatians turned from grace to law? To begin with, they abandoned liberty for bondage. When they were ignorant sinners, they had served their false gods and had experienced the tragedy of such pagan slavery. But then they had trusted Christ and been delivered from superstition and slavery. Now they were abandoning their liberty in Christ and going back into bondage. They were dropping out of the school of grace and enrolling in the kindergarten of law! They were destroying all the good work the Lord had done in them through Paul’s ministry. 

当加拉太人從恩典回转到律法时, 真正发生了什么事? 首先,他们因束缚而放弃了自由。当他们還是无知的罪人时,就有了假神進入他们中間,并经历了这种异教奴隶教的悲剧。 但后来他们相信了基督, 从迷信和奴役中解脱出来。现在他们在基督里又放弃自由, 并继续回轉到束缚中。

他们從恩惠学校退學, 而在律法的幼儿园註冊就读!他们正在毁灭保罗在他们身上已做完主耶穌的一切善良事工。


The phrase weak and beggarly elements tells us the extent of their regression. They were giving up the power of the gospel for the weakness of law, and the wealth of the gospel for the poverty of law. The law never made anybody rich or powerful; on the contrary, the law could only reveal man’s weakness and spiritual bankruptcy. No wonder Paul weeps over these believers, as he sees them abandon liberty for bondage, power for weakness, and wealth for poverty.

弱者和乞丐的原則詞句, 告诉我们, 他们的退縮到了如何的程度。他们為了律法的軟弱,而放弃了福音的大能,以弥补法律的贫困。律法从来没有让任何人富有或强大過; 反之,律法只能揭示人的弱点和屬靈的破产。



How were they doing this? By adopting the Old Testament system of religion with its special

他们是怎么做到的?是采用宗教旧約的系統行紀念 “天,月,时,和年”的各種節日(加 4:10)。


Does this mean that it is wrong for Christians to set aside one day a year to remember the birth of Christ? Or that a special observance of the coming of the Spirit at Pentecost, or the blessing of the harvest in autumn, is a sin?



Not necessarily. If we observe special days like slaves, hoping to gain some spiritual merit, then we are sinning. But if in the observance, we express our liberty in Christ and let the Spirit enrich us with His grace, then the observance can be a spiritual blessing.



The New Testament makes it clear that Christians are not to legislate religious observances for each other (Rom. 14:4–13). We are not to praise the man who celebrates the day, nor are we to condemn the man who does not celebrate. But if a man thinks he is saving his soul, or automatically growing in grace, because of a religious observance, then he is guilty of legalism.


新约聖經明确表示, 基督徒不是为了彼此而立法去紀念宗教的節日(罗马书144-13)。例如, 不是要了赞扬那个人庆祝那個節日,也不是要谴责这个人不去紀念。但如果人是认为他灵魂能得拯救,或使他自然地在主的恩典中成长,是因为紀念宗教節日,這顯示出他犯了律法主义的罪。


Our evangelical churches have many different kinds of observances, and it is wrong for us to go beyond the Word of God in comparing, criticizing, or condemning. But all of us must beware of that legalistic spirit that caters to the flesh, leads to pride, and makes the outward event a substitute for the inward experience.

我们福音派教会有许多不同的纪念節日,我们超越對上帝的话语的比较,批评或谴责, 就不對了。但我们所有的人都必须警惕, 律法屬靈是迎合肉体,引起自傲,并以外表的事件取代了内裡的经歷。


3. He Seeks Their Affection (4:12–18)

3. 他寻求他们的感情(412-18


Paul was a wonderful spiritual father; he knew just how to balance rebuke with love. Now he turns from “spanking” to “embracing” as he reminds the believers of their love for him and his love for them. At one point they were willing to sacrifice anything for Paul, so great was their love; but now he had become their enemy. The Judaizers had come in and stolen their affection. 

保罗是很好的屬靈父亲; 他知道怎么使用责备与爱相平衡。现在他转过身来用 “責罰”到“拥抱” 平衡的來提醒信徒,他们对他的爱和他对他们的爱。在某點上, 他们愿意为保罗牺牲任何东西,顯示他们對他的爱, 如此之大; 但现在他却成为他们的敌人。犹太律法師进来偷取了他们的感情。


Bible students wish Paul had been more explicit here, because we are not sure just what events he is talking about. When Paul had originally visited them, he was suffering from some physical affliction. If, as noted in Galatians 1, Paul wrote this letter to the churches of south Galatia, then he is referring to his first missionary journey, recorded in Acts 13—14. Apparently Paul had not intended to visit these cities, but was forced to do so because of some bodily infirmity. We can only speculate as to what this was. Some have suggested malaria; others, an affliction of the eyes (see Gal. 4:15). Whatever it was, it must have made Paul somewhat repulsive in appearance, because he commended the Galatians for

the way they received him in spite of the way he looked.

圣经学生希望保罗對這點, 更加說得明确一些,因为我们不很肯定的了解, 他在说什么有关的事。当保罗最初來访问他们时,他在身体上有些痛苦纏繞。誠如保羅在加拉太书1章中所述,他寫这封信给南加拉太的教会,然后他指的是他在第一次传教旅程,记录在使徒行传1314章。显然是保罗不打算去这些城市,但因为他身体的虚弱而被迫的这样做。我们只能這樣的推测。有些人說是因瘧疾的緣故; 有些人則說是因眼睛的毛病(见加拉太书4:15)。不管它是什么,它必定使保罗在外表上有所令人不愉快的事,因为他称赞了加拉太人对接受他的方式, 尽管他的外表看起來如此令人不太好的样子。


To them, he was an angel of God. It is a wonderful thing when people accept God’s servants, not because of their outward appearance, but because they represent the Lord and bring His message.



Now Paul asked them, “What has happened to that love? What has happened to the blessedness—the happiness—you experienced when you heard the gospel and trusted Christ?” Of course, Paul knew what had happened: the Judaizers had come in and stolen their hearts.


现在保罗问他们,“你們對我的爱发生了什么變化?祝福发生了什么事 --- 快樂 --- 當你們听到福音和相信基督時所經歷過的?当然,保罗已經知道什么发生了:犹太教法師进来, 偷取了他们的心。


One of the marks of a false teacher is that he tries to attract other men’s converts to himself, and not simply to the truth of the Word or to the person of Jesus Christ. It was not the Judaizers who originally came to Galatia and led them to Christ; it was Paul. Like the cultists today, these false teachers were not winning lost sinners to Christ, but were stealing converts from those who were truly serving the Lord. Paul had proved to be their loving friend. He had “become as they were” by identifying himself with them (Gal. 4:12). Now they were turning away from Paul and following false shepherds.

假教师的标志就是他尝试吸引其他人的羊,而对于偷取的羊不是以上帝的道或信靠耶稣基督的正當理由。最初来加拉太带领他们到基督面前的不是犹太律法師, 而是保罗。像今天的邪教徒,这些假教师不是爭取失喪的罪人而是去偷取那些真正为主帶領到祂面前的羊。他們证明保罗是他們所爱的人。他“曾变得如他们一樣是通过与他们认同自己(加 4:12)。现在他们正在转向要离開保罗, 去跟随他们假牧羊人。


Paul told them the truth, but the Judaizers told them lies. Paul sought to glorify Christ, but the Judaizers glorified themselves and their converts.  “Those people are zealous to win you over, but for no good. What they want is to alienate you from us, so that you may be zealous for them” (Gal. 4:17 niv). 



A true servant of God does not “use people” to build up himself or his work; he ministers in love to help people know Christ better and glorify Him. Beware of that religious worker who wants your exclusive allegiance because he is the only one who is right. He will use you as long as he can and then drop you for somebody else—and your fall will be a painful one. The task of the spiritual leader is to get people to love and follow Christ, not to promote himself and his ministry.

上帝真正的仆人并不“用人”來建立自己或他的工作; 保羅用爱心牧牧養他们, 使他們更多地认识基督, 并荣耀祂。要谨防那些專門宗教的工作者想要你們的忠诚,因为他以為是, 認為只有他是唯一正确的人。他会尽可能地使用你們,然后轉移給别人 --- 你們将墜入痛苦的深淵。屬靈的领袖的責任是让人去爱和跟随基督,不是为了表揚自己和他的事工。


“Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful” (Prov. 27:6). Paul had proved his love to the Galatians by telling them the truth; but they would not accept it. They were enjoying the “kisses” of the Judaizers, not realizing that these kisses were leading them into bondage and sorrow.  Christ had made them sons and heirs, but they were rapidly becoming slaves and beggars.

“忠诚是朋友的伤口; 但亲吻敌人是欺骗性的 (箴言276)。保罗以對加拉太人以告訴真理,证明了他对他們的爱; 但是他们不会接受它。加拉太人很享受犹太律法師的“亲嘴”,没有意识到这些亲吻將使他们陷入束缚和悲伤之中。基督已经使加拉太人成为儿子和继承人,但他们却因此迅速變成为奴隶和要飯的。


They had not lost the experience of salvation—they were still Christians; but they were losing the enjoyment of their salvation and finding satisfaction in their works instead. Sad to say, they did not realize their losses. They actually thought they were becoming better Christians by substituting law for grace, and the religious deeds of the flesh for the fruit of the Spirit.

他们没有失去救恩的经历 --- 他们仍然是基督徒; 但他们正在失去享受救恩的喜樂, 而他们以事工來代替满足感。 可悲的是,他们没有意识到自己的损失。

他们使用律法來取代恩典, 和宗教的肉體行为替代圣灵所結的果子实际上认为已成为更好的基督徒。


Is your Christian life moving forward into liberty or backward into bondage? Think carefully before you answer.



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